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The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Well lets at lest eat some breakfast and secure the Chickens before some fox makes off with them. By the time Grace and Karen had rounded up the chickens, cleaned the house, and made some breakfast it was near noon and the trio head off to Smallfruit (or insert much more clever town name here). It was quiet little town well more of a village really the only saving grace being it was right on the main road. It had baker a general store/smithy and one very large inn that also served as the local tavern. Everyone seemed to be going about their business as usual Karen and Grace drawing their usual stares as the mutated woman walked into town. For the most part the towns folk left them be and even a few had gotten to know the couple and their wee little girl. Though today everyone seemed a little subdued and the streets not as busy.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen looked about at the unusually quiet and still town and people as she walked about her new home. Yes. I say it's safe to assume we were not the only ones attacked. I think we had better tread lightly. She thought to herself as she proceeded to make her way down to the large inn that served as the tavern, seeings as how Grace had said that she had seen one of the tavern women in the attack last night. They eventually reached the tavern, but before they went inside she would whisper to Grace, "Be sure to keep Angel more or less attached to you, Grace. Don't let her leave your side. And stay alert and watch the women." With that Karen slowly opened the tavern door and the trio of women would walk slowly into the building. Karen was on edge and walked slowly up to the bar, before trying to get the bartender/proprietor's attention. Once the owner/bar head arrived, she would ask the (wo)man if they had noticed anything strange with any of their workers yesterday before the attack, and if they might have noticed anything of significance about the men or women who attacked the city if they had.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

The barkeep an middle aged man with a pronounced gut walked up to Karen. "What will it be miss?" Not sure if she wanted to order a drink or not Karen wasted little time and asked her questions. "Well they did keep to themselves and oddly enough where asking alot of questions about you and your friend over there." He pointed at Grace how was playing a small game with Angel. "Other than that they kept to themselves and even offered to by Sam and Fred some drinks." Karen new from experience that Sam and Fred where the towns drunkards. "They even took a liking to Cherry our barmaid and she hasn't returned to work yet she must be sick. I hope the lass is alright." The barkeep began to pick up a nearby mug and started wiping it down before turned to Karen. "They didn't pay for rooms last night so they must have left." He looked at Karen more thoughtfully they didn't cause you or Grace any trouble did they?" While they had kept to themselves mostly Karen and Grace had to make occasional trips into town for things they couldn't make on their own and while they where outsiders in the community the community treated them as their outsiders so in a funny way they belonged to the community without necessarily feeling a part of the community.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"........I see......." Karen said in a sad tone, "A group of...... cultists, attacked my home last night. They tried to make off with Angel, our daughter. We were lucky to have been able to deal with them and dispatch them. We have some broken furniture and shattered windows, but other then that we are okay now. We slept in the barn last night to be safe. We haven't had any trouble since. Nobody else has said anything about them being attacked by a group of strange men? No other trouble reported? Grace said she saw one of the bar maids with them last night. I don't know if it was Cherry or not, but it is what prompted our trip into town. I hope she is okay as well. You said they asked questions about me and Grace? What sort of questions? Did they say why they were so interested in us? I do not wish to trouble or disturb anyone or cause any problems, but the last evening was just troubling to us. I also want to make sure no one else was hurt........ I normally don't drink alcohol, but I could use a little something to settle my nerves a bit, if you don't mind. Thank you." She said, looking down at the grain running down the bar, and tracing it trying to keep her mind occupied, and off the troubling events of the last night for a while.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

The barkeep calmy wiped the bar with his rag listing to all of Karen's questions. "Cherry is the only waitress we are missing at first I just thought she was taking men on the side if you know what I mean but if she fell into that crowd then I hope she will be alright." Pouring a drink of some brow colored liquid in a small glass he spoke again. "Here you go miss one shot of liquid courage. The men from last night wanted to know if any new travelers with children had come to town in the past 2 years. They were very clear they where only interested in children of 2 years of age. They also said that it would most likely be a woman with strange features that had the child. Which sadly are only you and her over there. I knew these men looked like trouble so I wasn't gonna tell them a thing but those two drunks Sam and Fred spouted off on how some white skinned chick with bat wings turned down their advances. So they went on how they where gonna take what the sexy little tramp was gonna deny them when a little girl and another attractive woman with big guns came out of the hose yelling at them. The strangers took great intrest in this and took Sam and Fred out for a drink... they didn't come back."
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"So they were those uncouth brutes bothering Grace the other day.... Its sad that those cultists took otherwise innocent lives, but it was their folly to get involved with them in the first place......" Karen said softly to her soft as she began to sip on the alcohol letting the flavor sit on her tongue a little before swallowing. "If they have abducted her, I promise Grace and I will do what we can to brin her back safely and in one piece. Also did they say what they wanted with who I can only presume to be my family? Why there so interested in us, or anything? Or did you just ignore them? If so, its perfectly understandable. It isnt any of your concern and they certainly were trouble. I wouldnt feel good if innocents were to be dragged in and harmed by eing involved in my affairs. If theres nothing else of note, Grace and I will head to the shop to pick up supplies we need to repair the house. Thank you." with that Karen swigged down the rest of her drink and called for Grace and Angel before heading out of the door into the town and towards the shop.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"Sorry mam I didn't pay to much attention. Ive found staying away from trouble leads to less repair bills for the bar." With that the barkeep went down to one of the other customers shouting back to Karen that her drink was on the house.

"Well what did he have to say Karen?." Grace spoke while Angel giggled from her tickle attempts. Relating what she had herd Grace's brow furrowed in thought. "Maybe after the repairs to the house we should send Angel to my parents to hide for abit so we can investigate and put an end to what is troubling our family?" What ever Karen thought of the plan Grace didn't know but rushed off to the general store to pick up their new windows simply shouting back that the owner owed her a favor.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen did not like the idea of sending her little Angel away, but she knew that Grace was ultimately right; it was simply not safe for Angel to be staying with her while those bastards were out looking for her. She waited for Grace to come back with the windows supplies before whispering into her ear so Angel wouldnt hear, "I am afraid you really are right, Grace. Its too dangerous for Angel to be staying here with us with monsters searching for her. Would your parents be alright with somebody as.... "special", as Angel? Are they.... aware of her circumstances? We would have to find a delicate way to break it to Angel also. Perhaps we should talk to her after the repairs." she said before heading back to thier home.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"My parents where some of the few I let near after my.. changes they are aware of my mutations and they still care for me. They will be glad to know they have a granddaughter." Grace smiled remembering pleasant times. "Still we will need to send them a letter and we should be discrete about it. Ill see if we can get old man Jouna to watch our home and make sure that our chickens are cared for while we are away. I know well head up the road and pay for a messenger to deliver the letter. Stay for a week or two and then be off to find..." Grace covered Angels ears "the bastards that did this."
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen and smiled and held Graces hand lightly, "That makes me glad, Grace. It is good to know that Angels grandparents and family will be so open minded. She should be fine there, hopefully the attackers will not think to search there. Go ahead and have the message delivered and I shall speak with Jouna about watching over our house when we are ready to depart." she said as she took Angels little hand and left with the girl to speak to Jouna. Whenever she arrived, she would call out to the man, "Jouna! Its Karen, from outside the city! I need to ask you a favor please!" When the man would come out to soeak to her, she would inform him of everythin that happened out of ear shot of Angel, "And Grace and I will need you to look over our home while Angel stays with her grandparents, please?" she asked sweetly of the old man awaiting his response.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen waited a bit before old man Jouna made an appearance his withered sun baked skin giving off an impression of a shriveled raisin. "Oh miss Karen how can I help such a pretty lass today? Oh is that little Angel my you must of grown a foot sense I saw you last little lady." Angel giggled and Karen couldn't help but smile Old man Jouna was one of the first people that warmed up to Grace and Karen when they decided to settle in Small Fruit and indeed he had been instrumental in getting their home ready even selling the land they needed to build on. He was a good soul and readily agreed to watch their small home and wished them the best of luck even making Angel promise to bring him back a present from the big city when she got back.

The trip back to the farm passed uneventfully and as Her and Angel passed the last bend in the road they could see Grace hard at work replacing windows already.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen smiledly brightly and warmly at Jouna's cheerful greeting and playing with Angel. When he readily and eagerly accepted the job of housesitting for them, she gingerily tool his hands and gave him a small chaste peck on the cheek, "Oh! Thank you so much, Jouna! It makes me and Grace feel so much more secure and comfortable knowing Angel will be safe and our home watched over while take care of this! Angel sweetie, let's go~" she called to her darking daughter before heading over to her home to see Grace already hard at work repairing the damage the intruders did the oter night, "Oh! Grace! Do you need any assistance repairing things!? Angel, why dont you get some cakes and something to drink from inside while mommy and Mama Grace finish fixing the house okay?" she asked her daughter sweetly, before going to join Grace in the repairs and inform of the good news. "Jouna said he would more then happy to watch over the farm while we're gone. We really should do something for the kind old soul, Grace. Hes been so good to us since our arrival. Dont you think?"
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Grace smiled warmly at Karen. "Your right we should maybe if we get some coin from this little adventure we could replace and repair his fence so his sheep don't escape and eat our garden." Grace smiled thinking back to when the wooly invaders had plundered their brand new garden. Rubbing the sweat from her head Grace looked down at Karen. "Well this should take to much longer but we should probably rest for the night and leave in the morning that way we won't be stumbling around in the dark." Extending her hand down for Karen to grab and assist Grace lightly jumped into Karens arms kissed her passionately which brought of course a series of giggles from Angel who had been watching them the entire time.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen smiled at the memory and nodded in agreement, "Tat sound like a wonderful idea, Grace~" she said as she took Grace's hand and helped her down, a bit surprised at her sudden kiss, but soon wrapping her arms around her lover to return the deep passionate kiss; rubbing her back gently. She turned to chase and play with Angel when she heard her giggle at thier displays of affection; tickling her vigirously when she caught her. "Mama and Grace will get busy fixing dinner, Angel. You can play with your dolls till then, and we'll get you your bath afterwards before bed." She said as she went into the kitchen to prepare their dinner for the evening. As they ate Karen instructed Angel, "Angel~ Mommy and Grace have very important business to do tomorrow, and the next week, so we'll have to be out of town. Grace is going to have you stay with Grams, and Jouna will be watching the house. Are you okay with that? We'll need you behave for Grams and stay close with her at all times." she said as she continued to eat her dinner.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Angel stopped eating a moment and looked at her plate before speaking "So it will be like an adventure?" Grace simply nodded at Angel which brought a huge smile to the little girls face. "Yay! my first adventure!" With that resolved Karen, Grace and Angel finished their meal and went to sleep. The following morning was a rush of packing and prepping but in no time flat everyone was ready to go though they had to tell Angel she could only bring one doll to play with which caused a little bit of a panic for the girl but as always Karen managed to get it all sorted out before they left.

After a brief stop at Jouna's Karen and family headed out to the larger town just north of Small Fruit where they would wait for the letter to be delivered and for Angel's grandma to come pick her up.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen walked in silence for a fair while, thinking about all of the recent happenings. Her life had taken quite a twist since she met Grace, but she didn't regret or resent any of it. Save the recent attack. But she would deal with that soon enough. It was quite an eye opener when she encountered the slime and the eggs, and she often found herself thinking of Angel's sisters who had left for the ruins that Grace had mentioned. She frequently found herself praying that they would lead good lives. And not trouble or harm anyone, but she was still certain that she had made the best decision, especially after looking at her beautiful young daughter they had left her with. She soon found herself wondering about her attackers. Why they were so interested in them, and Angel in specific. What were they doing in her town? What being or philosophy did believe in or worship? It was going to be a very long and exhaustive search to find their home; and an intense battle once they did. She prayed to the gods that they would bless her, and watch over her as she embarked upon it. Eventually they reached the next town, where she sent the letter for Grace's parents. As they waited for her to get it and arrive, she would sit at a nearby bench and cuddle and play with Angel.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

It had taken 3 days for the message to be received and nearly 3 more before a res ponce came. Looking it over Grace chewed her lip before folding the letter up. "Well the good news is she is heading this way and should be here tomorrow but.." Karen looked up at Grace questionably. "She wants to meet my husband the father of her little granddaughter. Im not sure how I can explain this?" Grace looked at Karen for support and maybe even a few idea's. "Mama Grace whats Grandma Grace like?" Smiling gently at her daughter Grace picked her up and held her on her waist. "Well Grandma is a very pretty woman who was once a knight before she settled down. She is very kind but also very strict so you must be sure to be a good girl." Grace mussed Angels hair before setting her back on the ground. "Im sure she will absolutely adore you."
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

As Karen heard Graces report, she bit her own lip in thought for a moment. "Oh dear, I see.... I take she is "old fashioned" Grace? Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve and all that, yes? Or is she..... Somewhat open minded? Would she be more accepting, open to our relationship; if we told her the whole story, perhaps? I really dont wish to lie about our relationship. Im not sure of her feelings regarding our 'marraiage' but from what you say, Im sure she probably wouldnt have any problems accepting our 'Little Angel'." she said before giving her dear daughter a ginormous tight bear hug and kissing her on the cheek.
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

"Oh its nothing like that Karen. Im just not sure she will understand how me and you could have a child to begin with?" Grace looked off in the distance down the road as if trying to spot her mother from afar. "I have a feeling we will both have alot of explaining to do." She looked thoughtful again. "Shes an very exacting woman we will have to share every detail... I wish I would have thought of this before sending her the letter."
Re: The Testing of Faith (TentanariX) GMed by ranger

Karen smiled lightly, letting out a relieved sigh as she knew her mother in law would not frown upon their relationship. "Don't worry. Though we moved from Academy area to avoid bad feelings for Angel, I trust your mother will be accepting of her. But I will not mind, telling the details of Angel's arrival; at least not to our family. I will be right here with you to help explain and inform your mother about Angels birth. It will be alright." she said comforting in Grace's ear before brushing a lock of her hair back, and giving her a tender kiss on her lips for support and encouragement.