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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Maya --> Vira & Ione

"Vira... Ione..." Maya says with a smile as she quietly mouthed the names to herself, as a memory aid. "Well then, same. A pleasure to meet you both. My name's Maya." she introduces herself, beginning to look a lot less awkward. "This place isn't anything like my home. This hot ground is strange, and I've never seen so much water before." Glancing back at the sea, and then pulling at her dress a little as she wiggles her feet in the sand. "It is kind of nice though. Like your colour, and your flowers. I think they're nice too." Maya muses on, just a little absent mindedly. Looking to Vira and Ione respectively as she comments about colours and flowers.

Guan Yu

Staff member
Sep 4, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tomoe -> Nadia

It did not take long for Tomoe to wait, as the angelic Nadia was there almost as soon as she had completely dressed herself back to her shrine raiments. "I am ready. Let us begin then." she replied, assuming a stance of readiness. It would likely be a tough fight to have, but the eastern warrior would still try her best against the other woman.

(Oil is entirely fine with meh. We can use that, since there is a fight in the lagoon)


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

->Enigma, Tamonten
Auralice quickly passes out into a state of sleep, her arms still holding her company close as if to seek comfort, much like a girl hugging a teddy bear.
Her rest did not come with ease however, the remaining forces in her mind conjuring up a nightmare much like her previous predicament, her body shivering and moaning with discomfort as her mind tries to rape her again, somehow managing to reach out to her body as her nipples stiffen and appendages harden in errection. Her face seemingly screaming for help as her body writhes in a mixed state of increasing madness and arousal.
Unfortunately, the naga's restlessness would also be unnerving for those she held for comfort, especially for the necromancer...who, although feeling obligated to do something to ease the pain, knew little in the lines of "comforting" to be able to assist as she liked. That and squeezed tighter against a heated body when she was already suffocating from sweltering heat, did little to help her as she found herself pushing against Auralice...perhaps shaking her a bit as she did so in an attempt to save herself from her current predicament.

"Dear...you're holding me...a bit too tight! Wake up!"


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tamonten -> Auralice, Enigma

"I don't even know the mi-, er, her name yet," the blushing human spoke incredulously as the cuddle tightened and two all-too familiar appendages came into view. Sure, they had been very intimately familiar not long before that but still. That line of thinking clashed with feeling a duty towards the naga, though. "Er, maybe we should just..." The question was left open-ended for a moment as Tamonten reached for one of the phalluses with her pale hand. "Er, well..."

Ranger Princess

Tentacle God
Jan 16, 2010
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Skye sprawled on the grass, digging her fingers into the soil and looking up wildly. Blood dripped from her lips, and her copper eyes flashed like an animal.

The last she knew, the pirate vampire had been feasting on the most delicate flesh of her latest captive within the confines of her captain's quarters aboard The Seawolf. ...And now she was on the grass of a private beach resort? What horrible misfortune! Could those tales her eccentric navigator went on about have actually been true?

The redhead sprang up to her feet and glanced around the surroundings. Drugged and marooned at sea by her crew? She frowned skeptically. The worthless wretches... They couldn't have possibly. Not bothering to wipe the blood from her lips, Skye marched into the cafe and stared down the waitress malevolently, choosing to wipe the blood from her lips with her sleeve at the very moment, Get me the hardest drink you have, delicious. And make it quick! After watching the waitress scamper off, Skye glanced around the cafe dismissively and leaned back in her chair. She was keenly aware of her last meal's interruption, and she could sense the most interesting scents of blood all around the area. When the waitress finally returned with her drink, Skye took it and told her that she wasn't interested in any food that was on the menu. Her eyes sparkled with irony and the redhead smiled, though not wide enough to show the girl her fangs.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tamonten -> Auralice, Enigma

"I don't even know the mi-, er, her name yet," the blushing human spoke incredulously as the cuddle tightened and two all-too familiar appendages came into view. Sure, they had been very intimately familiar not long before that but still. That line of thinking clashed with feeling a duty towards the naga, though. "Er, maybe we should just..." The question was left open-ended for a moment as Tamonten reached for one of the phalluses with her pale hand. "Er, well..."
Enigma ---> Tamonten ---> Auralice

"...You can't be serious Tamo dear... How would...how would 'that' possibly help her with...her current problem? If her slumber is causing her to become so...inflamed, at this time...wouldn't it be more prudent to douse them rather than encourage them?.."

There is a visible blush from the elf's end as well, as memory of her previous...experience with them came to mind. While sure it hadn't necessarily been an...unpleasant experience, she wasn't about to go about acting as some sort of...comfort woman, simply off the drop of a hat...right? After all, it was one thing to do so out of necessity,but another to...

...No, that's not who she was at all. Think harder, rather than being caught up in rapture's madness. Shaking her head clear of such thoughts...Enigma tried to approach things from a more logical manner. The stimuli, known as pleasure or the likes, seem to be causing her to suffer extreme grievance at that time, which first resulted from entering a restless sleep. This meant that the precursor to such suffering was sleep, and that a "jolt" of sensation would perhaps be best to cure her of sleep, and by extension...the nightmarish dreams. But what "jolt" could she possibly deliver while trapped like this? She could...well...of course, do "that"...but as pleasure seemed to be part of the problem, that would seem to only add fuel to the fire. Trapped as she was, cold, or noise was out of her reach as well... Thus,...what was left? Pain perhaps?... Well...that would be easy for her normally had she her powers...but as she was now...well... there was that perhaps. A lesser pain applied to a sensitive area was one regardless... thus...

"...Perhaps "this"...might work..."

Raising her head a bit, and raising her head to the Naga's bared chest (or shifting clothes out of the way if needed), Enigma would opt to align her lips to one of the perky points engorged upon it... taking great care not to suckle upon it by accident, after what their contents did to her last time. Then, when she felt it was appropriate she would opt to open her jaws...and...



Tentacle God
Aug 16, 2010
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Vira -> Ione & Maya

"Ione, Maya," Vira said, nodding at the two women respectively as she repeated their names. Her eyes stayed on Maya a bit longer as the cat-girl began tugging at her dress slightly and wiggled her feet. The Night Elf then giggled the girl's appreciation of her color, and of Ione's flowers. "Oh~? You like Ione's 'flowers'?" she said teasingly, leaning back onto the grass and propping herself up with her elbows. "What about mine?" she asked, giving the cat-girl a playful wink.

Ryu Doppler

Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Aug 22, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Ione -> Vira & Maya

Smiling warmly, Ione decided to playfully follow the other two's example. "Vira and Maya... hmmm." Watching as Maya fiddled with her dress, the alraune listened to her talk before letting out a small chuckle toward her. "Is this sun too much for you? Just standing it in makes me feel really happy, but I do know how unbearable it can be for some, especially people like your kinds. If it starts to bother you too much, I could always keep you... shaded..." At that last part, Ione took on mischievous look, as one particular way of keeping the girl out of the sun rose to her mind.

Hearing the comment about her flowers, blinked in confusion for a moment. "You like my flowe... oh! I guess I forgot I came from that garden didn't I?" Embarrassed, the plant girl ran her fingers through her pink hair while seeming to pull at the blue colored bloom nestled in it. "I... don't actually have any blooms I make myself, I just let a few leech off me from time to time. Though thinking about it, I do remember her saying there were ways to change that. From either of the domains too I think..." She mused, trailing off in thought.

Those thoughts were interrupted by Vira's comment however, and her eyes found her way to the other 'flower' placed forth to admire. With a blush, Ione let out a giggle at the night elf's playfulness, and watched to see Maya's reaction as well. From the way things were going, her time on this island might just be better still yet!


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

->Enigma, Tamonten
Auralice wakes up with a sharp flinch of pain in her chest, coming to her senses she notices Enigma leaning on her bust.
"Aaagh!... w-what the hell girl, that's not how you draw milk from someone's tits"
Pulling back her arm from around Enigma she flicks a digit across her nose, shrugging the elf to the side with annoyance, apparently already forgotten about her bad dreams. Only now noticing Tamonten blushing and paying attention over her errect members.
"Seeing something you like dear? Do you perhaps want to... take a closer look? If not then I have ideas on my own as of how to deal with it, I can't go out in this state after all"
Auralice moves her arm to rub the human over the head, as if praising her not-so-modest thoughts.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tamonten -> Auralice, Enigma

The swordswoman winced and instinctively moved to cover her chest as the elf bit one of the naga's nipples. Nibbling was one thing, but that gained an empathetic wince from the pale-skinned woman. Tamonten's blush brightened as the woman rubbed her head after offering a closer look. Her mistress...no, that still didn't seem entirely right. "I just thought that we could take care of the problem, milady." Milady, the possessed human decided she was okay with that. "But maybe Lady Enigma is right and it would only worsen the problem. Besides, I'm not sure I even know your name..."

Unknown Squid

Aurani's Wife
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Maya -> Vira & Ione

"No I like the sun. It feels nice on the skin. The plant people back home liked sunny days a lot too. Lily always said she felt tired and slow when there wasn't enough sun." She comments, holding her arms out to feel the warmth for a bit.

At the question about Vira's 'flower', after an initial double take, looking to see any flowers that she may have missed, Maya's face shows befuddlement. Ione had apparently saw something. "Hmm? Where? I don't see any flow..." stopping in her tracks, as it dawns on her, and letting out a giggle of her own. Lost for words a bit, she appreciates the flower a bit longer whilst making a mental note to remember this phrase. "I love it~" A wide impish grin slowly creeping across her face. Her twin tails, having ceased their dropping a while ago, now begin to sway and coil around each other before unravelling and repeating.


Grim Reaper
Oct 7, 2010
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tamonten -> Anyone

Too large, too small, too crooked, Tamonten tossed another branch over her shoulder into the growing pile. It was hard enough to find any branches at all in that place, let alone one suited for her needs. Needs? Nay, her demands! After she had collected a pile of discarded wood large enough to make it seem as though she was trying to build an escape raft, the lithe woman finally found what she was looking for. A surprisingly smooth stick, the perfect length and width for her machinations, with just the slightest of upward curves. The possessed swordswoman would have taken the time to whittle it into a more appropriate shape with an easier grip but she didn't have the equipment -- or the patience, for that matter. Perfect! The pale-skinned girl mentally exclaimed with a grin, though certainly not out loud, she wouldn't want anybody to find out what she was up to with her new-found rod. With her search completed, it was time to find a more secluded spot on the beach.

She made her way onto the sand barefooted, choosing not to risk any damage to her fey garments on the trip and instead using the swimsuit provided for her. It wasn't like clothing was going to really matter anyway. Tamonten's feet tingled with the warmth and texture of the sand, which only made her grin wider as she traveled. The beach would be the perfect place for her alone time once she had found the right spot, she was proud of the idea. Indeed, it seemed her choice was approved by fate itself, as she found a nice section of the beach secluded by rocks and small cliffs. Once she was on that more private section of sand, the pale-skinned swordswoman gripped the wood in anticipation. "This is the perfect place to practice my left-handed swordsmanship!"

The pale girl was eager to start at the basics, trying to maneuver her improvised sword with some measure of the grace she could manage with her right hand. It wasn't often that she got to open a door with her left hand, let alone take up a sword with it without needing her right hand to guide it. If nothing interrupted her training, Tamonten might remain at it for the better part of a day.
She could not quite rightly recall just how she arrived to the island... here? Here it was safe from... what? What had she been fighting against, or running from? Not a single relevant memory surfaced to help, and the engineered Dragoness sucked in a deep, toothy breath. She had awoken not long ago on an island with people of many kinds present, and elected to quietly explored and inspect the terrain, the architecture and the people without engaging in any deep conversation. Now she rested in a ungainly pile under a arched palm tree, feeling lightheaded and dizzy at first, before basic senses arrived to calmly notify the clumsily seated female that the swaying tree above her thankfully blocked some of the sunlight out of her sharp, pale-yellow optics. Surrounded by trees of varying types in what seemed to be a lightly wooded place, rocks framed this part of the quiet island, the scent of the sea breezing past the Giantess, caressing her thick-set and curvy frame tenderly and without urgency. Slowly rising to a more comfortable seating position, the giant female blinked and inspected her surroundings more with a keen, strategic eye; it was beautiful for it's colorful and cool flora despite the heat of the sun, settling amongst better defined shapes like the trees and the rocks...

Then she listened, hearing very little save for the occasional sound a mere beast made, be it a flying creature or something shifting around elsewhere. It was almost paradise, had Zaro possessed an understanding regarding the concept of Heaven and Hell in their most depicted forms; merely Existence or Nothingness, for now she was quite blissfully ignorant about serving some higher being to potentially earn a second life some-where else. In reality she lived and reality only, the beastly humanoid grunted and rose in a ambling manner, feeling no powerful urge to do anything right now, save for examining herself. Garbed in a of soft off-white hues, a lighter shade colored the silky shawl around her broad shoulders, both hiding and hinting her figure as it flowed loosely to her knees, with a belt and attached pair of pouches containing little more then a piece of solid, shap-edged flint.

She began to rise to naturally armored feet and explored, slightly hunched and prepared to react should something interrupt her serene laziness, and took up the improvised training spear which was a small source of individual pride; upon learning about the island she had found this quiet spot and allowed some formerly neglected creativity to usher forth, the flint was a suitable find amongst all the rockery and the sturdy, heavy branch was one of a few she could find that suited its intended purpose. It was certainly too large for a normal humanoid to use one handed, but with her size, strength and talent it was quite natural.

There was a beach adjacent to this, she had found it during the aimless wanderings. With it's many secluded spots thanks to the generous amount of rock scattered around and jutting out of the sand, easily reached via the island proper, or from the short cliffs where she now headed, soon to stand above and watch the waves gently break up on the rocky edge of the sandy beach. It was very peaceful indeed... and yet, the silence was broken by a single, feminine voice that whispered into the air. Tilting her skull and thrumming out a light rumble, Zaro sought to seek out the originator of the voice, for she could not see it from here.

There were paths to and fro littered all over the island, so travel was not a difficult matter at all, and the Giantess soon found herself touching the sand with naked dragonic feet and rounding a wall of rockery... to see the side of a slim, pale-skinned woman practicing with a improvised training tool, or so she safely assumed from the sometimes-awkward gesture. Lacking any more then the bare essentials for social interaction, Zaro did not see any issue with watching, however subtly, and remained quiet and unobtrusive, leaning against the silvery rock to thoughtfully hold her own 'weapon'.


Nov 9, 2008
Reputation score
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

->Enigma, Tamonten
Auralice wakes up with a sharp flinch of pain in her chest, coming to her senses she notices Enigma leaning on her bust.
"Aaagh!... w-what the hell girl, that's not how you draw milk from someone's tits"
Pulling back her arm from around Enigma she flicks a digit across her nose, shrugging the elf to the side with annoyance, apparently already forgotten about her bad dreams. Only now noticing Tamonten blushing and paying attention over her errect members.
"Seeing something you like dear? Do you perhaps want to... take a closer look? If not then I have ideas on my own as of how to deal with it, I can't go out in this state after all"
Auralice moves her arm to rub the human over the head, as if praising her not-so-modest thoughts.
--> Auralice, Tamonten

"Your welcome dear. For awaking you from a nightmare, while nearly perishing from sweltering heat, if anything...Do remind me to leave you in your self-destructive fantasies from now on though."

Rising from her prone position in a huff, Enigma, free from the tight hold that had made her all sweaty, sets about straightening her robe, seeming genuinely irritated for one reason or the other. To be rejected for what she considered a favor, needless to say, seemed to sit poorly with her, understandably enough. Yet, despite how she would have normally walked out following such a show towards her (and collapsed the building on those that wounded her no doubt), Enigma instead...finds herself slumping back against the Naga's scaled body, none too gently, and would almost appear to pout for a bit as she overheard her mistress...mistress? No matter, her mistress, and Tamonten's conversation. And of course...eventually add her own commentary to the matter as well.

"...Indeed dear serpent, what is the name you go by?"
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A bug
RP Moderator
Apr 8, 2009
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Massage Parlor

With a wince and a groan Alex found herself waking to a bright light shining over her head. Why the hell was it so bright? It was making her head hurt, but when she went to turn her face to the side that made her feel even worse. A moment later a comforting hand fell on her brow, and a moment later it started gently kneading one temple while another hand fell to the other. It was uncomfortable at first, but eventually the annoying headache started to fade and left the dragon far more relaxed.

Once her head was fully clear Alex rose to her feet and took a look around. She recognized the building as the Massage Parlor, and surprisingly enough it had a small nurse's station that the she-dragon now found herself using. Suddenly finding herself here was a bit of an oddity. The last thing she remembered was grappling with Bakan and getting ready to try and tear his clothes off, and the next moment she finds staring at a different ceiling with a splitting headache. Considering the pain she felt someone must have smacked her something fierce, and considering Bakan was busy getting pinned that left only one other person.

The dragoness took on a far more frightening look, and the space around her started to warp with the heat that was starting to pour off of her body, but a light squeak from the masseuse-turned-nurse and a sudden complaint from all her still sore muscles forced her to reign in her power. She really had gone a little too far in that match. But this was a massage parlor, and there was a masseuse right there, so she was still in a pretty good spot. A quick nod toward one of the actual massage tables had the girl following, and though she looked a bit anxious she seemed more than willing to put her skills to use.


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

-> Enigma, Tamonten
Looking back, Auralice realizes neither of them never did introduce themselves, feeling rather awkward about it considering she has not only fucked them, but also dragged them back into a stranger's bedroom to use them as dakimuras while she rested away her nausea. If it wasn't for the enchantment cast on them they'd have slain her ages ago under belief of her being some kind of rapist/kidnapper. To be fair, Tamonten met her under some really weird circumstances, as for Enigma she never inquired about it. Not feeling ready to break the ice of the situation Auralice opts to slither around the inquiry with the help of her body, the enthrall enchantment and her aphrodisiac fluids. It may be a cheap and undoubtedly rude move on her part but it's better than leaving the question hanging. Grabbing both of her 'captives' she quickly thrusts their mouths onto her errect members and says the command...
"Suck my dicks!"
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Tentacle God
Aug 16, 2010
Reputation score
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Vira -> Maya & Ione

At the question about Vira's 'flower', after an initial double take, looking to see any flowers that she may have missed, Maya's face shows befuddlement. Ione had apparently saw something. "Hmm? Where? I don't see any flow..." stopping in her tracks, as it dawns on her, and letting out a giggle of her own. Lost for words a bit, she appreciates the flower a bit longer whilst making a mental note to remember this phrase. "I love it~" A wide impish grin slowly creeping across her face. Her twin tails, having ceased their dropping a while ago, now begin to sway and coil around each other before unravelling and repeating.

"Hmm~ I'm glad to hear that~" Vira replied, her smile widening as she shifted her legs slightly to allow for a better view of her moistened slit.

She then turned her gaze to Ione beside her, considering her comment about providing shade. "As for you shading us, there's a tree right there if we want shelter from the sun," she said, pointing to the tree that she and Tomoe had briefly sat under earlier. "Although, if you have something...better...in mind," she continued, a seductive tone slipping into her voice, "...I'd be more than willing to consider it~"

As she awaited the girls' reactions and responses, Vira's mind began to wander in anticipation about the position she found herself in between the two women. 'Best. Vacation. Ever,' she thought, noting offhand that the only thing that could make it better was if Rachel was here to enjoy it with her.


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Enigma ----> Auralice ----> Tamonten

"Wait... what are you d- Mmph!"

Unprepared for such a dramatic turn of events, Enigma would find herself caught off guard by how suddenly she was spun about...and made to almost gag on a large fleshy length. Muffled protests from about the unusual member would be uttered at first, as the elf attempted to lift her head away by force...yet as words of command were spoken, the necromancer's eyes would seem to glaze over as all resistance seemed to cease and she subconsciously began to..."work

That of course, was not to say she become proficient at the task given to her. Whereas she had heard of the practice...read of it...perhaps seen it a few times, she herself had little experience in the matter. Thus, although she began moving her head against the length, the elf could not help but find herself forced to...experiment, here and there. Moving faster at times...slower at times... occasionally breaking away for a breath of air, only to start the process again in gradual steps... Suckling at the tip gently of the snake dick, and lapping at its tip gently with her tongue...moving down a bit further at times and stopping to suckle occasionally...bobbing her down slow...then fast... Once, she would even find herself attempting to give delicate tiny nibbles to the sensitive cockhead, gentle enough not to cause any pain...but with enough force to perhaps send faint "jolts" of pleasure to her mistress, so she felt to be at this point, all in an effort to please her... Why she was doing this, she really knew not. Yet...as she was anyway, she would give it the same amount of dedication she gave to most things of value.


Despair Fetishist
RP Moderator
Jan 5, 2011
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tamonten -> Auralice, Enigma
Smut, smut, smut.
Tamonten called out with similar distress as the hand that had been petting her head grabbed it. The lithe woman's sudden surprise proved to be a bad thing for her, as her open mouth made it that much easier to shove her down the naga's entire length. She pulled back off of the rod violently at first, coughing and sputtering at the sudden inclusion of a naga's phallus in her throat. Yet, the swordswoman didn't blame the still unnamed snake-woman. Auralice was her mistress, she had given an order that needed to be obeyed.

The lean swordswoman moved her lips to the tips of the unoccupied rod, starting by licking it. Her tongue swirled around the head of her mistress's cock. Tamonten's blackened hand moved to stroke the member, a firm grip pumping up and down the shaft. Before long, she took the tip into her mouth and slowly took in more and more of its length, tongue working against the underside. The pale-skinned woman's hand dutifully stroked the parts that her mouth couldn't take. Tamonten swiftly built into a rhythm, her head bobbing up and down on the naga's manhood.

The possessed human also remembered a little trick, though, that she was eager to put into play. Pale fingers traced along her mistress's crotch until they found her neglected womanhood. They traced the outside and played with her clit. The swordswoman wasn't content enough to leave it at that for even a minute, however. Without any sort of warning, not that she could give one while she was still eagerly bobbing up and down the naga's dick, she pushed two fingers into the woman's flower. The white-haired woman's thumb circled and rubbed against the snake-woman's sensitive nub even as she pistoned her mistress's sex.

Tamonten -> Zaro'Alk
((Sorry, it's a little bit short in compared to your post. I just wasn't sure what to add.))

The pale-skinned human didn't notice her watcher at first, her lack of observance something of a feat given the impressive stature of the Dragoness. The possessed woman was much too interested in her training to take note of the surroundings that she thought secluded. For several minutes she swung her practice sword with her manacled arm. It cut down, sideways, came up as if to parry an invisible blow. Her slashes and movements with the improvised weapon may have varied greatly but they all elicited a similar response, a sigh. There was no semblance of grace or agility in her cuts, only brute force, and the parries seemed almost mechanical, unable to adjust to a situation with any fluidity. It went on for the better part of half an hour before Tamonten finally happened to turn and notice her spectator.

The swordswoman gasped in surprise, having been so focused on her practice that sighting Zaro'Alk startled her. The fact that her observer clearly towered over her even at that distance and leaned against a rock, not to mention that the giantess seemed practically built for battle, even in casual clothing, added to that sense of shock. The lithe woman's first reaction was to move back and bring herself into a defensive stance. As she swung her leg back, Tamonten's foot didn't find purchase in the sand, however, and combined with her surprise at noticing the shield maiden the mistake caused her to lose her balance and fall. The pale girl landed in the sand, directly on her rear, though she didn't lose her grip on the improvised training sword. She blushed faintly at the embarrassing fall, her backside didn't hurt, the sand was cushy enough to avoid that, it was her pride that felt shattered. The would-be weaponmaster's fall did have something of a bright side, at least, it gave her the opportunity to get over her panic.

"Er, well met!" The possessed swordswoman, obviously embarrassed and uncertain of what else to do, called out to the spectating Dragoness. "I, um, hope you haven't been watching too long." Tamonten stood up from her unintentional sitting position as she continued, leaving her stick on the ground, though she didn't move towards the giantess quite yet.


Unknown Squid's Husband
Aug 3, 2010
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

-> Enigma, Tamonten.
Oh noes, counter-smut.
Her company now paying attention to her privates, Auralice's plan was set in motion.
Not wanting to idly sit back and enjoy the moment, she shifts their clothing aside and prods at the exposed orifices with her tendrils, going slowly at first to properly stretch them out before picking up pace and drilling deeper.
With the human taking liberties as she molests her serpentine pussy, Auralice begins to moan lewdly, wanting to reinforce such naughty behavior she reaches back and spanks Tamonten's rear, not wanting to leave Enigma out of the experience given her recent annoyance over the elf's actions she spanks her bum as well while alternating the strikes between the two.
A few moments later their rears had a beautiful red tint to them while their holes were twitching from arousement, Auralice's own climax imminent as she grabs the heads of her slaves and deepthroats them as she orgasms, shooting her seed into their throats, wombs and rectums while her pussy squirts juices like a sprinkler as she cries out in ecstasy.
After filling her cum-dumpsters to the brim and recovering from the bliss, Auralice drags them on top of her serpent body, stroking their heads as she forces them to suckle on her bosom, giving them a sweet drink to rinse down the semen with and further breaking their minds as they overload with aphrodisiac compounds.

"Well, that went easier than I expected, hopefully I'll be able to make proper introductions without being in such an awkward situation next time. Though these two are going to be next to mindless for a while... I may as well use them to my leisure until they come around again."


Nov 9, 2008
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The sensation of burning having already begun to pulse strongly through her by the time she was filled by tendrils, having been drinking the naga's precum all the time she was engaged in sucking on the erect member, the only true change in the enthralled necromancer would be the addition of muffled moans and gasps of pleasure... When the strikes to her rear came, cries...of both pain and pleasure would join them as well, perhaps a tear or two in what were already empty eyes... As she was now, similar to how she was during her loss in the arena, the Enigma present at this time was little more than a toy. A "doll" that existed only to pleasure her naga mistress, and serve as an object to inflate with cum...and perhaps even implant off spring. With how lifeless and obedient she was, especially when compared to her usual defiance...one might even consider her boring. Though when she laid there on breasts filled with milk, pumped full of cum, and by extension, aphrodisiacs... That was perhaps a side thought at best.