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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Yeah I know who'd a thunk it. Seriously though if any of you start a brush fire I'll come find you and beat you about the head and neck, then I'll sick the real Smokey the Bear on you. Not that I think any of you would do such a thing but there are apparently some stupid people out there.

Anyways it might take a few days for everyone to completely get back into the swing of things. So feel free to make your waking up posts and the like, spend experience, bug me if I'm on, and what have you.
Re: OOC thread

Eh, I have mixed feelings about it. On the one hand, I guess there's really no reason why Anabelle wouldn't be able to randomly happen upon Eliza's haven even if its a little unlikely, and I don't mind the RP interactions.

On the other hand, the two of them haven't exactly gotten along very well, and that's the only safe place Eliza has to rest. >.>
Re: OOC thread

I can have Anabelle keep wandering then. Eliza was just the first person to pop in my head, mostly because she'd be the one to know where Jourdain is... but if you'd rather not go down that route I can do something else.

I'll wait to see what others think before posting again... I mean, she's a vampire. Being creepy and standing around in one spot is in the play book. Though if Ronny deems it fun to throw a wild card that way while she stands around in the nice neighborhood, I'll respond.
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Re: OOC thread

It doesn't really bother me that she's standing out there. I just think it's kind of weird. Like Eliza is looking for D'Ombro, but she doesn't actually know where he is. That means she has to do stuff to be able to find him. I'm not even sure if Eliza knows where Jourdain is. >.>

I think it's fine like once but if it happened all the time, it would be like you have some skill called "Extraordinarily lucky" or something.
Re: OOC thread

True... it was the only thing I could really think of besides aimlessly wandering though.
Re: OOC thread

That's why I asked, your haven is technically speaking your domain so the traditions do apply. Granted it's a very small domain and it doesn't apply outside the haven.

Should be an easy fix though just because Anabelle senses kindred are nearby doesn't mean she knows who it is or that it's their haven. She could be sensing a Nosferatu over in one of the dark alleys for all she knows. Then you can run into each other on the street which is what I was planning anyways.

Now I just need to figure out how to Jocelyn to randomly wander that way. I'll think of something even if it just to hand wave it.

EDIT: Also I'm a little curious about who repped me for the timeline in the setting info thread. At least I assume it was one of you though I guess it could have been someone else. I personally get confused by it since I changed things around to fit the story, even real history.
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Re: OOC thread

Malkavians have got to be one of the easiest things to handwave ever. 'She's crazy, do you really wanna know?' XD

I sign my reps, good or bad. That said, you haven't had one from me in some time, next time I'm not on my phone, you deserve another one! :D
Re: OOC thread

A play on Anabelle's loss in the city environment gets her stuck in place for a bit.
Re: OOC thread

Weird I kind of figured Ranger would have posted since she was still on after I posted that. I'm sure you won't be stuck in place for long though.

They are pretty easy to hand wave. Since as you pointed out they're crazy, sometimes even crazier than they realize. (<.<)

Yeah I guess you do sign them, looking back through the rest. So do Sin and Blue. So that leads me to think it's Ranger or it's just someone following along randomly.
Re: OOC thread

It's a mystery!!! :eek:

Oh and I guess I should post. I'm just waffling.
Re: OOC thread

Waffles are so tasty though.
Rut ro a m-m-mystery, and were all out of Rooby racks.
-piles all the waffles into an impossibly large stack with every condiment known to man before eating whole thing in one bite.-

Not like it really mattered that you waffled, since I fell asleep after my shower which was right after that post.

EDIT 1:Gah, if anything doesn't make sense it's because I had to write it three times. For some reason I kept erasing my posts or closing the window by accident tonight. At least I didn't throw my computer like I wanted to though. So if something seems nonsensical go ahead and ask.

EDIT 2:I haven't forgotten to post, it's just been a very bad few weeks since my mom has been sick. I should get a post out tomorrow though.
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Re: OOC thread

Don't worry Ronny. See to what needs doing, we can wait for things to even out for ya, no problem.
Re: OOC thread

No worries, family comes first.
Re: OOC thread

So, I'm gonna be offline for about three weeks, due to travel. I don't mind if Vezina is NPC'd during this time or if her side quest comes to a bit of a chronological standstill. Whatever is easiest for you, ronny.
Re: OOC thread

No problemo, since Vezina is mostly information gathering right now it's easy to just fill you in when you get back. Not like we're moving at a blistering pace right now anyways. Have fun traveling or at least try to.
Re: OOC thread

Gonna be a few days before I can post again. Just not in the mindset at the moment.
Re: OOC thread

Tis okay, I'm liable to be pretty slow in posting this upcoming week anyways. My mom is having surgery and I'll likely be distracted by that. I'll be around just don't expect things to move very quick.