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Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Micra sigh in relief but stay blushed for a while, as her systems arent working at their bests levels. She just remain hearing the mistress, noding and giving some little cute giggles when she made her little jokes, thinking than Harriet is very kind and cheerfull after calm herself trying to make someone else happy and even making jokes with Richard who has been there alone hearing all the talk from the girls.

As you wish my Mistress, we will try our best to make him enjoy each moment of this day and also tomorrow in the morning if are your wishes Micra said wth a bow ready to prepare herself to start the little task than Harriet has order, but she wait in case than she give more instructions and also to heard the others girls, this must be a very prepared team work, the pink haired maid must do her best not only for her mistress but also for the others maids and over all Mister Domonic.

Then she turn to Richard and add. Before we start we must help Richard to go to see the doctor in order to know if he is completely fine, im so ashamed but doubt to be able to carry him by myself. Said a worried for the young man


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Serve Mister Domonic?" That was a... Huh... It was an interesting thought, one that Rin hadn't considered in the short time she had been trying as his protege. It's not like she hadn't really done it before, part of learning how to become a maid involved learning what to expect from a Master and how to react, and Domonic had done a small bit of role playing to help her understand. But he was never really serious at taking the role of Master. He almost looked like he had to force himself to do so. He just wasn't that selfish kind of person...


But he's such a great guy. No matter what stupid question Rin had he was always there to answer. No matter what stupid thing Rin had done he was always there to help. Whenever she was happy, whenever she was miserable, whenever she needed a shoulder to cry on, he was always there ready to offer what comfort he could. A perfect gentleman! Mister Domonic was simply the best! So doesn't he deserve a little pampering, too? "Rin... Rin would be happy to do anything she could for Mister Dominic!" And indeed she was. She was an eager little thing, so eager that she didn't quite notice she sounded a little too willing. Or that she was naked. Or that she was blushing slightly at the thought of getting to spend some quality time with her mentor.


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Cammy coyly splooshed across the tub over to Rin as quietly as she could before pinching the glasses maids little bum playfully, "Eeeeeeh? Anything hmmm? Including 'this and that'? Arent you supposed to be a 'good girl', Rin?" Cammy taunted her coworker before giving her rump a firmer and stronger squeeze in both cheeks before gently and playfully spanking her bottom, she simply couldnt get enough of messing with the proper otaku maids head.


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

"Eep!" Rin nearly jumped out of her skin the moment Cammy pulled her little pinch maneuver, but she froze the moment the mammary monster suggested that Mister Domonic would take some liberties of his own. And she never would have considered until Cammy brought that possibility to light. Mister Domonic was always such a nice guy, even if he admitted to wanting to ogle all the young ladies back when they first arrived... Which now didn't sound all that great...

"Ahhh!" But Rin couldn't stand still, not with Cammy starting to grab her ass, and when she jumped away and turned around there was quite a clear blush on her face. "Mister Domonic would never do that!" But what if he did? Rin was a maid, after all. She was honor bound to complete any duty set to her by her Master, even those that proved to be temporary, and if Domonic wanted to explore his protege... Could she do it? Would she give herself to him? Would she sacrifice her purity for him simply to fulfill her duty? Those were the thoughts that were now running through the short girl's head, and she started pacing back and forth mumbling to herself about duty and honor and handsome butlers and having Domonic teach her how to fulfill the unmentioned desires that involved the kinds of things like Harriet's 'inspection' of Mae back in the library.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu, SirOni

Harriet sighed when Micra brought up the subject of seeing to Richard and his injury. "I suppose you're right... Dom would probably be weirded out if he was around, too, anyway, now that I think about it. He's such nice scenery, though."

Harriet punched in a number to her phone. "Hi, Em - could you come get Richard? The maids are worried about him. ...Yeah, gurney. Bring him some pants or something, too."

That handled, she gave a glance to her sister, currently groping poor Rin. "Gettin' mighty frisky, aren't you, Cam?" Harriet remarked. "Well, it's nice to see you come out of your shell, I s'pose. Now... if the three of you volunteer, then I suppose I'll have to choose, won't I?" Harriet said, rubbing her chin. Apparently unable to come up with anything better, shrugged and covered her eyes, pointing at one of the three. "Eeny meeny miney moe..."


"...If he hollers, let 'em... go!" She finished, her finger on... Rin. "D'aww, the little protege, snaring her mentor to show him some love. How adorable."

"Okay, here's the plan. I'll get him in here, but once Dom realizes something's up he's going to do his 'gentleman' thing and get the hell out of here. So, Rin - once he's here, you need to catch him, before he runs off. Just hold onto him, and then the rest you girls can get him out of his clothes and into the water. Then we sweet-talk him into not running off like a scared rabbit, and give him a nice, sexy scrubbing! And, hopefully, he enjoys it, instead of being horrifically alienated. Okay?"

Emily appeared as Harriet steered Rin towards the door, having directed the other girls to line up on either side of them - not too close, lest they get hit by them opening. The cyborg doctor gave them all a questioning look, but shrugged and made for Richard, still laid out and still tenting.

"I-I'm fine... really..."

"Oh? So you're just sticking around to leer at a bunch of naked girls, then?"

"W-what? No!..."

"Alright, well, in that case you need to come with me for another examination. Just in case."

"I can walk... just..."

"Don't be dumb. What if you fall down again? That's even more head trauma. Knowing you, you'd fall down the stairs onto something sharp, or something. Plus, your legs are hurt."

He still mumbled in protest as Emily loaded him onto the stretcher, and unless anyone stopped them, they trundled off.

"Mm... ah! One more thing."

Harriet wrapped a clean bath robe around Rin.

"He'll probably freak out even worse if you're naked, so there. After he calms down, maybe. So, are we ready?"

Micra rolls a 2. Multiplied by Luck 3, that's 6.
Rin rolls a 5. Multiplied by Luck 2, that's 10.
Cammy rolls a 2. Multiplied by Luck 2, that's 4.

Rin 'wins'! Fatality.

S 6/20
F 24; S 0/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 8; S 2/30
F 4; S 0/3


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

I'm getting stupidly lucky with all these rolls...

Using the most time-honored traditions when it came to decisions Rin soon found herself the lucky girl who volunteered to take care of Mister Domonic. She wasn't quite sure what was expected of her, but she was going to do her best to show her mentor just how much she appreciated all his work and patience! "Rin will not fail!"

Of course hearing how things were actually going to go down put a damper on those spirits, but she wasn't going to give up! Harriet was upset at Sammy suddenly leaving, and she needed to make sure she didn't push away Domonic, so Rin was going to be the bridge that would get the Mistress's feeling across without being too risque. Hopefully. And thankfully Harriet understood that as well as she brought a clean robe for Rin to wear. It was accepted graciously, and once the last question was asked Rin nodded in agreement. "Rin is ready!"


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Aug 12, 2010
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Mae had enjoyed the touches from her mistress along her thigh, and had responded with subtle rubs of her own, but with all the hassle going on in the tub around her, the angel had felt a little overwhelmed and had retreated into a trance of graceful repose to try to calm herself and let the warm water soothe away the day's worries. She looked on with a smile at the other maids' antics and the way little Rin had plucked up her courage and volunteered to help Dominic.

Mae lined up with the other girls as directed by Harriet, and did her best to go along with the flow, while still being serene.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Micra was not against the idea than Rin were the chosen for the job, even when a little sigh get out of her, she is completely sure than her mistress made the right choice. Even then, the android heard every word toward Rin and then get ready to help the others with Domonic, she maybe cant restrain him, but her skill to take away the clothes of a man are at least handly for this.

Happy to see how her mistress thread the poor Richard and even focus on his healt problems in a critical moment. Then the doctor come and talk with him for a moment, the young man looks to hate the idea of leave or let the woman help him to walk alone. Worried Micra leave the maid line and walk to them, placing her delicate hand on him and caress his strong shoulder in a soft way. Please follow the doctor orders, Mr Richard... Once i end my work, i will visit you. I want to know you more Whisper as closer of his heard as she can with a cute inocent tone, than a pervert could mistake for a invitation for a private night sesion, of course than Micra dont tried it but it was at deep inside her system.

Once said this she cant resist it and give him a hug as she wish him to get better soon, he could feel her sexy body pressing against his wet body and her bath, the maid like doll cuddle a little more as her hungry make her focus on the male warm body and his healty blood, she lick her lips before before recover herself and blushing she return to her line.


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Micra left a wet imprint on Richard when she pulled out of her hug, leaving right about as red as her uniform - which, sadly, was absent for comparison. Intent pure or not, the suggestive nature of her promise to see him later - while mostly-naked, wet, and pressing up against him - had him struggling to keep his erection down, pushing desperately against it as the doctor wheeled him out, to maintain at least some teensy shred of his dignity. "Looks like you've got an admirer, Rich," Emily said, simply, as she wheeled him out.

The sole Y chromosome from their gathering now gone, they were free to replace it. Harriet shooed everyone out of the water. Rin took her place a few feet back from the door, the others - including Rosa's avian assailant, still perched in it's seemingly preferred roost that was Rosarita's head - lined up on either side of the door, ostensibly readying to pounce the poor man. Meanwhile, Harriet sat in the water, her phone on the pool's bank, within arm's reach. Once the maids we in place, Harriet grabbed her phone and dialed a number.

"Phoebe, where's Dom? ...Good, okay." She hung up, and called out to her Maids. "Okay. First off, DO NOT BE SWAYED BY HIS SAD PUPPY LOOK. It's like, gazing into the eyes of every single sad puppy that has, does, and will ever exist. He's gonna be all 'I can't be here, it's indecent' or whatever, but this is for his own good! We're doing this for Domonic, the best, most devoted, most caring guy on in the state! We wanna show him how much he means to us! Also he's super good-looking!" Harriet pumped her arm into the air, as if that was some kind of rallying cry.

She then dialed another number, breathing in deep as she listened for the other person to answer. Then, suddenly...

"HELP ME DOglrkblrbl--" Harriet screamed, thrashing around in the water, dunking her head underneath the surface as she got out her first two terrified-sounding syllables. When she emerged, she gasped and just sputtered incoherently, before hanging up. Quickly, she tossed her phone over to the safety of her bag, and then hid by the rocks, watching the door.

The first stage of the Mistresses' horribly convoluted and ill-thought-out plan was go.

They all soon heard him coming - footsteps racing down the hallway, coming down the hallway very quickly for the door that stood in front of Rin right now. Before she could react, the doors burst open and slammed into the walls on either side, the butler charging through them in protection of his Mistress, and the air seemed to grow noticeably colder as heappeared.

"What's goinaaaAAAH!" He shouted, suddenly before getting a faceful of Rin. He tried to skid to a stop - but it was just too late, and he downright tackled the poor maid, the pair entangling themselves as they fell. "W-what?!" was all he could say, confused. The time to strike was upon them!

S 6/20
F 24; S 0/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 8; S 2/30 Blarg: S All the stress/10 (!!)


A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Phoebe? Phoebe... Who's Phoebe? Apparently there was someone in the house named Phoebe. Though Rin never met her this Phoebe had somehow met Sammy in only a couple of minutes, informed the Mistress that Sammy was leaving, and knew where Mister Domonic was at the drop of a hat. So that meant that... There was some kind of Security Center on the grounds somewhere? Maybe that's what Mistress Harriet was hiding in the basement. She did seem like the kind of person that went a little over the top in everything she did...

And case in point, the phone call. While Rin was waiting she turned to watch Harriet as she made her call, and once the little maid heard the plea for help she couldn't think that things were going to end so well. A few seconds later she heard someone thumping through the house, each hurried step rushing toward the door that stood right in front of her. "Maybe that w-"

Before she could even say "wasn't the best of ideas..." the door nearly exploded, and Rin could do nothing more than turn back toward the door before 160 lbs of butler tackled her and sent her flying to the ground. A moment later she found herself entangled within Domonic's limbs, which probably wasn't all that much of a surprise since she clung to him in shock when she had been bowled over.

After a few heavy breaths Rin soon realized that she wasn't too hurt, just slightly scuffled, and when she eventually realized his weight was nearly crushing her while her head was clinging tightly to his chest she managed to pull herself back enough to speak. "Mister Domonic? Could you please turn over?" Even if she pulled back a bit she was still clinging to the man, so either he would roll around so she was on top, or he would have to stand and lift her with him. Either way Rin was going to make sure that once she was up she was firmly planted between her mentor and the door, and he would find that his hands were being held by his little protege. It wasn't anything tight, but if he tried to pull away she would make sure he was kept in her grip. She didn't need him running off before she had a chance to explain.

"Mister Domonic?" And thus did it begin. "Mistress Harriet heard that Miss Sammy was going to leave, and it made her sad. She thought it was something she did that made Sammy leave, and now she wants to make sure that she doesn't push away any of the other people she cares about. So she decided that you needed some pampering, and Rin agreed. Even if Rin doesn't understand what you've done for everyone else she knows you really helped her while she was training, and she wants to pay you back! So... Well... You get to be Master Domonic instead of Mister Domonic, okay? I-It's just for a little bit, and after that everyone can go back to normal! But, for now, would you please let Rin show her appreciation?" By now she let go of his hands, and though she wasn't exactly looking she was praying that someone had closed the doors and was now standing guard to prevent him from simply running away. Rin was determined to let him sit back and relax, even if he didn't want to!
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RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

"Huhbuuwhaa??" was the only response the bewildered butler could muster up besides rolling over as Rin had requested. Stumbling to his feet, the little maid clinging to his front, he. "W-where's Harriet? I heard Harriet was in trouble. Where is she? Is she okay?" It sounded like he wasn't listening - probably because Harriet pretended she was drowning. Darn it! They might have to do this the hard way...

He looked around the hot spring for the mistress (not spotting her peeking out from a rock and watching)... and spotted the rest of the maids, pressed up against the wall and generally looking suspicious. "Uh... what are you guys doing?"

Meanwhile, it was getting cooler. Like... a lot cooler. It seemed like Dom's AC-effect seemed to get stronger the more worried he was. It certainly didn't help that the girls were all wet, either - or that they'd gone from all hot-spring-toasty to yeti.

Rin probably had it the worst, practically wrestling with the AC itself. All she had on was that robe, too...

Dom has a color now. Whee~

S 6/20
F 24; S 0/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 14; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 8; S 2/30

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

While she was not entirely sure what to do in this whole situation, as it felt more than a bit awkward a thing to do, Rosarita still didn't attempt to go against Harriet any more today. She had already caused one freakout, so maybe that would be all for today. Reluctantly getting out from the water, she took a place among the others to wait for the nice butler to arrive. It was felt bad to deceive him like this, but what could a poor maid do. For some reason, the bird still remained with her, and was allowed to do so by the tall maid.

After watching the scene occur between Rin and Dom, a sudden cold influx came over the maids, something which Rosa had no desire to be experiencing for too long. She was still only using a towel, so it was not exactly a warm feeling. After taking in a minute of the cold, she had enough of it. Taking matters into her own hands, the glasses maid stepped onwards. "Just... take it easy Dom. There is nothing to be worried about." she told the butler before nonchalantly pushing both Rin and Dom into the spring, clothes and all. They could proceed with the stripping in there as well. When she had indeed pooled both of them, Rosa would go in there herself as well, not wanting any further cold.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Even when her systems were starting to get slighty affected by the cold temperature, Micra stay in her place ready to heard any order to start the next part of the plan, but after see how Rin and Rosa acted without a clear display of group tactic, Micra decide than she should do the same and improvise.

Miss Mae, Miss Cammy, lets do our best whisper turning to the two remaining maids close her at the line giving them a smile before start to make her move

The doll like maid is sure than is the most weak of all as her body could not be the strong enoug to restrain a so well build man like Domonic and after what had happened between them, she is sure than her presence close him could make him try to escape.

With stealthy moves and nearly lifeless aura, she start to close any possible escape route, this time than she is taking could also give to the buttler the time to relax and calm as the most pure and in some way inocent maids pamper hm in a not provocative way.
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A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

"Sh-Sh-Sh-Sheeee's f-f-f-f-fiiiin-n-ne...!" Good lord, that was cold! Rin felt like she just stepped into the mansion's freezer, and her little robe was doing nothing to help her stay warm let alone hide the excited points that all women bare in the face of an icy chill. Her teetch were practically chattering in her head, and she's was even trying to huddle around herself in an effort to conserve at least a little bit of heat. Harriet REALLY needed to start thinking ahead instead of throwing impossible things at everyone! Mister Domonic didn't even listen to a word she said! It was like a slap to the face, especially after pouring her heart out like that. But she still had a job to do, and if she had to start over then so be i-

"There is nothing to be worried about."
And once again the butler was flying into her face. She didn't even have time to let out a small "Eep!" before his body picked her up and carried her back into the water. And dunked her once again. What was it with men tackling her into the damned pool?! She very nearly started throwing her arms around, but after what happened with Richard she kept her flailing to a minimum just so she could get back up onto her feet.

Well at least the water was warm. It helped ease some of the tension brought on by the sudden blast of frigid wind that was slowly working its way into her bones, and hopefully he would relax... Wait, was the water getting colder?

No. This is a hot spring...

Oh goddammit... "MISTER DOMONIC!" She barely had time to start covering herself before her nipples stood tall once again. "STOP DOING THAT!" This really wasn't going all that well...


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

"Heeheehee...." Cammy tittered at the going ons of Rin and Domonic, "I think we may have to help Rin-chan calm down before the poor dear has an anneurism or something, how about you Micra and Mae~" she sang out teasingly. She then splooshed over to Rin and Domonic, "Rin sweetie, why dont you go over to the edge there and take a breather. Dom~~...." she sang out to the butler, giving gim a mischeivous and sultry look, "Why dont you go over to the edge of the bath, and I'll wash your back for you?~ Unless youre afraid you'll melt~ Teehee~" If the yeti butler would oblige, Cammy would soon slink over behind him and begin lathering up some soap and scrubbing Domonic's fit back for a few moments before eventually dropping her robe and lathering the soap on her healthy bust, making a sushing sign with face and forefinger, as to let the other maids know not to let dom know before starting to rub her tits up an down his back. "See~ I bet that feels really good, huh Dom,~?"

((Using Affection))
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RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

"She is? Oh. Well... thank God," Domonic responded, once Rin had answered his question. "Are you alright? Are you coming down with something? ...Why are we hugging?" He still seemed to be a little dazed, though he turned his head when Rosa spoke. "'Nothing to wo-'" he started, but then promptly stumbled over and tumbled into the spring.

While the pair of four-eyed maids dealth with Dom, Micra moved to surreptitiously blocked the way Dom had come in, in case he did try to run for it.

A loud snort of laughter sounded from behind the rock Harriet was hiding behind, though it was quickly stifled. Rin, newly and acutely aware of the hazards of close-quarters flailing, got up as best she could - though, it was quite difficult with the heavier, panicking butler on top of her. He pulled himself together quickly, and before she knew it, Rin felt his arm behind her back, Domonic pulling her close as he lifted her to her feet with him, emerging from the spring, though his grip loosened once they were up. Both of them were dripping wet, and Dom's frigid aura chasing away her newfound warmth quite rapidly. "Agk! What was that for?!" Dom exclaimed in displeasure as he wiped the water from his face. "Rin, are you okay? Here, I'll go get you a towel, so you can dry-"

The realization finally hit him. Rin managed to wipe away the water covering her face and eyeglasses enough to see the orange-red of his eyes staring into her face as the realization that he was in the spring while the lot of you were supposed to be bathing. As if to check, he looked down into Rin's soggily enrobed cleavage.

Tearing his eyes back upwards, he craned his head around to look around - finding all the other maids in their various states of undress, Rosa disrobing and hopping into the spring again, and Mae and Micra standing guard.

His single-minded drive to save the mistress faded slowly - but Rin's cry brought him fully back to his senses - at least, for a moment. "A-a-ahhh!! Stop doing what, stop doing what?!" he cried, the heavy blush that was practically signature of him by now rapidly rising to his cheeks. As he panicked, the air grew even more brisk, and water grew ever more tepid - thankfully, not yet cold, though wouldn't be long if they didn't calm him down soon...

While the gears in his head turned, he haltingly obliged Cammy's request, though he looked conflicted the entire time. "But... b-but, uh - I, um... is this o-okay? What... what's..." When he sat down, she managed to divest him of his suit jacket and his white shirt - now soaked through enough that they could glimpse his bare skin underneath it, in the short moment before it was thrown off. His lean body's upper half was now naked! Sadly, he had yet to drop trou, looking rather silly as he soaked his fancy black slacks and shoes, sitting at the spring's edge. They would have to get that belt off before that happened, too...

Cammy soaped him up, but soon disrobed as well, putting her considerable assets to work in place of the washcloth she'd barely used. Much like Rin, she quickly rediscovered Domonic's wintry mantle as well, her nipples peaking with the cold. "U-um... I suppose it does?" he responds to her coy question. "Er, but, there's a uh... little, kinda stiff part? And why are you using two wash... er, what are you using? Th-they're really soft..."

The Mistress, hidden behind one of the rock features rising out of the water, gasped. Apparently, this was not a sight she'd expected to see.

Rosarita gains 2 favor~

Cammy rolls a six! Times her Affection of four, she beats pretty much any TN I could have set, and convinces Dommy to sit still and let her rub her tits all over his back. Harriet is amused, incidentally - gain 3 favor.

S 6/20
F 24; S 0/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 17; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 10; S 2/30


Dec 6, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

Cammy tittered a little before winking and making a raspberry face, "Oh, not to worry Dom~ These are just some special new wash sponges that sis ordered from some fancy foriegn country like France or something~ I bet they feel really good on your back don't they?~ Now just lie back and let Cammy-cams wash your back for you, okay?~ All us maids are just wanting to help you relax and show you how much we and Sis appreciate all you do for the mansion~"

(Use Affection and Cunning to pull the wool over his eyes.)
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A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

When asked what he should stop Rin turned a little red and went to cover the peaks that were continuing to show through her now soaked robe. "You're... You're making Rin cold..."

But then Cammy attacked. And what an attack it was. She somehow managed to get Mister Domonic to relax enough to take off his jacket and his shirt, and seeing the butler showing off even that much skin was something rather new for the short girl. And strangely exciting? Where did that thought come from? And why was she appreciating the sudden view of his lean muscle tightening under that flawless skin, his features stretching as his arm finally shed the last of that evil shirt that hid that wonderful body from his protege's sight, they he simply melted against the body behind him that started to scrub his back, those two soft mounds pressing against him and flattening-

Whoa whoa whoa! What is Cammy doing?! Rin didn't even have time to reflect on her sudden appreciating for her mentor's surprisingly enticing body. She was simply too shocked, even more so when Dominic acted like he was unaware of what was happening behind him. And part of her wanted to knock Cammy away. Rin could see herself flinging her wet robe past Dom's head, the cotton instead finding Cammy and wrapping around her face and leaving her slightly mummified in wet cloth before Rin quickly dove into Dom's arms and did her best to keep herself covered even if she was completely naked save for the glasses that still managed to stay on her head.

But to her own surprise she didn't do that. Well she did one thing. She did fling herself into the man's arms, even if he was proving to be kind of cold, but once she landed in his lap and tried to cover herself still she realized why. She was trying to keep him distracted. She didn't want him turning suddenly and realizing just what kind of soapy massage he was getting, because if he did he was sure to run. "Um... Mister Domonic?" And this next thought came out of nowhere. "Are your pants going to be fine if they soak like this? You could, um, take them off if you need to."

Assisting Cammy, oddly enough

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

It was still chilly, and getting more chilly every passing second. "This man, can't he relax so I can get back to my peace and warm..." Rosa thought as she was still getting exposed to cold. The two other maids were going at him already, which would likely help Rosa's case, so she decided to play along and see where it went. "Rin is right. You should possible take those off. Also, you need to relax. There needs to be more warmth here..." she almost purred at the butler, leaning against him in a playful yet not all that sexual manner.

(Assist, use Affection if a roll is needed.)


RP Moderator
Sep 23, 2009
Reputation score
Re: Marshall Manor - BlueSlime, TentanariX, plmnko, Termite, Guan Yu

"...Oh! Sorry, Rin... Um... h-here," Domonic apologized, before reaching behind him. He grabbed his jacket, and then put it around Rin's shoulders. "There! Better?"

...Apparently he was still a little confused.

Another 'scrub' at his back from Cammy and a rather suspect giggle brought his attention back to her. "O-oh... well, o-okay. I prefer my bathy things to be a little more rough, but I suppose this is nice, t- aahhh!"

Suddenly, Rin threw herself into Domonic's arms, surprising the icy butler. Surprisingly, given the chill in the air around him, his lean body - funny, if you thought about it; she'd never seen it before, at all! Rarely out of that suit, and never without that shirt on, and she'd been serving under him for the past six-or-so months, under the same roof - he was only 'cool to the touch'. "Y-yes, Rin?" he said, as she looked up at him. "Hm. I... suppose you're right! I really shouldn't be getting those wet like this, should I?" He unbuckled his belt, tugging his slacks down around to mid-thigh - it wasn't easy, after all, seated and so-crowded by the three girls attending to him. And if any of the girls cared to look, they would see that he almost looked shaved... except that, no, it was just that the silvery filaments of the butler's hair weren't particularly visible against his ghostly skin. "That just would do in... the..."

He looked first at his protege, near-naked and wrapped around his waist, and then at Rosa, who was leaning stark-naked against him, while Cammy gave him another sudsy rub from behind, and it appeared that, finally, the man caught on.

And predictably, he panicked.

He blanched, the red flush from his face fleeing like a terrified rabbit set upon by a hunting dog, and while the the three girls surrounding him certainly weren't going to eat and/or skin him, he certainly looked like they were. "Relax?! I I uh Iuh um... sorry, I can't! I I I I just remembered I just had dinner on I need to go check on it!" he shouted, a little too loudly and entirely too nervously.

He tried to stand up, but immediately stopped, in favor of not thwacking his little protege in the head with his dangly bits. "I, I'm sorry! I-I shouldn't be here! Th-th-th-this, i-is entirely unprof- unprofessional! P-p-please let me up!"

He then made the mistake of looking down, deep into Rin's puppy dog eyes, and just... stopped. But, sadly, only for a moment. "Wait... w-w-what did you mean, 'Master Domonic'?!"

Had those words only sunk in now? He looked a little southward of his dear trainee's face, at the orbs pressed against his chest and separated by only just a soaked terrycloth robe. A slight tinge of red once again returning to his cheeks - the blood rushing to and from his face like that couldn't be healthy - and stammered, "'Sh-show you appreciation'?! Um, um um, y-you don't need to d-do that, Rin! Really!"

Meanwhile, the Mistress emerged nearby her purse, waving at the angelic and mechanical girls still guarding the door, evidently having submarined over under the pool's surface. The butler didn't seem very concerned, obviously too worried by the mostly-naked trio of beautiful ladies pressing in around him.

"Here," Harriet said to the two, handing over a shiny little silver flask to them, dug out of her purse. The mistress' green eyes were sparkling, and she barely managed to contain a fit of giggles. "If he's not going to relax properly, we'll just have to help him along, won't we?" If they examined it, they would note two things: one, the top looked like a little shot glass when they unscrewed it; and two, it was filled with quite-dark and very strong-smelling Scotch. Yikes.

"I think I've watched enough. The more the merrier, wouldn't you agree?" Harriet asked as she stepped out of the water and padded over to stand behind Cammy, wondering how to join in on teasImean pampering Domonic - wrapping an arm around Mae's hips and pulling her along as she sauntered past, hips swaying.

Domonic freaks out! He acquires ye 6 stresses.

S 6/20
F 24; S 6/30
F 20; S 6/10 (!)
F 17; S 0/30
F 14; S 0/20
F 10; S 9/30
F 10; S 2/30