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Sakura (plmnko)

Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura magics at Harpy 1 S 2+1 vs H1 1-1 Hit
Harpy 1 is unconcious

Martin's song picks up Tempo, Sakura and Defender gain a free
reroll per round.

Defender goes to shield bash Harpy 2. D1 17+2 vs H2 11+1, Hit
Harpy 2 takes 1 damage and -2 to rolls cus reeling.

Harpy 2 attacks Sakura! H2 10+1 vs S 10+1, Miss

Harpy 3 attacks the Defender! H3 13+3 vs D1 18+3, Miss due to

Harpy 4 attacks Martin! H4 10+3 vs M 9+1, Hit.
Martin takes 1 damage

Sakura tosses her spell out, knocking the harpy for a loop, sending her into a spiral into the muddy island of the swamp, groaning dizzily. The other harpies squawk angrily and swoop to strike once more.

Martin's magical music empowers Sakura's body, shifting the odds in their favor, as the harpies are struck again. The harpy smashed by the Defender swaps to fighting Sakura, but is still too dizzy to fight back properly.

However, Martin is once more slashed by one of the harpies, him gritting his teeth but still not letting it affect his performance.

Martin now at 3/6 FP, Harpy 2 at 3/4 FP now.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

She couldnt stop herself to smile and sigh in relief when the first of her foes is defeated withut they had the need to take the harpy's life. But looking them prepare themselves for more made her recover the guard.

Martin then looks to use her magic music to help her, she could feel it increase her chances to win this fight, not like she have many clues how this act with her amateur magic knowledge. Anyway, the bunch of dirty birds decide to split theirs numbers and attack each of them, the one against Sakura was already damaged by the spirit so she could duck it at time moving at the water to dodge it. She would had preffer to be the one damaged and not Martin who looks to be in pain.

I dont like how this is going, lets continue doing our best to beat them. Sakura will try to use her magic to throw one of them at the water, if she manage to do this then maybe she could get them some time to take care of the remain two if she use the water to grapple her foe
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura goes for the magic grapple!
S1 20 vs H4 7+1 Critical pin! Harpy 4 takes 5 AP

Martin plays a dark note, bone shards lashing out of the swamp.
M 10+2 vs H3 20+1 Miss, Counter
Martin takes 1 FP

Defender gives a ghostly cry of longing. All Harpy Attacks go to her.

Harpy 2 and 3 attack the Defender
H2 3+3 vs D1 4+3 Miss
H3 16+3 vs D1 10+3 Hit
Defender takes 1 FP

Harpy 4 tries to squirm free!
H4 5+3 vs S 20+1 Crit Fail
Harpy takes 5 AP and is fucked silly.

Martin attempts to strike now, his magic calling forth bones enshrouded with dark energies, but the harpy easily maneuvers around them and strikes Martin once more, looking fairly bruised.

The Defender, seeing this, gives a supernatural call of longing, forcing the harpies attentions to her.

With the distraction there, Sakura cast her spell, the lusty hued wind spiking the harpy down into the waiting tentacles of dark water. The harpy gives a cry of shock, which is promptly muffled as the tentacles wrap around her and quickly plunge into her mouth and cloaca, thrusting vigorously, stretching the harpy lewdly. The hammering is brutal and rapid, the harpy having barely time to struggle before the tentacles gush dark fluid into her, making her go limp as she orgasms rapidly from the magical violation. Sakura feels some energy fed from that, having bestowed a bit of her corruption into the harpy, potentially her harpy if she allowed it to continue.

In the meantime, the Defender takes a strike, ehr shield not coming up in time, the blow making her seeming hazier and less real, though she seemed to be holding it toghetehr for now.

Martin at 2/6 fp now.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The fight looks to be getting so intense now, Martin and the ghost woman looks to be taking all the damage of the battle, distraught Sakura just tried to do her best to put a quick end to this fight before something terrible could happen to her lover, placing all her heart in the fight...

She used all what she know of magic in a potent wind than send the harpy dirrect to her water tendril bed prepared thanks to the sacrifice of her partners. I hope than this holds her the enough... uhh? Her eyes wide open in amuse, she never expected than the tentacles were so eager in theirs tasks and even less than they have own mind to fuck her foe.

The intensity and that corruption earned soon make the blue haired girl evoke an pleased smile, she was not sure exactly why she looks to like the change in her plan, but she suppose than the harpy was getting her lesson and in part what these were looking for. Maybe... if they get it, they wouldnt be so mean. Sakura mutters before focus on use her wind magic to pull down to her trap another of them or at least get her weak enough to dont let them hurt more her allies.

[use the pink lovely wind to guide the most weak of her foes to a climax at the lovely water tentacles]
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura attempts to yank another harpy into her "loving"

S 16+1 vs H3 2+1 Critical Grab, seriously?
Harpy 3 takes 5 AP

Martin changes to a seductive tune.
M 17+2 vs H2 1+1 Crit Fail
Harpy hops into the tentacles, takes 4 AP.

Defender readies to intercept while blushing intensely.

Tentacles violate harpies out of it, Martin tossing the last one into
the orgy.

Embracing the lewd actions of her magic, Sakura promptly spikes another harpy to join her comrade, promptly being violated alongside her incoherent flightmate.

A third is promptly added as Martin change's his tune again, the song hypnotic it seems, the harpy diving into the tentacles with a dazed smile on her face, before it's fucked right off of her, becoming an expression of panicked ecstasy. Martin even walks over and grabs the last one and tosses her in.

The tentacles are now a mass of muffled squawks and moans as the corruption and aphrodisiacs seep into them slowly, ravaging their bodies, as the ghostly knight stares on as she descends. The ghost seems surprised and very embarrassed by the scene in front of them, while Martin seems to appreciate the view as much as Sakura does.

After all, better to make life than war, right?
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

With her new plan in action, the group of chick girls were one by one taken inside the mass of water tentacles, Sakura's spells never had worked like this before, she just could suppose than she was getting really good on this. Ussually humans cant use her spells, so maybe she was really talented on this.

Im really glad than no one get seriously wounded or killed on this unneeded fight. Sakura said between a little chuckle. Looking at how the ghost leady react made her blush too before shake softly her head and remember why she made this. Uhm... its ok, they looks to be so needed in get some pleasure than they attacked us. Maybe after this they will learn to ask for it. She tried to secured the four girls now with Martin's help to place them all. Then the demoness move to check up Martin wounds. Are you fine Martin? Please say me if there is anything than i could do to make you feel better. Im still not sure if my magic can heal someone, it could be risky, but i would do anything else. Sakura ask with all herself trying to be of some help for Martin, it was her fault to had placed him in so dangerous situation, at least Martin has proveen to be very skilled in battle, of course than her dark side was using this to let her charming minion to subdue her even more into the correct way of a broodmother.

As Martin decide, Sakura will try her best to fill as much as she could these girls with pleasure and corruption, so they could be as good as her with the others.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Martin chuckles, him rubbing his injuries with a shake of his head. "Mmm, nothing I won't recover from, Sakura. You know, you should join in with them, show them how it should be done. Make them your birdies instead so they can be taught properly, hm? After all, you seem to want it just as much...," he grins, pressing up against her and slidding a finger gently along her slick sex.

"If you want I can join in too. A celebration of victory. Always good t' celebrate good things right, and what better way t' celebrate than feeling good toghether?," he offers, giving her breasts some massaging, "Or if not, well, I could always use your comfort to get better sooner hm?"

In either case the corruption continued to slowly seep into the harpies as Sakura slowly felt herself bond them to her a bit, though slow going. The ghostly defender woman seemed intent on standing guard either way, regardless of how embarrassing it might be to her.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

It confort her than her loved one looks to dont be in danger, of course than his words made her shiver in confusion and arousal, shyly turning to the four raped girls beefore Martin's finger slid at her wet lips causing her whimper. I guess... if join would help them to be kind and good to all... But get so close of that magic could be dangerous for you, Martin...ohm...ok, i will go with them, just look at us and i will try to make you feel good after end with them or you can take me if really you need it, as long you dont get close the tentacles.. Sakura was mostly seduced by Martin's words, he looks to be right in the chick girls and maybe they could think than Sakura is her friend if she join them, but even in submision she dont wanted to risk her loved one and her dark side dont wanted to share his valuable fertile seed cream with them for the moment.

Sakura slowly swim to the tentacle pool, she was not sure what will happen when she get there, but she have some experience with females and the use of water tentacles.

Hi, girls! I lament than we hurt each other when easily asking me kindly would prevent us to lose our time. But lets put all that in the pass, let me show you my kindness~ Sakura smile and get one of them closer, givingg to the harpy a soft foreplay at her shoulders before grope softly her breasts, her mouth move to kiss the Harpy shoulder and neck bone for some instants. Meanwhile she tried to use her magic powers to order the tentacles to fill the bird girls's holes in rhythm, so a beautiful melody could be created and please Martin, the tendrils slowly grow inside then and get deep inside, having bumps on the ends to increase the areas touched by them, coaxing deep inside the aphrodisiac on her cute friends.

Yours feathers are so soft, i wonder if it feels good for each of you if i rub them at theirs base. Sakura whisper before explore theirs feathers, trying to see if they were the same at theirs privates or were different. Her tendrils place one to rest close her naughty place, as other have her privates connected to the pussy of another Harpy, soon making the water act as if the girls had dicks and could piston each other and of course do the same to Sakura. I hope than after this we could be friends... lets forget all the bad and just feel happiness against each other. Her words get deep installed at theirs brains not before her dark side made the message distorted so they were hers sluts and of Martin too. Altering theirs bodies so they look more as Minx angels than harpies, breasts filled of milk for her babies than were close to hatch and a inocent high libido than rules them to take care of any baby than Sakura could have in order to gets theirs so wanted peaks.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

"I'll be patient and enjoy the show.," says Martin with a wink, giving Sakura a kiss before sending her off to finish the corruption of her new acolytes and servants.

Slipping amidst the tentacles, she began to grope and kiss the harpies, beginning to give them direct contact with her corruptive nature, encouraging the tentacles to begin screwing them even better, filling them with lust and pleasure, their lyrical cries pleasant to the ear.

Exploring through the soft feathers of their lower bodies, she finds they each have a nice cloaca, as well as a spot where they likely extend their ovipositors from to stuff others full of their eggs.

Sakura then shifted the tentacles so each could thrust the tentacles into each other or into her, and they began thrusting eagerly, moaning lustily as her corruption fully sank into them, making them her slutty brood attendants, to raise and care for her young, or bare them should she ever desire. And of course to service Martin. Their bodies began to shift as their wings shifted to their backs, gaining arms in their place, becoming curvier quasi angelic looking creatures, though harboring the mocking darkness of demons.

Hammering eagerly, Sakura has her head turned firmly by Martin who slipped up during the festivities, evidently tired of waiting, before sliding his shaft into Sakura's mouth and beginning to thrust, fucking her face eagerly. The harpies in the meantime moan a bit jealously, watching their master enjoy their mistress' mouth, and began thrusting all the faster, so Sakura was now the centre of the orgy.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The innocent demoness tried her best to dont invade so much the oviduct of the harpy than she have in hand, just she give soft rubs at the sides as if they were the external lips of her flower. Once her check on it end, she inmerse herself on thrust passionately her new friends, she couldnt almost believe how much attention she was placing in sattle them and herself, her water dick eagerly pouncing what cunt she have in front. Then, she was not sure if were the gas of the swamp or the harpy girls could have a shapeshifter magic, they just turn into fertile luscious sexy angels, it was almost like her frienship has broken a curse on these celestial tanned beings.

In her incredulity, her head was taken and as she gasp in surprise something get inside her little slutty lips. Mmhp!?...mmhf...hmhm... Her sorprise melt and an obedient slave started to suck Martin's dick, trying to taste his member as she suppose he was just so needed of her as she of him. Her hands tried to look to find a safe place to stay and be balanced, as her three holes were getting invaded by bestialy pounces, if she had the chance she would make Martin cum and then pamper his member and orbs to make him get hard and feed her even more, it was almost as if she wanted to torture her servants or show her who rule among the women, her demonic body instinctively move her hips in full joy by how wet tasting Martin's seed made her, her fertile body could taste the potence in his sperm, it was impossible for her body dont want more beings with such magic.

Unable to really defend herself, Sakura would just let the bard and her milk maids use her to earn as much pleasure all could, sucking her breasts or using her holes in a frienzy orgy until all get sattled by using her.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura suckled upon Martin eagerly, thrust into by the lusty bird women, an endless deluge of pleasure, as she reinforced her claim on them, and Martin's claim upon her.

Servicing her stud's shaft, she swallowed his seed and worshiped his cock and balls, working to ensure he could feed her all he could. Displaying to all that she was his primary broodmare, her the alpha female, their demonic mistress.

It took a couple hours to settle down, everyone collapsing on the side of one of the islands, the birds having orgasmed silly alongside Sakura, who had a tummy full of Martin's seed. all five females were drooling the liquid corruption from their slit and rump, the aphrodisiac slowly leaving their bodies.

Eventually, Martin stirred first, and smirked, giving Sakura a light shake. "Mmm, that was good. All fighting should end that way hm? Or get to it as soon as possible. Anyways, we should get going to see Vear. We could bring your handmaidens along or have them wait on you somewhere else? Besides, the Phantom Defender is looking like she wants to fade away."

Martin pauses then whispers in Sakura's ear, "Course you can always go and reward her vigilance if you like. Include her in your family and show her how appreciative you are. Up to you though."
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura lay for minutes at the shore, her mind still dazzed by the incredible moment than has just passed, her eyes losts and her breathing hard with the effects of some of the aphrodisiac still in her slowly dripping out of her well drenched cunny and rear door. Slowly some of her return to her senses in part by the sense of her tongue moving at her lips to get what could remain of Mirtin's seed and then she noticed some hands rubbing softly and in autonomous rythm her breasts and lower lips, she could notice her breasts starting to get ready to feed her first load of childrens.

She turn down almost drowzy to find it out than were her own hands what were pampering her after such wonderful ordeal, she let fall softly her head and let them continue for an instant more before she could get what was happening. Quickly placing away her hands of her naughty spots even if it could feel good. Finally thanks to Martin shake she could get on herself completely. Oh...Sure, uhm it was so different of any other fight than i had before. Sakura said blushing and confused by the words than Martin brings about the Chick girls. My handmaidens!? I guess... yes, it could be of great help as my babies will born soon. Sakura then turn to where are her new servands and nods smiling to them, as she suppose they had already talked with Martin and they decided to amend theirs paths helping them. Thanks girls, im sure than the five of us will make these babies grow up to be some healthy good beings.

Lets see, when they born i will call for the four. Until that happens please stay in a safe place and dont try to try to rape anyone else again, please. She then heard what the necro bard had to say about the ghost girl. Include her in my family?... sure, i will try to find out what i can do for her. Sakura whisper back, she would heard any answer from her question than Martin could give, but meanwhile she decide than after some seconds she will go with the spirit girl to first talk to her.

She walk closer, still worried by how exposed she is now, scratching softly her blue hair to play with it to calm her feelings until she get close enough to talk to her. Sorry to keep you waiting, your help made all this end in an even better way than i expected, we and ours new friends come out of it without wounds. That is why i wanted to talk with you and give you my thanks, i want to pay you joining my family if you want. Said this, the demoness would try to hug her, to show her affect, she was still clueless about what could bring her invitation.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

With their first orders from their mistress, the harpies nod, and take off, getting used to their new flight methods. Sakura could sense they were settling somewhere near the forests border with the swamp until she beckoned them with her link.

"Sure. She fought hard and guarded us while we're having fun. She surely deserves pleasure too, right? Flaeyna has always been a dutiful defender, you should help her loosen up some." he smiles with a wink, before giving her a gentle push towards the ghost girl in encouragement.

As Sakura walked over, she felt her body shudder before the changes came over her, having taken on instinctively many of her new servants traits. Feathery wings grow from her back. Her voice alters, taking on lyrical qualities. An ovipositor forms within, allowing her to transfer her young to surrogates. And she finds her mind open to eldritch possibilities as her handmaidens magic is made accessible to her.

Flaeyna the Guardian meanwhile hurries over, helping hold Sakura up during the pleasurable sensations of her alterations, looking concerned, but saying nothing. Perhaps she was mute?

Sakura may now fly! She's still new to it though and won;t be able to do it too well for awhile. Gives her a bonus to escaping though meantime. She also has harpy voice. With some training she can use it to attempt to hypnotise others, or perhaps elicit other feelings. And she may now focus her training into Swamp Harpy Witchcraft if she wishes.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

As they leave, the young demoness wave to them, they looks to be in a hurry to talk with them, but maybe they still have something against her, it was hard for Sakura to know for the moment.

Oh that!... Well, i can ask her... She answer with a frown and looking down, she has been having sex a lot of times these last two days and is maybe not midday yet, she really dont wanted to get used to this, but it feels so good being taken by her lover, some of her throughts were get Martin to use her again at the night or later when they have some free time.

She clear her mind of the depraved thoughts and talked with the spirit until some sudden changes in her body happened, soon even her gasps and whimpers sound to be different with a melodic tone than made her need to smile by the strange feeling in her throat. The corruption on her made her almost moan as she surprised saw her shadow and the sound of some wings spreading. Wh.. my body is changing...again? These wings...are mine!? Sakura almost whisper as she try to control her tone in vain.

Sakura was close to faint by the overwhelming arousal, but was taken in time by the spirit woman's arms. Thanks...Flaeyna... Its your name right? Dont be worried for me, it almost end... Sakura meanwhile tried to place her head at a side to rest at her shoulder, her arms getting to the spirit sides to passionately hug her, her new wings were hard to control, but she tried to use them to warm even more her hug. Such kindness and eagerly to do your duty to protect us♪~

It must had been so hard stay on guard as we were so busy these last hours, it would be rude of my part dont pay you at least in this way♪~ Sakura's voice was going out as the one of a mermaid, whispering softly at the ghost ear, as she tried to use her wings to spread her magic air around them, most of this made for her demon side who wanted to taste how share her lust with a ghost could be.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura casts Lust Wind.
S 17+2 vs Fl 10+3

Flaeyna nods, holding up Sakura as the demoness cuddles up against her knightly protector. Eventually the wonderful feelings subside, letting her concentrate once more.

As Sakura latched on, speaking with her alluring new voice, she flapped her wings, spreading the magical aphrodisiac wind to assist with the slime over her, the corporealized ghost, squirming a bit and flushing red, gasping a bit in surprise at the intense sensations, her ghostly armor seeming to shimmer a bit.

She continued to not say words, but she was clearly very aroused by the demoness she had protected so valiantly. It likely would be easy to strip the knight down and reward her properly. Or perhaps to try and entice her to ravage Sakura in turn.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The effects placed by her in her spirit defender, were most than evidents and Sakura softly smile by sensing how much Flaenya needs her. You dont need to hold yourself any longer, Flaenya♪ Let me share my happiness with you... please accept my feelings and this moment as a gift than i give you♪ Sakura said alluring the ghost even more in her invitation to be one with her, the bright in the armor was something than make her wonder, pulling softly at it between rubs, maybe Flaenya was very kind to take her and reveal her real wishes, to enjoy the demoness's skin, feel her body, scales and new feathers.

Sakura slowly remove the armor from her actual lover, part of her is still confused by what she was doing, but please Martin and pay Flaenya for her work sound more than right, maybe she has been wrong all this time and be so prune has only punish her with terrible events in her journey, but now all was better and she has found her love... for her Martin was real and she wanted to be with him some more. Sakura decide thanks to the thoughts than she should proceed and share this warm in her heart with this ghost, give her something to enjoy than cant taste anymore, in some way she worried than Flaenya has died as a virgin and young.

The armor fully fall off, leaving the slime work direct on her victim, easily helping the seductive touch than Sakura was using on her lover, kissing her neck and her hands slowly rubbing lower on Flaenya. Givint then a peak kiss she add You cant still stop me in any moment Flaenya, but this warm on you... your soft skin is inviting me to proceed... your are welcome to do the same on me, Dear♪

Said this soon Sakura will try to softly place Flaenya as nude like the day than she born and at her kness with her, holding her hands with theirs fingers joined as they deep kiss each other, once they break up Sakura will use her hand to tease as best as she could with her two fingers the possible wet external lips of the defender, making her get close to her peak before use her mouth on the ghost cunny, licking it and tasting what she could as she let free her body so the other could do the same. Her hands were sensing each part of the spirit and after some moments they thanks to the many aphrodisiacs reached theirs first climax, it was then than she noticed completely her ovopositor and tried to use it just as a dick on the woman of turn, being over her and do what she could with her pregnant state.

Theirs bodies rub against each other, creating dirty sounds as music to increase theirs needs, if Flaenya wanted more Sakura would use her water tentacles to join them as she continue giving to the ghost her prize...
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Sakura tries to corrupt the Guardian! Guardian isn't defeated so...
C Check 17-2, Guardian is heavily corrupted.

Sakura cuddled to the ghostly woman, slowly stripping her of her gear and armaments. Flaeyna blushed embarrassedly, her body toned and translucent, having a blue hue to her body. She seemed to have died to poison, if the faintly pulsing green network going through her body meant anything. Her mouth worked silently, before Sakura captured her lips, kissing her.

With her body increasingly slathered in her aphrodisiac, Flaeyna was soon reciprocating the kiss, easily guided down to her knees by the lustful demoness. With the kiss broken, Flaeyna gasped as Sakura sank her fingers into the ghost, indeed finding her virginity, there for her to claim beyond the grave. Flaeyna presses up against Sakura, writhing wildly. She tentatively began to run her fingers over Sakura's own lips, before squeaking in surprise as Sakura began to extend her ovipositor.

The long clear tube certainly was phallic, allowing Sakura to pierce it into the ghost, right up to her womb, claiming her virginity, feeling very good. Flaeyna gave silent cries of bliss as she orgasmed around the organ, giving Sakura an urge to push as she thrust into it, to use her organ as was intended, to plant some of her young into Flaeyna to carry, to share the burden.

Regardless if she did or not, simply thrusting felt quite pleasurable, as they ground against each other, Flaeyna unable to voice out if she desired more. Though Sakura could easily take the initiative.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The demoness's fingers rubs sliding at the green lines of her guardian, curious for the strange color and needing to get answers, but that would be later, as her loins wanted to proceed at her task for share that pleasure earned at that orgy with the harpies. Her kisses not only placed on the dead woman lips, but also her neck and chest, each of it tasting her blue sking with a passionate greed to own her even more.

Yes, dont stop to touch that place Flaenya, it feels s good. Sakura cooed between soft moans when her flower was touched b the cold blue fingers from her mate, increasing the speed at her own hands to make Flaenya moan more as the guardian of a little demoness slut should do. Her tease on the guardian cunt made her soon gasp in surprise, soon finding some pity for her lover to had died without taste these pleasure. Of course than notice her ovopositor made her squeak too, but at least with it she could save her friend of a terrible fate of remain virgin.

Now, allow me to be the first Flaenya, i will do it with all my love and kindness for you. Sakura softly whisper at the guardian ear, pressing softly her phallus until get inside, all the wetness from her aphrodisiacs made null any pain than she could cause as the ghost never more could be called a virgin, her hands get placed at Flaenya's hips, pressing at her buttcheaks with each thrust, her eyes wide open as she go deep down and cause a subit orgasm at the pussy's owner, shivering in ecstasis with so new feeling, her hips were out of control and she increased the speed and deepness as the minutes passed.

S-something is comming out, it feels... so good, i cant... i cant more~~ Sakura manage to say with a broken voice between moans than were as a perfect melody to give pass to fully corrupt a new prey, her pair of fertilized eggs passing toward Flaenya's womb who body get even more naughty with perfect curves at her hips and breasts.

Sakura's wings cover both of them before they cum together and fall on the beach, the demoness till pounding for a pair of minutes more and then get up, placing Flaenya in her kness and she behind her, pulling softly the ghost arms to her back and then slowly fit inside her phallic tube, thrusting again with earned vigor each of them making the ghost girl's breasts bounce happily, but before Flanya could reach her peak the demoness pull out giving an smirk. She then rested face up with Flaenya sitting at her ovopositor who rubs temptling to the guardian's needed hole. There was not need for words, Sakura let the ghost lady choice to ride her or stop their fun now, but if Flaenya accept she eagerly will let her use her tube until both come together placing a last egg on her womb and then Flaenya would rest over her nude bondaged chest, theirs pregnant bellies pressing softly against each other until she recovered her mind and turn to see at Flaenya's eyes to check if she was fine, ready her lips for a last kiss.

Once done all, she will get up confused by how eagerly her body move, turning to Martin to see if he was fine or she needed to do anything else. I guess, than we must continue, how much time has passed? Sakura ask to her owner before look and touch her wings still skeptical of have wings and some kind of dick than place eggs, at least she looks cute with the wings and she could hide that dick thing to dont show it in public.
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Re: Sakura (plmnko)

Kissing and tasting the ghostly female, Sakura finds the taste is something she can't quite describe. Tasting souls didn't really have a mortal description of terms. Good, was the best she could come up with.

Playing with each others bodies soon turned to Sakura positioning herself to claim the guardian's phantom virginity, sinking her ovipositor into her partner.

Soon sharing an orgasm, Sakura planted her young into their new homes as she corrupted the undead, her blue skin darkening and getting even more curvy and sexual looking, the green veins glowing brighter and a more fluorescent hue.

Sakura wasn't done with her guardian minion though, continuing to pound Flaeyna eagerly, changing positions to take her from behind. Flaeyna moaned loudly her pleasure, the only sounds she seemed able to make.

Sakura cut her actions short though, laying back and letting her toy choose whether to finish herself on her mistresses ovipositor and take more of her young into herself. Flaeyna barely took time to consider, hopping atop of Sakura and rode her eagerly and desperately to climax as Sakura planted a final egg into the now wraith.

Sakura finally calmed down again, kissing with the wraith guardian before heading over to Martin who smirked a bit, having enjoyed the show. "Maybe an hour. It's not a big deal though. After all, fun is fun right? Let's go. You can rest now Flaeyna, we'll call you again when needed or when your birthing time has come."

The wraith nods, a dizzy smile on her face, green flames dancing in her eyes, smoldering with lust as she fades away for now.

When they moved on they eventually reached the half submerged cave inside the rock formation in the swamp. Moving inside, glowing pale blue runes lined the walls, turning red as they moved through them, though Martin seemed unconcerned.

Soon they came to a subterranean deep pool with a beach at the far end. The beach had many furnishings in it. Book shelves, lab devices, magic circles and many soft looking pillows. Submerged from the waist down, a tall woman awaits them both, her arms crossed. She is wearing a black chest wrap, having a pierced belly button and runic tattoos along her arms. Long black hair frames her face, where cold blue eyes stare out. She has very obvious curves, very large breasts and wide hips, despite a very toned body.

"Hello Martin. And you must be the demon I sensed in the area. Hm. So what brings you here?," asks the woman a bit suspiciously, clearly wary.
Re: Sakura (plmnko)

The changes on Flaenya could had been caused some worries to the young demoness, but not at her gazed lust as she was distracted to do her best to reward her guardian as Martin has requested. At least the ghost was loving it so much than she soon started to ride the demoness with a wide smile, Flaenya happily loud moans made the blue haired owner smile proud of her, at least now Flaenya has meet the pleasure of the flesh. Im glad than you love it as much as myself, Flaenya. Sakura said as they shared some more time kissing each other, her hands running around the ghost lady, pressing Flaenya now juicy sexy rear and tasting more of her tasty sweet nectar from her lips before finally they get up, Sakura still unable to understand what has just happened with her and the guardian.

Ahm, yes it was fun, i guess. Sorry to keep you waiting Martin. Sakura said scratching softly her head to melt down a little her confusion. Her eyes turn to saw the now happy Flaenya who looks to dont care to dress with her armor, maybe she will get it back when the ghost appear again. Thanks again Flaenya, please take care of ours babies and dont be shy to ask for some confort with us. She add giving a wave to the guardian before this dissapear with that strange green fire.

Sakura follow her lover, not sure if she could fly with her new earned wings and if she could without practice she will try to remain not so far of the floor, by fear of fall. When they reach the cave, she was amazed with the runes changing of color, maybe these things were used to identify when someone come inside, at least she could bet for this Uhm, Martin. Can i ask how these bright runes work? I suppose than they are to detect when someone come inside. Sakura ask anyway to Martin to dont have the doubt without get a complete right answer.

Once they move deep inside the cave they get to a chamber who looks clearly to be the home of the called demon witch. And yes the woman was there waiting for them, clearly hidding her lower body as Sakura has heard than this ashame her.

Im glad to meet you Miss Vear, there are many things than we should talk about. you can call me Sakura, as im not used yet to be a demon. The blue haired young girl wanted to act politely and refined, but being fully naked with the changes at her body and the smoke strings really werent helping, she tried to cover herself with her wings at least so she could focus better in this important meeting.

I heard from the lizardfolks than you frequented the temple than resided in the forest, ehm i visit it some days ago and feel some terrible aura on it, then after a while it dissapeared, so im worried of what could had happened... that is mostly my main reason to be here talking with you. Also i had heard than you are very wise and you could guide me, as im not sure what to do now than im a demon, its hard to get used to this life.