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Mei-Lien (Guan Yu)

Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I think I know what the corpses were from" Hannah said, as they walked out into the main hallway and toward the exit. "We... most of the people of Feralia, that is... are not the original inhabitants of this island. There were a people here before us, and our ancestors slowly displaced them from their land and killed them off or enslaved them many generations ago. You may have met some of them, they are all blonde, though that isn't a terribly uncommon trait amongst us, but most of them speak with a strange accent, which is a remnant of their own language. For the most part they've been freed of slavery, but most of them are poor, and live in the slums or work as tenant farmers outside the walls. For some reason..." she said, clenching her fists and trembling as they walked out into the afternoon light. "for some reason, many of our kind hate them. I just can't believe that people would go this far..." The two headed back towards the city gates, getting there just as the sun was setting. "I wish I had more clothing than this, it's just way too revealing... Do you want to go to the same inn as last night?"
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Once they had left the barracks behind, Mei took to further listening at Hannah's background stories about the people of the land, both former and latter castes. She absorbed the story in her usual silent vigil, not giving out any opinion of her own. The reason of them not going into the poor quarter of the city just cleared out to her as well when the story progressed, seemed like prejudices and hatreds still bloomed on both sides of the populace. She knew full well how cruel and inhumane people could be when some motive or gain was pressing them on, the fighter herself being a prime example.

They were at the gates when day was starting to set in. "Little we can do about that now.. The guards might give us a few funny looks but that's about the worse that will happen.." she replied to Hannah, still planning to return to the same inn as they were semi-regulars in there by now. Their current clothing might not be appropriate for some richer inns.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I know, but still... I don't like feeling like I'm on display like this" Hannah replied as they walked towards the walls. The guards did indeed give them funny looks, though one of them was familiar. "'ello again. Mighty strange way tah meet again, this is. Decide to go out into the woods with a cute lass, did ya?" the friendly guard joked, winking at the two of them as he called for the gates to be opened. "Be careful, ye'll get a lot of a attention ya won't be wantin in there" he said in parting as they walked in to wait for the second gate to open. As they walked out into the city they got a lot of strange looks on the way to the inn, and a number of catcalls that seemed to thoroughly embarrass Hannah, until finally they got to the inn.

"Uhh... Ma?" the little girl called back, and her large mother walked up to the counter. "Oh my, what's happened here?" she asked, but Hannah cut her off by putting money on the table. "Two rooms please. And if I could please rent some clothes from you in the morning until I can go buy some, that would be nice..." The woman nodded, getting her daughter to fetch the keys, and said "my clothes will probably not fit you, but you can borrow a dress in the morning free of charge as long as you bring it back," handing back a little of the money, though Hannah refused it, quickly following the girl up to the room she would share with Mei-Lien for the night. When they were safely inside she sighed heavily and leaned up against the wall. "Today was... today was tough..."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Better get over it, you can't do much now." the fighter told Hannah as they went to the gate. After the initial funny looks and oggles, the familiar guard let them in, giving a bit of tease to Mei which she proceeded to ignore and thanked the man with her usual bow. The looks and whistles continued as the went through the town, the redhead ignored those as well, not even a blush coming to her stony features. She had gotten used to attention her looks brought to her a long time ago.

"All kinds of things." she replied briefly to the inquiry of the inn host as the portly woman asked them, not sharing any further information about it. Mei went along with Hannah's plans and headed back to the now-familiar room, still sharing it with the mage. "Hmmm, a bit, yes..." she returned the random feeling of Hannah's, briefly sitting down to rest on the bed before starting a training routine. It was a bit awkward in the tight, small web-bra, but nothing she couldn't handle.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

When Mei-Lien got up to start her training routine, Hannah repeated after her, trying to keep up with her fighter companion. "Oh, it looks like I made yours a little... small for you. When we're done with this I'll take some off mine and make you a bra that fits better" Hannah said, noticing Mei-Lien's slight awkwardness with the overly small garment. As they continued on with the training, Hannah suddenly spoke up, quietly. "Mei-Lien... I... Today, a monster refused to rape me. I didn't want it to rape me, but... for some reason, when it passed over me I felt so... empty... That and what we found in that barracks... And being around you makes me feel so weak... I want to get stronger. I'll probably never be pretty, but I at least want to look less sickly. But..." she trailed off, looking down at her feet for a moment before continuing on as before.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Mei looked over to Hannah as the mage took up position near her, starting to go through the same stretches and mock attacks she did, nowhere near the level of grace and flexibility she possessed though. "Alright, looking forward to it. This garment isn't up to the task of comfortably keeping this monster chest of mine contained. I'm surprised they didn't slip out even once during the time we walked here.." the fighter aired her thoughts as they went along the routine.

What the fighter heard next made her confused. "Empty? I think you should feel happy that you weren't used like a piece of meat. And I'll repeat what I told you yesterday about this weakness thing. Exercise. Lots of it. I've trained my body daily for 13 years, it's not a miracle that I'm strong. Nothing happens in a day or two, it takes time to get results. You'll need to train your mind as well, read books or whatever it is that you mage types do to train. And what is that last but?" Mei replied, still continuing with her training.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I know I should, but in that moment I just felt... like I wasn't even good enough for some monster. I don't know, maybe I'm just being weird. Ignore the last but, please, it was nothing" Hannah replied, keeping up with Mei-Lien's exercises. "I'm glad you answered my advertisement. I'd probably never get to do these sorts of things or have these experiences otherwise. I'd still be stuck at home sewing, or trying to learn about magic without ever getting a chance to learn by doing, waiting for my parents to marry me off."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Sounds pretty weird if you ask me, but whatever..." Mei replied to the first bit of talk, pausing to let Hannah speak again before replying. "There is flipsides to everything it seems, even to being a rich daughter of a wealthy family. No real personal freedom, sounds like..." the red-haired fistfighter said as her training started to reach the finish line. She was still not too fond of this company, but Hannah was better than nothing, and had good enough manners along with her wealth for Mei to keep her around.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I think that's more my parents than my money. They're just way too protective of me, and too greedy for their own good. They want me to marry some rich man. What do I need more money for? I have enough for me, and even if I didn't that's no reason to marry someone. I don't know, I love them, I just wish they were less uptight" Hannah said, finishing up the training with Mei-Lien. When that was done she ripped a large strip off the bottom of her bra and reached out to apply it to Mei-Lien's, concentrating for a bit until the material fused, making a more full and comfortable undergarment. "Does that feel better, or do you need more?" she asked, sitting on the bed. "And would you like another massage before we go to bed?"
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Mmmh, parents... they can be such a pain. You should try to assert yourself a bit more, or are they beyond any reasoning from your side?" Mei asked Hannah as the mage finished, letting the mage work on her new, weird underwear in all due time. The result was a much more comfy piece of underwear, and she liked her now-proper bra. "Much better, sits nicely and doesn't apply too much pressure my chest." she replied as the mage inquired about her opinion on the new undergarment. When the massage was asked about, the redhead could see Hannah was starting to catch on to some things she liked. "Sure. Always up for one of these." was her reply before she undressed, setting the underwear neatly aside before laying down on the bed and turning her back to the mage. No doubt Hannah enjoyed these as much as she did, the mage had shown her liking towards Mei's body before, and if massaging it helped relieve the fighter's tension she was all for it.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"I tried, but they wouldn't listen to me. They're too afraid something bad might happen to me to let me out and about, and they're too set in their ways and what they want for me to let me decide what I want for myself. So I am asserting myself, in a way. I ran away from home with you, didn't I?" Hannah replied, a little half smile coming to her face. "I don't know that I like doing it, because I really do love my parents, but it's something I have to do for myself, otherwise I'll never really have a life of my own." She nodded and seemed happy with her handiwork when Mei-Lien voiced her approval of the bra, and looked on as she stripped and laid down on the bed. Mei-Lien soon felt the mage's magically warmed hands working on her shoulders, slowly easing her tension and driving the aching out of her muscles. Hannah seemed to have improved since last time, perhaps having paid careful attention to Mei-Lien's reactions and focusing on what she seemed to enjoy. The mage slowly and carefully massaged the fighter's back, giving some attention to her arms before moving down to her lower back, this time hesitating to stare at Mei-Lien's ass a bit less before moving down her legs and ending with her feet. "Alright" she said as she finished rubbing Mei-Lien's feet, "it's about time for bed. In the morning we can go out to buy some real clothes, and then find something else to explore if you're okay with that." Hearing Mei-Lien's answer, Hannah climbed into bed next to her, curling up under the sheets as she fell asleep.

As Mei-Lien drifted off to sleep herself, she was suddenly confronted with a popup, the first reminder she was in a game for quite some time.

It looks like you've been playing for a while. We recommend that you spend no more than three hours at a time inside the EGG.

Save and Quit?
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

Hannah had picked up some attention towards Mei's likes and dislikes with her massage, as the rub-down was much more enjoyable and effective. It still followed the same head-to-toe, downwards track as before, but there was more determination in the mage's touch this time. As the familiar hesitation at her lower body came there, the fighter turned her head slightly to look in Hannah's direction. "When we do this again, you can go ahead and massage my butt along the way down. I'm alright with it, and you'll get to do more than just stare at it..." she teased the mage slightly before letting her continue.

Once Hannah let go of Mei's feet, the former champion was once again in an utterly relaxed state, her tenseness completely gone. She didn't bother to move anymore, letting the mage enter the bed by herself. "..mhm, alright..." she agreed, soon falling asleep there on her stomach.

When the window came up, Mei thought it best to follow the instructions and thus did so.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

When Mei-Lien gave Hannah her instructions she would note that the mage blushed bright red, but nodded silently. When Mei-Lien chose to save and quit, the world faded to black, and she found herself back in the EGG. It opened on its own and let her back out into the room. There was a table sitting in the middle of the room, with an older gentleman sitting at it. "Ah, you're out. It's about time for that, you've been in for about three hours, which is the maximum amount we recommend at a stretch. My name is Thomas, and I work in the department that designs the NPCs. Would you mind giving me an idea of the things you liked about the game, any things you might have disliked, things we may be able to improve? Any issues with play balance or any incidents that didn't fit with your settings? After that, if you have any questions feel free to ask."
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

The game eventually vanished into blackness, and Mei was sitting back at the console itself. A quick moment passed and she was let out from the confines of the machine, now faced with a researcher. As the older gentleman asked his questions, the redhead stretched her frame which was a bit stiff after three hours of sitting in one place. "There's not really much to complain about, the NPCs stayed in character nicely and that's what I consider to be most important about them. Only one thing that I'd like to know about. Surely there's some way that I'll improve in the game over time? Other than that, there's nothing really for me to say.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"You don't "level up" per se, but you do have several skills that are hidden from you, and those will rank up if you use them enough. Some skills take longer to rank up than others because of differences in power between them. You can also get equipment that will improve your fighting ability. If that's the last of your questions, you'll need to head on down to the nurse's office, and then you can go to the cafe to eat lunch or come back and keep testing" the old man replied, then giving Mei-Lien instructions on how to get to the nurse's office.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"Hmm, alright, good to know. I'll keep that in mind, thanks." she replied to the man, taking in his instructions. With a confident, long stride in her walk, the girl left for the nurse's office to get the formalities out of the way.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

When she got to the nurses office, she was greeted by a young woman with glasses, dressed in a fairly stereotypical nurse's uniform. "Ah, first time tester? Please, come have a seat and put that on" she said, indicating a strange bit of headgear. "We like to run a scan to make sure you haven't been adversely affected by the EGG. While that happens, I would like to ask you some questions. Please know that what you say is completely confidential. Are you ready?"
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"That I am." Mei replied to the nurse, who was at best a few years older than herself. She went along with the instructions, briefly taking off her beret to replace it with the piece of technology the nurse had instructed her to wear. "Sounds like a smart thing to do. Ask away what you need to." she continued as the second instructions were given
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

"First off, I'd like you to describe your feelings as the game progressed, and how they changed, including what changed them and how. Then I'd like to know if you think playing has changed you in any way, and if so, how?" the nurse said, looking at a little console hooked up to the machine.
Re: Mei-Lien (KakkaHousu)

My feelings? The game can be rather emotional once you immerse yourself in it properly, saying this as a person who doesn't play all that many games. Personally, I don't feel all that different from before. There was a few sexual encounters in there, and they made you do things that no normal person would consider, but they were usually powered with drugs. This might have worked to loosen up my restrained sexual life a bit, but that can't be seen right now." she gave out her honest answer as the nurse inquired things about the game.