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Rumble in the Jungle (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"You are so beautiful..."

Rachel murmured softly as she felt Vira's eager member pressing against her entrance. "Wait, I'm not..." She was cut off by a passionate kiss and Vira felt the young mage arch her back in passion as the thick rod pushed quickly inside again. Whatever protest had been on Rachel's lips was gone, replaced by moans of passion that quickly rose to a climax, then a second as Vira's own orgasm approached.

The time seemed to pass quickly, with something interesting to occupy the two women. Vira's rod never softened, her arousal only growing stronger as time went on. Rachel wasn't quite so eager, but the only protest she gave was to ask Vira not to cum in her pussy, offering her ass, mouth, breasts, hands, and anything else instead. Sense faded to pink mist, and before long the only thing to mark the time was Vira's quickly growing belly, which eventually made face-to-face sex a problem.

Then Vira found herself standing over Rachel, who was lying on the floor, exhausted and sore. Vira's belly felt enormous, but the thing that had brought her out of her haze of libido was the sudden vanishing of her cock. "It is time." The succubus sounded serious now, not playful, and she wasn't alone. Three succubi and three knights stood in a semicircle, watching her.

Feel free to describe whatever you like of the time passed, but make sure to indicate if Vira respected Rachel's wishes.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Rachel came almost immediately as Vira re-entered her pussy and began thrusting, arching her back and moaning aloud as she returned the Night Elf’s passionate kiss, and then again as Vira felt her own climax steadily approaching. The young mage’s only request was that Vira not cum inside her pussy, to which she reluctantly agreed.

As such, when Vira couldn’t hold out any longer, she quickly pulled out and released her load onto Rachel’s glistening form, splattering the woman’s stomach and navel with spurt after spurt of her hot, thick cum. Then, without missing a beat, she thrust herself back into human woman’s waiting snatch and resumed pumping in and out of her over and over, gradually bringing her to two more shuddering orgasms before pulling out yet again and spraying her load over the mage’s body, covering her breasts and abdomen with another batch of sticky white seed.

By the time the first hour had passed, Vira had climaxed at least five more times in a similar manner. By the second hour, she had completely lost track of how many times she had cum, but by now Rachel’s body was almost completely coated in the Night Elf’s thick, sticky semen, looking as though she had been raped in turns by at least twenty men. But still Vira’s lust was still not sated, leaving the Night Elf’s increasingly hazy mind amazed at her newly found, apparently unnatural stamina. Were she not growing ever more drunk with lust she might have tied it to the demons or to the future prince she was carrying, but as it were, the only thought in her head was how wonderfully tight Rachel’s pussy felt as she pushed her unwavering cock into her for the nth time.

As Vira continued her rhythmic pounding into Rachel’s love tunnel, she felt the other woman’s inner walls beginning to clamp down around her throbbing member more and more with each thrust, as though the human woman’s pussy had somehow actually gotten tighter over the last couple of hours. The feeling was utterly incredible as the increased pleasure bought Vira closer and closer to the edge, filling her mind with nothing but the desire to feel more and more. Acting on instinct, Vira leaned forward and pressed her body against Rachel’s, rubbing their nipples together and smearing the layer of cum on the mage’s skin between their bodies as she pulled her into another passion-filled kiss.

Her promise to pull out now long forgotten, Vira thrust all the way into Rachel’s pussy one more time as she reached her climax, filling the other woman’s womb directly with what felt like her largest load yet. Rachel’s eyes widened in alarm as she felt the Night Elf’s cum splashing against the back of her womb, but before she could muster any kind of response those same eyes rolled back into her head, her already overstimulated mind and body suddenly rapt with pleasure as the sensation of being filled with Vira’s warm seed forced her into an almost mind-shattering orgasm.

The remaining few hours were little more than a blur to Vira as she continued to fuck Rachel’s pussy, now all but rutting with the young mage in her lust-induced haze as she came again and again into her vulnerable womb, only pulling out when her growing belly became too large for face-to-face sex. That problem was short lived, however, simply rolling the human woman onto her stomach and lifting her ass into the air before thrusting right back inside, eventually filling the woman’s pussy with even more seed.

Before long Vira was standing over Rachel’s exhausted form, her body covered in cum with just as much beginning to pool around her and between her legs, oozing out of her well-fucked pussy. The Night Elf was finally snapped out of her lustful haze when her supernatural member suddenly vanished, leaving her painfully aware of her now enormous belly...and dimly aware of what she had done to Rachel. Before she could react consciously to either thought, though, she noticed the succubus and two of her ‘sisters’, along with three of the demon knights, standing around her in a semicircle...watching her.

“It is time,” the succubus said, the earlier playfulness in her voice now gone.

*wipes forehead* ...whew, that took some doin'. ^_^;
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira didn't have long to consider the implications of what she'd just done to Rachel, who seemed to have fallen asleep now that Vira had finished with her. A pain spike inside Vira, powerful and sharp, and it took her a moment to realize that the wetness running down her thighs wasn't her cum or Rachel's, but her water. She was going into labor. Another pain, sharper, and one of the succubi was helping her to the ground. She was on her back, legs spread and knees held in the air.

Like the pregnancy itself, it seemed that the birth would go supernaturally quickly. She could feel the contents of her womb moving, and something huge pushing its way out. The pain grew, with nothing to numb it, and Vira couldn't help but scream. She pushed, and felt the child move further along, spreading her to unbelievable levels. Finally, with a wet sound, it was all over. A succubus was lifting a human-looking baby, already crying, with a thin layer of wet black hair on its head. Another put a hand firmly on Vira's shoulder, and she shuddered as magical healing washed over her, repairing the damage of giving birth in seconds.

Vira sat up, and saw her child more clearly. It was a boy, awake and no longer crying, and it seemed to have her eyes. Then the succubus holding him walked away, while the one who had been guarding her stepped in front of Vira. "Congratulations. Now it's time for you to go, unless you want to join the other women. Your toy will be carried." One of the black-armored knights lifted Rachel's unconscious body, still leaking cum, effortlessly, and the succubus picked up the pack Rachel had carried when she rescued Vira. "I will guide you to the exit. I do not think that our Lord would take you as a slave even if you dallied, but if you want to keep you little pussy there then I'd suggest getting her away quickly. I will consider any last questions you have on the way out."
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira sat up after the succubus had finished her healing and smiled with a sense of happiness at the sight of her newborn son, the pride that she already felt for the child only swelling when she saw that he had her eyes. “My beautiful little prince...” Vira hummed, her heart filled with joy. Inevitably, however, her spirit sank a little when the succubus holding him turned and walked away, obscuring him from view. She knew this was going to happen; that the baby would be taken and that she would be sent on her way, but that didn’t stop it from hurting.

Still, she felt somehow...content. Whatever the outcome or circumstance, she had finally been able to meet the demon lord that had saved her life and avenged her village that horrific night ten years ago. And, for better or worse...she had been able to help him. Her debt had been repaid, and she somehow felt as though her life was truly hers again.

Vira simply nodded in understanding at the succubus’s words as she and one of the black-armored knights picked up Rachel and their things, carrying them as they began guiding them to the exit. At the demoness’s offer to answer whatever questions she might have along the way, Vira took a moment to gather her thoughts and decide on what to ask. “There are a few things that I need to know,” the Night Elf said thoughtfully, her gaze focused straight ahead.

“On...on the other side, that marble city,” she began, thinking back to the portal she’d opened and what she had seen beyond it. “What was happening over there? That...creature in the sky... What the hell was that thing?”

I may have additional or follow-up questions depending on the succubus's answers. Just fyi.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"We were being attacked. And perhaps would have eventually lost simply to superior numbers. The... invaders... aren't anything anyone on hell or the mortal realm has seen before, as far as I know. So naturally we were glad for a chance to visit one of the few places that is, for the moment, safe."

Up ahead, Vira could see a faint light. They were nearly to the exit of the cave, unless there was some other source of light in these caves.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira looked surprised by the succubus’s response. ‘L-Lost?’ she thought to herself. ‘H-How? I know the power that demons possess, both in combat and strength of will. How could those...things possibly be a match for the lords of hell?’

“What...what is it they want?” she then asked, a hint of worry creeping into her voice. “What makes them so dangerous that they could force a sect of demon’s to seek refuge in the mortal world?”
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"What they have is numbers, girl. There were more then you could possibly believe, and that ship you saw wasn't the only one, not by a long shot. Some of them have power as well, but it was the numbers that might have beaten us. Perhaps. As for what they want... well, we didn't ask. The world, possibly."

The group reached the end of the tunnel, a wall of green that glowed slightly in the light of the morning sun. All that stood between Vira and the sunlight was a wall of vines that disguised this entrance, which was certainly not the one she and Rachel had camped outside the previous day. "I think you must be powerful, for a mortal, or the Lord would not have granted you the honor of bearing his child. So I will not attack you at this time, though the guarantee of protection our Lord has given you ends when you exit this tunnel. And for giving me such a nice show, I will consider one last question. After that, I suggest that you make yourself scarce. Perhaps our lord will set you free if you are captured again, but perhaps not, but most demons will not know you on sight, and the first scouting parties are already out."
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“Very well...just one more question, then,” Vira replied, lightly flapping her new wings absentmindedly as she tried to fully absorb everything that had happened in the last twenty-four hours. “Their names... The name of the lord, and the name of my son... What is it? And...what will it be?”
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The succubus looked intently at Vira for a moment, then shrugged. "Speaking our Lord's true name would of course be blasphemy, but He sometimes uses the name Asmodeus. The Prince does not have a name, yet, and I would not have been told it if he did. Nor you, I think. Put the girl down." This last was to the knight, who set Rachel's sleeping body on the floor of the tunnel.

"And so we part. Your debt to our Lord is repaid, and his to you as well. Do not mistake that." With a gesture, the succubus signaled for the knight to follow her, and then both were walking away. This left Vira, Rachel, and such equipment and supplies as Rachel had previously managed to salvage. Rachel was asleep and covered in cum, though it no longer dripped from her pussy, and both women were naked. From inside there was no way to know where this entrance was, even on the off chance that it was a place Vira had been near before.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“I...I see. Thank you,” Vira replied, somewhat disappointed by the succubus’s response. She didn’t press the issue, though, and simply nodded her head in goodbye as the pair of demon escorts turned to leave.

As their forms faded back into the darkness of the cave, Vira turned and began rummaging through Rachel’s pack in search of however many of her things the mage had managed to recover. After a moment she found her midnight blue sash, which fortunately still held her ninjato, kunai, and other personal affects, and tied it around her waist. It wasn’t worth anything as far as modesty or protection was concerned, but it was nice to have all of her weapons readily available should she need them. After taking a quick inventory of whatever else was in the pack, she set it back down beside Rachel’s sleeping form and retrieved her naginata before walking over to the unfamiliar cave entrance, briefly peering through the wall of vines that disguised it to try and get a feel for surroundings outside.

Once she’d surmised what she could, the Night Elf turned and walked back over to where Rachel still lie and sat down nearby, resting her naginata against the cave wall beside her. She then reached down absentmindedly and picked up the leash line she saw strewn out next to her, which was still connected to the collar around the mage’s neck, and began idly fiddling with it with her hands as she waited for the other woman to awaken.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Inside the pack were a number of things. Food, of course, and a few skins that could be filled with water. Another substantial portion of the strong wine. Also a length of rope, three colors of chalk, a needle and thread, and a few metal items that Vira didn't recognize but looked like strange iron nails, more or less. There was also a single change of clothing - a rough dress that looked to be from the village, a bra, and a pair of panties.

Outside, Vira saw that it was indeed shortly after dawn. The cave entrance was well disguised by the undergrowth, but unfortunately Vira did not recognize the location. Fortunately, there didn't seem to be anything dangerous within sight, and Vira was confident that she could at least figure out approximately where they were by examining some of the local flora and fauna in greater detail, though that would mean leaving the cave entrance.

Back inside, Vira didn't have to wait long for Rachel to wake up. The girl awoke to find herself still naked, still leashed, and covered in drying cum. She groaned, and absentmindedly dipped one finger into her sore pussy. It came back sticky with Vira's cum, and she squeezed her eyes tightly shut for a moment before sitting up and looking at Vira. "You, um, gave birth? I'm sorry I missed seeing your... child. What do we do now?"

Rachel fingered the collar around her neck. "And, ah, I don't suppose you'd take this off me? I don't think I can manage it myself, not without seeing the clasp." Something about the request made the blonde woman blush slightly, but she still looked more exhausted then aroused. The clasp was strange, but Vira had seen a similar mechanism once. It was partly magical, and required both the right pressure and the right mental command. The one Vira had seen hadn't been demon-made, and hadn't been on a collar, but she still thought she could probably work it out given a few minutes. Of course, anyone who hadn't seen one before would never have a chance of opening it.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

‘She’s...not angry with me...?’ Vira thought, fully expecting to be on the receiving end of the blonde mage’s fury when she saw the woman dip her finger into her pussy and found the Night Elf’s cum still richly present there. She got another light shock when Rachel actually apologized to her...apparently feeling bad for passing out and missing her prince’s birth. A mischievous grin then formed on Vira’s lips at the woman’s request to remove the collar, however, and at the blush on the mage’s cheek that accompanied it.

“I don’t know...I was just thinking it looks pretty good on you, actually~” Vira said impishly, and with a little more truth than she’d expected, gauging the other woman’s reaction as she toyed with the leash a little more. “I suppose I could try...though I’ve never really seen a mechanism quite like that one before... I might not be able to...” the Night Elf mused, partially lying about her ability to remove the collar for reasons she wasn’t quite sure of, and suddenly finding herself struggling with whether she even wanted to remove it.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Rachel blushes more visibly at the compliment, but then looks slightly concerned when Vira says that she might not be able to remove the collar. "Well, this day just keeps getting better... we lost our fight, the demons drove you mad with lust, and now I find out I might be stuck wearing a leash until we can find someone who can remove it. I don't suppose we could find some water or something to wash with? Then I have a change of clothes in that bag, unless they were stolen. I could only find one spare in that little town, but I guess one of us can wear the dress and the other the underthings... that would be better then nothing."
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

“That’ll be fine,” Vira replied. “I’ll take the panties and you can have the rest. I’ve never really liked wearing a bra, and the dress might be a little uncomfortable for me now, what with these beauties,” she said, spreading her new fairy-like wings and beating them a few times before letting them return to their resting position. “You can take the panties until we find a place to clean up, though, if you like. That way you don’t have to walk around completely naked...not that anyone would complain~” Vira finished, giving the mage a quick wink.

A strange aroma wafted passed the Night Elf’s nose at that point, sending a slight shudder down her spine. It smelt pleasant, almost sweet, and very similar to what she’d begun to smell back in the cave shortly after her mating with Lord Asmodeus. It was also somehow different, however, like the scent given off by two different flowers. Her eyes rose to see the blush on Rachel’s cheeks, which caused a blush of her own as she felt the heat beginning to build within her again. It took absolutely everything Vira had then to turn her head and force herself to rise to her feet, pulling the spare clothing from the pack and presenting them to Rachel.

After getting dressed - or not - in their chosen articles of clothing, Vira secured her things and took a step towards the cave entrance before turning back to face Rachel, a blush still on the Night Elf’s cheeks as she spoke. “You...you were wrong, by the way,” she said, looking into the mage’s eyes. “It...It wasn’t the demons who drove me mad with lust... It was you...it’s still you...”
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

"Oh, I'm sorry, I had forgotten..." Rachel looked down at the panties, then down at her own pussy. "No, you wear them. I'd just get them dirty." She paused for a moment, wrinkling her nose. "Or maybe neither of us should, until we find a stream or something. We both smell a bit like sex."

“You...you were wrong, by the way,” Vira said, looking into the mage’s eyes. “It...It wasn’t the demons who drove me mad with lust... It was you...it’s still you...”

This only made Rachel blush more, "What? No... we've, you know, made love before, but that was something else. It must have been that succubus, making it so that you stayed hard all that time, and so that you had to... you know." The memories of what had happened were visibly arousing the young mage, but she turned away and peaked through the vines at the entrance. "So... do you think you could find a stream, or something? We probably shouldn't stick around right here too long."
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira sighed briefly as she looked back towards the cave entrance. “Yeah, I think I should be able to find a stream or a lagoon somewhere for us to wash off in, and you’re right, it would be a bad idea for us to linger here for much longer...”

The Night Elf then paused, shifting her gaze back to Rachel before stepping towards her and closing the distance between them. “But you’re still wrong about one thing,” she purred, pressing her hand lightly against the smooth skin above Rachel’s crotch. “I agree that my...stamina...was likely somehow the result of the demons’ influence. I’ve never been able to last anywhere near that long before...giving or receiving...” she said, leaning in and whispering the last part directly into the mage’s ear, “...but I would happily perform a repeat of last night in a heartbeat if I had the ability to. Your body is incredible...your scent is intoxicating...and when I’m inside of you, the sensation of your pussy squeezing the length of my cock as I thrust in and out of you, and the feeling of your inner walls clamping down even more when you reach your climax, milking me of every last drop of cum as I reach mine... It’s like heaven itself... No one has ever made me feel as good as you do, and the only reason I haven’t already pressed you against the walls of this tunnel and crashed my lips against yours is because I know I wouldn’t be able to stop.”

With that, Vira backed away from the human woman and turned to face the cave entrance again, straightening her stance and resting her naginata against her shoulder. “Now then...” the Night Elf said, her flushed cheeks, dampened crotch, and erect nipples betraying the obvious arousal behind her otherwise serious posture. “Shall we go?” she finished, stepping forward and making her way through the vines disguising the entrance.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

As she spoke, Vira's hand against the other woman's crotch could feel the heat building below, and she could hear Rachel's breathing growing ragged with arousal, clearly incredibly turned on by the elf's professed desire to fuck her against the cave wall. Then she turned away, and Rachel nearly collapsed behind her. Vira was aroused herself, but out of the corner of her eye she could see Rachel biting her lip, as if considering asking Vira to act on her desires. "I didn't realize... Y... yes. Let's go."

Outside, Vira was quickly able to figure out approximately where they were, and determined the direction they would have to walk in to find the village, more or less. It would be a few miles, but by then she would surely have found something she recognized. In the mean time, finding a stream turned out to be almost too easy.

They came upon the stream at a small waterfall into a pool, in a clearing just large enough to bathe the whole thing in warm morning sunlight. Rachel delightedly slipped in without giving it a second thought, but even a closer examination of the nearby area didn't show any immediate threat. The young human washed her hair and body quickly, then climbed back out, lying face down on a smooth rock to dry out in the sun. In the humidity and the heat of the sun, she seemed almost to steam. Washed clean, the blonde human seemed to smell even more attractive, and the slight spread of her legs seemed almost designed to attract attention... but then again they still weren't more then a few minutes from the cave entrance.
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

When the pair reached the clearing, Vira sighed at Rachel’s mild recklessness at simply slipping into the water so quickly, but made no issue of it and instead took the opportunity to scan the immediate area for potential dangers. Finding none, the Night Elf approached the bank and quickly undid her sash, letting it fall to the ground behind her before slipping into the cool water herself. By this time, the blonde mage’s hurried washing was finished and she climbed back out of the water as Vira entered, lying herself face down on a large, flat rock nearby to dry out in the sun.

As Vira sank down into the water, she couldn’t help but stare at Rachel’s luscious nude form, the light from the morning sun glistening off the beads of water covering the woman’s creamy white skin. She had hoped this dip would act something like a cold shower and calm her down, but as she rubbed herself down she found that it wasn’t working very well, as in her mind her own hands were constantly being substituted with Rachel’s, the mental image of the young mage running her hands all up and down her body ultimately leaving the Night Elf nearly just as aroused as when she got it. And the slight, inviting spread of the human woman’s legs as she basked in the sun wasn’t helping...

After a few more moments, Vira climbed out of the water and slowly made her way over to where the human woman lie and joined her on the slab of rock, laying herself down face up beside her, her hands resting just above her waist...itching to probe further south. It was then that her nose again picked up on the pleasant aroma that Rachel seemed to be giving off, the scent somehow stronger and more alluring than before, as if washing all of the cum from her body had allowed it to begin emanating in full and without repose.

Vira sat up then and looked down at Rachel, hesitating for a moment as she felt her resistance fade before leaning down and lightly kissing the small of the mage’s back, slowly dipping a hand between the woman’s legs and cupping her tender mound, teasing the entrance with her middle finger.
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Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

The warm young mage shivered as she felt her lover kiss her in the small of the back, and as if a button had been pushed her legs spread further. Then Vira cupped the other woman's mound in one hand, gently teasing with a single finger around the entrance, and the already-intoxicating scent of the nude woman gained the added aroma of arousal. The legs spread yet further, and Vira's fingertip was suddenly wet with Rachel's natural lubrication. She spoke softly. "Oh Vira... we shouldn't. I... just got clean... mmm..."
Re: Vira Ikidane (xgkf) GMed by thetwo

Vira ignored the blonde woman’s halfhearted protests and continued planting kisses up and down her back, massaging the entrance to her already dampening love tunnel with her finger. After a moment she gently rolled the young mage onto her back and replaced her hand at the woman’s snatch, delving two fingers inside her waiting folds as she lowered her head to Rachel’s belly, lightly kissing her where - after the marathon the night before - their child was surely beginning to grow.

The Night Elf hovered there briefly as she worked her fingers in and out of Rachel’s pussy, kissing the woman’s belly again before moving her kisses lower, eventually reaching her clit and enveloping it in her soft lips. Vira then moaned a second later as her free hand, having been slowly working its way down her own body, finally reached her own attention-seeking cunt and slipped two fingers inside.