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OOC thread

Re: OOC thread

Yeah you'll never really find a perfect picture unless you can draw really well yourself that is. Still it's better than nothing.

Yeah I really don't know where the lighter colored hair came from since it's always been described as dark. I actually have a pretty good idea what you mean by sable, one of the horses I like to ride has a similar coloration. It does fit well with the feral nobility picture I have of her.

I picture a certain color but the 1000 yard stare into your soul bit is far more important. Those are a pretty good choice for how I picture them minus the makeup of course.
Re: OOC thread

Aye, curses to all these modern day models and their penchant for prettying themselves up. ;)

I added a pic that could be somewhat like Vezina with that lighter hair you were talking about:

Re: OOC thread

Wow, that pic is really cool. I almost want to steal it for DotD. :p

Do you happen to know who the artist is?
Re: OOC thread

It's an official Vampire the Masquerade 20th anniversary edition illustration, and I 'm afraid that I don't know the artist.
Re: OOC thread

Oh okay. That's interesting. I wouldn't have guessed that she was drawn to be a vampire. Guess she's a Toreador.
Re: OOC thread

Not sure, going to comb through the actual book to find out. :D

EDIT: So it's not specific as to her clan. All the pictures that accompany the V20 clan section are drawn by the awful hand of Leif Jones, who is apparently universally despised by fans of VtM artwork - and with good reason, imho.

I guess she's a good candidate as a Toreador.

DOUBLE EDIT: In other news, this is one of the better pics I've found that could be Vezina:

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Re: OOC thread

I think the attitude is a little wrong in the first picture for Vezina, but it is what I've been picturing hair wise.

I personally lean towards it being a Toreador in the picture though it's never stated anywhere. The artist is Tim Bradstreet (same as those in my one picture folder), and now I'm glad that I happen to always have a magnifying glass on my desk so I could read the signature in the book.

Also I really like that last picture you found and unless you find something better I'll try to picture that from now on.
Re: OOC thread

I honestly can't see it getting much better than that, since her hair, facial features, and stare are all really great. Just the right mix of wild and noble. I think I'll stick with this as well. Yay. Vezina. :)
Re: OOC thread

All the lovely pictures!
Re: OOC thread

I'm still hopeful for a pic of Annabelle and Lexwyn. (and maybe some NPCs too).
Re: OOC thread

Sin posted these a couple months ago. :)

I've never found a singular image that I felt perfectly captured Anabelle. As I said before I have some for inspiration, I don't find any single one fully captures her.

This was also a major inspiration for Gwenhwyfar in my War of the Damned story

And a female vampire wearing a kilt with a sword is a very difficult image to find.
Re: OOC thread

Mmm, yes. I do recall them. ;)

Just holding out hope that she'll find that magical vampire warrior woman in a kilt pic.
Re: OOC thread

My avatar is a years old crappy rendition of Lexwyn for a steampunk setting using a generic "hero creator" flash thinggy.

I don't know where I have any better pics off hand, but I also think the default femshep in ME3 is pretty spot on too, for another out of universe reference. I laughed when they unveiled the new look, considering Lexwyn was one of three characters I took through the entire series, and had been using that look to begin with.
Re: OOC thread

So I went picture hunting... found various things I liked. Thought I'd just put them here in case anyone else does. :)










Re: OOC thread

Those are some great pic(t)s!

Here's another redheaded possibility for Lexwyn, though I'm starting to think that we'll all have green eyes by the end of this.

Re: OOC thread

My thought exactly Ranger... also, nice bloody find on those warrior women.Daymn.

Think this might be my favorite one for Anabelle, even if the kilt isn't perfect... but still. The top one had a good kilt :p
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Re: OOC thread

Well, it might just be because I really like the pic, but of Ranger's there, I'd say number 2 if her hair was more red. Number 6 might work, though she wears her hair down. Number 7 as well if she had to get dressed up for war, once again with redder hair and minus the lipstick in this case.

It's true Lexwyn used to have a bit longer hair, but one of the first things she discovered was that it makes an excellent handhold for others in combat, or that it can get caught in things or make wearing helmets troublesome. Granted, she doesn't get out armor often, but she'd like the option to be open if she needed to.
Re: OOC thread

Not that they all aren't hot, too ;)
Re: OOC thread

Eww, spam. See what happens when I disappear for a while.

Thankfully my mojo seems to be coming back so in the next few days I'll be trying to get things going again. To celebrate the mojo returning I added some NPC pictures on the game photo album in my profile. Still more to find and they aren't perfect but I do like many of them. Enjoy while I get things going again.