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The Love Nest

Re: The Love Nest

Pale vs Bakan vs Alexandra
Character Sheet:

Race: Vampire Stat Adjustments: +10 Body, +4 Mind, +2 Spirit.


Hit Points (HP):97
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP):52
Spirit Energy (EP):51
Grapple: 64+12=76
unarmed: 64+12=76 damage: 2d4+16+8
Vampire bite: 3d10 or 3d10-10+paralysis


Healthy(racial): +20 HP
Stealthy: +12 stealth, sneak attack auto-hit, double damage
Unarmed Fighter: Improved unarmed damage, +10 dodge while unarmed
Grapple expert: +12 grapple
Heavy hitter: +8 melee damage
Skill with Unarmed: +12 to attack unarmed
Strong of Body*3: +8 to body

Open soul(racial)

Daylight weakness(racial)
Venomous attack(paralyzing)(pleasurable)

Sudden strike
Shattering blow
Defensive Grappler
Stunning blow
Paralyzing Strike

Base Casting:
Favored Elements:

Spirit Ceiling:8-1
Patch of Darkness
The character chooses a location, and after exerting a small amount of energy and will, a patch of inky darkness appears there. No creatures other than the character and those that they designateusing this power can see within or through it, even with supernatural senses, which can allow the character to escape or attack without being detected. It does not block sound, smell or touch, however.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character then chooses an area within 100 feet. This area can be up to a 30x30x30 foot cube, or the area can spread out as the character desires. That area is instantly blacked out, causing any creatures within it to have the Blinded status until they leave its area.

The character dematerializes, and moves from shadow to shadow in utter silence.
-The character pays 5 EP.
-The character takes their turn to move from their current position to any other position that is within 100 feet. This movement must begin and end within spots that are not under direct light, and is completely silent, not allowing Perception checks to detect it.

Death Whip (attack 40+3X)
The character conjures a whip formed of shadow, and uses it to attack their foes.
-The character pays X EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-A whip formed of pure shadow appears attached to their arm. This whip uses their Spirit or Body stat to attack, whichever is higher. It deals (2d8 * X) + Spirit/4 damage whenever it hits. It has a range of 15 feet, and can be used to Grapple creatures at that range at a +3X bonus. It can also be used to attack up to 3 creatures per round, but each attack beyond the first takes a -8 penalty to damage.
-The character can attack in the same turn that this power is activated, but only using this power. If the character has the Duelist Talent, they can use this power as their weapon. If the character has the Two Weapon Fighting Talent, this power can be used as one of their weapons. If the character has the Unarmed Fighter Talent, this power counts as unarmed even if it is used to attack rather than that character's hands.

Inventory: Ordinary clothing

Bio/Description: Preferring practical outfits that hint rather than reveal, Pale rarely shows much beyond her face, which is captivating and not-quite human in its own right, with pale skin and black eyes. She prefers to shy away from crowds, instead seeking a single victim beyond the sight of others. Even then, she prefers to stay unseen for as long as possible and rarely speaks much louder than a whisper.

The OOC section:

Pale abruptly falls into a pile of pillows and instinctively looks for cover before realizing her situation. The entire floor seems to be covered with a giant mattress with lots of pillows everywhere, mostly in shades of red and purple. Quickly standing up she looks at the others first warily, then with a hint of smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes.
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Re: The Love Nest

Bakan Vs Pale Vs Alexandra

Name: Bakan
Class: Warrior (Paladin)
Race: Human (Badarian, but without the xenophobia)

(Total Experience: 0)

Body: 34
Mind: 16
Spirit: 8

Hit Points (HP): 86
Pleasure to Orgasm (PP): 37
Spirit Energy (EP): 53
Speed: 18
Dodge: 29
Armor: 11(12)
Resistance: 17
Perception: 34
Stealth: 22
Grapple: 34

Strong of Body: +8 to Body
Healthyx2: +40 HP
Greater Energy Pool: +20 EP
Pain Resistantx2: +8 AV
Natural Spirit Wielder (Holy Magic)
Skill with [Two Handed Blunt Weapons]: +12 to attack rolls using said weapon.

Honorable (RP) : The character cannot break their word once given. Every contract, agreement and promise is totally binding, and the character must seek to fulfill them even at their own detriment.

Idealistic (RP) : The character is unfailingly kind, no matter the circumstances. They will always try to help others to the best of their ability, even to their own detriment, and even if that help is not asked for or met with hostility. This does not mean, however, mean that they will let things attack them without responding. They’re idealists, not pacifists.

Obvious: The character takes a -12 penalty to their Stealth stat.


Skills: 4 (34/10 + 1 = 4)
Untemptable (Passive) - The character gains a +10 bonus to Resistance against all succubus powers, including energy draining.

Knight (Passive) – The character gets a +3 bonus to AV, Dodge, attacks rolls and damage for all melee attacks. Requires: Honorable.

Ground Slam (Activated) - Forsaking damage, the character strikes the ground with all their might, sending a shockwave that knocks any creature within 10 feet of the character prone unless they win a Resistance check against the character, who gets a -4 penalty to their check. Requires Skill with One Handed or Two Handed Blunt Weapons.

Golf Swing (Activated) - The character attacks with an upwards swing at a single opponent, taking a -20 penalty to their attack roll and a -10 penalty to Dodge until their next round. If they hit, the target is knocked back 10 feet, and must win a Resistance check against the character or be knocked prone. Requires Skill with Two Handed Blunt Weapons

Spirit Ceiling: 11 (53/5 = 10.6)
Holy Wall
The character forms a wall of white light at any location within 50 feet. This wall can be of any reasonable size and shape, and the character that created it can pass through it at will or designate any creature and allow them to pass at will.
-The character pays 5 EP. In addition, they must pay 1 EP upkeep every round.
-The wall appears, and any creature not allowed to pass through it must win a Resistance check against the character in order to do so. Creatures attempting to pass through it take 2d6 damage that ignores Armor regardless of whether or not they succeed at the check.
-The character may pay an additional 5 EP when creating this power to give the wall a +20 bonus to the Resistance check required to pass it. If the character does so, the upkeep cost is increased by 3.

Fey Servant
The character summons a faerie to aid them in combat. Only one creature can be summoned at a time, and in addition to the EP cost for using this power, each creature that can be summoned requires an additional cost of some sort.
-The character pays 4 * X * T EP. X = The number of creatures that you would like to summon, and can never be greater than 5. T = The tier of the creature, which is indicated for each.
-Then, the character chooses one of the following:
1) Kobold, Satyr or Gruff
Tier 1 monsters focused in melee combat. If the character is female, they will require only a kiss (though they certainly wouldn't mind going further than that.) If the character is male, will require that they turn over at least one item from the creatures killed, or 20 denarii, per creature summoned.
2) Sorceress or Siren
Tier 2 monsters capable of using magic. Sorcerers can be male or female but are always the opposite sex of the character, while Sirens are always female. They require that the character have sex with them once their task is complete.
3) Knight
Tier 3 monster with powerful melee capabilities. Only one can be summoned at a time, but their only price is that the actions they take under the service of the character coincide with those of the fey in some way. Can be male or female.
4) Elder Mage, Troll or Warhound
Tier 3 monsters, one a powerful mage, another a heavy bruiser, and the last an agile creature. If the character is male, they will require that they be able to slay at least 1 demon within the course of their service. If the character is female, they can either fulfill the male cost, or bare the summoned creature's child. Only one can be summoned at a time.
5) Lord or Angel
Extremely powerful tier 4 creature. Only one can be summoned at a time. Both require that the character fulfill some task of the summoned creature's choosing, and generally the task asked by an angel will be far more strenuous than the one asked by a Lord.
6) Sphinx
A powerful but dangerous tier 4 creature. The character must correctly answer a riddle when they are summoned, or the sphinx will attack them instead of fulfilling the desired task.

Lay on Hands
The character heals the wounds of themselves or their allies with a touch.
-The character pays X EP.
-One touched creature regains 4X HP.

Recently hand washed cloth(Shirt and trousers): AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2


Suffering from the effects of amnesia that the island bestows upon it's captives, Bakan doesn't recall much of his past. (Aka I don't feel like writing the fluff just yet.)

Bakan stands six feet tall almost exactly. He has a kind and gentle disposition especially when meeting strangers, so much so that all one needs to do is ask for his help, and should the task not involve something dark, he will almost always agree. It only makes sense that he has a fondness for the legendary angels of the world, which he would explain them to be the sole reason he still knows that there is good in the crazy world all around him. Following the ways of the angelic beings, he strives to be an example for how all living things should treat each other. Even facing a being of most terrible power, he will attempt to force it to adapt his viewpoint should it be acting of ill intent either towards him, or others. Only if faced with no other choice will he actually kill another living being, even in the case mentioned before. "Do onto others as you would have them do onto you," he would explain, and then promptly say that he'd rather not be killed by a man with a large and powerful hammer.

Falling into the arena as well, Bakan lets out a startled yelp as he quickly attempted to observe the situation. "Already!?" he exclaimed, noticing the dragoness present as well, but giving a start when he found Pale positioned in a way that completed the triangle. "You're here too!?" he announced with further surprise. The slight hint of smile didn't make him feel better either.
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Re: The Love Nest

Alexandra vs Bakan vs Pale

Body: 40 10 + 30
Mind: 14 4 + 10
Spirit: 20 10 + 10

HP: 57
PP: 44
EP: 67

Speed: 20
Dodge: 40 [50 vs Magic/Powers]
Armor: 7 (8)
Resist: 23 [33 vs Magic/Powers]

[R] Pain Resistant AV +4
Natural Spirit: Dragonfire Adept Gains 3 Dragonfire Adept powers
Hard to Hit Dodge +10
Skilled Gain 3 Skills
Lucky Non-Damage Rolls +3
Greater Energy Pool EP +20

[R] Easy to Hit Dodge -10
[R] Obvious Stealth -12
[R] Open Soul EP Damage Taken +4
[R] Mutated
Honorable Character must keep their word

[R] Odd Skin: Scales on back and sides
[R] Tail: Can be used for foreplay/penetration
[R] Horns - Lv1

Mage-Hunter Dodge/Resist +10 vs Magic
Spirit-Oppressor Dodge/Resist +10 vs Powers
Knight Melee Damage/Melee To-Hit/Dodge/AV +3

Ceiling: 13
Draconic Transformation Cost: 2X; Melee Damage/Melee To-Hit/Grapple +3X; AV +X
Dragon's Pride Cost: X; Upkeep: X-3; Dodge/Resist +4X

Unarmed: (d20 + 43) {2d4 + 10} [Blunt]
Grapple: (d20 + 43)
Pleasure-Foreplay: (2d4 + 10)
Pleasure-Penetration: (2d8 + 13)
Clothes: AV = 1, EV = 0, TP = 25, DU = 2

A woman of imposing size, this creature stands taller than most men. Considering her heritage this doesn't seem out of place, and neither are the horns poking out of the top of her head or the tail extending from her spine. The scales that run along her back and her sides clearly match the vibrant green one would find on any jungle reptile, and the faint frills and ridges resting on her forehead and her ears further mark her as the descendant of a dragon. But her other features are very much human. What isn't covered by scaly hide shows nearly flawless pink flesh that looks soft to the touch even with the underlying muscle clearly outlined beneath her skin, and her body is proportioned to give her the look of a warrior goddess, one with short jet black hair and emerald eyes that judge others without a second thought.

But finding herself on some strange island resort without any real memory of being brought there has left her confused. It only increases as she tries to remember the past couple weeks of her life and suddenly draws a blank. She knows something is missing, and for some reason she finds her trusty sword and shield gone only to be replaced by a loose outfit of sheer fabric consisting of a modest tank top and a shortened skirt that very nearly reveals to the world her penchant for not wearing any undergarments. For some reason this really doesn't bother her all that much, and considering the talk that there were competitions to be had she found herself wanting to participate just to test her skills.

A light, almost weightless feeling led to a sudden fall, and before Alex knew it she found herself bouncing on top of an oversized mattress littered with numerous pillows. A quick survey revealed Bakan as well as the Pale one. "This... is an arena?" It seemed appropriately designed for the rules of this competition, and though Bakan seemed bothered by it the small smile on Pale's face helped Alex relax a bit. At least someone would enjoy themselves.

"All right, time to set conditions." With that she picked herself off the ground without realizing that her skirt had been open and most likely flashed her intimates to everyone involved. "First, how do you with to play this out? 2-on-1, free-for-all, or something else? Second, I have a power that can give me an advantage. Do either of you? Third, do we wish to set any conditions for the victor and the losers?"
Re: The Love Nest

Bakan winced as her privates were revealed, raising a hand to censor the sight in shame before she went on about the conditions. "I'd rather not give more input to this situation than I have to, but this is certainly an awkward situation with three of us present," he commented. "And I have no powers of my own that would help me with such a thing. Well, I'm sure some of my magic would help me, but I can't seem to manage the incantations... You could say I have no experience with this sort of thing..." he told her, before hearing faint noise from the audience that was to his detriment, only too late realizing that he was being watched.
Re: The Love Nest

Stretching and taking a better stance Pale answers Alexandra's questions. "I'm fine with free-for-all, unless you insist on teaming up against me. As for your second question..." Pale's smile widens as she continues after a slight pause "...hit me with your best shot."
Re: The Love Nest

Bakan's response was obvious, but Pale's... It actually made Alex shiver. That was a direct challenge from someone who was confident in their own strength. She was daring Alex to use everything at her disposal, and the she-dragon felt obligated to answer. "Bakan, you may assist her if you see fit."

With a slight smile on her face at finally being able to truly test herself Alex closed her eyes. Her body immediately began to let off an unnatural heat, and a few short moments later it actually grew as the scales on her back started to spread. Her arms and legs were soon covered, some short claws starting to bud from her hands and feet while she stretched herself out. While her tail didn't become thicker to match the foot in height she gained it did lengthen, and once her change was complete Alex opened her eyes to reveal a far more reptilian set that seemed a little out of place on her still mostly human face. "Ready? She would make for quite the imposing figure, especially with her clothing now stretched taught over her muscular but still quite feminine figure, but she was obviously waiting for the others to make the first move.

Draconic Trasnformation
X=13, Cost=26 EP
Grapple/To-Hit +39

If anyone wants me to scale this back I will, but that should be a flat cost without any upkeep, and I went full blast to give Bakan a reason to join the fray since this gives Alex an advantage now.
Re: The Love Nest

Bakan felt himself heat up as Alex grew serious. He wasn't quite sure exactly who to fight, really, even if Alex gave him reason to team up with Pale against her. Without his hammer and magic, he felt naked even with his clothes on, and that left him struggling to think of what he could do against her. With her own magic on free reign, she seemed almost impossible to approach. But, she was draconic, and seemed to simply just increase her muscle power. He hardly expected such a spell to come about with the end result being something quite naughty.

"A simple submission hold..." he decided in his head, nothing lewd. Pale seemed more than ready to take care of that part, as he ran with teeth clenched, having the full intent on grappling with her.

(Bakan attempts to land an unlikely, if not impossible grapple on Alex.)
Re: The Love Nest

"So be it. Let's do this." Turning more serious Pale studies her opponent for a while before leaping towards her opponent and launching a punch at her mid-section.

(unarmed attack)
Re: The Love Nest

Stats, round start.
Alexandra: HP = 57, PP = 44, EP = 67, Status = None.
Bakan: HP = 86, PP = 37, EP = 53, Status = None.
Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = None.
Initiative: Alexandra = 20, Bakan = 7, Pale = 14.

(I'm assuming normal Spirit Ceiling rules are in play here. If they aren't, or I'm derping, just flail at me and I'll edit this.)

Alexandra uses Draconic Transformation. X is 13. Total cost is 13 HP and 39 EP, as at 2X it surpasses Alex's ceiling by 13.

Pale attacks Alexandra.
Attack: 6 + 76 = 82 vs 40. Hit.
Damage: 5 + 16 + 8 = 29 - 20 = 9 damage. Alexandra's clothing is at 10/25 TP.

Bakan tries to grapple Alexandra.
Attack: 34 + 10 = 44 vs 40. Hit. Alexandra is grappled.
Stats, round end.
Alexandra: HP = 35/57, PP = 44, EP = 28/67, Status = Draconic Transformation, X = 13, Grappled.
Bakan: HP = 86, PP = 37, EP = 53, Status = Grappling.
Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = None.
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Re: The Love Nest

Bakan actually surprised himself as his arms went around her. He didn't expect in the least to manage to catch the dragoness, and the moment of victory allowed him to get a better grasp on the situation. For one, she seemed to be straining herself awfully, and for another, her strength was growing so rapidly that he could feel that his grip would not last him. But still, despite all of this, he'd try to maintain his grip.

"Pale!" he'd call out to her in desperate hopes that she would take advantage of the situation.

(Submission hold, as pointless as that is.)
Re: The Love Nest

Seeing the dragoness grow in power, Pale reaches out and grabs for her other hand in one fluid motion, bringing herself closer.
(initiate grapple)
Re: The Love Nest

((I thought the value of X is what determined if the Spirit Ceiling was surpassed, not the total Cost. No need to change anything at the moment, but that's how I thought things worked.))

The pale girl was faster than she thought, and as Alex's body was still straining to adjust itself to its new form this left her an easy target. The punch tore through her top and clipped her skirt, the tension in the fabric causing them to rip quite easily leaving her chest nearly exposed, her nipples barely managing to remain hidden while her skirt threatened to shred itself just enough to show the top of her mound. What was even more surprising was finding Bakan managing to actually reach around her midsection to pin her arms at her side. She couldn't quite muster the strength to break free, not with her body still in flux like that.

But her transformation finally ended, and Bakan was calling for Pale to take advantage of the hold he was trying to maintain. With her body feeling better the half-dragon felt the man wouldn't be too much of a threat at the moment, so she turned her attention toward the surprisingly capable young girl. She would approach, and Alex planned on using that to her advantage. Her body would turn with Bakan still attached, and she would use her tail to sweep the girl off her feet and onto the mattress. Then the giant woman would pounce and hold the girl beneath her. Or she hoped at least. That girl may prove to be even faster than she thought.

Grapple: Pale

Base Grapple is 43 (40 Body + 3 from Lucky), DT increases Grapple by 39
Total Grapple is 82

Base AV is 7, Clothes increases AV by 1, DT increases Armor by 13
Total AV is 21
Re: The Love Nest

Stats, round start
Alexandra: HP = 35/57, PP = 44, EP = 28/67, Status = Draconic Transformation, X = 13, Grappled.
Bakan: HP = 86, PP = 37, EP = 53, Status = Grappling.
Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = None.
Initiative: Alexandra = 2, Bakan = 2, Pale = 12.

Pale: Grapple attempt vs Alexandra.
Attack: 76 + 18 = 94 vs 40. Success. Pale has joined the grapple.

Bakan: Submission Hold attempt vs Alexandra, assisted by Pale.
Grapple: 7 + 38 + 34 = 79 vs 95 = 13 + 43 + 39. Alexandra wins.

Alexandra: Attempts to grapple Pale? She's kind of already the dominant grappler after that last win.
Stats, round end.
Alexandra: HP = 35/57, PP = 44, EP = 28/67, Status = Draconic Transformation, X = 13, Grappling.
Bakan: HP = 86, PP = 37, EP = 53, Status = Group Grappled.
Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Group Grappled.

Match: Status = Clusterfuck.
Re: The Love Nest

It was a bit embarrassing to be thrown about so easily on Alex's back. Clinging with all his might wasn't even enough. As Alex would leap, and pin Pale underneath her, Bakan let his arms go in an effort to fly off of Alex's back during her leap, and roll along the bed a moderately safe distance away. Rather than attack him, it seemed Alex was more keen on attacking Pale. And the two of them seemed more than happy to engage with each other, so it wasn't like there was any difference from helping either side from his current view point.

(Bakan attempts to break his grapple and back pedal away from the scene.)
Re: The Love Nest

Still moving with surprising speed Pale begins to realize just how strong her opponent is as she suddenly pulls slightly away, enough to use her elbow to strike at Alex, hopefully hard enough to stun her while grabbing at Alex's tail.

Defensive grappler +stunning blow.
Defensive Grappler (Activated) – When the character is in a grapple, they can forsake any other actions in order to make an unarmed attack against any creatures that are grappling them. This attack is treated as though the character was not grappled, and takes a -4 penalty to attack rolls and damage for each hostile creature participating in the grapple. Every creature that is hit by such an attack, and takes damage has its grapple action automatically fail. Requires Unarmed Fighter.
Stunning Blow (Activated) – The character can take a -8 penalty to their attack rolls and damage on their attacks, but if they hit, their target must make a Resistance check against them or be Stunned until after your next turn . Requires Unarmed Fighter.
Re: The Love Nest

With Alex focused on Pale she didn't realize Bakan was pulling away until she felt his weight leave her body. For a brief moment the dragoness wondered just what that man was planning, but the fact that Pale was preparing to punch her once again was far more important. Her own fist shot out as a response, her fingers held tight to prevent her claws from digging into flesh and leaving tracks that would leave possible scars. Even if this was getting serious the she-dragon had no desire to disfigure either of her opponents.

Grapple-Attack: Pale

Grapple is still 82

To-Hit with Unarmed is 40 (Body) + 3 (Lucky) + 39 (DT)
Total To-Hit is 82

Damage if successful is 2d4 + 10 (Body/4) + 39 (DT)
Simplified Damage is 2d4 + 49
Re: The Love Nest

Stats, round start
Alexandra: HP = 35/57, PP = 44, EP = 28/67, Status = Draconic Transformation, X = 13, Grappling.
Bakan: HP = 86, PP = 37, EP = 53, Status = Group Grappled.
Pale: HP = 97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Group Grappled.

Match: Status = Clusterfuck.
Initiative: Alexandra = 18, Bakan = 7, Pale = 15
(Using new Defensive Grappler, I guess!)

Grapple: 20 + 82 = 102 vs 74 + 17 + 10 = 101. Alexandra wins.

Alexandra: Attack Pale.
Attack: 9 + 82 = 91 vs 55. Hit.
Damage: 4 + 49 = 53 - 1 = 52 / 4 = 13 damage. Pale's armor is destroyed.

Pale: Defensive Grappler + Stunning Blow against Alexandra.
Attack: 18 + 76 - 4 - 8 = 94 vs 40. Hit.
Damage: 8 + 16 + 8 - 4 - 8 = 20 - 20 = 0 damage. Alexandra's clothing is destroyed.
Resistance: 6 + 32 = 38 vs 33 = 10 + 23. Alexandra is stunned.

Bakan: Escape Grapple.
Alexandra willingly lets him go, apparently!

(I feel like stunned is supposed to cause any sort of grapple roll to automatically fail but couldn't find any reference to it in the new rules. Calling for Tassadar-level clarification!)
Stats, round end
Alexandra: HP = 35/57, PP = 44, EP = 28/67, Status = Draconic Transformation, X = 13, Grappled, Stunned
Bakan: HP = 86, PP = 37, EP = 53, Status =
Pale: HP = 84/97, PP = 52, EP = 51, Status = Grappled.

Match: Status = Flustercuck.
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Re: The Love Nest

Recoiling from Alexandra's blow as she manages to stun her, Pale hisses as she loses her clothing revealing her unmistakably feminine though pale form. That the dragoness lost her clothing too was only a small consolidation.

Slipping behind the dragoness Pale brings her mouth to her neck as if to kiss it...

Bite for 3d10-10 damage, resistance vs. paralysis
Re: The Love Nest

The exchange of blows was a rather marvelous looking sight, and though it didn't pain her in the least something about that strike seemed to resonate within Alex's body. Her mind suddenly found itself struggling to maintain its focus, and she barely registered her own clothing falling away before a blur shot past and behind her. The dragon tried to pick herself off of her knees, but each attempt left her stumbling a bit as her perception barely registered someone hovering over her neck. "Hey... Stop moving so fast..."
