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The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Nadia

Hesitating, Pale answers: "There's something I need to take care of, first. I could come back after that, if you want me to. Do you?"

Regardless of Nadia's answer, Pale all but flees from the room. Going downstairs, she orders one of the servants to make a big breakfast and give it to her. It doesn't take very long for her to receive the tray, which she then proceeds to take to her own room. Inside room...

Nadia looks confused at Pale's words, but then shrugs and replies; "I wouldn't want to keep you from something important, if it's so urgent. Perhaps I'll see you tomorrow night? Of course, you're welcome back tonight if you think that you can make it before dawn."
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Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Forest
Six -> Noone?

With her nap constantly interrupted, Six muttered a bit as she got onto her fours and stretched in the tree. These interruptions were getting annoying, and it was already day by now. Belly grumbling, and in a rather foul mood, Six hopped from her tree, and began to once again stalk the forest, looking for wild game. She knew there was none, but she had to look anyway...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Tiffanian said:
When Alex cried out in pleasure and arched up her body, Alice felt a somewhat strange sense of joy. It was wonderful to be able to give this sort of pleasure to another person, and she was rapidly becoming quite enamored with this dragon. She continued to thrust her fingers into the warrior's spasming pussy, her thumb rubbing furiously at her engorged clit as those hips bucked up into her, seeking even more pleasure. The blind girl muffled all of Alex's ecstatic cries with her mouth, continuing to kiss the dragon passionately, until finally her arched body collapsed back to the ground.

Alice went about withdrawing her fingers very slowly, continuing to give Alex gentle stimulation; she had found over the years that it always made the afterglow that much better if she didn't just stop her attentions to herself abruptly, and she hoped it would be the same for the dragon. Just as she had finished, though, Alex began to kiss her more deeply, and a hand came up to hold the back of her head, pulling them tightly together. Her own hands wandered to the dragon's back and waist, rubbing tenderly as she pressed herself as close and tight as she could with her partner; Alex would be able to feel Alice's heart pounding in her chest, the blind girl's face flushed as more than just appreciated welled up inside her... It wasn't long before the two were poofed onto the beach again, though she would have no way of knowing that as her body rested entirely on the dragon's.

Alex -> Alice

Alex may have been the only one to notice their sudden transition from arena to beach, but if she minded she didn't show it in the least. She may not have even really noticed. All her attention was focused on the woman she held, the one that brought her body to a shuddering climax that was slowly dragged out of her until that draconic body felt fully satisfied. But even then she could feel her spirit stirring once more. She could feel her inner fire starting to burn once more, the closeness the pair was sharing making her want to reach out and touch the girl she held. The hands that slid along her back and sides only encouraged that feeling to grow, and soon enough the warrior was letting her arms act as they pleased. The one at the girl's head remained where it was while the other coiled around her lower back, and soon enough Alice would feel Alex's hand slowly exploring that small area where a tail would grow had the girl had one.

It took a while for the dragon to realize that her back was far warmer than it should have been, and when she opened an eye halfway to take a peak she found the ocean and the sky greeting her. But even if she realized they had returned to the island she decided to indulge her desires and fell back into that warm and loving kiss being shared with the human on top of her. She stayed that way for a few seconds before she finally pulled back and freed her lips. "That was wonderful, Miss Alice." Her body stretched out some, the warmth of the sand against her back forcing her to relax more and more as she enjoyed playing the role of the blind girl's pillow. Had they the time she probably would have even fallen asleep just as she was, but she knew she couldn't stay like this for long. They were both completely exposed, and the oil that covered them both would quickly cause them to bake uncomfortably under this tropical son if left unchecked. "Feel like taking a bath? As wonderful as this oil is it won't do us any good if we stay out in the sun."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alice -> Alex

Alice laid in Alex's arms for a few more blissful moments, continuing the kiss as she felt one of the dragon's hands rubbing down her back, eventually playing against her tailbone. She let out a small gasp, though she kept her lips pressed against the Alex's until the dragon finally pulled back and complimented her. "Ye...yes, it was... excellent. I really am glad that I happened to meet you first" she replied, blushing slightly as she continued to rest on Alex. She realized now, however, that she was much warmer than she should have been, and she could hear the sounds of the ocean quietly lapping against the sandy beach. "Yes, I quite need a bath. And then some new clothes, I think the ones I came in are still in that arena..." she said, trying with some difficulty to get to her feet again. "Would you please lead me there?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Alice

"Hm..." At the mention of their clothes Alex wondered what would have happened with them. In her previous matches her garments were returned and repaired, so it shouldn't be any different now. Then again the previous matches didn't leave her naked and cuddling another, but still... "Ah, there they are." Her wandering eyes eventually found her shirt and skirt laying in a pile on top of Alice's dress and panties. She carefully lifted herself off the sand, and Alice was cradled and held in the warrior woman's arms before she was gently let down to stand on her feet. "Our clothes are here, but..." It only took a few steps to approach the small pile, but once she did Alex picked up her shirt and held it out at arms length. "They're still a bit soaked. And mine still have some mud on them..." But even if they were a bit disgusting Alex still put them back on just to remain somewhat decent. The inhabitants probably wouldn't mind in the slightest, but the other competitors may find it a bit odd seeing a naked dragon escorting a naked blind girl.

Whether Alice decided to get dressed or not wouldn't faze the woman, and once they were both prepared Alex stood beside her young charge and used a hand to touch the girl's arm. "There are a few places we could go to get clean. There's a lagoon with some natural springs and a bathhouse, but I believe both also double as arenas, so they may be occupied. We could also head to the hotel and find a room. I'm sure they have a bath somewhere, and if not we could at least get a change of clothes before heading elsewhere. Which sounds better to you?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Hotel, Afternoon

After Alex left, Pale quickly fell asleep, sleeping until late afternoon. Just as she woke up, room service arrived, bringing her some warm though not completely fresh blood and a parasol. She gulped down the blood and then put on a set of clean clothes of dark green satin that had arrived while she was sleeping. Getting dressed quickly, she walked downstairs to think about what to do next.

Cafe, morning

As suddenly as she had disappeared she reappeared, with no memory besides having disappeared of her disappearance. Looking around, Lily sees that the café is empty besides her and she decides to take a walk around and see if she meets other interesting people.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alice -> Alex

"Hm? Oh our clothes came with us? Good" Alice said as she was gently lifted up, cradled in Alex's strong arms. A few steps later she was set down on her own two feet, unsteadily at first, though she was soon standing properly, accepting her soaking clothing from the dragon. She could tell that they wouldn't feel good to wear at all, and would be clingy and nasty when soaked with the oil, but she still slipped on the dress, not wanting to go completely naked. "Umm... I would rather not go to a place where others will be fighting to bathe, so the hotel sounds like the best option to me" the blind girl replied as she reached out for the warrior's hand. And it was true, she was afraid of running into more people who might challenge her, but there was also an ulterior motive involved. Maybe, if the two of them were to go to the hotel together, Alex would spend more time with her. Maybe she would even get to spend the night with the dragon...
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Alice

"Hotel it is, then." And with that Alex started moving forward, her path taking her toward the hotel and her as-of-yet unclaimed hotel room. Her companion was sure to have questions along the way, and those would be answered as best they could.

Alex -> Alice (Pale?)

Once the pair arrived Alex led them toward the counter. Another of the pink-haired inhabitants was there to greet her, and once introductions were out of the way it was time for business. "We both need a room and a change of clothes if at all possible."

((Leaving this open right here in case Spider wants to have Pale jump in.))
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Alex/Alice

Just as Pale arrives downstairs, she sees the dragongirl with someone else, both in filthy looking clothes. A slight smile appears on her face as she hears the request. "Is my room not good enough for you anymore, Alex?" Pale says in an amused yet quiet voice.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Beach -> Hotel
Alice -> Alex/Pale

Alice latched onto Alex's hand so that she could follow her properly without using her shadowbeast to see for her, and walked along quietly for a while before beginning to ask questions. "You said your father was a dragon, right? What are they like? And where do you live? All I know about dragons I know from legends, which make them out to be almost a kind of god." She was curious as to Alex's side of the old stories, since she had never met one of the dragonkin in person before, or really heard of any.

When they apparently arrived at the hotel the blind girl allowed her companion to deal with the arrangements, though she was somewhat disappointed when the dragon seemed to ask for separate rooms. She had hoped to spend more time with her... Another voice talking to Alex quietly got her attention, and she silently thought about the unknown female's words. She already has a lover... Someone she'll probably spend the night with... she thought, staying quiet and waiting for them to have their talk.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Wandering conversation
Alex -> Alice

Alex let a small grin escape as Alice showed her curiosity. "They're not gods, though some will say they are. It really depends on which dragon you meet. But most of them are pretty haughty individuals, and rightly so. They're fearsome creatures, kings of beasts as some humans would say, capable of withstanding assaults from the strongest of Heaven and Hell's minions. But aside from that they have much in common with the mortal races. Most even hide themselves as humans or elves or some other creature and are never noticed as anything but what they appear to be.

"So what about yourself? I can only imagine what life is like for someone without sight."

Alex -> Pale/Alice

The quiet voice quickly grabbed Alex's attention, and with a turn she found Pale standing right there with an amused little smile on her face. It brought back memories of their last time together, how the dragoness was left panting and wanting and helpless as the vampire lifted her and gave the warrior what she so desperately needed, and it forced a coy little smile out of her as she realized that Pale's 24 hours would start now. "Greetings, Lady Pale. Or would you prefer Mistress?"

But Alex just couldn't ignore the young girl hanging on her arm. How was she going to deal with this? "Pale, this is Alice. She just recently arrived on the Island. Alice, the woman you heard is Pale. She's..." How was she going to explain this? "She was in my first match. When we fought I wasn't nearly as gentle as I was with you, so I felt I owed her retribution. That eventually worked out to me becoming her servant for a day."

This was going to be a logistical nightmare. Alex had given her word that she would become Pale's pet the next time they met, but she also didn't want to leave Alice on her own to be picked up by someone who would take advantage of her obvious weakness. She could just join Alex and Pale, but there was no telling what that would entail, and Alex wasn't quite ready to expose the girl to anything too drastic just yet. But if Alice was on her own she could end up exposed to far worse... "Mistress, if I may..." A quick nod toward a more open area showed Alex's wish to speak a little more privately, and if Pale accepted the invitation she would take a few steps and speak in a more hushed tone. "I wish to look after the girl while she's here, but as your pet I won't be able to do that. Would you allow her to join us? I really don't want to leave her on her own, and once I've payed my debt I'll take her off your hands."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

The Forest -> The Cafe
Six + Unknown

A growl of frustration left Six as she hopped here and there through the trees, before with several well-choiced expletives and a slice of her tail, she hacked one of the tree's limbs off in her irritation. She needed to hunt, dammit! Curse this stupid island and it's lack of anything closely resembling proper prey!

Her belly growled, further darkening her mood. Giving a dark mutter, she leaped down to the ground and slowly approached the cafe again, in a foul mood the entire time. She was going to go nuts here if she couldn't hunt properly, she thought, nudging the door open with a shoulder before sliding inside, her thoughts to preoccupied with her anger to notice anyone else inside. Her mind cursing the hells above and below that brought her here, she requested her close-to-raw meat with a surly growl and continued to sit at the bench she had located, her fell mood causing the attendant to scurry away.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Pale -> Alex

Pale's smile turns more predatory as she hears Alexandra's request. "Take her to my room and do as you wish with her. I'm going out for...oh, about half an hour, I'd say. I expect you to be there when I come back. Whether she's there when I come back is up to you, but if she is, she'll share your fate." As she speaks, Pale brings her hand to touch Alexandra's neck lightly, waiting for an answer.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Pale/Alice
"I... I see... As you wish." It would be obvious that she didn't like the idea of Alice being coerced into becoming Pale's slave, but if those were the conditions that were set then so be it. Alex had no authority to question them. Not for another 24 hours, at least.

Once Pale had left Alex returned and sat Alice in a nearby chair so they could speak a little more easily. "Alice, I'm not sure how much you may have heard, but I asked Pale if she would keep watch over you while I was in her employ. She told me that we had a half hour to ourselves, and once she returned that would decide my request. If you were still there she said you would share my fate. I'm... I'm not sure what that would entail. I'm not even sure if she would be careful since you body is so delicate. If you wish to leave I would not question it."
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alice -> Alex

Alice listened with interest as Alex explained the nature of dragons to her. "Hmm... That's a strange thought. I could have met any number of full-blooded dragons throughout my life, and never had any idea. It's somewhat disquieting, that beings of such power may hide amongst us" she said quietly, though she then shrugged. "Less disquieting than the fact that there are aliens out to eat our souls, I suppose. Or that one can suddenly be transported to a faraway island without warning."

When Alex asked her about herself, and what life was like for someone who was blind, she frowned somewhat. "Well, mine may be a little different from most, since I'm also an orphan. I'm told my mother died giving birth to me, which is probably why I haven't got eyes. I know nothing about my father, so I assume he gave me up to the nuns who raised me.

I grew up in a convent in Therion, helping the nuns with their daily chores to earn my keep. They were fairly strict about things, but they were good people, and it wasn't so bad. Somewhat boring, though. They tried to teach me to be a holy mage, like many of them, since they claimed I had talent, but I... Hmm...
She frowned deeper as she paused. "I lost my way, I suppose you could say. I befriended my shadow at around the same time, and he's been helping me ever since. The nuns didn't seem to take kindly to that.

The alien invasion sped my falling out with them along. I helped them fight off the aliens in the best way that I could, which they found... disturbing. After that settled down they moved me out to a house not far away. They still provide for me, I suppose out of religious duty, but they don't seem to want much to do with me anymore. I miss them, really, it's annoying living alone, even if you do have your shadow to talk to. I haven't got many real friends, just a few people here and there who humor the cripple because it makes them feel good about themselves. Day to day life isn't hard, though. I think it would be worse if I had once been able to see and lost the ability, but this is just... the way life is for me. The idea of seeing is odd to me.
She would be glad to talk more along the way, but nothing else came to mind right that moment to say.

Alice -> Alex/Pale

Alice was confused as Alex called the unknown female her mistress... The dragon's explanation made sense, though. "I... see... Hello, Pale" she replied, giving a slight bow in what very nearly was the right direction, as she fidgeted nervously. She really didn't know how to handle this situation, not at all. As the two walked away to talk more privately, she waited impatiently, wondering if she would have to be alone in this bizarre and probably dangerous place for the night. When Alex came back, she led the blind girl over to a chair and had her sit down, and then explained things. "I... I don't really want to be her slave, but... I don't want to be alone either. And... I want to stay with you. I think... If you're there, it won't be so bad I think" she said, a bit of fear in her voice, though there was also determination there too.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Wandering Conversation
Alex -> Alice
At the mention of an alien invasion Alex froze for the faintest fraction of a second. She continued forward as Alice continued, but while half her attention was given to her new friend the dragon couldn't help but feel like something was missing. There was a cloud in her head, a fog that seemed to suppress her memories yet couldn't fight off this anxious feeling that pieces of her life had been stolen from her as well as something far worse.

The anxiety that was growing was distracting, and it was only when Alice had stopped and an uncomfortable silence had settled before she realized she was slightly ignoring her new charge. "My apologies, I was distracted by my own thoughts." While this was the truth a part of the warrior did recall what Alice had said, and as she went over it in her mind she started to notice something. "I may not be an orphan, but I've had my own fair share of pain in the past. I understand what it's like to feel isolated. But don't you worry about that. Someone came along and pulled me from my own pit of loneliness. Someone will eventually do the same for you." And even if it was only for a short time while they were stuck on this island Alex would do her best to fill that role.

Alex -> Alice/Pale?
Alex...wasn't quite sure how she felt about that answer. A part of her was relieved. While she's only met a few of the other contestants she had seen a few others, and there was no doubt that at least one succubus was wandering around. She couldn't really remember why she felt this way, but Alex was certain that a succubus would simply take advantage of Alice's blindness and her frailty in rather depraved ways that could not be allowed. But Pale wasn't exactly a saint. She attacked the dragoness while she was preoccupied with Bakan, and she said she took her revenge on the idiot. The man said he couldn't remember what happened, but apparently it was enough for his mind to force that memory into a far corner never to see the light of day. Perhaps Alice would have been safer with the angel or maybe even the fool.

Thinking like that wouldn't help her in the least. Alice was with her now, and the girl chose to remain with the warrior even if it cost her freedom. "All right, then, let's go. She said we have 30 minutes to ourselves, so let's spend that time wisely." With that Alex led Alice to Pale's room, but not before grabbing her own room and directing the staff where to send the change of clothes she requested. Once they were finally inside Alex closed the door. "So what would you like to do, Miss Alice?"
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Hotel -> ???
Pale -> Alex/Alice & ???

Seeing the dragoness converse with the blind woman, Pale slips away looking for someone, or perhaps someones. Sticking away from the sunlight, she gracefully slips from shadow to shadow, first looking in cafe, then in various boutiques and finally the bath house.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alice -> Alex

"That's okay. You don't need to reply constantly or immediately, I'm used to silence. It's nice enough just... knowing that you're there beside me" Alice replied, blushing slightly. She knew well who she wanted to pull her out of her loneliness in that moment, but she didn't dare to say anything more about it.

Alice -> Alex

"Thirty minutes?" the blind girl asked, still more than a little shaky about the situation she had found herself in, soon to be at the mercy of a stranger. Still, she allowed Alex to lead her to Pale's room, trying to think what she might do with thirty minutes alone with the dragon, coming up with nothing. When they were in the room, and Alex asked her what she wanted to do, she didn't say anything for a little while. "I really wanted a bath... I hate this grimy slimed feeling. If not then... we could just... I don't know."

Luciana -> Pale

Luciana was getting a little tired of taking baths by now. It seemed like she had spent as much time in the bath as out over the last few days, but that was a total exaggeration of course. Still, as the demon washed out her hair she grumbled slightly. At some point, out of the corner of her eye, she noticed a thin figure that hadn't been in the room a moment ago, and took a little bit to realize that it was Pale. The succubus wondered why she was there, but didn't say anything just yet, waiting to see if the vampire would come to her. And finishing up cleaning herself.
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alex -> Alice
Alex vs Modern Plumbing
"Ah yes, the bath. There should be something around here..." With a goal in mind Alex started searching the room, and it took a few moments before she learned that there wasn't anything that looked like a true bath. A basin was found, but it looked far too shallow to hold any amount of water. It also had an odd pipe near her head that ended in some strange nozzle while a couple valves seemed to sprout from the walls. It was a rather curious looking device, and curiosity made her reach for one of those controls. A quick turn led to the sound of rushing water, and after no more than one half of a second she suddenly jumped as drops were suddenly sprayed into her face.

"Ah! Hot hot hot!" She quickly ducked out of the way, no easy feat considering her size, and once she was finally clear she turned back to look. "I found water..." She carefully reached forward and turned the one control back to where she found it, and the stream of hot water died and left nothing more than a cloud of steam to fill the apparent washroom. "What a strange device..." A little more testing found that the intensity of the stream could be controlled, and a little more after that led to the discovery of a cold stream from the some spout. "So that's what those letters meant..." Realizing that 'H' meant hot and 'C' meant cold made the dragon feel rather childish, but after turning them both on and finding the combination to be lukewarm she was suddenly inspired. A few adjustments confirmed her theory, and after a few more tweaks she suddenly found a temperature that nearly bordered on too hot but made the tension in her testing hand and arm simply melt. It was like a hot summer rain, a perfect shower where one could simply stand outside and let your cares melt away under one of nature's true blessings.

"Alice, try this out." A careful nudge brought the blind girl closer, and Alex guided her hand toward this artificial rain. "What do you think? Too hot? I could turn it down a bit if you want." If she needed to adjust it she would, and once that was done her clothes were peeled and thrown over in some random corner. She quickly stepped inside to let that shower pour over her, and with it a relaxed moan left her lips. "I hope this lasts for 30 minutes..."

Shower scene
Re: The Island (The non-combat IC thread)

Alice -> Alex

Alice waited patiently as Alex searched for the bath, and was thoroughly confused when she heard the sound of rushing water spraying against the dragon, and a small basin. "Are you alright?" she called out inquisitively, a little worried at the dragon's initial shouting. "What's going on?" Once there had been something of an explanation, she was nudged towards the sound, her hand guided underneath of the warm stream of water. "Hm... This should be fine. This thing seems... nice. I wish I had one" she said, stripping off her dress slowly and deliberately, and then tossing it into a corner without care, noting that it was soiled beyond cleaning anyway. That done she paused for a moment, before walking around the room, taking small, shuffling steps and reaching around until she found a suitably flat surface. She then carefully unwound the strip of cloth that covered her eyes, folded it neatly, and placed it on the table near the shower, before shuffling back over to the shower, carefully feeling for the basin with her feet and stretching out her arms. While it was clear that she could use a little help, she didn't ask for it in this instance. Her eyelids were closed shut, and though there was still something quite off about them, it was a bit less of a troubling sight than when she had earlier shown the dragon her misshapen and empty eyesocket.

When she was finally under the water she let out a quiet sigh of satisfaction, allowing it to stream down over her frail body and enjoying the warmth. "I could get used to this place..." she muttered quietly, trying to get just a little closer to Alex.