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The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

The moment of temptation passing Karen attempted to get off the ground. Surprisingly the little tendrils released their hold on the Battle Maiden allowing her to get up with a little help from Grace. Fetching her cloths from the sewer floor where they had been discarded Karen could finally see the marvoulus changes that had been occurring during her "distraction". Each of the eggs had turned a vibrant pink obscuring the woman inside. Karen turned to point out the changes to Grace when a lewd moan escaped the other woman. Turning suddenly Karen saw that Grace hadn't escaped the tendrils. She was absolutly covered in them much like Karen had been earlier. Falling to her knees the knight began to pant heavily sweat forming on her brown. Grace's cries where mostly mute but Karen could tell and knew all to what sensations the knight was now feeling. Still they couldn't linger and despite the lewd intentions of the tendrils Karen was concerned for the knight she hardly had the will power that she had. Arching her back the first of Grace's orgasms hit her. The desire filled cries no longer mute but very vocal.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen turned to eggs and Grace, she went and began gently tugging on them to get their attention, "Please, listen all of you! We cant stay here and 'play' much longer. Those students likely went to get guards or someone else to come down; and are likely to think you are monsters or a threat. They will bring people who will harm you. So i must ask you kindly to release my friend and put of having 'fun' for another time. We must hurry! I fear we should head out to where you can be safe, once you are fully developed and hatch! We have no time to waste!" she admonished the creatures, worrying for their safety.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

In response to Karens request the tendrils seemed to speed up their assault on Grace causing one more orgasm. Karen gasped a little as for the first time she saw what exactly the little tendrils had been doing. Each of the little buggers had been a semi clear tendril but now where flooded with red turning them a pinkish color. Gently releasing Grace the tendrils began to stand erect from their eggs and wave vigorously in the air. "Wh... why did they stop. It felt so good." Not answering Grace immediately Karen focused on pulling her friend back fearing she had angered the tendrils. They didn't get far as each little tendril erupted pinkish smoke that quickly filled the room. Already weakened from the fucking and feeding of the tendrils Grace and Karen soon passed out from the fumes the last thoughts they had being at lest it smells nice.


Karen mind slowly woke its self from its slumber. Trying to get up Karen was shocked that her body wouldn't respond. A few terror filled moments passed until she heard soft feminine voices speaking. It must be help it has to be.. but what if its the professor the eggs did they hatch? Focusing on the voices Karen did her best to will life back into her limbs but they still refused to listen.

"The mothers will be fine they are sleeping."
"What about the first mother she seemed to think we where in danger"
"Yes I can feel her memories the world above is not safe for us."
"But her memories also tell of danger in these caves."
"The second mother knows of a hiding place. She used to go their with a friend called Chloe."
"What of the little one she is to small to defender her self or even feed."
"We can leave her with the mothers."
"Neither one can feed her she is more like them than us she needs milk."
"We can fix that."
"But should we they have given us so much already."
"Our little sister will die if we don't. Im sure they will understand."

A long moment of silence came before Karen heard footsteps. Two fully grown and developed woman walked to the fallen battle maiden both where completely nude with average breasts. Strangely the two Karen saw had mixtures of her and Graces features one with blonde hair the other with Karens own fuchsia. The two women's skin glowed with an inner light and still seemed slightly transparent with textures similar to the tendrils they had encountered before. The blonde haired woman who shared Grace's blue eyes leaned down and undid the Sisters top which brought a silent mental outrage. This seemed to cause the woman to look right in Karen's eyes sharply. Reaching with a hand to touch Karen's cheek the woman simple said "Sorry mother its so my sister can live." With that the woman finished exposing the sisters breast and sank her teeth into them. Karen grunted in pain as the first and then the second of her breasts. Hearing similar grunts of pain from Grace Karen noticed a new sensation in her breasts almost as if they started to fill with something. Following the two woman as far as her eyes would let them Karen looked on at the new life she had created leave her behind while doubts whether it was for good or ill plagued her.

Still what seemed like a 10 torturous minutes of waiting Karen could finally start to feel her arms and legs come back to life and after a few more minutes finally found the strength to stand. Heading to where she saw the strange women last Karen came upon an opened egg with a little wriggling bundle inside. Cautiously pulling the scraps of cloth aside Karen face lit up with joy. Inside the little egg lay the little girl baby she had seen in the eggs at the beginning of this whole ordeal. She also had the same blend of features as her "older" Sisters with the exception of one blue eye and one yellow one. tuffs of fuchsia and blonde hair also seemed apparent. This was a sudden turn of events and Karen was left wondering where to go next from this.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karens mind sent a sharp ping of alarm as she saw the tendrils, go straight in the air and wave about, fearing reyribution of some sorts befire she saw them spew out pink smoke that began filling the room- at which point the already tired Maidens eyelids virtually became lead, and she and Grace slowly slumped to the floor in exhaustion. A few moments Karen would eventually begin to wake up, but as she tried to get up she found she couldnt move! "AH! H-HELP! I CANT MOVE!" she cried out before she heard the feminine voices start, "Oh! The eggs! Th-thank the gods..... I was afraid someone or some thing had found us here." she said softly as she heard them talking about leaving, Graces friend and the infant. She was a little alarmed by the talk of being made to give milk. But soon she saw the women who seemed to be less developed replicas of her and grace and shiny glowing skin. As one of them bent down towards her and removed her top, she was about to object until she mentioned the baby. Grace would not deny a fresh new life nourishment or a chance at life and to grow. To do so would be horribly wrong and selfish. So she simply gritted her teeth and beared through the process the woman was doing to her. She assumed they were doing the same to Grace as she heard her friend grunt out as well. As she saw the women leave, she prayed to the Star God that they would lead peaceful, noble and good lives; and that she had not made a terrible mistake.........

After about 20 minutes which to her paralyzed state, seemed like a tortuous hour, Karen finally found she could move and get back to her feet. She slowly made her way back to where her offspring had been last, where she found an opened egg. Her face lit up in delight as she beheld what was inside of it. It was a beautiful baby girl, which possesed both traits of its mothers! Elated, Karen found she could not refrain from shouting to her friend, "GRACE! GRACE, COME QUICK! LOOK! ITS A NEWBORN! THEY LEFT US A BEAUTIFUL BABY GIRL!"
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace stumbled towards Karen the effect of what ever toxin in the smoke still causing her some grief. "Well Ill be she is a cutie." They both stared at the wriggling bundle before Grace finally spoke again. "We should get moving and exit before those two cowards from earlier tell the whole world about monsters in the basement." Gathering up their gear Grace appeared to be having trouble with her breast plate. "By the gods what did they do to me my tits must be a lest a cup bigger than they used to be!" Realizing what company she was in Grace turned to Karen her face flush with embarrassment and offered a small apology.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"I dont know if mine have increased any, but I heard two of them talk about feeding the baby. They said they had to make us produce milk. I imagine they may have given us some form of small mutation; likely Lactation. I dont mind, since its simply so we can care for the baby...." she said blushing slightly but not hurt or upset by Grace's words. She returned to playing with, cuddling and entertaining the baby for a few more moments before turning back to Grace, "I think they have left. They said something about a hiding place. Where you amd a girl named Chloe used to go. Was she the friend you mentioned before you left? Perhaps theres a chance shes there. Hopefully only you two know of it, and they can be left in peace. But I do feel we should head out. A sewer is no place for a baby. But........ Where should we go? What would people think about the baby? Or if she turns out to be not human? Do you think we should head back to town or else where? Im just..... Unsure of what we should now......" she said, doubt and uncertainty showing in her brighg yellow eyes.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace stared at Karen's breasts before realizing what she was doing and quickly averted her gaze. At the mention of the hiding place Grace looked a little down cast. "It was an old stone ruin very secluded but I doubt Chloe is there." Grace looked up a little moisture in her eyes." While waiting for the students to get ready I asked one of the teachers about the students." Looking down at the ground again she continued to speak. "She told me they had been organized into teams to find out what happened to that thing that was floating above the academy. Chloe was with them when they left. Several of the teams they sent out have returned missing members other brutally raped some haven't returned at all. If shes out there I hope it was quick and she didn't suffer." A single tear streamed down the knights face before she wiped it away and putting on a brave face. Walking over to Karen and placing a confident arm on the young sister. The chapel should still be safe right and we can always say shes an orphan. She looks human enough even with her lovely features."
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen held Grace tenderly, "I'm so sorry, Grace.... I didn't mean to open any wounds.. I hope she... She... " Karens throat went dry and lumped for a moment, choking on what to say to her friend, "I hope she died well as well...." she said hugging Grace tightly before releasing her, " Well if yhe academy should still be okay, then I suppose we should head back then. Ive spent enough time underground. Hopefully those cowards didnt mess up your markers as they fled from here." She then looked down to the infant girl in her arms, "Our sweet baby girl needs a name still though.... What do you think we should call her, Grace?"
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"Uhh to be honest I never really thought about it... I never expected to be a mother or have children." They both walked following the markers Grace had laid before. "Do you think maybe her group just got lost?" Grace was obviously still worried about her friend.
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"Neither did I, Grace..... Or well, at least not anytime too soon, or quite like this...... But I swear unto the Star God that I will do my best to raise this little life we were blessed with, and teach her to be a loving, noble, righteous and pure hearted individual and nurture her and help become strong and healthy! I was taught that all life is sacred and to be cherished." She answers to Grace's statement of not planning to raise young, at the mention of Choe's fate Karen did her best to console and assure her friend, but tried not to give her hopes which can be dashed; "I say we should hope for the best, but be prepared for the worst. Perhaps they did get lost and need help. I don't want to be pessimistic but I also don't want to feed you false hope...." She said as they continued making their way out of the sewer and to the spot where she had originally emerged before heading back into the sewer.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace said nothing the entire trip but occasional stole glances of Karen and the young child. Upon reaching the sewer exit that lay behind the Chapel Grace drew her weapon in case it was needed. "Lets get to the Chapel. Im sure we can find some cloths for her and for us. Who knows maybe you could find a name in one of the scriptures"
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"Yes. I am ready to finish this particular chapter of my life. And to put the whole ordeal behind me. And I suppose I could..... Either way I am ready to get cleaned and a nice clean change of clothes; and some good sleep." She said to her friend as they headed to the chapel, occasionally making coochie faces at and kissing the baby girl she cradled happily in her arms.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Dashing to the chapel infant in arms Grace and Karen made it safely and with out difficulty to the chapel that had been her home most of Karen's life and the starting point of her adventure with Grace. "Wait here sister I will check out the Chapel to make sure none of the nasties are hiding in it." With that Grace entered the chapel blade readied. Normally the sister would have protested at having a drawn weapon in her chapel but given the situation they had found themselves in perhaps it could be forgive this time. Still this left her with her little charge. The little girl had a mixture of features from Karen and Grace even though neither of them had carried the child. Looking at the babbling bundle Karen couldn't help but wonder what the little one's sister where after all they weren't exactly human even if the baby did look like one. Was it a disguise a form of camouflage? Sister Karen couldn't guess but knew she had made the right choice. Admireing the little baby girl Karen hardly noticed that her nipples had started to stain her shirt however her little bundle of joy certainly did and started garbing at the milky teats hidden behind the robes before starting to cry as she couldn't reach what she desired.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen blushed as she noticed her clothes were beginning to become mildly stained from her newly acquired lactating. However she took more note of it when the baby began to grab at her nipples and top, and begin to cry when she couldn't gain access to her mammaries, "Oh~ There there, little one~ Don't fuss~ Mommy will take of you~" She sang out to the child before looking around for any voyeurs or passers-by and beginning to pry her impressive breast free from it's clothy restraint, letting her sex organ flop freely in the cool air which caused her teat to stiffen. She slowly pulled the child closed to her tit, and gently brought it's tiny head up to her nipple, "Here you go, baby girl~ Drink up~ Take all you need, it'll make you big, healthy and strong~ There you go, little angel~ That's a good girl~" She continued to coo to her newly acquired infant. Her mother had always been kind and cheerful to her when she was little, and even pampered her to a degree, Karen was determined to give the little baby girl the gods had blessed her with the same happy, healthy, and good upbringing her mother had given her. She would continue to see to her new daughter until Grace arrived back with word or safety or until a time passed where she thought Grace may need help.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

It didn't take long for Grace to return and upon seeing the situation blush noticeably. "Oh ah Karen the path is clear but we should be careful you know how sneaky the lizard creatures can be. Your room should be the easiest to secure." Looking down at the baby feeding Grace seemed enthralled. "I.. I hear it feels good? Dose it Karen?"
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen blushed slightly at Grace's question for a moment before responding, "Ah...... D-do you mean sensually? I find it feels good in the subconscious, spritual sense to care for young, and my mother always told me before she passed that the happiest times of her life were riasing me when I was a girl..... B-but if you are asking me if it feels nice, sensually..... I...... never really though of it like that..... But I guess now that I do..... It does tingle, tickle in a somewhat pleasant manner in my breast when she feeds, yes. Perhaps she was a blessing to us both, Grace?" She said with a bright happy smile as she followed grace slowly and cautiously through the chapel to her bedroom. Once there she sat down on her bed, and continued feeding the baby. She sat there in pensive silence for a few moments before looking up to Grace with a happy look on her face, "How does Angelique sound to you, Grace? Perhaps Angela or Angel, for short? Do you like that little 'Angel'?" she said cooing to the little bundle of joy in her arms who was likely still feeding from her nipple.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

As they entered the sisters room Grace quickly shut the door. She had checked this room most thoroughly and was confident that it was the safest in the chapel. Looking at the raident splendor that was Karen Grace suddenly felt fidgety. "Angelique sounds pretty Karen maybe Joy as a middle name as she is our little bundle of Joy." Grace blushed as she mentioned our little bundle of joy and Karen could see that Grace was becoming a little nervously. "I should go patrol around and make sure no creatures are near and report back to the professor so she doesn't send a search party for us." WIth that Grace tried to open the door by her hands didn't seem to want to work.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"Dont feel embarrased or ashamed Grace! While I was somewhat embarrased by lapse in control and faithfulness, I am not ashamed or amything that we helped those beings have a chance at life, or that the gods decided to bless us with Angel! I am very happy now! And..... while... I may not be entirely sure or know how I feel about you just, I can think of no finer person to be Angel's other parent. You will have just as much say and influence in her life as I! And maybe some day down the road..... You and I can even be.... lovers..... I would find no shame in that. But I am just uncertain right now...... However you are right, you should check in before a witch hunt is started or something. I shall stat and care for amd watch after Angel."
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace simply nodded as she found the handle for the door and opened it. "Karen" Grace's tone was far more softer than usally. "Make sure you barricade the door Im not sure how long this trip will take." With that the woman left heading hopefully safely to her the professor. Karen was alone with Angel who simply burped before dozing off again.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karens eyes widened and watered up a little at Grace's words, "Okay..... But please be sure to return to me, Grace......." She then quickly did as Grace requested, but trying not to wake or disturb Angel from her apparent slumber, putting as man heavy large onstacles in the door she could. She would then quickly and softly sit down on her bed with Angel before bowing her head and closing her eyes, saying a little prayer for er dear friend, "Oh, Merciful Star God. Please watch over and protect Grace, and return her and the professor back to us safely." She then cooed and petted her little baby softly, trying to soothe and assure the little bundle, "There, there Little Angel...... Everything will be okay.... Your secos mommy will be back soon.....