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The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace perception: 33 vs 35,40,36, and 30 success vs one
Grace attacks: 63 vs 35 Hit! 51dmg Grace slays one attacker out right.
Turned 1 attacks Grace: 44 vs 47 miss
Turned 2 attacks Grace: 54 vs 47 Hit! 15dmg (27-12a) 7tp damage
Turned 3 attacks Grace: 42 vs 47 miss
Turned 4 dies

Karen lay next to her little gently stroking her hair before she finally fell asleep. She was dreaming of peaceful things with her family in a world that was safe from harm where they could just live. It was pleasant but ended all to soon with the sound of broken glass and a call for help. "KAREN!"

The battle Maiden awoke with a start as the sounds of a struggle and a thud of a body hitting the floor. Charging out of the room weapons drawn she was greeted by the site of a strange looking woman cleaved neatly in two and 3 other two men and another woman half nude with crazed looks in their eyes. Much to Karen's horror one of the woman looked to be a local barmaid but with rage filled visage and a single slimy tendril sprouting from her shoulder. Grace's weapon was ready and already smeared in blood as she did her best not to be flanked. A small trickle of blood flowed down her from her mouth where her lip seemed to be busted it looks like she had already taken a blow.

Sister Karen Celeste:
Hp: 48/48 Ep: 66/66 Pp: 36/36 Condition: Fine
Hp: 64/79 Ep: 44/44 Pp: 45/45 Condition: Fine
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karens eyes shot wide open, and she wuickly three off the covers and quickly stowed Angel in the closet, kisisng her forehead and tryin to keep her calm and silent to not draw attention of the attackers. She then immediately grabbed her pistols off the nightstand and let out a burst of consuming white fire in the area of her living room, trying to at least scare the attackers away if not destroy them. "YOU WILL NOT HARM MY FAMILY!!!!" she cried out in indignation and fury.

(Use Holy Fire, X=5)
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen uses holy fire aoe: Attack Hit! 35dmg (3+2+1)*5
Grace uses whirl wind (-10 attack damage and dodge until next turn): 51 vs 35 hit all min damage kills them.

Karen let lose her holy fire which promptly caused their attacks to squeal in pain. Grace latching onto the opening brought her blade around in glinting arc the holy fire from Karen alight on her blade. With far to much ease the blade effortless cut through one and then another and finally the third sending spatters of blood all over the living room. Breathing heavily Grace offered a quick smile at Karen before another series of crashes echoed through the house. Two more crazed looking men busted through the front door while a third jumped threw a previously broken window cutting Karen off from the bedroom. All three had on leather armor and looked to be much tougher than the previous foes. Out numbered Karen and Grace stood back to back facing this new wave of Danger.

Sister Karen Celeste:
Hp: 48/48 Ep: 61/66 Pp: 36/36 Condition: Fine
Hp: 64/79 Ep: 44/44 Pp: 45/45 Condition: Fine
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

As the third man jumped through the broken window, cutting Karen off from the bedroom her maternal instincts immediately kicked in as she summoned up more of her strength and power and summoned holy chains to wrap around and ground the man who was dangerously close to Angel's hiding spot before attempting to fire a shot off at him, intending to finsih him off before he could get to the bedroom and/or Angel's hiding spot.

(Use Binding X=6, and if possible pop a shot off on man by bedroom)
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen uses binding: 38 vs 35 hit cultist 3 is bound dc 56
Grace attacks using slay(-20 attack -10 damage): 42 vs 35 Hit! 78dmg (44-5=39*2) Grace slays another with one hit.
Cultest 1 dies
Cultest 2 grapples Grace 62 vs 37 hit Grace is grappled
Cultest 3 is bound
Cultest 4 searches

Karen once again called upon her holy magics causing shimmering astral chains to bind the man separating her from her daughter and began to level her gun at his head. Grace meanwhile went on the offensive easily slaying one of her attackers outright with a mighty blow. Unfortunately this left a vital opening for the second one to run in and tackle the knight sending both tumbling to the floor where a new contest of strength began to take shape.

Sister Karen Celeste:
Hp: 48/48 Ep: 55/66 Pp: 36/36 Condition: Fine
Hp: 64/79 Ep: 44/44 Pp: 45/45 Condition: Fine
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen quickly fires off a shot with her pistol at the man in the chains before swiftly spinning around and attacking the man searching around the house determined to keep anyone from locating and possibly harming her baby girl. She would then quickly pop her shells out and reload two new rounds in her weapons before pooping the barrels in place hoping that Grace can handle the man tangling with her own her own.

((attacking Cultist 3 and then once at number 4.))
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen attacks c3 and c4: 57, 47 vs 35 hit! 34 and 23dmg!
Grace attempts to free herself: 57 vs 49 success!
c2 attempts put Grace in a submission hold: 39 vs 57 fail!
c3 tried to break free: cannot succeed
c4 finds what hes looking for and get shot for his trouble.

Karen drew a bead on the bound cultist and fired off a shot hitting the man square in the chest. Reading her next shot to finish off the invader Karen heard Angel scream in the next room which caused her to suddenly jerk to see another man throwing open the closet door where her little girl hid. Firing her next shot at the would be kidnapper resulted in the man being hit but not before he grabbed angel and made a move to a shattered window. Meanwhile Grace had managed to throw off her attacker and grab her sword it looks like she had her part of the fight under control.

Sister Karen Celeste:
Hp: 48/48 Ep: 52/66 Pp: 36/36 Condition: Fine
Hp: 64/79 Ep: 44/44 Pp: 45/45 Condition: Fine

C2 Max
C3 16hp
C4 27hp
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"ANGEL!!! YOU BASTARDS WILL NOT HARM MY DAUGHTER!!!!" Karen screamed out in fury, fear, and defiance as she summoned up her awe inspiring holy magicks and let out a wide all consuming, fearsome burst of white fire that seems to cover the entire household and the area around it, hoping to at least instill fear in the men who would dare threaten her and her family!

((Use Holy Fire, X=5))
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen aoe fire: 33 vs 35, 30 (squirming child makes it had to dodge), and 0 (bound target can't dodge) 2 hits and a miss 20 dmg
Grace rolls to her feet and attacks cv2 with smite: 76 vs 35 Hit! 73 dmg!
Cv2 dies
Cv3 dies
Cv4 jumps out the window with Angel

Karen let loose her holy fire her indignation and paternal instinct causing the whole area around her and encompassing most of the house to burst into holy white fire that would only harm her enemies. The bound cultist let loose a horrible scream has the holy fire consumed his flesh charring him to ash. However his compatriot that had grabbed Angel had only been burned slightly as he jumped out the window his armor and cloak ablaze making him an easy target in the night. The cultiest fighting Grace threw some luck was completely shielded from Karen's holy wrath but golden glint on the edge of Grace's great sword soon put an end to its wrenched life. As Grace followed threw with her swing she yelled at Karen. "QUICK KAREN BEFORE HE GETS TO FAR!" indicating the flaming target out side a nearby window.

Sister Karen Celeste:
Hp: 48/48 Ep: 47/66 Pp: 36/36 Condition: Fine
Hp: 64/79 Ep: 34/44 Pp: 45/45 Condition: Fine

C4 7hp
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"OH!....NO!..... YOU!.....DON'T!!!!" Karen cried out in anger as she the burning man run out of the house with er daughter, she would not allow some crazed fanatics to run off with her child to do only the gods know what to. She pulled out one her pistols taking careful aim and directing all of her focus onto the fleeing target and let out a shot of barking ammunition in the mans direction, intending to stop him in his tracks before he could get away with her daughter.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen can't miss and min damage is over kill

Karen easily lined up her shots after all the fool was running in a straight line and his burning cloths where a beacon in the darkness. Twin booms echoed through the night as the cultist twisted from an impact to his shoulder which only let the second shot clear his head from his shoulders. Grace was out the window in a flash running to where the dying man had dropped Angel and gently picked her up.

Karens heart beat fast as she approached Grace and Angel but was revealed to hear the young girl crying. Rushing up and wrapping her family in a warm embrace Karen spared her lover a kiss who returned it. "We did it she safe." Tears of joy ran down Graces face(a very rare occurrence indeed). Wiping her face with a her armored hand Grace spoke again. "Well sleep in the barn I doubt they look for us there. Ill take care of them." Grace inclined her head at the body on the ground.

Karen and Grace get 4xps and some time to spend them
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Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen pulled Angel and Grace close together in a surprisingly strong amd tight bea hug for several minutes before releasing them, "Are you okay, Angel baby? It's over now. You know your Mamas will always tkae care of you, and will never let any bod hurt you if they can do anything about it." She said stroking her daughters hair and kissing her. She would then walk over to Grace and kiss away her lover's tears before kissing her on the forehead. "We were very blessed, Grace. I will go and find a place to sleep with Angel. Please do not terry long, and be back quick. In case there are more of those bastards out there." she said as she would look for a nice large stack of hay, or a cot or simething up in the loft before getting ready for a nights sleep with her family.

(Karen spends 16 XP for two instances of exceptional, 8 in body and mind. She uses the remaining two to raise her body +2 to 40, giving her 40 body and 30 spirit. I will adjust my character sheet shortly.)
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen climbed up into the loft of their small barn. Not having any large animals to care for Grace had turned it into a training hall of sorts complete with a little cot for when she wanted to rest. Cuddling her little girl she was left to ponder the evening events. Why where they after Angel and who where these men. Not to mention why was one of the barmaids with them? Still those questions would have to wait as Karen drifted off to an uneasy sleep.

Karen awoke with Gloria their hen clucking near her face. Despite the events of last night it seemed the animals where still around and waiting for the woman to start their daily chores. Reaching around Karen noticed Angel still slept peacefully while the tell tale signs of Grace sleeping nearby in a chair.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen shifted carefully out from under Angel as to not wake the girl, before gently an quietly shooing Gloria away. She then tiptoed over to the chair where Grace slept, and would gently nudge her lover awake, "Grace. Wake up. Its morning. Angel is still asleep on the hay. Do you think it is safe to hea back to the house? Should you or I go look while the other stays with Angel? If it is safe we will asses the damage done last night, and head into the town, to see if anyone else was harmed or anything by the cultists from last night." Once inspection duty was decided, whenever the one who looked returned, the two would look about their house an then venture into town to look for any further damages.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace looked at Karen her eyes bloodshot from exhaustion she must have stayed up all night looking out for Karen and Angel. Karen sighed it looks like she would have to check the house for safety on her own.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"Heehee....... On second thought, you can stay here and rest a bit; and lie with Angel. I'll go and scope out the house myself...." she said nervously as she saw Geaces poor, bloodshot, and sleep deprived looking eyes- proceeding ever so owly and cautiosly; wit her hands hovering, ready to draw and at a moments notice.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen left the barn and was greeted by early morning dew and the chirping of birds. Gloria there hen seemed to follow Karen as she approached the house. Every think looked peaceful enough the only signs of the struggle being the small patch of burned grass and broken windows.

Entering threw the now broken front door Karen sighed. The living room was an utter mess. Bloodstains and broken furniture as well as glass littered her well maintained home. Many of the things broken where hand made by Grace while they settled in and it was a shame to see them all broken. Still no structural damage seemed to have occurred and despite the broken windows she was sure this place could be back to tip top shape in no time with a little effort. Still was it safe? And why had the men attacked them? The question from last night reformed taking on more importance with the breaking dawn
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen briefly enjoyed the fresh crisp morning air, the refreshing and pleasant morning dew and smiled amusingly at the company of Gloria as she exited the barn. However, Karen's face became crestfallen as she approached her home, while it had not been totally destroyed, Graces furniture she had painstakingly crafted herself to make thier home truly theirs, had been destroyed and windows had been shattered- leaving broken glass that Angel could be cut on i they didnt replace. It certainly didnt leave the impression of security. She needed to know more about the attackers, where they had come from, and more importantly why they had attacked them of all people. They would have to venture into town later and see if they could gleam any information from anyone. If the men had not been so determined to run off with her daughter, she felt she might ought to have left one alive for a while to interrogate. Which was something else that disturbed her; why were they so interested in Angel? She needed to discover something about the attackers if possible. But for now she would head back to the barn and inform Grace and Angel; that for the time being, it seemed okay to head back to the house.

"Grace, Angel! It seems like it should be safe at least for the time being to return to the house now! Come on down! Though watch your step inside! Theres broken glass and furniture all around inside!" she called.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

As Grace and angel made their was from the barn they rubbed the sleep from their eyes. Holding Angel so she wouldn't cut her bare feet Grace made her way into the house and slightly grimaced at the destruction and mess. Placeing Angel in her own bed Grace returned to Karen still sleepy but at lest more awake than last time. "Well its not to bad the windows will be a pain to replace but I never did like that old chair. It always made my butt sore." Grace smiled trying to lighten the mood but the wreckage of their home proved to be more potent. "Im not sure what happened last night but I think I saw one of the girls from the tavern one of us should head into town to check it out while the other stays and keeps an eye on Angel or we can all head in to make sure we are safe." Grace shrugged not sure of what to do and waiting for Karen's input.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen mulled over her choices of actions to take now for several moments, chewing on her lip in deep thought before turning to Grace, "if tuere is danger in town I would very much prefer not to expose Angel to it. But with our home the way it is, I dont feel safe or comfortable leaving eithe rof tou hole by yourself. It wiuld be safest and probably to all head in together. Esides we will meed to buy glass to replace the window." she said before heading out into the town to see what they might discover about hat happened last night.