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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)



Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 12 vs. 21 S1, Miss!
H 12 vs. 5 S1, Hit!
S1 20 vs. 15 M, Hit!
S2 18 vs. 5 H, Hit!
M 7 vs. 14 S1, Miss!
H 7 vs. 7 S2, Hit!
S1 17 vs. 16 M, Hit!
S2 5 vs. 4 H, Hit!

Mei-Lien tries to swat at the slime, but finds herself making little progress before Hannah hits it with a fireball, allowing her to kick it off her and jump away. The slimes counterattack the two adventurers quickly, engulfing them to their ankles, though they resist the aphrodisiac slime. Mei-Lien's struggling proves useless again, while Hannah's fireball forces the slime off of her, though it soon reattaches itself, and the slime on Mei-Lien moves up to her waist. She's starting to get really tired, as is Hannah, and the slimes don't seem to be significantly harmed, though they are slimes, so it's hard to tell.

Slime 1
2/5 HP

Slime 2
4/7 HP

Mei-Lien (Engulfed, -2 to Attack)
1/5 FP
1/10 AP

Hannah (Engulfed, -1 to Attack)
2/5 FP
0/2 MP
0/10 AP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Not able to free herself at first, Mei is released by Hannah's fireball. "These things... I can't seem to have any luck against them." she thought as she got to her feet. But it was a short-lived joy as the same slime soon stuck to her again. This time the mage was too busy fending her own assailant off, and the fighter was left to struggle against the jelly on herself. The thingy was over her waist now, seeking to completely cover Mei's wonderful body in it's mass. "Bad... get.. off.." the redhead said as her final strenght was pushed to the fore in an attempt to free herself from the green molester.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 9 vs. 21 S1, Miss!
H 18 vs. 2 S2, Critical Hit!
S1 6 vs. 18 M, Miss!
S2 7 vs. 17 H, Miss!
M 3 vs. 8 S1, Miss!
H 11 vs. 9 S1, Hit!
S1 17 vs. 13 M, Hit!
S2 5 vs. 20 H, Counter!
H 4 vs. 4 S2, Hit!
S1 10 vs. 14 H, Miss!
H 6 vs. 3 S2, Hit!

Mei-Lien tries desperately to kick and punch the slime off her, but she can't make it budge. Hannah has much better luck, burning the other slime off her and then flinging a fireball at the one engulfing Mei-Lien, forcing it to recede off of her. The slime just manages to hit the fighter again, and she feels her body go limp as the last of her strength leaves her, though she's able to see that Hannah is fighting furiously, keeping the slime off her with a wave of fire, and then shooting another fireball into it, evaporating it. The slime that's working on moving up Mei-Lien's legs disengages from her and moves towards Hannah, trying to finish off the tired mage, but she ends it with a fireball and then stands panting as she looks to Mei-Lien and then the ceiling, where more slimes milled about, seemingly oblivious as to what was going on below. Mei-Lien could feel a little bit of her strength returning, but not much, as Hannah called out quietly "we need to get out of here before their friends show up", slowly walking towards the door and waiting for Mei-Lien to follow her.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The flailing and struggling didn't produce result this time around either, and the slime stayed firmly there on Mei's lower body. But like last time, Hannah manages to free the fighter again and the slime too tackles into her to finish her participation in the battle.

The fighter girl looked at Hannah fighting still from her downed position, eventually feeling the goop on her legs disengaging to battle the mage. Even the two slimes couldn't manage to stop Hannah, and soon the pair was rid of their adversaries. "Aah.. right..." Mei replied, still feeling tired from the slime that had weakened her legs. The redhead got up as fast as she could and started making her way towards Hannah and the exit.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

16 vs. 15, Escape!

Mei-Lien moves towards the exit, though she's hampered by her tiredness. A slime plops down behind her and begins to work its way toward her as Hannah urges her on. She's barely able to make it through the door to the mage without being caught, but when she leaves the room the slime seems to lose interest. "That was close" Hannah said, taking a moment to stretch herself. Mei-Lien feels her strength returning to her, quicker now that she's out of the room. They could continue on the path they were on and head through a door to the left of right, or go back to the main path.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Slowly but surely, Mei inched her way out from the room, escaping a slime in the process. Once she was back at the hallway, the redhead took a moment to catch up, leaning against the wall and gathering her strenght. After making a quick check on her condition by stretching her limbs, she'd go to the next door nearby.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah follows Mei-Lien through the door to the right, saying "Oh, I was going to tell you what I think this building is here for. It seems like" she started, before she saw that the room in front of them was covered in vines hanging from the ceiling, softly swaying in a breeze that simply didn't exist. "These aren't normal vines, I don't think" Hannah said, preparing herself as the vines seemed to sway in their direction.

Grappler Vine

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

5/5 FP
2/2 MP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The subject of the places origin once again came fore as they entered a new room, but was interrupted similarly to before by an unnaturally animate bunch of vines. "Looks like it has to wait for a few moments more..." Mei called back to Hannah, as the vines were heading towards them. This seemed like a spot for not doing random attacks as the opposition could attack from multiple directions, so the red-hair moved back to her defend-and-counter attack style.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 15 vs. 15 GV, Hit!
H 13 vs. 17 GV, Miss!
H 19 vs. 15 GV, Hit!
GV 11 vs. 17 M, Miss!
GV 6 vs. 15 H, Miss!
M 12 vs. 5 GV, Hit!
H 13 vs. 9 GV, Hit!
H 9 vs. 16 GV, Miss!
GV 3 vs. 10 M, Miss!
GV 20 vs. 7 H, Hit and Grappled!
GV 11 vs. H 6, Success!

Mei-Lien grabs a vine that comes close enough, yanking it and ripping it out from the ceiling, and it writhes about as it seems to die. Hannah shoots fireballs up into the mass of them on the ceiling, but really can't be sure if she's being effective or not. The vines lash out at the two of them, though they're easily able to either dodge or deflect the vines. Mei-Lien then repeats her performance, ripping the offending vine out of the ceiling as Hannah shoots more fireballs up to the roof. The vines attack again, and while Mei-Lien has no problem dodging, Hannah finds herself lifted off the ground and gripped tightly by a vine, while another quickly forces its way into her mouth while she doesn't expect it, pouring a sweet substance down her throat much like the sphere had in the first ruins they'd visited, instantly bringing her to a level of arousal as she struggles to dislodge it.

Grappler Vine

5/5 FP
0/10 AP

Hannah (Grappled, -1 to Attack)
4/5 FP
0/2 MP
2/10 AP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Yet another entirely predictable opponent..." Mei thought as she grabbed the vines reaching for her, brutally tearing them away from the rest of the plant and seemingly killing them. Throwing away the severed vines, she danced past a few others too before tearing down another set of the things. As she weaved inbetween grappling plant tendrils, the fighter could see Hannah lifted off her feet into the air. If the situation started looking too grim for the mage, Mei would pull her down but now focused on attacking the opposition.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 14 vs. 22 GV, Miss!
H 10 vs. 18 GV, Miss!
GV 20 vs. 5 M, Critical Hit and Grappled!
GV 15 vs. 3 M, Success!
GV 3 vs. 3 H, Miss!
GV 7 vs. 14 H, Dislodged!
M 2 vs. 22 GV, Counter!
H 0 vs. 4 GV, Miss!
GV 17 vs. 20 M, Miss!
GV 4 vs. 6 M, Dislodged!
GV 21 vs. 3 H, Critical Hit!
GV 9 vs. 11 H, Failure!

Mei-Lien tries to repeat her success against the vines, but they weave away from her at the last second, suddenly whipping her harshly from several different directions and lifting her up into the air awkwardly by her legs. As she's flipped upside down, a vine lodges itself inside her mouth, shooting sweet liquid up into her throat, and she can't help but swallow some of it. Meanwhile, Hannah squirms in the vines enough to prevent them from hitting her, and manages to dislodge the vine in her mouth. Mei-Lien struggles against the vines, managing to right herself and get the vine out of her mouth, but the vines whip her in turn, and she's already becoming tired. Hannah also gets a firm whipping, and cries out in pain, getting tired as well as the fight turned against them.

Grappler Vine

Mei-Lien (Grappled, -1 to Attack)
2/5 FP
2/10 AP

Hannah (Grappled, -2 to Attack)
2/5 FP
0/2 MP
2/10 AP

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Another set of vines crept towards her, and Mei tried to use the same attack on them as well, it had worked alright the last two times after all. But the plants were only baiting her, jetting back at the last second and using the girl's brief opening to pull her up into the air. "No... this stuff again..." she thought as a portion of the familiar aphrodisiac was pushed into her mouth. Struggling against the restricting vines only brought punishing whips upon Mei's body, the pain working on lowering her spirit. After spitting out the feeder vine, the redhead continued trying to attack the captors in an effort to get down.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 4 vs. 16 GV, Miss!
H 5 vs. 20 GV, Counter!
GV 9 vs. 5 M, Hit!
GV 15 vs. 16 M, Failure!
GV 19 vs. 4 H, Critical Hit!
M 12 vs. 14 GV, Miss!
GV 6 vs. 16 M, Miss!
GV 14 vs. 17 M, Failure!
M 6 vs. 10 GV, Miss!
GV 20 vs. 17 M, Hit!

Mei-Lien tries to free herself, but she's unsuccessful, and Hannah is much the same, taking a few whips to both back and front for her trouble. Soon enough the vines whip at Mei-Lien again, though she manages to keep the large vine trying to pump her full of aphrodisiacs away from her mouth as she hears Hannah scream, the fight knocked out of her. Mei-Lien fights on, failing to free herself, but keeping the vines that try to whip her at bay for a good while before they finally make solid contact with the back of her head from an angle she couldn't sense, and she feels that she can no longer fight as the vines begin to lift her higher up towards the ceiling.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"What are you, slime!?" were the fighter's thoughts as she failed to struggle away from the vines holding her. Another lashing soon comes to her back, predictably followed by the larger feeder attempting to arouse her with the white aphrodisiac. Hearing Hannah get taken out, the fighter redoubles her efforts to escape, only managing to shake herself around to evade getting lashed further. But a whip comes from an unexpected direction, smacking her in the back of her head. The blow takes the remaining spirit out from Mei's body as the impact has briefly jolted her balance. As the girl tries to recover her clouded senses, the vines are more than happy to get her higher in the ceiling, no doubt filled with nefarious plans for the two girls in their clutches.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

As the vines lifted Mei-Lien and Hannah farther up towards the ceiling they slowly stripped them of their clothes, letting them fall to the floor, though they left Mei-Lien's socks in place. When it finally had them where it wanted them, they were high enough that it would be unpleasant to try and escape. A large vine poked at their mouths, probably offering more of the aphrodisiac. Hannah quickly took the vine into her mouth and sucked down a little of the stuff, not confident in the vines' will or ability at foreplay. If Mei-Lien didn't do the same, the vines would slowly force her mouth open and pour the stuff down her mouth, only just enough to get her ready for penetration before withdrawing the vine again; unlike previous times, Mei-Lien would still be in her right mind for this rape.

Slowly a few thicker tentacles descended and hovered around the two of them, as the smaller ones pushed them together back to back, wrapping around their waists, arms, and shoulders, tying them tightly together. The small vines gently wrapped around their breasts, writhing around them and gently flicking the girls' stiff nipples, and extra vine coming to give attention to Mei-Lien's plentiful chest. Hannah squirmed a little, kicking her legs until they were secured by the vines, and then let out a seemingly out of place sigh of relief. A few of the larger vines moved towards them, swiftly penetrating their pussies and beginning to thrust away roughly. Hannah groaned with pain, not used to being used roughly yet. She turned her hands and reached to try and link hands with Mei-Lien, looking for reassurance and comfort, though the fighter was having no trouble with the experience. After a few minutes of pounding Hannah adjusted, letting out soft moans with each thrust, though that was cut off when the other large tentacles pressed into their mouths and rear holes, beginning to thrust quickly in time with each other. The young mage let out a muffled cry, gripping Mei-Lien's hand harder if she'd been allowed to take it. The fighter felt as the vines snaked deeper and deeper into her with each thrust, eventually battering her cervix a few times before gaining entrance to her womb, the one in her ass worming its way deep into her bowels. She felt Hannah squirm against her for a bit before resigning herself again, waiting for the pain to turn to pleasure. For Mei-Lien it didn't take long, her body soon becoming accustomed to the vines and registering a pang of pleasure with each thrust. Her pleasure slowly built as the vines pistoned into her, until finally they swelled a bit inside her and began to release their thick cum into her, pushing her over the edge to her own orgasm. The vines slowly withdrew and ceased playing with her breasts, and then gently lowered her and Hannah onto the ground, the vines becoming seemingly inert again, swaying gently from side to side over them as they passed out, leaking cum plentifully onto the floor.

When Mei-Lien came to Hannah was clothed and leaning heavily against the wall, staring up at the ceiling blankly. Mei-Lien felt a little bit sore from the experience, but nothing she couldn't handle. When she felt up to it she could clothe herself and go out to explore the other door, or back to the main path.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Upon being lifted near the ceiling, the still-shaken Mei was taken out from her clothes, slowly but surely. She was left with only her socks, the articles of clothing that really wouldn't be a bother when the act started in earnest. A larger vine that had previously drugged her now prodded at the fighter's mouth again, but she wouldn't let it inside. The plants had other ideas though, and grabbed her head to bend it back so her mouth was upwards. When the redhead still refused to open up, the things plugged her nose to prevent the intake of air and force her to open up her mouth. As soon as that happened, the larger vine sunk itself in and the other vines retreated. Now that they had what was desired, Mei could feel the feeder slowly sink further and further into her throat, much deeper than she had ever taken anything. "What... are you trying to... choke me?" she thought as her gag reflex came fore, the vine was past her esophagus now. When the thing finally retreated, Mei coughed and hacked pretty bad from such a deep invasion, thinking it had gone halfway down her digestive tract and towards the stomach to do a deposit of aphrodisiac. Even so, the usual sex-craziness didn't come with the liquid, only a minor heat-up to have her in a more accepting, warm mood. She still retained her original track of thought.

Soon thereafter, a whole swarm of planty tentacles surround them, thinner, rope-like vines binding the girls back-to-back from a few select spots in their bodies. Other vines of the same thin stature took on the task of arousing Mei via her considerable chest, which would be easy in the current condition. Two of them twirled around her orbs, pulling them into a tight squeeze and slowly writhing around them, the rough, fibrous texture making enjoying them a bit hard at first. But the redhead grew onto liking it fast as a pair of even thinner vines started give casual touches to her hardened nipples, pulling them occasionally as the main players made their way into the scene, slipping inside her already moistened womanhood with quickness. Hannah was likely getting the same treatment, Mei couldn't really see it but the mage was grasping at her hands as the pounding started properly, the vines sinking deep into the fighter's hole. "Better give her some relief, that rich girl isn't one to endure things like this by herself..." she thought, bounding up and down in the treatment of the plant and letting Hannah take her hands as she too started to give out small cries of joy. These only intensified further when her rear was filled, but soon muffled down into whimpers as her familiar mouth-buddy came back for a third round. The red-haired girl wasn't too eager for the happening, but accepted it without resistance, not wanting to get deepthroated again as punishment. The vines held back from her throat, but she was still penetrated deeply in both lower holes. This had the effect the vines desired, causing Mei to eventually get increasingly ecstasic with each poke inside the depths of her body. The ravaging, coupled with her chest being squeezed hard, pushed her inescapably towards the coming climax. As the vines started to vibrate and swell inside her, she could feel their release coming. The hot deposit soon started pouring into her, beautifully shoving the fighter into the throes of her own release. Shivering uncontrollably, Mei could feel the sticky white stuff flowing down her legs as her capacity was exceeded, a similar amount being released into her mouth as well. With the last of her strenght, the red-hair tried to swallow as much as she could, but some of it leaked out on her chest as her head dropped into unconsciousness.

With her consciousness now back, Mei found herself lying on the floor, a bit sore between her legs but tolerably so. There was still vine cum on her, so the fighter tried to clean it away the best she could before getting back into her clothes and re-equipping the gauntlets. "You okay? We still got ways ahead to explore." she said to Hannah, waiting for the mage girl to gather herself and helping her if it was asked for before leading them to the next door along the line.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I'm okay" Hannah replied, getting up slowly and with some difficulty. "I'm just not used to this rough stuff yet. That was... not very pleasant." She allowed Mei-Lien to go first, leading the way across the hall into the next room. It was another of those rooms that seemed to be made for a person, and it was relatively larger than the other rooms they'd been in. Along the wall were various things intended for cooking, foodstuffs, and many trinkets scattered around. There was another door in the back of the room. "Oh, I was saying that this building was probably made by the protector of the forest, to watch over it and the life it houses" Hannah said, finally getting that out.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"It was pleasant enough, when compared with some of the other experiences I've gone through..." Mei told back to Hannah as she lead them out from the room, still watched over by the vines. The pair entered the next room, finding what could be a combined kitchen and dining hall. "The guardian of the forest? Who or what is that?" she asked from the mage, taking a sit down on a nearby chair to listen more into Hannah's story before proceeding to the door at the back.


Smut Slut
Jan 8, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I don't know" Hannah said, shrugging. "Some sort of spirit or other. Maybe a fairy or something of the sort. People don't venture this far into the forest very often, there's just no need to. It just seems like this building was very specifically made to house animals and things. That's probably why the doors don't need to be opened by hand." What little explanation she could give finished, the two walked into the next room, which was quite a bit smaller than the previous one and filled up by only two items; a rather large bed, and a large chest. "Should we open it?"

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei listened to Hannah's words, as brief as they were. "Yet another mystery. Well, maybe we'll meet them some day, who knows..." she thought aloud. The pair then entered the back door, finding themselves at a small, possibly personal sleeping area. With the large chest in her sights, Mei's material side surfaced after some time. "Of course, who knows what there might be.." the redhead replied, going for the chest immidiately afterwards.