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RPG Unknown/Hiatus RPG Maker [Takimaru] Despair Labyrinth

Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

  • Emilia (Warrior)

    Votes: 27 10.3%
  • Rhiannon (Berserker)

    Votes: 24 9.2%
  • Irine (Priest)

    Votes: 32 12.2%
  • Lanie (Magician)

    Votes: 30 11.5%
  • Thyme (Sage)

    Votes: 44 16.8%
  • Cesca (Thief)

    Votes: 63 24.0%
  • Sairyn (Martial Artist)

    Votes: 22 8.4%
  • Asella (Paladin)

    Votes: 20 7.6%

  • Total voters

Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

Ah, that makes me wonder. What you do personally imagine her using?

And that would be great! I was surprised that there wasn't anything on them, actually.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

Heh, you'd imagine from her (fictional) Hung Gar stance that she uses that, but the Heaven and Earth Dojo is supposed to be something like a Shaolin temple where there's supposedly a degree of religious significance and tradition. So, I'd probably have to go with that. If you look at it in kind of a Hollywood / popular culture kinda way, think of the H&ED as the Shaolin Temple whereas the School of Five Elemental Harmonies is like... I dunno, some school of ninja assassin types + element benders. I know I might be seen as making Japanese and Chinese comparisons here, what with the term-switching, which is likely seen as a severe mistake to some given their differences--but seeing that it's a fictional world I don't really see the problem with mixing this and that, so long as people actually know that I'm aware of the differences on this particular planet, heh. Besides, if you look at her actual movelist, there are some references to Muay Thai and Karate, so it's not like it exactly matches up in this case, I'm mainly talking about the 'feel'.

Since it's a fantasy world, I figured I'd focus a bit more on weaponry to start with, as that's typically the first choice, but yeah.
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

Heh, you'd imagine from her (fictional) Hung Gar stance that she uses that, but the Heaven and Earth Dojo is supposed to be something like a Shaolin temple where there's supposedly a degree of religious significance and tradition. So, I'd probably have to go with that. If you look at it in kind of a Hollywood / popular culture kinda way, think of the H&ED as the Shaolin Temple whereas the School of Five Elemental Harmonies is like... I dunno, some school of ninja assassin types + element benders. I know I might be seen as making Japanese and Chinese comparisons here, what with the term-switching, which is likely seen as a severe mistake to some given their differences--but seeing that it's a fictional world I don't really see the problem with mixing this and that, so long as people actually know that I'm aware of the differences on this particular planet, heh. Besides, if you look at her actual movelist, there are some references to Muay Thai and Karate, so it's not like it exactly matches up in this case, I'm mainly talking about the 'feel'.

Since it's a fantasy world, I figured I'd focus a bit more on weaponry to start with, as that's typically the first choice, but yeah.

Yeah I can see what you mean. I still prefer imagining she uses Wing Chun though!

Mmmm, in any case, I'm looking forward to reading --and playing!-- what you put out next.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

same here, if one has a full CG save for .9, would really appreciate it.
Other than that, a very excellent game
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

Needs more tentacles
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

Hey Takimaru,

Any word on an update or progress of the game?
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

Hey Takimaru,

Any word on an update or progress of the game?

Taki frequents this website's "shoutbox" on the bottom of the main page alot if you'd like to ask him personally sometime when he's online (with 3 Dlaby RPs running right now, that's quite often). Otherwise I can at least confirm the game isn't "dead" yet, despite the lack of recent updates. Stuff is planned and even done already, but I can't say too much about it.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

This is a pretty good game.personally tho i love to be able to free girls from messed up situations but life doesn't always work that way :( at least would love a option to or to leave them :D

still even as sex slaves i imagine at the very least they get treated better then in some horrid story plots like rapequest or others i wont mention.

personally in this case i enjoy the rpg aspect way more then the hentai and well...since the story pretty much just constitutes rape not so much.but that's the games concept a broken world where their is no love for women :(

i have the red eyed witch as a character crushing people with magic is quite fun :D.
even tho i am not fond of the story plot for this i am interested in seeing future updates as its quite a entertaining game to play regardless.

i would like to make note of a possible glitch tho.in regards to the last hentai scene where you drink the lust whine after that scene saving is disabled so you cant keep that scene unlocked. i don't know if this was intended or what but figured i would let you know.

also in regards to the drugged and left behind as to what happens to Gwen that is a very unique fate.what in the world gave you that idea lol.
i cant imagine that being based of anything in reality XD
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Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

ok...Goddamn the game is awesome! , played as quite alot of characters and found irine was really weak compared to others xD...bothers me since i was much of irine fan....things i noted for irene to get is...
1. definitely need group attack.
2. Skills during late level just suck xD... archangels lance did 150 damage twice while gwyn was doing a sword kill of 300 and a 350 , and she was my level...archangels lance Really need to go up the roof and the SpI was nearly 80 for me :/ ... and i hope irine gets to choose if she wants to worship the devil xD which was what thyme was talking about ''i am not asking you to switch religions'' and it wud be nice if she isnt as shy being corrupt xD...i mean cmon she takes so much dick now she shd take things easy xD... and yea these are my thoughts of irine...Def the best character in game :3!
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

I really like this game and have enjoyed the stories thus far. Like everyone here on the forums, we all have our preferred endings and so, here's mine. Since these take a lot of screen space, they are inside spoiler tags.

Emilia, Rhiannon, Irine, Cesca

- High Purity - The Background CG being her in a heroic presence with other members of her order.

"Returning from the Despair Labyrinth, Emilia's drive to rid Elynsor of bandits was renewed. In the years to follow, she rose to the head of the Order of Saint Lisle and under her vigilant watch, Elynsor grew into a lawful and prosperous kingdom."

- Low Purity - Simple backgrounds following the story of Emilia "tracking down" some bandits when in actuality, she's addicted to the pleasure of having sex with criminals and lowlifes. Finding where they hide and being their whore for a while before returning to her post, both parties knowing the arrangement they've established.


- High Purity - Her sitting slouched sideways atop a golden throne juggling a handful of gold coins in her fingers with a satisfied smile. Her throne surrounded by piles of gold, artifacts, and jewels.

"With the royal bounty well in hand, Rhiannon expanded the Faust Raiders into an army and begun the largest pillaging of Elynsor that history will ever know. Happy with her plunder, she retired to live as the richest bandit for the rest of her days."

- Low Purity - The story here is her deciding to step down as leader of the Faust Raiders to become their cumdump. Knowing the pleasures of bandit men, she's easily accepted into her new position and remains shackled inside her tent to this day, begging for more.


- High Purity - Her standing with a smile next to the rescued princess who's seated in a white chair. Both women are inside a white gazebo.

"Rescuing the princess, Sister Irine was happy to have served the Kingdom and saving her lifelong friend. When the King passed years later, Irine became the Spiritual Advisor to the new Queen and helped guide Elynsor to a brighter future."

- Low Purity - When the Princess and Irine are alone, Irine knocks out the princess cold. When she comes to, she's naked and restrained with Irine in a black dominatrix outfit. She reveals her time in the labyrinth was enlightening and vows now to turn the princess into her slave. After several sessions of training, the princess is the pet of the Fallen Sister Irine now and forever.

(An alternate version is the same thing, but Irine is the pet of Thyme. The Princess watches as her lifelong friend rests her cheek on her mistress's shoulder, cooing. Thyme smiling and saying something corny like "Welcome to the Dark Side". <-- This is because the game tracks your relationship with Thyme if you're playing Irine)


- High Purity - She dashing across a dark rooftop in the dead of night, her arms filled with gold and the silhouettes of pursing guards several steps behind her.

"From her experiences inside the Despair Labyrinth, Cesca's skills were honed and perfected, making her into a master thief. Over the next few years, committing the greatest crime spree the world has ever seen, allowed her to retire in the lap of luxury forever."

- Low Purity - The guards hear screaming coming from their lady's bedroom. They burst through the door to see...Cesca giving head to their mistress. Cesca says how slow the guards are and how lax the security is inside this mansion. But she tells them not to be upset, she winks saying, "How they can pick her lock after she's finished picking their lady's." Cesca becomes the best and sluttiest security consultant of all time.
Thyme, Lanie, Sairyn, Asella

- High Purity - Her holding up the potion that glows brightly in the middle of her darkened home.

"Returning to her home deep inside the unknown forest, Thyme enjoys the reward of the royal bounty, the bimillennial herb. With it, her fabled potion was complete, granting her another thousand years of life. With her vitality renewed, her brothel prospered with new customers from the rumors of the cruel and beautiful mistress."

- Low Purity - She relinqueshes control of her brothel, so she can enjoy the pleasures of being a slave instead of a mistress. Having learned the joys of being raped inside the labyrinth, she now prefers submission over dominance. With the thousand years of added life her potion granted her, she loves being a slave that entire time.


- High Purity - Her standing in the middle of an open road, resting her staff on one shoulder, a smile on her lips, winking at the player.

"With the real combat experience she desired, Lanie went on to become an adventuring mage of great renown. After many years of perilous and rewarding adventure, she returned to the Royal Magic Academy where she was gladly accepted as a professor and year later becoming the headmistress, teaching the next generation of mages."

- Low Purity - She's in one of the casting rooms, satisfying as many male students with all her body. Some female students passing by, looking through the window disgusted at the sight. They say how she used to be the prodigal student until she returned from the labyrinth. Lanie spends the rest of her life enjoying herself with the entire male student body of every class level from then on.


- High Purity - Her and Shuu in formal chinese wedding attire standing before the altar, she the blushing bride and he smiling with her.

"After bringing Enyo back to Honrai to face justice, Sairyn married Shuu and settled down together. Her long years of marriage were blessed with happiness and many children who would inherit her dojo once she stepped down to enjoy the rest of her life in her husband's arms."

- Low Purity - She returns to Honrai, saying Enyo escaped. In truth, she and Shuu are now pets to Enyo who lives in the basement of Sairyn's home. Having lost both to Enyo and the pleasure she gives, Sairyn along with Shuu serve as faithful playthings for their evil and wicked mistress.


- High Purity - She stands determined, both hands on the pommel of her sword, point into the ground, looking left into the horizon, ready for anything with members of her order behind her.

"Having fulfilled her duty to Elynsor with the return of their princess, Asella was given special commendations by the King himself and granted the title of "Savior of Elysnor". As she continued serving the Kingdom, she eventually rose to the head of the Holy Royal Guard with her faithful friend Lumina as her second, they protected the kingdom from all threats until they retired.

- Low Purity - She resigns from the Holy Royal Guard and disappears from the public eye. Exposed to the joys she found inside the Labyrinth, she spends her days having sex with filthy commoners in a cheap brothel in the slums. She's not satisfied unless she's pleasuring three cocks at one time. As she lays in dirty brothel, her blushing ahegao face tells that nothing turns her on more than having sex with the commoners she once hated.

Also the main reason I'm posting is because about 85% of the time when I mention a game via saying or posting, the game gets updated within a week. July 20, 2012 - I saw Raidy 3 not updated in nearly four years, I said "I quit, I'm done! It's not going to happen!" A few days later, Raidy 3 will be available on... My thought, "You son of a..."

I've been waiting for the Mages Division, I hope there's a Game Over with the heroine being a sex/breeding slave for their experiments. So...here's to hoping.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

Needs more tentacles?! Gasp. I have two scenes next patch with tentacles in them, and probably more to come.

Not sure where you got that concept from, but thanks for giving it a try! I haven't had a chance to really illustrate all that much of the game world thus far, but 'no love for women' is... nooooot quite the entire point of the story, no.
Scene saving is disabled at the very end; in the current version, the lustwine scene shouldn't do as much. If it isn't fixed then, it already is now in my developer's copy.

Nish Angelo-
Noted on the balancing suggestions. As far as Purity levels and how those effect the game, I'll admit, it is kind of pain having to manage variances for eight different characters, because that's 16 different versions of any given scene or H-scene (and then some) for the most part, so I apologize if not everything is quite 'streamlined' just yet.

Emperor Veles Purificatus-
Thanks. Those are some pretty cool endings, and while I can't guarantee a 100% match to all of them, some of the current ones I do have planned out are similar. Won't say much more than that, though. Unfortunately, I can't say I'm updating this week, heh... but, when you posted that was incidentally when I got another rush of inspiration to work on the game some more, so at the very least, the H-scenes are getting a lot of progress.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

Im sure it will one day be bro...anyway Good work on the game ... im lacking words to tell u how good and dedicated u are at this...u can now officially have a donation option :D ..and what abt the patch 0.10? :eek:
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

I really like this game and have enjoyed the stories thus far. Like everyone here on the forums, we all have our preferred endings and so, here's mine. Since these take a lot of screen space, they are inside spoiler tags.

Emilia, Rhiannon, Irine, Cesca

- High Purity - The Background CG being her in a heroic presence with other members of her order.

"Returning from the Despair Labyrinth, Emilia's drive to rid Elynsor of bandits was renewed. In the years to follow, she rose to the head of the Order of Saint Lisle and under her vigilant watch, Elynsor grew into a lawful and prosperous kingdom."

- Low Purity - Simple backgrounds following the story of Emilia "tracking down" some bandits when in actuality, she's addicted to the pleasure of having sex with criminals and lowlifes. Finding where they hide and being their whore for a while before returning to her post, both parties knowing the arrangement they've established.


- High Purity - Her sitting slouched sideways atop a golden throne juggling a handful of gold coins in her fingers with a satisfied smile. Her throne surrounded by piles of gold, artifacts, and jewels.

"With the royal bounty well in hand, Rhiannon expanded the Faust Raiders into an army and begun the largest pillaging of Elynsor that history will ever know. Happy with her plunder, she retired to live as the richest bandit for the rest of her days."

- Low Purity - The story here is her deciding to step down as leader of the Faust Raiders to become their cumdump. Knowing the pleasures of bandit men, she's easily accepted into her new position and remains shackled inside her tent to this day, begging for more.


- High Purity - Her standing with a smile next to the rescued princess who's seated in a white chair. Both women are inside a white gazebo.

"Rescuing the princess, Sister Irine was happy to have served the Kingdom and saving her lifelong friend. When the King passed years later, Irine became the Spiritual Advisor to the new Queen and helped guide Elynsor to a brighter future."

- Low Purity - When the Princess and Irine are alone, Irine knocks out the princess cold. When she comes to, she's naked and restrained with Irine in a black dominatrix outfit. She reveals her time in the labyrinth was enlightening and vows now to turn the princess into her slave. After several sessions of training, the princess is the pet of the Fallen Sister Irine now and forever.

(An alternate version is the same thing, but Irine is the pet of Thyme. The Princess watches as her lifelong friend rests her cheek on her mistress's shoulder, cooing. Thyme smiling and saying something corny like "Welcome to the Dark Side". <-- This is because the game tracks your relationship with Thyme if you're playing Irine)


- High Purity - She dashing across a dark rooftop in the dead of night, her arms filled with gold and the silhouettes of pursing guards several steps behind her.

"From her experiences inside the Despair Labyrinth, Cesca's skills were honed and perfected, making her into a master thief. Over the next few years, committing the greatest crime spree the world has ever seen, allowed her to retire in the lap of luxury forever."

- Low Purity - The guards hear screaming coming from their lady's bedroom. They burst through the door to see...Cesca giving head to their mistress. Cesca says how slow the guards are and how lax the security is inside this mansion. But she tells them not to be upset, she winks saying, "How they can pick her lock after she's finished picking their lady's." Cesca becomes the best and sluttiest security consultant of all time.
Thyme, Lanie, Sairyn, Asella

- High Purity - Her holding up the potion that glows brightly in the middle of her darkened home.

"Returning to her home deep inside the unknown forest, Thyme enjoys the reward of the royal bounty, the bimillennial herb. With it, her fabled potion was complete, granting her another thousand years of life. With her vitality renewed, her brothel prospered with new customers from the rumors of the cruel and beautiful mistress."

- Low Purity - She relinqueshes control of her brothel, so she can enjoy the pleasures of being a slave instead of a mistress. Having learned the joys of being raped inside the labyrinth, she now prefers submission over dominance. With the thousand years of added life her potion granted her, she loves being a slave that entire time.


- High Purity - Her standing in the middle of an open road, resting her staff on one shoulder, a smile on her lips, winking at the player.

"With the real combat experience she desired, Lanie went on to become an adventuring mage of great renown. After many years of perilous and rewarding adventure, she returned to the Royal Magic Academy where she was gladly accepted as a professor and year later becoming the headmistress, teaching the next generation of mages."

- Low Purity - She's in one of the casting rooms, satisfying as many male students with all her body. Some female students passing by, looking through the window disgusted at the sight. They say how she used to be the prodigal student until she returned from the labyrinth. Lanie spends the rest of her life enjoying herself with the entire male student body of every class level from then on.


- High Purity - Her and Shuu in formal chinese wedding attire standing before the altar, she the blushing bride and he smiling with her.

"After bringing Enyo back to Honrai to face justice, Sairyn married Shuu and settled down together. Her long years of marriage were blessed with happiness and many children who would inherit her dojo once she stepped down to enjoy the rest of her life in her husband's arms."

- Low Purity - She returns to Honrai, saying Enyo escaped. In truth, she and Shuu are now pets to Enyo who lives in the basement of Sairyn's home. Having lost both to Enyo and the pleasure she gives, Sairyn along with Shuu serve as faithful playthings for their evil and wicked mistress.


- High Purity - She stands determined, both hands on the pommel of her sword, point into the ground, looking left into the horizon, ready for anything with members of her order behind her.

"Having fulfilled her duty to Elynsor with the return of their princess, Asella was given special commendations by the King himself and granted the title of "Savior of Elysnor". As she continued serving the Kingdom, she eventually rose to the head of the Holy Royal Guard with her faithful friend Lumina as her second, they protected the kingdom from all threats until they retired.

- Low Purity - She resigns from the Holy Royal Guard and disappears from the public eye. Exposed to the joys she found inside the Labyrinth, she spends her days having sex with filthy commoners in a cheap brothel in the slums. She's not satisfied unless she's pleasuring three cocks at one time. As she lays in dirty brothel, her blushing ahegao face tells that nothing turns her on more than having sex with the commoners she once hated.

Also the main reason I'm posting is because about 85% of the time when I mention a game via saying or posting, the game gets updated within a week. July 20, 2012 - I saw Raidy 3 not updated in nearly four years, I said "I quit, I'm done! It's not going to happen!" A few days later, Raidy 3 will be available on... My thought, "You son of a..."

I've been waiting for the Mages Division, I hope there's a Game Over with the heroine being a sex/breeding slave for their experiments. So...here's to hoping.

Those aren't bad, but I'd prefer endings where the characters are able to both accomplish their goals and become sex addicts at the same time for the low purity endings.

A lot of the game overs already use the "becomes a cumdump slave" scenario anyway.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

Those aren't bad, but I'd prefer endings where the characters are able to both accomplish their goals and become sex addicts at the same time for the low purity endings.

A lot of the game overs already use the "becomes a cumdump slave" scenario anyway.

To each they're own. I know a lot of game overs end that way, but I just wanted to underline exactly what I would like to see, it's my opinion anyway, so take it or leave it. Have a good day.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

can someone repost the download for ver 0.09, the previous links are not working. :(
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

Hum, the 4shared link appears to be working. Ah well, I reuploaded it on MEGA for you.

What are some other good uploader services to use? If possible, I'd like a fairly reliable one for future updates. And sorry I haven't updated in like... over a year, just... yeah. >_>; It's a shame too, as I have a bit done, there are just a few CG's I have to do left and then some in-game thingies.
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

Could someone please upload the complete save again?
Re: Despair Labyrinth (RPG Maker VX GOR game) - Version 0.09 - Updated 4/18/2012!

I myself have some unfinished projects which contain hentai
content on it but it's from pictured I got from the internet since
I can't draw my own CG's and I can't afford to pay an hentai

Anyway I'll give this a try and I agree whit the image quality/size...

I always use GIMP to import the images, modify them and then
export them as PNG's into my game, Actually saves me quite some
space and it's easy to manipulate the images any way you want
them to look in game.