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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Excellent. Now when Olivia gets back, we can punish her severily for ordering Xozz to eat June, going on about how we would have figured out a way to save her eventually. Much spankings will ensue. Just as planned.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

the B's have it. lets just hope that anything that the orange ones have is weak altogether.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


"I dont like the idea of competition in the area, were going to take our that orange tentacle lair" Olivia orders

"Without Reinforcements?" Xozz asks

"Have some Faith Xozz!"

"I must inform you about the dangers of raiding a tentacle lair as a woman, and although you are stronger than most, you are anatomically still a woman, if you were captured somehow, the orange tentacles could siphon a great deal of power from you."

"Xozz, ill be fine, these weakings cant even catch me, let alone hold me down?"

"yes but..."

"Enough! ive made up my mind, either come along or go back to the lair!"

Xozz beeps and clicks as he begins moving in the direction of the orange lair, about as tentatively as a giant box-like machine creature could.


After a couple of minutes of walking across the dunes, you see the entrance of the lair, it is a little bit of a rock formation poking out of the sand, the entrance is not very big, but it is big enough so that xozz should be able to squeeze through.

Olivia pokes her head through the cave to see if there is anything immediately inside, it is empty.

"This Lair appears to be new, if this had been an older lair, the meatwall would have come all the way out to here (Xozz shines a light on a section inside of the cave), that or they have done a terrible job of maintaining their lair." Xozz Observes.

"Are you ready for some fun?" Olivia asks, cracking her knuckles

"I'd prefer positive results" Xozz states

You descend into the lair, finally encountering meatwall, it is in bad condition, looking extremely unhealth, almost necrotic, stepping on it allows for little traction whatsoever, the luminescence radiating from it is so terrible that xozz is forced to guide your way with its lights.

The Lair houses few orange tentacles, the few you see are barely able to move, using what little power they have to reach out towards Olivia, but their length alone makes it futile.

"We should ignore these tentacles as best we can, so that we dont alert the rest of the lair to their presence"

Olivia shakes her head and rolls her eyes.

At last you come to the central room, where you see the Orange overlord in the middle, his tentacles leading to a nearby wall with two women being fucked.

The First woman is obviously the princess, she has her eyes closed as she rests while her overlord slowly fucks her, she is exhausted, yet her overlord continues to fuck her, never giving her a moment to rest. she appears young, having short brown hair which she has tied into a ponytail, a cute face and large breasts.

The Second woman is also completely exhausted, breathing in slowly as the tentacles sap most of her strength below, she has pale skin, her straight auburn hair goes down to her halfway down her back, her breasts are quite large, DD cup at least, she is quite the catch.

"Be careful,try to take them down slowly, if the overlord.."

"Just kill it!" Olivia runs towards the overlord in the middle, ready to fight

"Wait!" Xozz yells

It is too late, the overlord detects her close proximity and tentacles fire outwards, Olivia is able to avoid the first couple before the third and forth connect and wrap around her thigh and neck.

Olivia is able to snap the tentacle around her neck, but three more shoot in from the central mass and grab her arms and waists.

"Help me you worthless rusty bucket!" Olivia yells

"I cannot help you now, i must wait for a better opportunity" Xozz speaks, calming as it moves into a corner and watches the 3 girls carefully"

The Orange Overlord Attacks Olivia with all of its free tentacles, placing several of them on her arms, legs, torso and a replacement around her neck, despite her immense strength, the Overlord is stronger.

One of the tentacles detaches from her ankle and places itself just outside of Olivia's Vagina.

"Dont you even think about it!" Olivia yells out-loud

The tentacle plows forward and into her.

'AH!" Olivia yells out in shock as the tentacle begins to fuck her with purpose.

Another tentacle releases from one of her arms and positions itself behind her, the other tentacles spread her thighs apart a bit more for good measure.

"s...stop!!" Olivia says once more.'

The tentacle positioned outside of her ass fires forward and easily penetrates her clinched sphincter, Olivia gasps loudly at the violation, trying to move her body in a way that would prevent the tentacles from fucking her pussy and ass so deeply.

One of the tentacles holding her torso detaches and positions itself outside of her mouth.

"N....mmmmp!!" the tentacle fires in, cutting her off.

The tentacles pound her mercilessly, pounding inside and quickly retracting, setting up another deep plunge.

Olivia can feel her strength being drained from her body, she becomes slightly dizzy, her eyelids become heavy and her resistance is fully put to a halt, in a strange way, it feels like all of her energy is being forced to gather down at her privates, and that energy is being sucked out of her by the tentacles.

Olivia's head nods forward in exhaustion, the tentacles in her mouth pulls out and ejaculates on her face where Olivia doesnt even have the energy to lick up the sweet nectar.

Finally, the few precious bits of energy Olivia's body has to offer is drained away, Olivia feels like she has been sick for a week, having aches across her body, the tentacles below bulge up and ejaculate inside of her, huge streams of semen escape her orifices and leak down onto the ground before where she is being help.

Olivia passes out, the tentacles place her gently against the meatwall, which appears to be more healthy now that it has fed off of her, she is locked in place by the tentacles inside of the meatwall, her head nodded off as her body rests.

The tentacles fucking the other two women detract as well, The overlord finally deciding his should let them rest after such a pleasant surprise meal.

Xozz waits a couple of minutes, then carefully moves over to Olivia, picking her off of the wall, the tentacles retract back into the wall, the relic places her on top of his platform and looks at the remaining girls.

Xozz thinks he is strong enough to carry one more girl with him, and even then it will be difficult to get back to the lair.

What do you do?

1. Take the Orange Princess with brown hair in a ponytail with you.

2. Take the Pale-skined Girl with Auburn hair with you.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A If orange considers its princess as nothing more than another type of fuel source, than that's what we'll consider her as well.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

It was kind of a desperation move, Orange expanded too quickly and couldn't get enough women, they sent out a couple of raiders to bring another woman back but you killed them.

As with every decision, choosing to take the princess or the pale girl will have consequences, Olivia being overconfident really hurt your chances of taking both of them, hopefully it will be a valuable lesson to her.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Could Xozz possibly detect anything special about the pale skinned one? Or is he still too low on power?

I hate wasting a potential resource/ally but I suspect turning the orange princess would be jus as if not more difficult then tuning Kara currently. So she might in the long run be better off powering up Xozz. Either I personally need more information, intel, knowledge before making a definite permanent choice.......
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Just take the princess and deal a serious blow to orange's plans.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Theres no right or wrong choice here, and i cant reveal any information because you are only suppose to know as much as Xozz or Olivia know right now.

We know however that more physically fit and potentially more attractive women will yield more energy or produce more powerful spawn, women with large breasts are generally better at producing breast milk, slim girls are usually quicker, new girls are more defiant but regenerate energy faster, all of this factors into what you will get out of a woman who you have enslaved, both good and bad.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

1 lets take the princess and once we get the strengh enought take the other girl, we can let the orange tentacles try to get some girls and then take them from them again, we have a great chance to grow twice their speed. Also eat them now will not give us too much energy, so lets take them and use them to grow more tentacles.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

1 The Princess.

I think our first order of business, when the party gets back to the lair, should be to have Xozz made in charge of the raiding parties until Olivia learns some humility and strategy. Eejits should not hold any authority.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

1 this almost feels to easy to do. but sense there feeding off of there own princess to keep there lair going. may as well take her from here.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Hrm..... I wish I could tell who is in better shape. The pale girl has larger tits, So she gives better milk for our spawn. And if she was in good if not excellent physical shape, shed be the ideal one to take over the princess as she would produce good offspring and have a good milk supply to sustain them.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Take the princess. Chances are it would hurt Orange the most anyways, the best it could do right now is expend most of it's new energy into making that other woman a new princess, and it would be right back where it started, but one woman down.

And gosh darnit, we need to check for IQ before we choose another princess, if we ever need to. choosing based on bust size does not lead to good decision-making skills XD
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Who know, maybe the ancient overlords earned a magic than give the massive breasts the ability to produce neurones
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Bah looks like I'm outvoted. :| Oh well. I will still vote for 2. The pale skinned woman anyways. I've voiced my opinion and reasons why at the very least.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Tentacle Anatomy 2: Our first specimen ; by Richard Morrow; Researcher at the Royal Academy of Secret Sciences; Filed to the Council

I've received several requests from the council regarding my previous letter to help them further understand the species, many council members have a misunderstanding about them (some members believe they are ruthless killers who must be destroyed) before they will come to a decision to disregard them, therefore i have sent each member more information so that they may better understand what we are dealing with.

About 3 months ago we were able to capture a young tentacle creature, it had been isolated from the rest of its kind and was hiding inside the walls of a bathhouse, when the women were alone, it would quickly slither out from its hiding space and attack them, the women were unable to prevent the creature from slipping through their fingers as it quickly fucked them in either the ass or the vagina, the women who tried fighting it were eventually weakened to the point where they could not run away, they would pass out and wake up a short time later being covered it semen.

Other women tried running away for help, but again found themselves being tired out, panicing and yelling for help about the creature that was raping her, when it was done, it would slip out of her and escape back into the walls, for weeks the rumor had been ignored, it was a popular bath house and nobody really believed the stories.

The owners of the bathhouse while they didnt really believe it themselves, posted a bounty for anyone attending the bath house if they captured it, most of the customers thought it was a ploy to get female customer excited, the 'Slithering menace of unimaginable pleasure' was thought of as some kind of urban legend to them.

Eventually the creature was caught, someone brought in a glass jar and trapped it inside, the authorities alerted us about its existence and we paid a heavy sum to acquire it.

Studying the creature was difficult at first, we tried to feed it, but it wouldn't eat anything, it looked through the glass habitat we build for it at our females assistants all day long, it was obvious that the only thing it would survive off of was female energy.

We started a program where we paid young women to come into our labs blindfolded, the were told to keep their mouths shut about anything that happened there, they were compensated unimaginable well, especially in the later stages.

We lowered the women into the glass habitat while they were naked and blindfolded, the tentacle creature below wouldent even wait until her feet touched the ground before it would dive at her and penetrate her with precision.

The Tentacle would always finish and be more energetic, meanwhile each woman was exhausted after each time, we needed to start setting up beds in the lab for them to rest on afterwards because they were too exhausted to leave.

We studied its 'feeding habits' greatly, it would gather more energy from a woman who it had not fucked before, and eventually it started to grow.

Months pasted and the tentacle beast started getting bigger and bigger, it had grown into a base with several tentacles now rather than the one it had started with, it had increase in weight 20 fold and it was noticeably stronger, grabbing women as soon as they were in range and pulling them down into the habitat with it, breaking the harnesses and fucking them in all their orifices.

The creature would keep the woman close for days, keeping her held down, it would take many days before we got an opportunity to free her, the tentacle beast would keep her fed by forcing feeding its semen to her, which contained a high amount of nutrients, most of all protein.

The creature started to become dangerous that is when we first learned of its ability to cast magic. it would enchant female researchers through the glass, they would go into a trance and undress themselves, then they would climb into the habitat and be grabbed and raped like all of the others, we needed to start using only male researchers to prevent this.

The creature began to impregnate the women we sent into the habitat, when we rescued them, we needed to quarantine her while she gave birth so that none of them escaped, we learned about their young and their feeding habits using this method.

The creature would begin having conversations with the women through a form of telepathy, reassuring them that everything would be fine and they would be taken care of.

Eventually we started to have a problem, this creature was starting to control us with its unsatiable hunger, we decided that we were going to stop feeding it to make it weaker, in order to move it to a facility that had better protection.

The Creature did not respond well, violently breaking through the reinforced glass one night and busting through the doors, it grabbed a couple of female researchers who had been assigned to other research projects as it raced through our labs, eventually it found a sewer entrance and escaped into it with the women, the creature and the women were never seen from again.

In order for us to be able to research the magical abilities of these creatures, we must embolden our efforts, we are in the process of building a super secure facility, where we will be able to safety house and contain a tentacle creature many more times the size and strength of the previous one.

We have begun efforts to sign several extremely healthy and futile women to longterm contracts, all with non-disclosure agreements and life insurance plans, who will be able to feed our next tentacle beast for month or years.

We tell you our plans because we need your silence about the existence of these creatures for the betterment of humanity, we feel that it may be possible for humanity to someday use magical abilities because of our research.

- Richard Morrow, Lead Royal Academic Scientist, 'Tentacle' Division.

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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

we feel that it may be possible for humanity to someday use magical abilities because of our research.

That's going to end well.
plmnko said:
Who know, maybe the ancient overlords earned a magic than give the massive breasts the ability to produce neurones
They probably also learned a spell for turning men into women. Then Diagasvesle's life would be complete :D
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

(A errr 1.....whatever)

Xozz calculates data and runs multiple scenarios, finally, he decides on taking the Princess rather than the other girl, believe it would make more sense strategically.

with his claws he wraps around her back and pulls her from the wall, her binds give to the force applied as if a tentacle creature were grabbing her and she is brought towards Xozz.

Without the flexibility of a tentacle, he must get creative, he opts to bring a claw up from under her and use another to nudge her ontop of olivia who is passed out on top of his central platform.

The Princess is very exhausted and doesnt put up too much of a fight, Xozz clamps a couple claws ontop of her to ensure she doesnt try to escape before he reaches the lair, The Princesses lay on top of the other, Breasts to Back, both exhausted from sex, Xozz thinks there must be a joke in there somewhere.

Xozz starts to exit as he feels their weight, it is lucky Olivia elected to have him assimilate with that new human, otherwise he wouldent be powerful enough to carry both of them.

Xozz exits the Lair, seeing the sandstorm has died down, thankfully.

he moves through the dunes and the sand seas until he reaches your lair, the orange princess is beginning to recover as the relic makes his way inside, she struggles to free herself, forcing Xozz to plant additional claws ontop of her to force her from escaping, the extra stress causes Xozz to use more of his stored power in order to continue along.

Finally he reaches the Inner lair where you are waiting, you instantly bring tentacles out to her aid, grabbing the orange princess in all key locations, Xozz releases his claws from her as she is lifted into the air and eventually placed gently into a corner where she is pinned against the wall and bound there, same place she was 30 minutes ago, but with a blue meatwall behind her rather than an orange one.

Xozz places Olivia on the ground next to you in the middle, she is still passed out from the Drain fuck that the orange tentacle put her through.

"What happened Xozz?"

"Your Princess and I were travelling to the encampment when we spotted Orange Tentacles dragging a woman along the sands toward their lair, we defeated them and captured the woman"

"You captured an Orange Princess being dragged to her own lair by her own companions?"

"No master, it was a Different girl"

"What happened to her?"

"Princess Elected to Replace 'June' Human with this other one."

"What do you mean she elected? how could you let her make sure a decision?"

"I am a servant sir, programmed to obey the commands of my masters and their underlings, since you were not present, her command could not be ignored"

"What power did you gain from this new woman?"

"Immediately following successful assimilation, Capacitors were charged from 15% to 40%, However carrying the two women back required me to tap into my reserves, i have used 10% of my stored power, my capacitors now carry a charge of 30%"

"How did Olivia come to pass out like this?"

"We raided the orange lair"

"A Woman raided a tentacle lair without a tentacle escort?"

"Affirmative, Fortunately their defenses were lacking, we reached their overlord fairly easily and observed two women being held"

"And Olivia?"

"The princess insisted upon attacking the overlord directly" Xozz says

"Stupid girl"

"The Orange Overlord drained her and likely produced an expansion rune"

"When the overlord was done, i rescued Olivia and made a judgement call to take the princess rather than the other female"

"Why did you choose this orange princess, did you weigh the risks?"

"Indeed, i am aware of the risks"

"So you understand that because she is here, all of the Orange tentacles in our close proximity will know her location and possibly attempt to rescue her?"

"Orange was in rough shape, we left them with only one female left"

"How did she look, the remaining female" You ask.

"She looked fine, healthy, futile, attractive, she would have made a fine breeder and im sure if given time, Orange can use her to recover"

"Thanks to Olivia, we also have to worry about their expansion runes and any possible magic or blueprints orange may have copied from her"

"That could prove to be an issue"

"Even so, i believe you made the right choice, fucking this woman will allow me to understand Orange Magic and Orange Genetic Blueprints" you say.

"She must be given time to fully recover so that you can drain fuck as much information out of her as you can the first time." Xozz informs you.

"Alright, ill keep that in mind, and Xozz. good job"


Xozz goes over to the corner and begins checking on the spawn and how they are doing.

Olivia rests still in front of you, you decide to give her a couple more minutes before you wake her up and discipline her.

you bring a tentacle over to the new girl, she is a pretty girl, her brown hair is in a ponytail, her tanned skin is an indication of both her time spent under the desert sun and the corruption of becoming an orange princess, her breasts are normal size, more orb shaped once and toned due to her corruption, her hips are wide and her legs long and thin.

You place the tentacle inside of her mouth and squirt some blue slime inside of her mouth, she swallow it and you start sending your thoughts to her.

"Greeting Princess, I am your new master, please tell me your name"

"My name is April"

"Please try to relax, i will not harm you, but do not try to escape, it is pointless, you are mine now"

"I'm surprised you are even talking to me, blue overlord, i wouldent expect my master to treat another princess so kindly"

"You FORMER master has already become acquainted with my Princess"

"I see, i suppose that is why she is unconscious now"


"Master, will you allow me to feed?"

"Certainly" you say

the tentacle in her mouth begins to fuck her mouth, she closes her eyes and begins wrapping her tongue around your tentacle and sucking on it, as Olivia has several times in the past, you ejaculate into her mouth and her swallows most of it, a bit leak out of the corner of her mouth but you catch it on another tentacle before it hits the ground, you raise it up to her and she licks it from the tentacle, and shoots a smile at you in the center, blushing a bit.

"Thank you" she says to you.

"Stay in line and don't cause any trouble, and there will be plenty more where that came from."

"You know how to make a slave feel at home master"

"excuse me while i discipline my princess"

you bring your tentacles back to you, April puts her head against the meatwall behind her, nods her head down and closes her eyes with a small smile on her face.


You stick a tentacle into Olivia's mouth and ejaculate a bit of semen into her, she immediately opens her eyes and starts sucking to try to coax more from it, but you pull away.

"Olivia!, you've been a very bad girl" you say to her

"What do you mean?"

"I put you in charge of bringing women back to the lair, not sacrificing them to xozz"

"I made a judgment call, i didnt think bringing her into the orange lair would have been a very good idea"

"That may very well be the case, but your mission was to secure the woman and bring her back to me, i am the one who will decide the fate of our slaves"


"Dont whatever me, girl"

You swing a tentacle behind her and slap her on the butt.

"OW!" Olivia screams

"And what happened inside the tentacle lair? you attacked an Overlord by yourself?!"

"It looked weak, i thought i could take him."

"Olivia, you may be may Princess and you are much stronger than the average human, but even an overlord at his weakest would be able to hold down and fuck 10 of you at your strongest"

"i killed a couple of orange tentacles before that, they were awful" Olivia says

"Olivia, an overlord is an entirely different kind of powerful, and as a woman it would be like trying to put out a fire with gasoline."


"The Orange Overlord Drain fucked you, he gained an expansion rune and probably some of our genetic secrets"

"What the hell is an expansion rune?" Olivia asks, looking completely confused.

"i dont have time for this, im going to discipline you for being so careless"

"Discipline me? no way!"

What do you do?

A. Ground her (Force Olivia to stay inside of the lair for a couple of days, pinned to the wall and forced to watch (You cant fuck her, but she will rest)).

B. Make her Clean up the Lair (Force Olivia to tidy up the place, fucking tentacles in the meatwall to maintain them (same as sustainability fuck).

C. Make her Clean up the other girls (Force Olivia to wash the other girls and Xozz off, increasing their rested level temporarily.)


You currently have (4) Women under your control and (4) Tentacles available.

Meatwall integrity at 65%, you have 0 Expansion runes.

Blue Princess
Status: Tired/Disciplined

Energetic Human
Status: Fully Rested (High Yield) / Sustainability Fucked

Normal Human
Status: Rested (Regular Yield) / Sustainability Fucked

Orange Princess
Status: Tired (Minor Yield)

You have additional Options:

you have 2 open Tentacles

1. Maintain Sustainability Fuck on Kara and Amanda

2. Drain Fuck Kara (Requires 2 Tentacles)

3. Drain Fuck Amanda (Requires 2 Tentacles)

5. Add April to sustainability fuck. (Requires 1 Tentacle)


Xozz is FULLY CHARGED and ready to use an ability.

Type SRM - Tell Xozz to activate the short range mind control emitters and draw nearby humans to you.

Type EEF Tell Xozz to activate the Emotional Emitters and make nearby humans afraid of the beach..for now.

Type EEA - Tell Xozz to activate the Emotional Emitters and make nearby humans Attracted to the beach..for now.

Type ACL - Tell Xozz to activate Assume control and mind control a female on his radar who is not enslaved.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Xozz is now Fully Charged, you must use an ability now, it will be at maximum effectiveness.

Maximum effectiveness of his current abilities are as follows.

Type SRM - Tell Xozz to activate the short range mind control emitters and draw nearby humans to you.

Xozz will draw a wide number of humans directly to the location of the lair, they will be mesmerized for a short bit before they regain control, they must be placed in captivity otherwise they will walk back to where they were before and forget everything that has happened.

Type EEF Tell Xozz to activate the Emotional Emitters and make nearby humans afraid of the beach..for now.

Creates a feeling of terrible dread of the beach, all humans on the continent will stay away from the beach for a while, it will be completely clear of humans and allow you to conduct any business on the beach from from their interference or detection.

Type EEA - Tell Xozz to activate the Emotional Emitters and make nearby humans Attracted to the beach..for now.

Party time on the beach! almost every human will have a desire to go to the beach, of course most cant make it, but get ready for a whole lot of humans in the general vicinity of your lair, i hope you got a plan for all those humans!

Type ACL - Tell Xozz to activate Assume control and mind control a female on his radar who is not enslaved.

Xozz scans his Radar for a random female who is not enslaved, her consciousness is instantly taken over by Xozz who controls her thoughts and actions, he is able to see through her eyes and speak through her mouth, afterwards, the woman walks to the lair if she is able, undresses herself and attaches herself to the meatwall for automatic enslavement, careful for other tentacles! your body is female!
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