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Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).


Jungle Girl
Feb 8, 2010
Reputation score
I'll try to keep it brief here, get the idea across quickly. Most of this post is actually a question, really.

For a long time, I've wanted to do a RoR game done in the style of Mega Man. You'd have your main character(s), I'm not against multiple especially different playstyles ala X and Zero (not to mention, different girls for different tastes. For example, a catgirl and a witch, or something), and then each of the robot masters and their levels would essentially be based around a single main fetish (with some overlap here and there). So, your 8 bosses would be, say, Tentacle Girl, Vore Girl, Somethingorother Futa, Bondage Girl, etc. etc. I have more indepth ideas than that for bosses and characters, but nothing really worth getting into more than that.

Now, my question is, are there any artists out there? I'm no professional programmer, but I've a fair bit of knowledge with TGF/MMF2, and I've made a few unfinished projects. I can make the game, and concept design is always fun and pretty easy to do, but I always get hung up on sprites. It's what always holds be back, in all of my projects. I'm -okay- at it, but I can't draw females to save my life, and it takes me way too long.


Mega Ultimate Jungle Girl 2000 Redux Z
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

I draw shits; but I can't say I'm really that good sprite-wise.
Looking forward if this comes to fruition; though


Jungle Girl
Feb 8, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Well, if I can find an artist to do the spritework, I'd definitely do it. I like the programming and level designing aspect. It's just the drawing takes so much out of me. I guess if anyone's interested, they could post sample art/spritework. I wouldn't need anything amazing.


Jungle Girl
Nov 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Make the game using placeholder art, use ripped sprites and mspaint drawings in the meantime.

When you have something to show then start looking for an artist, I would say that you should have at least the whole game engine working and a demo stage.

This way artists will be able to tell if the gameplay is good and if they want to cooperate.

Just look at this forum, there's a lot of "I wanna make X porn game I only need artists, programmers, level designers, music composers, etc..." threads, if you can code a game, then do it, give artists a reason to help you and not one of the other thousands of projects out there.


Mega Ultimate Jungle Girl 2000 Redux Z
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

And whatever you do; do not go the the LoK forums.
That's just dooming your project to be incomplete


(And Reputation Manager)
Staff member
H-Section Moderator
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Haha, I have no idea why there's such a poor completion rate there. From what I can tell, the community is very on task about things.


Jungle Girl
Feb 8, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

I actually have a mostly completed Mega Man engine in the works. I could just post the one I've got and people could tell me if they think it'd work. It's not H-oriented at all at the moment, but it wouldn't be hard to change that.


Jungle Girl
Nov 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Yes I noticed in your signature that you where (are?) working on a megaman project, but there has been no updates since june.

Also, I hope you realize that you will need many artists to cooperate, as asking a single person do do all the animation and backgrounds would be just too much, no matter what the person says, the most common result when an artist says that he/she will make all the art needed is that they get overburdened/losse motivation and disappear; it's better to set a quality standard and give the people who chose to help you small tasks that are easy to complete.

Post what you have, if it's good I will help you with the animation of the main character, an enemy with its animations and a simple background, that would be a very good start to show around asking for more backgrounds and enemys.


Jungle Girl
Feb 8, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

I am still working on it, yes, but there also haven't been many updates either (although I have updated it since june). Real life reared its ugly head with a number of really horrible events in the past half a year, and it was one of those things where real life, and real relationships took priority over video games.

I am also very well aware that all the art is too much for a single person to handle. I've always put that burden upon myself, and I'm not very good at it. :p

As soon as I've access to my main computer, I'll throw up the current build for Giga Guy that I have. It's not quite what I want for an actual Mega Man clone yet, as I need to fine tune the jumping mechanics (which is proving to be a huge hassle), but for a RoR H-Game, it should be fine.


Jungle Girl
Feb 8, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Well, here's the second most up to date build I've got. It's not too far behind the most up to date, but the current one has some wonky bugs I need to fix. It'll give an idea of the controls, though.



Mega Ultimate Jungle Girl 2000 Redux Z
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Well, here's the second most up to date build I've got. It's not too far behind the most up to date, but the current one has some wonky bugs I need to fix. It'll give an idea of the controls, though.
I take it that since it's a RoR game, main character is female, yes?

Since you already have a sprite set out, I.. Might.(NO GUARANTEES AT ALL) be able to work on it and maybe make it look a bit better?


Jungle Girl
Feb 8, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Yes, it's a RoR with a female protag. However, what I posted is NOT going to be what I had in mind for the game, on any level. The sprites and weapons you see there are for another game I'm making. I was posting that to show I've a (mostly) working engine, that can be very easily modified to suit the needs of a RoR game. It litterally takes a few seconds to swap sprites, so long as they're drawn, as well as changing the art and functionality of each weapon, now that I've got the actual engine created.

I have some concept art somewhere that a friend and I did a while back, as this was discussed long ago. I could peek around for it, or we can just try coming up with new characters entirely.


Jungle Girl
Jan 2, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

For a long time, I've wanted to do a RoR game done in the style of Mega Man.

Now, my question is, are there any artists out there? I'm no professional programmer, but I've a fair bit of knowledge with TGF/MMF2, and I've made a few unfinished projects. I can make the game, and concept design is always fun and pretty easy to do, but I always get hung up on sprites. It's what always holds be back, in all of my projects. I'm -okay- at it, but I can't draw females to save my life, and it takes me way too long.
*flails arms*



Jungle Girl
Feb 8, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

First thing's first, Kazufox0's. I friggin' love you for the Kenshiro sprite. Seriously. You're awesome.

As far as your spritework goes, well... As weird as it sounds, considering that I'm essentially making two Mega Man clones (one hentai related, one not! :O) I actually don't want to have any Mega Man sprite edits, or any sprite edits at all. Using sprite edits, in my opinion, gives it a too-familiar feel, and I would want projects like these to have their own unique personality. If that makes sense. :(
Nov 12, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

It makes complete sense I used to sprite however I never really had the skills to make my own custom sprites though I only really did Recoloring or Sprite movements. Spriteing is quite difficult. I wonder will this game be 8 16 or 32 bit?

My avatar is a relic of my old spriteing days lol


Jungle Girl
Nov 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Mechanics look solid, except the jumping, make it so that you have to press the button again to jump, so he doesn't keep jumping if you hold the button.

There's not much to see there, show that you can code some different enemy behaviour, moving platforms, dissapearing platforms, ladders, destructible blocks, pits, character death and lives, level select or an overworld map a la mario world, then we are talking.

Give me those and I will help you, here are a few samples, notice that these are a couple of years old as I stopped posting porn on the internet for random reasons like a girlfriend checking the computer history every freaking day and making a bazillion questions and getting angry every time it was deleted :p

Here's an standing loop,

I had a few more animations that where linked to the hj800z profile, I just can't seem to find them online and I deleted all that from my computer ages ago, the other animations I have done that are on the internet are from religious cartoons and nobody wants to see that.

I have another internet name that holds non porn/furry work that's a lot better but that one is a secret.

Closing comments, I would work toward 1280x720, so no pixel art, I animate for games in anti-aliased PNG glory.

Also, I know I ask a lot, but I'm in the proccess of learning game maker and there's no point in helping a project that has so little progress (I could get the basic platforming to work on GM in a hour, everything I asked above in a week or so), if all that is hard to make on multimedia fusion seriously consider switching over to game maker, if you decide to do so I can hook you to a few good learning resources.


Jungle Girl
Feb 8, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Oh, huh, I didn't know the version I posted had that old jump mechanic. The one I'm doing now doesn't continuously jump if you hold down the button, and it also has variable jump height depending on the length of time the button is held.

Most everything you stated is easy to do, with enemy AI being the only really difficult one (but that's because it's AI). One thing I've noticed playing Mega Man games however (Which is important considering that's kind of the basis here) is that many of the bosses, especially in the older ones, aren't so much AI as they are controlled by you. Seriously, go fight Metal Man or Skull Man and don't touch anything.

Any resolution is fine by me. Only reason Giga Guy's like that is because, 1. I suck at sprites, and 2. I want to capture the same blocky feel of the classic Mega Man games. I'd prefer a higher resolution for such a project as this!


Jungle Girl
Nov 15, 2011
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

Nes megaman AI is not really AI, mostly just go to player and turn back on platform edges, bosses seem to do the same as they have no patterns or shit, I don't know of the newer megamans like ZX or Zero or whatever, I played Nes, Snes and PSX megamans, and up to that point all bosses have patterns related to their current health and your position on the screen, both of wich are easy to do.

If those things are easy to do, then rebuild cutman's stage, here are the sprites and the map of the level.

If you do that I will help you with what I stated before, if you can get more people to help then I could give you keyframes and other people could do the in-betweening, inking and coloring the animations, those three are extremely time consuming and both are relatively easy to do and easy to teach, this way I could give you more raw material than a character and a enemy, and keyframes are the harder thing to come by while asking for volunteers.
Last edited:


RP Moderator
Nov 14, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

This piques my interest...

Like Mega Man is calling to me...

First Egoraptors: Sequelitis Episode 2 (Mega Man vs Mega Man X)

Then Finding Maverick Hunter X on PSN (Bought the FUCK out of that shit!)

And now this?

Just cant really pass this one up...

I've done a little bit of spriting myself... Couple of customs here and there...

But doing something larger like this might be fun...


Jungle Girl
Feb 8, 2010
Reputation score
Re: Something I've wanted to make for a while. (Mega Man styled RoR game).

That sprites a heckuvalotbetter than anything I've done. Mr. Shun! D:

Did a bit of work on it tonight, threw together a stage select screen. I know the graphics are derp, the point was to show it's doable. Just placeholder stuff for now. (Although I like all those boss /stage theme ideas)

Bit of an updated movement build, too. Jumping collision is much better, no "auto-jump", variable jump heights, and no walking animation! I'm using an external movement extension I've never worked with before, so I had to rebuild some stuff from the ground up.

Welp, here's some progress, anyways. Working on a new system for moving platforms. I've... Got it half working, at least.

