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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 6 vs. 9 W1, Miss!
H 16 vs. 4 W1, Hit!
H 7 vs. 4 W2, Hit!
W1 5 vs. 14 M, Miss!
W2 18 vs. 1 M, Critical Hit!
M 18 vs. 9 W2, Hit!
H 17 vs. 9 W1, Hit!
H 19 vs. 17 W2, Hit!
W1 5 vs. 15 M, Miss!
W2 5 vs. 11 M, Miss!

"Try not to kill them if you can avoid it, please" Hannah said, waiting for the wolves to close in so the two of them could attack at once. Mei-Lien lunged at the first one to get to them, but it jumped back and out of the way. Unfortunately for it, Hannah managed to launch a fireball into its side, as well as its partner. The wolves then started their counterattack; the biggest one slashed at Mei-Lien with its claws, but she easily blocked the attack with her gauntlets. Unfortunately she gave just enough of an opening to the other wolf, and it jumped up and latched onto her shoulder with its jaws, clamping down painfully. The wolf seemed young, and its inexperience was probably the only thing that had prevented it from making a much more severe wound on Mei-Lien. The fighter brought down her fist onto the wolf's head, and it let go of her with a whimper, allowing Hannah to blast it and its partner with two more fireballs. The wolves lunged out once more, trying to trap Mei-Lien between them, but she blocks one, and Hannah puts up a protective wall of fire behind her that keeps the other wolf at bay. The younger one looks tired and beaten up already, though the bigger one is still in decent shape.

Wolf 1
4/6 HP

Wolf 2
1/4 HP

3/5 FP

4/4 FP
0/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"No promises, but I can try..." Mei replied as she sharpened her senses for the coming melee. The other wolf was near them fast, so she attempted to plant a foot to it's face, but missing as the agile creature dodgd to the side. Hannah's fireball soared past her, hitting the thing as it evaded. The bigger wolf attacked towards the fighter with murderous intent, but her metal gauntlets were up to the task of warding her flesh from the beast's claws. This enabled the smaller canine to leap onto Mei's back and cling onto her shoulders, biting nastily into her flesh. Letting out a brief grunt of pain, the redhead smashed her fist into the thing's face to dislodge it before too much damage was inflicted. After another block, she's standing on somewhat wounded but the situation is looking better for them than the wolves.

"Now you'll get it... filthy cur..." she threatened the smaller wolf. The animal had drawn her ire, and the fighter decided to make sure it went down fast to reduce the enemy numbers.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 16 vs. 13 W2, Hit!
H 6 vs. 18 W1, Miss!
W1 11 vs. 18 M, Miss!
M 9 vs. 21 W1, Miss!
H 9 vs. 14 W1, Miss!
W1 15 vs. 11 M, Hit!
M 16 vs. 20 W1, Miss!
H 6 vs. 12 W1, Miss!
W1 15 vs. 11 M, Hit!

Mei-Lien lashes out at the smaller wolf, connecting with a vicious kick to its head, and the beast skids and sprawls out on the ground, its consciousness slipping away after the harsh blow. Hannah launches a fireball at the bigger wolf now that the smaller one isn't standing anymore, but she fails to hit it, though she throws off its attack on Mei-Lien, and the fighter is easily able to shift out of the way of the charging canine. The two then gang up on the wolf, but it dodges furiously, occasionally reaching out to slash Mei-Lien painfully with its claws. The fighter can barely keep her feet as blood runs down her dress, her wounds taking their toll. Hannah suddenly steps in front of Mei-Lien, saying "stay behind me, counterattack when it goes after me, otherwise you won't be able to fight much longer."

Wolf 1
4/6 HP

Wolf 2
0/4 HP

1/5 FP

4/4 FP
0/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"There you go, fleabag..." the fighter called out as her kick took out the smaller wolf, throwing it far away from the fight. She then turned her attention to the second wolf, proceeding to attack it as well. The pair threw hemselves at the wolf, but the only result this had was Mei getting herself wounded further. "Dammit... this is bad..." she thought as a thin trail of blood slowly crept down her leg. As Hannah called out her suggestion, the redhead agreed with a grim nod, moving herself behind the mage. "Really.. this is what I've become..." Mei thought as she kept her eye on the opposition, ready to attack once the opportunity opened up.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

H 19 vs. 3 W1, Critical Hit!
W1 3 vs. 16 H, Miss!
M 19 vs. 18 W1, Hit!
H 20 vs. 17 W1, Hit!

Hannah stares down the wolf, and when it charges at her she flings a fireball down its throat, wounding it badly. Mei-Lien rushes forward and gives a swift kick to the wolf's side, and it skids a ways before slowly getting up. As it turns towards Hannah the mage sends a small fireball into it, forcing the wolf to the ground, whimpering and growling, unable to move in its exhaustion. Hannah quickly went to work, turning to Mei-Lien and putting her hands on the fighter's shoulders, concentrating hard and slowly healing her wounds and repairing her clothes at the same time. "We should get out of here now, while they're still too tired to fight" she said when she was finished, heading towards the magical door.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

After a few fireballs and a rib-shattering kick to the side, the wolf is thrown away from the pair of very different females. Even though her shoulder was bleeding quite nastily, Mei stoically endured until Hannah got around to healing it. Once the mage was done, the fighter agreed with her, leading them out of the room and straight into the one on the other side.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The two go through one door and then the other, which also opens in response to their will to enter the room. At first glance the room is empty, but Hannah looks around intently. "I feel like there might be some sort of magical item in this room, but I can't pinpoint where it is. It's probably got a masking spell on it, and I can't break through. Maybe if I were a little better I'd be able to find it" she finally said, after giving the room a thorough look. The magic is strong enough that even Mei-Lien can feel it to some extent, but only enough that she has the vague feeling that something isn't there that ought to be.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hmmm, do you have some suggestion how to deal with this? Just go padding through the room with our hands or is there someone we need to beat to lift the illusion?" Mei asked, not quite sure what to do with this magic even she could feel.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I think I just need to get better at magic, to dispel the masking spell. There's nothing I can do right now, but I feel like I've gotten better at magic just in the last few days, it's so much easier when you actually practice it. Maybe by the time we're ready to leave I'll be able to deal with it" Hannah said, nodding confidently. Maybe her effectiveness against the wolves had boosted her confidence in her abilities some.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"If that's how you feel, we'll leave it be for now and come back later. Not much I can do about it.." Mei replied to Hannah's newfound confidence, leading her back to the hall and forward to the end of the hall where two new doors waited. Like usual, the red-haired girl would pick up the right door first
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The two walked ahead and then through another of the magical doors, to come upon a room that was furnished in some ways much like any room made for humans, though with some differences, namely a lack of chairs. Sitting in the middle was a table with two people playing cards, though the "people" were actually centaurs, a male and a female, sitting on their powerful equine lower bodies. The female looked over first, and fearfully said "dear, humans." The man looked over to them and got up quickly, fetching a large axe that rested against the wall. "So it would seem" he said, as she trotted over to pick up a bow, notching an arrow as she looked on fearfully. Without another word the male began to charge at Mei-Lien, raising his axe as he did.

Male Centaur
7/7 HP

Female Centaur
4/4 HP

5/5 FP

4/4 FP
2/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Through the door, a room and a pair of centaurs were waiting for Mei and Hannah. They couldn't even get a word out until the male was already going for a weapon and charging towards the fighter. "Fine, if this is how you want it to go..." she said, readying her guard against the axe aimed in her direction, and for the counter-attack that would follow in it's wake.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

MC 20 vs. 21 M, Miss!
M 11 vs. 19 MC, Miss!
H 3 vs. 20 MC, Counter!
H 10 vs. 11 MC, Miss!
FC 20 vs. 11 M, Hit!
M 16 vs. 2 MC, Hit!
H 15 vs. 15 MC, Hit!
H 1 vs. 20 MC, Counter!
MC 12 vs. 6 M, Hit!
FC 6 vs. 20 M, Miss!

Mei-Lien barely manages to block the centaur's powerful blow with her gauntlets, the force of the strike almost forcing her to the ground despite her blocking. This throws off her attempt at counterattacking badly, and she almost loses her balance for a moment. Unfortunately, she lines herself up perfectly for another attack by the centaur, and hasn't fully regained her balance enough to avoid it; just as the axe is about to come down on her head she hears a shout, and feels Hannah tackle her to the ground, receiving a painful cut to her side. Even as she screamed in pain she turned to fling a fireball at the centaur, who barely managed to get his axe in front of him. Just as Mei-Lien gets up to continue the fight, an arrow slams through her shoulder, though this doesn't stop her from delivering a swift kick to the male centaur's leg and a punch to his gut, opening him up to a fireball from Hannah, though her next one was easily dodged, and the centaur brought his axe down into her shoulder, though he could only manage a shallow strike. As he pulls the axe out of Hannah's shoulder, he strikes at Mei-Lien with the handle, giving her a good knock to the side, though she easily blocks the female's poorly aimed arrow. Hannah is already standing on shaky legs, and she calls out "wait, why are you fighting us? We didn't do anything to you," but she is met with only silence.

Male Centaur
5/7 HP

Female Centaur
4/4 HP

3/5 FP

2/4 FP
0/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

A cross-armed block easily fends off the axe, but there's considerable strenght behind it still as Mei's counter-attack is thrown off-track. Hannah saves the fighter from a complete head split by tackling her away to to take the cut herself. Another shot is taken at Mei when she gets up to her feet, an arrow to her shoulder this time. With a quick motion, the redhead moves back to the offensive, a quick kick-punch combo producing actual results as she slams into the man-horse hybrid. She gets further punishment from the axe's haft as it is spiked into her side, knocking the former champion back. The second arrow is way too clumsy, and Mei's gauntlet intercepts it easily.

"Doesn't look like they listen to reason... well, only one way to deal with such things.." she called to Hannah, pulling out the arrow from her shoulder before moving on to attack the male again. Words were probably not going to work with him, but maybe the female could be negotiated with after the man was out.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 14 vs. 10 MC, Hit!
H 20 vs. 10 MC, Hit!
MC 6 vs. 20 M, Miss!
FC 21 vs. 13 M, Hit!
M 15 vs. 4 MC, Hit!
H 2 vs. 6 MC, Miss!
MC 5 vs. 12 M, Miss!
FC 7 vs. 6 M, Hit!

Mei-Lien moved in to attack the centaur, landing a heavy punch to the man's face and seemingly making him see stars for a moment, because she manages to land another punch to his chin, and Hannah gets off a fireball that slams into his side, and he shows signs of weakening. His female partner has no such problem, seemingly becoming more determined by the hits to her partner, putting a carefully aimed arrow into Mei-Lien's other shoulder, and then another into her thigh; she's in a reasonable deal of pain now, and her movement is slightly hindered by the arrow wounds. The male centaur makes a few ineffectual strikes at Mei-Lien, but he's moving a little slow. Perhaps she's given him a concussion with her hard strikes.

Male Centaur
2/7 HP

Female Centaur
4/4 HP

1/5 FP

2/4 FP
0/2 MP
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Another effective offense takes place as Mei succesfully double-punches the male centaur, just maybe inflicting some serious harm to his head. These are followed up by arrows to her body, one to the shoulder and the other on her exposed thigh, each bringing a little cry of agony with them. "This is... owww... going to be trouble..." the fighter thought as her movement was starting to get hampered by the shafts sticking out from her. She regardless manages to fend off the male assailant's axe quite easily, the centaur seemed to be having difficulties recovering from the blows to his head. Mei still decided to push on with the attack, intent with felling the male.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

M 3 vs. 13 MC, Miss!
H 17 vs. 2 MC, Critical Hit!

Mei-Lien tries to land the knockout punch on the male centaur, but he manages to bring his axe up, and she hits only metal. Hannah, however, has more luck, and hits the centaur with a tremendous fireball to his side, and he falls to the ground with a cry. "Stop!" the female cried out, casting aside her bow and galloping towards them. "Please, don't kill him, I'll do anything" she said, kneeling down beside him and placing her head on his chest, looking up at Mei-Lien and Hannah with fear in her big hazel eyes. Hannah looks over at Mei-Lien as if she's confused at the sudden turnaround. "Well, I don't want to kill him. Why did you attack us?" she asked, and the centaur sputtered out "because I was scared! Humans aren't to be trusted!" Hannah looked over at Mei-Lien again, wanting her input.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Humans arent to be trusted, bah... you ask for mercy now, having nearly killed me..." Mei grumbles, pulling out the arrows from her body with a few tugs. "But... I suppose we could work this out.. give me a little time to recover..." she told the female centaur. Despite her seeming friendliness, Mei was steaming under the surface. She had been arrowed in three different spot by this disgusting hybrid, and had no intention of letting her get away with it. If a suitable opportunity came up, like a back turned her way, she'd pick the axe off the floor and land an incapacitating blow to the thing's feet. Then, the real fun would begin..
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah moved over to heal Mei-Lien, and when her wounds were closed worked on healing her own. "Thank you" the centaur replied, starting to cry tears of relief. They were short lived, as Mei-Lien picked up the axe and in one quick motion cut deeply into the centaur's exposed hind legs, nearly severing them in one blow. The centaur let out a twisted cry of pain, and Hannah suddenly grabbed at Mei-Lien's shoulders. "Wait, what are you doing?" she asked in a whisper, a little panicked. "Please don't kill her. I know they fought us, but there's no need to kill her. But... she should be punished..." she whispered, clearly angry with the centaurs, but Mei-Lien could tell that there was a reluctance towards violence in the mage.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

A terrible, sadistic grin formed on Mei's face as she saw the centaur lady fall down from the force of her blow. Now, she might finally get to have some real fun. But, perhaps not surprisingly, Hannah was onto her immidiately. With a contemptuous sneer, she pushed the mage away. "You stay back, or I'll knock your lights out too. No-one will get in the way of my fun, for this will get medieval..." she promised to the downed centaur, striking another blow to it's forelegs too before going over to the thing's bow and rendering it useless by chopping the bow itself in two.

"Right... you seemed to like this.. "husband" of yours. Well, I'm rather keen on the idea of executing him first before I do the same to you.." the fighter taunted the centaur, the inner blood-crazed maniac now in full control of Mei's actions. She slowly headed towards the unconscious male, casually spinning the axe in her hands along the way. "Unless... you offer me some VERY interesting compensation..." she told the female horse-hybrid, keeping the heavy blade at ready and waited for an answer.