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Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Good, keep posting progress, even if it's small, and with posting something playable every now and then so people know you aren't making things up :p

Also, there's a bug in the moving platform, jump in it several times and every now and then it will push the character to the right, also when I pick the level it takes a while for it to load but in the meantime I can still move around in the menu.

It would be a good idea to scale the resolution to 1280x720 now, so you get all the speeds solved instead of having to tweak them later for a higher res.
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Yeah, the moving platform thing is a method I've never tried before, I'm going to have to do some serious messing with it. As far as the still being able to move around the menu bug, that one's stupidly easy to fix and a lack of foresight on my part. Fix'd.

How do the controls feel moving around, now?
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Jumping doesn't feel rigth, as soon as you release the button it accelerates downwards too fast and too constant, it doesn't feel like he's been pulled down by gravity.
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Another one that goes missing.
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Nope, I'm still here. Was actually meaning to make a post -- School just started for me. Just finishing up the second week. No, this doesn't mean I'm putting it on the backburner -- Just that I hadn't had any time to work on it lately because I was getting into the flow of things.

I'll be getting back into it shortly! (After I start my paper)
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

So I tried every button on the keyboard and can't seem to advance past character select... is the game glitched or?
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

So I tried every button on the keyboard and can't seem to advance past character select... is the game glitched or?

Have the same problem here.
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).


Good news is, I've graduated, so I can start picking this up again. :D Bad news is I disappeared without a word D: Sorry about that... Anywho, I'm gonna go do some work on it! Expect some kinda update soon!
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Congratulations, Welcome back, and sorry to hear that the Semester sucked...
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

I learned valuable things this semester. Such as japanese is a bad course to take when you want to have a slack course. Taking the second semester of a course where you took the first semester of it 2-3 years ago is an even worse idea. Blarg.
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Well thats why most people tend to try to learn other languages at home I guess... Teach themselves at there own liesure, review what you don't remember, and advance at your own pace...
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Yup. Makes sense. The course moved a little too fast for my taste, so it was tough at times.

Meanwhile, I've managed to perfect moving platforms tonight, and I've got ladders working fairly well! I'm just making it right now so you can't climb left or right while climbing ladders, and shooting inhibits your ability to move at all while climbing. The latter (doh-hoh) parts are being troublesome :)
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Hmm... I don't remember Climbing ladders negating... Hmm...

(Sounds of rustling through shelves in the dark, cursing at dead batteries, scrambling for AC adapter........)

Ahem.... As I was saying... I just checked... In my Megaman Powered (Which is just areskin of the original) game, you CAN move horozontally and even fire while climbing... Infact... It's almost impossible to beat without doing that...

So is it a personal reason or a game mechanic your adding in later that'll make the changes important?
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Oh, you'll still be able to fire while climbing a ladder, What I mean by that is that you stop moving when you fire from a ladder, since you should need that arm to climb as well as shoot.

As far as the moving horizontal, you can only climb ladders up and down, not side to side. If you want to move side to side from a ladder, you have to jump off! I don't think that was changed in MMPU was it?
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

To get good distance from the ladder sure, but say an enemy was moving and you were just perfectly lined up and didn't have the time to head up or down you could always move off the ladder and latch back on below (Should the ladder be long enough..

It was one of the only really viable vertical evasion maneuvers in the originals, (Which is mostly why there were never many vertical stages... Untill "X" came along and added some stuff...) dropped you just enough usually for the enemy to miss, but still not lose too much ground on the ladder, ya know? Jumping may have been a bit faster, but you could latch onto the ladder too quickly and still take the hit...

Just comes down to preference and familiarity ultimatly I guess...
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Not to be a pain, but we haven't gotten an answer to our question yet. Is the game currently uploaded not supposed to go past the stage select screen? Or is it a bug? I left it running for a half hour just in case and it didn't progress at all.
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Oh, sorry for the delay on the response. Been out of town lately, didn't feel like mucking up someone elses computer with hentai stuff in their history.

You CAN get past the stage select screen right now, but only on out of place man. There's no hentai graphics, heck, nothing outside of place holder graphics / graphics I'll be using in my non-H game, though. I'm working on the engine right now. I want to get it working perfectly to my liking before actually making any stages. I plan on making a "template" stage where everything works perfectly before moving on to actual level design.
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Oh, ok. Thanks for the response, no worries on how long it took.
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Made a bunch of progress and such lately. Mostly just bug squashing stuff though. Not a whole lot to see, but if you want to, go nuts!


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Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Glad you're getting somewhere. A few things I noticed off the top of my head:
-Standing on the platform just below the text causes your head to disappear.
-You'll need some sort of list of controls on the character selection screen -- it took me a few minutes to figure out how to select a character.
-Keep in mind that many keyboards/computers can only have three (?) or less buttons pressed down at any time, and this may cause problems for you down the road.