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ACT [Toffisama] Amazon Kara

Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

Well vanja is a chick, thats about the only one I can think of. Those games are fucking horrible though.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

I am almost positive that Toffi has stated himself, on these forums, that he is male.


Yes. No more "she", please.

And while I am on the subject AK: I stated in the comments on my blog already that I haven't been making any progress for the last few months (due to different circumstances), so the game won't be out in the near future.
Actually I've been thinking about making my progress so far playable and release it as a kinda alpha-version or demo, to give you guys something, but I'm not sure since this would go against my motto "don't release a game before it's finished".
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

Well, as a former staff writer for a gaming website, I would know that we get preview copies of games all the time. Releasing a proof of concept type of game may provide some feedback as to what we as the players like and do not like from what you have done so far. Especially with taking a significant amount of time off from doing any development with the game it may benefit you to see where you would want to focus your time into making a better game.

I personally think its just good business to make a demo and release it at this point. That way you can gauge where the interest level is and what you have done so far that works and what does not work. Its not like alot of other game companies release demos of games or anything.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

you see, she said she was a he..... :eek: (kidding..... xD)

Sorry for the unfun joke there... (when referring to you outside of the name I wil say HE from here on... :p)

but agreed on above said comments, I mean, mostly if you put out a test version, people wil play it, give their comments, critique, things they liked and didnt and from that you might be able to make it a better game then it would be initialy....

in the end its up to you toffi.... but mostly a demo isnt a bad thing I think.... ;)

Also I just would love to play it.... it looked realy good from the screens you posted on your board, or how you call it... :D
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

Don't release the game until it's finished. To do so spells doom for your game. Someone's signature sums it up nicely: "There are no hentai games, only hentai game demos."
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

Personally I wouldn't mind a demo version.

Gives us an idea of what to expect, and I would probably be even more hyped for the full release.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

Might want to check out the blog...Toffi's released a trial.

Edit: And holy crap it's hard lol...errm...the game, that is. Though some of those grapples are mighty nice.
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Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

Grapples are sweet for the cpu. i cant seem to do anything except fire one round that miracly has no effect. its a nice black fire arm tho! lol

in a small way this reminds me of Princess of the RING.. which i would love to see built on more playable characters and more grapples. both games are close to my ultimate dream game.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

hmm guess this is going to be tough as hell again, just like the first Fairy War game... the final boss spamms the rape move over and over... realy annoying....

same for the other characters in that game btw I noticed.... (dont get what to do in the bonus level btw... the big girl just kills them, or is there something else about it??) Talking about Fairy War here btw...

didnt download the new games Trial yet... but it sounds tough.... :eek:
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

I beat the (only?) boss on my first try. I don't know what some of you guys are having trouble with.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

ok fighting her fair =death XD

and theres a gun error if you walk in and spam the gun you can get her to half a bar without her walking over and taking 3 steps up and doing it again still does dmg after you cant hit her anymore
which defeats a fairer shot them jump over XD
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

You can also double press the arrows to slide behind her if you are cornered.
Besides she is easy, because she has no ranged attacks.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

ok fighting her fair =death XD

and theres a gun error if you walk in and spam the gun you can get her to half a bar without her walking over and taking 3 steps up and doing it again still does dmg after you cant hit her anymore
which defeats a fairer shot them jump over XD

The reason it goes to half is because she gets pushed out of range, you can actually kill her without seeing her by creeping up and taking more shots.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

Played the demo, very good. Only thing I didn't like was the urination thing.

Apparently the gun was a remainder of experimenting with items and wasn't meant to be in the demo at all.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

Hey! Urination is degrading aand humiliating, and therefore sexy.

lol'ed always imagined maturbating while sitting in the bus wearing a baby costume with some old dude pissing me in the face singing justin bieber songs. so sexy.
mhhh... maybe i've been looking at it from the wrong point of view.
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Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

I felt the boss was a bit easy too... she feels like she needs a normal long range attack. Not just because I can run back and shoot, but because that adds pressure to the player to keep things up close and personal

beat it the first time mainly running back and forth with the gun. beat it the second time with only melee spamming. beat it again by constantly having shield up and meleeing the instant her blow got deflected.

like raptor said, dunno what's giving people issues.. you can literally just melee spam her to death, even if she's blocking 75 % of the time.

but the humiliation moves were pretty fun.
Re: [WIP] Toffi's Amazon Kara

demo was pretty nice, but I'm on the same page as not liking the urination but thats not my say on what to put in the game thats just what i do and do not like.

boss was really easy imo. all I did was dodge and waited for her to do her taunt then just threw the axe at her, rinse and repeat.