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Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Her claws sunk true, and the foul beast collapsed into a heap. A triumphant grin came to Six as the beast fell, the only thing dampening her thoughts was there was many more like it that existed.

Panting a little from the release of tension from the fight, her lamplike eyes soon turned to the two that only seemed partly addled. "Are you injured?" she asked quietly, still tense in case another creature came to attack.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53 PP= 41 EP= 38 status= Fine

Both nude girls start to giggle and look every inch of the dark skinned woman, they looks to be really glad to had been saved of that monster than they looks to decide give to Six a group hug, maybe in order to say thanks.

Meanwhile the dark monstergirl cant find any other monster or sign of them, the third girl still is masturbing herself affected by the strange slime and she could stay with them until find a save place for them or just talk a little more before leave. Something inside her said her than something still could be outside the house or in a close room., unfortunatelly the three girls and the room were fully drenched with the creature smell.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six gave a squeak as she was buried by the other two conscious creatures. After finally able to untangle from them, Six gave a sniff of disdain at the treatment, trying to ignore how hot her face was getting from flushing.

Giving a few thinks, Six decided that the girls might be well enough 'camouflaged' in the monster's offcast that other monsters may directly ignore them, perhaps. At least, if she removes the ones nearby that is.

"Stay here," she says quietly, moving to quietly explore the rest of the house, and making sure there was no other fiends. The entire time she was tense and alert, a part of her mind remembering the encounter with the slimes and how horrible the experience was- and why was it making her body tingle?!?
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53 PP= 41 EP= 38 R=10 status= Fine

Charm= Six lost in resistance roll

Resistance damage= 7

Once Six was close to leave her hands were taken by both girls, as they whine and rest at her sides, Six could see at their eyes than they want to be at her side and also a lust need to be both pleasured, that slime should be a real pain for them and maybe Six should help them to earn a relief.

The dark creature cant see malice in these two poor women and for some strange reason, she is starting to feel used to be close them, even she start to think than she should allow them to follow her.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six felt the tug as the two of them grabbed onto her, before Six stopped and sighed. "Fine, I'll stay," she remarks, laying down onto the floor while trying to keep an open ear in case something nasty attacked.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six unable to resist the charm sit on the floor close the two lusty females, her body never had the time to feel the danger and soon they cuddle over her, their soft slimy bodies rub at Six's rought black skin in a passionate style. Each stroke and kiss insert in the monster girl the cursed substance, her inhibitions melt away and slowly she just stop to resist herself and start to caress them too.

From that point they were in an intense foreplay, licking Six's dirty holes and mouth without be worried of the strange woman mawl, they pinch and caress her breasts with a great skill, what for a strange reason turn her on too much, their three bodies pleasure each other without get worried to make any other monster heard them, Six moaned louder as easily she reach her first climax and just in an instant the two woman continued using her without stop until Six start to feel herself nearly empty in soul and body. Her mind just let herself be taken by that strange feeling, as all what she have now is a intense lust everywhere. Just then she feel her body fall on the floor, the last what she remember before fall uncouncious is a pair of painful screams.

Time later Six wake up in a new room, she is over a bed and she could heard two familiar voices in a near room, talking close the door. Her head hurt like never and she can see a hole close a broken window, her poor vision see also a bookcase in the floor, a empty open closet and her things at a side of her bed. Her body is clean and she can smell a little of soap on her making her know than someone take the time to clean her of all that nasty slime.

Six earned a total of 57 corruption points
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Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six groaned a bit as she stretched, returning to consciousness and shaking her head. What was with her and trusting strange women? Six continued to mutter a little as she finally got to her clawed forepaws, feeling a tiny bit heavier then she remembered before. Six gently leaped off the bed, a blush making her wonder if she was forced to do more then what she wanted while she was out. Even still, Six heard the noises, and quietly neared the door, trying to listen in.

As Six maxed out corruption thanks to her last encounter, she now has had her Odd Skin update to Armored Hide. Additionally, I properly recorded her fear of slimes :p
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

With her natural stealth skills, Six move toward the door without cause noise, she feel a strange sensation in her body, as she looks to make a little more effort to walk like if she was a little tired making her feel her body heavy.

Once close enough at the door, she heard easily the two voices. Once Six is ready we will talk with her about how identify these strange slime women

Of course, we could not be close her to save her again. Anyway she should awake soon, lets prepare all to leave this place

Six can identify Ganesha and Sylvanna voices, her eyes notice a little light coming from bellow the door and then some soft noises were what she could reach to heard.
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Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six continued to mutter and shake her head. Great, she got caught with more slimes... A shudder went through her frame, before shaking herself. She was really starting to dislike these things greatly, and even worse it seems they're really common... Even still, Six reached up to slowly slide the door open, pushing it a bit before peering out the door.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six slowly opened the door to see the room where she was close to move when the slime girls take her and make her return to the lobby, there Sylvana was taking some things and placing them in her back pack, as Ganesha stay looking outside ready to attack any creature who were unlucky enough to be spot by this redhead girl. Suddenly Sylvana turn and notice Six when the door cause a little noise. She then wave and get close her, maybe happy to see the girl awake Hi Six, we were ready to leave, are you fine? The two women were just bodies possessed by the alien creatures, please take care the next time when you see two or three girls nude giggling or touching each other without motive, also if they aren't attacked by these creatures

There was not sign of any of the three nude women and the monster remain still lay at the same place, for some reason Sylvana stay looking to see, she looks a little amazed as her eyes see every inch of the black skinned monster girl It looks like you are fine again, we leave some food in the table, is ot too much as nearly all in this town is rotten, but it should be enough to make you recover some strengh, is a same but we must leave you now or we could lost the track of our targets, they are at the north if you still want to help us.Said Sylvanna as she get close Ganesha, soon they could leave unless Six ask them something or have others plans.
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Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six shifted uneasily as the other women turned to her, her tail twitching in agitation until they left, a light greenish flush on her cheeks as she realized just how badly she had screwed up. Exploring the food they had left, Six would quickly scarf down any meat the two had left, mulling over her situation and last encounter.

Just her luck, trying to help others just got her into trouble again. How can she even be sure the people she was helping were on her side even? At this rate, if she screwed up again she may as well turn herself around and fight off the monstrosities sent to return her to the mad doctors that created her.

Shaking her head as she quickly finished her meal, she quickly left the house, and then shortly thereafter headed off herself, winding her way north as best she could without getting seen.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Once leaving the house, Six used all her stealthy skills to move through the large city until suddenly a sudden smell call her attention, she can see many lesser dark creatures looking inside the houses as they collect some useful loot for them or their master. At the moment Six has successfully dont call their attention but it will be hard to continue in this path unless she kill them who is possible as they look very weak if she compare them with her lasts foes.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

As Six traveled, she wasn't thinking much anymore about her earliest predicament of escape- that is, until she saw the beasts ahead of her, and her insides went cold. A part of her recognized the carapaced forms, very, eerily similar to hers, and was quite sure she didn't want to tangle with these creatures. Even still, the fact they were in her way- and thier elimination meaning they could not relate of her- came to mind, and thus, with a snarl, she leaped from her hiding place and charged at the nearest foe, ready to strike once she got in range.

I've been using Sudden Strike WAAAY too cheesily lately, time to stick to normal attacks and other stuff for a bit so I don't seem like I'm gamebreaking :p Thus, Six will close the distance and slash at the closest foe with her Claws.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53 PP= 41 EP= 38 R=10 status= Fine

stealth: partially succeed
damage enough to kill the monster

2 monsters in front at 15 ft, 1 at 25ft left, 2 at the right

From the shadows, the dark silhouette of the female creature jump over the closer small monster, her claws reach a vital point causing a lethal wound on the creature, he screech in agony as a strange blood trial fall on the floor. The last creature sound alert the others dark creatures who put their attention on the murder, trying to catch then soon start to surround her, leaving her only the small path from where she came. She soon can see than they were 5, but maybe there could be others still inside the buildings.
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Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six cursed to herself as she realized she had errored in attacking. Of course they'd be loud when they were exterminated... even still, it's not like she could really back out now, after all. And thus, with a snarl, she once again sped for the closest creatures, her claws ready to tear at them.

They seem relatively weak, so let's continue on with the clawing!
Approach one of the creatures at 15ft, attack with Claws.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53-8 PP= 41 EP= 38 R=10 status= grappled

Attack: succeed
damage 26-8= 18 damage
M2: grapple attempt success

2 monsters in front at 10 ft, 1 at 20ft left, 2 at the right

Six attack at one of the creatures at her right, her crawl only reach to wound part of the carapace of the creature, who at the instant return the favor biting her causing minor wounds on her, the others monsters are far away of her, except one than is also at her right side and jump over her wrapping his limbs at her and try then to stop her as the others come.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Snarling now that she was in a proper fight, Six flailed and struggled as one of them leaped on her, her tail thrashing wildly in the struggle. She needed to get free and fast, if she had any hope to stopping these creatures...

Struggle for freedom!
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53-8 PP= 41 EP= 38 R=10 status= grappled

Struggle: success
M1 attack: hit
M2: grapple attempt fail

2 monsters in front at 5 ft, 1 at 15ft left, 2 still close her

Sorry RL

The creatures still have the advantage over her, even when she take away the one over her, she cant escape from receive another screatch at her dark skin, leaving at her a mark. Having problems with two, she can see how the slow creatures are getting close her, grinning and preparing themselves to subdue her.
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Striking one beast down, Six growled a little before continuing to struggle and attack, her claws striking and clawing at the two beasts still subduing her.

Still trying to struggle free from the two beasties, focusing on M1
Re: Unknown (lurker) GMed by plmnko

Six Hp= 53-18 PP= 41 EP= 38 R=10 status= grappled

Struggle: fail
M1 attack: grapple
M2: submission hold fail

Turn 2
Six escape success
M1 fail
M2 attack success 5 damage
M3 attack success 4 damage
M4 grapple fail
1 at 5ft left, 4 still close her

Sorry RL

All was getting worse for Six, her attacks only cause minor scratches to the vile creatures as these slowly surround her, easily she can notice how they try to reduce her force before they try their next move.

Slowly the female creature is softly wounded, with each attack her strong caparace get signed with the monsters craw prints, soon more creatures join the first two and even when Six decide to escape, she will need to face at least one of them.