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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

going to say A. none of our fighter's are tired. and i do not think anyone would think if we quickly attacked pink for this. sense they did just take one of girl's
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

busy today, ill update sometime tomarrow.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


"Olivia, Xozz, Laura, come closer so we can discuss this privately"

Laura pulls the spawnlings from her breasts and places them gently on the floor, where they quickly scamper off and snug up against a warm corner, she walks towards you, tentacle still plugged into her like a cable.

"Whats up?" she says

"We were attacked by pink tentacles, and they took laura, i was going to alert you, but they might have taken you instead if they noticed you." you say to her

"Pink tentacles? this is strange, i dont recall pink tentacle being in this area for at least 50 years."

"Why would they show up now?" Olivia asks

"Perhaps it has something to do with black being around as well" Xozz explains

"Black tentacles are here?" Laura says with a worried tone.

"Affirmative, we had just encountered hundreds of them and their Queen at the nearby encampment, murdering the males and abducting the females."

"Hundreds you say?" Laura says, shivering in discomfort.

"What is so bad about Black tentacles?, they treated us fine." Olivia asks

"Black tentacles would enslave us all, using us as they see fit, it is my feeling that black tentacles are the most diabolical and power hungry of them all"

"You arent worried about purple?"

"Not really, purple is unorganized, they can be outwitted and outmatched like a wild animal, but black is cunning and manipulative"

"What about these pink tentacles what do we know about them?"

"Pink tentacles are focused primarily on reproduction, they tend to avoid conflict and enjoy picking off defenseless women who arent protected by human males or stealing women from other lairs when they are not defended, they like to keep their women pregnant at all times, and typically live in lairs completely covered in semen, the floors, the walls, even the tentacles themselves are covered with tentacle semen, their women give birth to the spawn directly into huge semen pools and hundreds of them swim around inside, emerging only to fuck newcomers, eventually a few get strong enough to leave the lair and scavenge for more women"

"You seem to know alot about pink tentacles Xozz" Laura admits

"I have vast records and behavioral patterns on all of the known tentacle races."

"What about us? what about blue?"

"As you may have witnessed, Blue tentacles are far more interested in having a small group of tightly knit women, these women share more power with their overlord than any other kind, blue is also the only tentacle capable of having more than one princess due to blue's increased mental capacity over the other races, however the overlord must become significantly stronger in order to achieve this, Blue tentacles gain the most power when their women feel pleasure during vaginal sex, and therefore, tend to be looked favorably upon by women after captivity, their desire to escape is reduced, and they generally become loyal servants eventually, even if they are not princesses or queens.

"What do you mean that blue overlords share more power?" she asks, looking at you in the middle

"Blue princesses and queens have the capability to be the most powerful creatures on the planet because of their shared power with their overlord, as the power of the overlord grows, so does the power of the princess, once the overlord is significantly powerful, as will be the queen, as with an overlord, the power to be gained is limitless"

"What kind of power could i gain?"

"it has been recorded in my data banks that the most powerful queen i've ever witnessed was a blue queen, she had many powers, including conjuration, alteration, enchantment, flight and extremely powerful mind control"

"tell me more about that?" Olivia says

"The blue queen ive witnessed as able to mind control entire colonies of humans, she could force them to move where she wanted, she could force them to have sex with each other or her tentacle overlord or she could force them to harvest resources and bring them to the lair, she could also fly through the air and rain down powerful water based magic onto her enemies, launching huge boulders of ice and causing tsunami's to flood her enemies strongholds, she could create powerful blue armor for herself and her close allies and large water elemental guardians for each of them"

"wow, that sounds exciting"

"You have the potential to be like her Olivia, assuming our Overlord continues to gain power."

"We must concentrate on a plan for now, what is your tactical evaluation Xozz?

"I calculate that we have 3 choices moving forward, each with its own benefits and drawbacks."

"lets hear them"

"First, We could decide to follow pink tentacle back to their lair and raid them, we would likely be able to get the human linda back before she is impregnated, and we may be able to negotiate a deal to make them our allies, or if we decide that their deal does not work, we could at least steal their women and possibly seal off their lair, preventing them from leaving and potentially starving them to death, the problem being that Olivia and I are not equiped to raid a tentacle lair, as evidenced by our previous attempt, we really need the presence of a tentacle present, and currently, our more mature young is an adolescent, who can barely defend themselves and need a female escort to implant themselves in, in order to leave our lair safely.

"It is an option, we should consider it"

"Second, We still have yet to negotiate with Orange, being left with the single woman, they are likely still weakened, and have problem not recovered much, if we could convince them to enter in an alliance with us we could pool resources and work together, however it is not known whether the Overlord will even work with us, we did just recently take their princess, they would likely want reparations, such as their princess returned and perhaps another woman to get them going again"

"Seems like a high price to pay for such a weak ally"

"Working together with a close ally would be beneficial, but we are both relatively low on resources, and would be sharing a limited supply of girls."

"What is our last option?"

"Before you picked me up on the beach, my scanners detected a town on the far edge of the woods with a large human population, it is likely that the town contains many fertile human females and although that location is too far to escort them back, Olivia and Laura could escort the two adolescent tentacles we have into the town and set up there, preying upon the town for several days until the tentacles are powerful enough to move on their own"

"That sounds like a good idea, any drawbacks?"

"Plenty actually" Xozz replies

"In order to get to the town, they must travel through the forest, which is heavily controlled by purple tentacles, they have likely taken over your old lair and are preying upon the humans who enter the forest, the town should be on high alert, and Olivia and Laura may be attacked by purple tentacles as they travel through the forest, my guess is that the forest has been completely decimated, and the purple tentacles may have gotten powerful enough to sack the town, if that is the case, you will be sending Olivia and Laura right into their hands, not to mention our two young tentacles with them"

"I will consider all of the options"

"I would like to go with them on this next mission my lord, i believe they could use my wisdom" Laura says

"Very well Laura"

What do you do?

A. Sent Olivia, Laura and Xozz to the Pink tentacle lair to save Linda and possibly negotiate a truce/alliance with them, if that doesnt work, attempt to steal as many women as you can and destroy the entrance to their lair so they are trapped inside, dooming them.

B. Send Olivia, Laura and Xozz to the Orange tentacle lair to negotiate a truce/alliance with them, if that doesn't work, steal whatever woman you can and destroy the entrance to their lair, trapping them in and dooming them.

C. Send Olivia and Laura through the Kingswood and forest into the town, they will bring two tentacle adolescents with them inside of their vaginas and will attempt to find a disguise and a place to set up, they will abduct women for a couple of days and have the tentacles inside of them rape them until they grow powerful enough to be an asset, Olivia will also be on the hunt for local men so she can gain power.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Intermission: The Incubator

The Blue tentacle grabbed Natalie around the chest, its big slithery tentacle rubbing against her skin and gripping underneath her breasts for a secure grip.

Natalie tried to free herself, pounding on the large tentacle with her hand, but it was no use, she was helpless against its immense size and strength.

Natalie was placed ontop of a pedestal-looking object, it was slimy just like the tentacle was, but it was warm and solid, more tentacles came up from the buttom of the structure to secure her in place, allowing the tentacle to release her.

Gripping tentacled binded her to the platform, her arms were held above her head and a tentacle came in from behind and wrapped around her neck so she couldn't look down.

she felt the feeling of more tentacles wrapping themselves around her lower parts, her ankes and her knees, spreading her legs apart, as this terrible device planted her against it.

she sat there for minutes, feeling warmer through her body, her pussy and ass felt like they were on fire, and Natalie wanted nothing more than to masturbate as she tried rolling from side to side to escape.

out of the corner of her eye she saw a sluglike creature climbing up the side of the platform, it was blue like the other tentacles, but much smaller and weaker looking.

The slug immediately went to her breasts which began to fill with pressure as soon as she was put onto this thing, she looked down to see on the corner of her eye that her nipples were lactating.

Soon, the pressure on her breasts was unbelievable, and as the slug moved closer, natalie could only wish that the thing would relieve her or this pressure.

Natalie got her wish, the slug-tentacle latched onto her and began to suck, huge amounts of milk began to be drained from her tits, the creature sucked hard and fast, causing Natalie to grit her teeth from the pain, but the release from the pressure was worth it. As the slug detached and rolled across her body to begin sucking on her other breast, the sting of the heat below her felt more intense, natalie wanted nothing more than to jump into a pool of cold water and cool herself down.

The slug tentacle crawled down her body after it had fed, her breasts still felt a bit of pressure, but it was much better than before.

The slug creature spread her vagina apart and entered her and she immediately layed her head back as she felt much more comfortable.

The slimy slug's entrance felt like cool aloe being applied to her burning young pussy, she giggled as the creature moved inside of her, it went deeper and deeper until it was buried 6 inches deep inside of her, her pussy felt filled but it felt cool again, she secretly hoped that it would grow long enough to filled her burning ass as well, and eventually it did.

Natalie woke up the next morning to find that the creature had doubled in size, she had awoken to it outside of her vagina and feeding on her breasts again, when it was finished, it was apparently time for her meal.

The young tentacle climbed up her chest and plunged into the womans mouth, it face fucked her for minutes before ejaculating, Natalie felt embarassed, but was extremely hungry, so she swallowed its cum and found herself licking her mouth as it exited.

As the creature crawled down her body to enter her burning pussy and ass again, natalie wanted to feel shame, but felt a strange feeling of excitement instead, she put her head back and sighed in contentment, spreading her legs as much as her binds would allow her to.

As the soothing texture of the tentacle entered her again, a big smile formed on her face as she closed her eyes and daydreamed about more sluglike tentacles inside of her and their delicious cum.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

*looks up* exactly. We have the incubator to help grow the spawn, heading to that forest town sounds like way too much threat to be worth it. My vote goes to A, if we hurry we can catch Linda before Pink even knows they have her, so they won't be angry about losing her.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

you cant feed a grown man baby formula forever, tentacles gain more power for each unique woman they screw, incubators only increases the rate at which tentacle spawnlings (youngest) grow into tentacle adolescents (2nd youngest).
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A or B still sounds best. We need Linda back and we need to make allies or eliminate enemies at any rate. I say A. Go to pink and take Linda back and either join with or remove Pink from the picture altogether.

On a further note: we may at one point, possibly after dealing with Pink and or Orange, we may be strong enough to actually make going through purples swamp and the town more worth the risks for it's pay off. But now were simply not strong enough to be worth it.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Well, our ability to do anything about the other tentacle species is apparently hampered to the extreme until we have some spawn that are strong enough to go with, and sending them through the forest sounds like the most likely way toi get our women captured without proper supprt, so yeah, really don't wanna do that. What about the abductor? If Pink's was smart enough to play bodyguard for their lessers, why can't we use ours like that?
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I'm goona say |Go to pink and ally with try to negotiate a good treaty in your favor after all we have Laura and Xozz and we are the most inteligent of the tentacle races if we cant negotiate a good treaty the we'll steal what we can and lock them inside their lair
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A we need to get her back. and see what the pink's have that we can use's. causing i am guessing they reproduce faster then any of the other tentacle's.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

We know from Xozz that Pink are opportunistic fuckers, Black are manipulative arrogant assholes and that Purple are wild animals.

Can we have it elaborated what Orange embodies at its best? It's been made an issue that they technically know where we are by means of April, so I'd hate to go after Pink if Orange is not something to mess around with when it recovers.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Based on everything they have done thus far, they have poor management skills, are terrible at defending themselves and their princess thinks she is better off with you as a slave than she was with them as a princess.

Orange would be an easy ally who may one day grow into a worthy ally, but right now they are a complete joke who would need a stimulus package of sorts before they could get going, on the other hand, do they really have any choice but to accept your terms?

Heres a quick rundown of all of the races we have met thus far.

Blue: Your faction, they are Good Alignment who tend to treat their slaves well and ensure they receive as much pleasure as possible they prefer vaginal sex because it is more pleasurable, they share more power with their Princesses and Queens than any other race, so their servants tend to be more powerful, their strength lies in their mind control and magical abilities.

Purple: An enemy faction, they are Evil Alignment who treat their slaves cruelly, gaining more power from them the more they suffer, they prefer anal sex because it is painful, they will attack and kill other tentacle races if they think they can overwhelm them, they are always attacking small human communities, often murdering any men who get in their way with their embeded razor-like talons, their strength lies in their physical dexterity and their hive mind, which allows them to work better together in a group.

Black: An Arrogant faction, they are Evil Alignment who treat their slaves like property to be bartered for favor, Black Tentacles have no preference for which orifice, but they gain less power from their victims than other races, they deliberate murderers when it comes to raiding, draining men of their power with their few princesses and killing them afterwards. Black Tentacles believe themselves the truth rulers of the planet and work to secure other tentacle's alliances with bribes and unlikely promises, their strength lies in their spy network and their ruthless cunning.

Green: A Feral faction, they are Good Alignment who value individual slaves highly, Green tentacles hide underneath swamps and in deep forests, rarely emerging from their lairs in order to bring in a new slave, once they capture her, she is forced to give birth to several generations of their tentacle spawn by herself, the woman is well taken care of, treated as a goddess in her lair, which is very lonely except for their company, Green tentacles rarely have the resources available to create a princess and allow her to leave, however it has been known to happen when their lair is in danger, their strength lies in their physical strength and their ability to make due with severely limited resources.

Orange: A Lazy faction, they are a Neutral alignment who usually are able to kidnap a couple of women and then set up quickly, their poor management skills mean they must make due with what they have until their princess is able to do most of the work, Orange has in the past been used as drones and servants of other tentacle races, their strength comes from their resiliency and their ability to produce quick, powerful and intelligent soldiers, when they finally gather enough resources.

Pink: A Scavenger faction, they are Neutral Alignment who scavenge weak and helpless young women who cannot defend themselves, pink tentacles sneak into lairs and steal other race's women, women who are caught are brought to their lair and immediately impregnated, women in their captivity are almost always impregnated with their spawn. Pink's spawn rarely evolve past the spawnling phase, living their entire lives in large semen pools found inside of pink lairs, if a pink tentacle overlord is able to somehow gain access to many unique women, pink tentacles would be capable of fielding the largest armies imaginable, their strength lives in their fertility and their ability to sneak into towns or other lairs undetected.

There may be more tentacles races you have yet to meet..
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Eeeehhh....... :/ Orange sounds like they could be useful in the future, but right now in order to make them truly viable or valuable allies we would have to split any women we get with them or hand over some of ours to get max benefit from any deal brokered with them. Pink has large numbers it seems as they simply reproduce worse then bunnies, but are extremely weak, as they never get any higher then spawnlings. We have sentinels and an abductor, I think we could easily take pink and orange. And I honestly personally think we should just sack either one right one. If there's no options for the greens, they would be the most useful and helpful allies at the moment if we could.

In short I think we should probably raid pink take Linda back and seal off their lair. So I stick with my vote of A. all things considered.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I'm going with A as well. Funnily enough, choosing either as an ally is just another notch in the argument of Quality vs Quantity.

But it's good to know that when we set things up right, we're not weak: with the ability of having multiple Queens/Princesses, who are blessed with strength, and our ability to mind control and be magical. If we hold our own against Purple, we might have Black back off us while they consider making us enforcers for putting them back into dominance.

Hopefully only for us to turn the tables on their asses.

If we ever decide to brave the forest, perhaps we'll try taming the Greens into an exceptional ally, but that's wishful thinking at this point. Their feral disposition is likely ingrained in their manner.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


Even if we give Orange say, two-three women, the other races(purple) may offer more in order for Orange to back stab us. The main problem is that we cannot keep our allies with us by just verbal agreements and trades, we can get back stabbed at any moment.

We should leave making an alliance with Orange for a later time, but before any other tentacle races asks Orange, especially Black.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


You Gain 3 Expansion Runes!

Lair integrity up to 85%

"Xozz, can you find the location of the pink lair?"

"Affirmative, just a moment"

Xozz studies the ground, and the slime trails left by some of the pink tentacles earlier, he walks up through the lair to the entrance, his mechanical beeping and clicking noises process the directional information of the abductor and the two other tentacle creatures, he determines where they had traveled and at what speed, finally determining the most likely destination.

Xozz enters the lair again and lightly moves up to you once again.

"It has been determined that the pink creators have likely traveled Eastbound towards the kingswood and further along towards the Beak Mountains"

"The Beak mountains are a dangerous place, humans post warning signs all over that area because traveled tend to go missing, it likely home to more than just the pink tentacles, there are all sorts of predators in those mountains, not just tentacle creatures either." Laura says to the group.

"Alright, well be careful you three, and Laura, i want you to escort a tentacle adolescent with you, incase you find more women there that you three can carry back, you will be able to fuck them and leave them behind"


You remove your tentacle from Laura's pussy, and retract it back to you, a young tentacle adolescent emerges from the shadows of the lair and slithers across the ground, it coils up Laura's leg as she braces for its entry, it pierces into her pussy and submerges itself 8 inches deep, then with its other half, it plunges into her asshole and climbs deep into her colon, until only a small bit of it is exposed underneath her, it constantly shifts so that no one part is exposed for too long.

"are you ok Laura?"

laura blinks and shakes her head slightly, trying to shake off the shift in energy of her body as the tentacle inside of her drains her energy.

"Im feeling a bit weak, but ill be fine, just dont force me to participate in any foot races."

"Olivia, you are in charge of this mission, and i give you full authority to make decisions for me outside of the lair"

"Thanks Lazuli"

"Alright girls, get going, don't give them enough time to impregnate Linda"

Olivia moves out ahead, Laura walking gingerly behind her, Xozz leading up the rear to make sure Laura doesn't fall down or pass out.


The team of three exits the lair, it is a warm sunny day, the oceans creeps up on the coast and the sound of waves soothes the mind.

Olivia looks back at the party, giving Laura a little smile, she smiles back, despite holding her belly and obviously struggling to keep on her feet.

"Are you ok Laura?" Olivia says to her.

"Yes, this little guy is hungry, though"

"Allow me to carry you need me to, Laura?" Xozz says to her from behind.

"Thank you Xozz, but ill be fine."

"What does it feel like Laura?"

"it feels like im sick, all of my energy is being brought down there and it is being slowly tapered away, but ill be fine, im used to this kind of thing."

"Is it pleasurable?"

"No, not really."

"Are you sure you can do this" Olivia asks laura again, being a bit concerned

"Olivia, ill be fine" Laura looks Olivia in the eye and offers a flash of a smile, only to quickly revert back to her grimace as she cradles her own belly.


Olivia's gang walks along the sand, having walked for miles you see the kingswood ahead and what appears to be a small group of humans.

"What is up ahead?"

"Activating sensors"

Xozz makes his usual clicks and beeps, diagnosing the situation.

"Two males, Two females, one male is equiped in heavy armor, the others are wearing casual attire."

"Close up left Xozz, ill take care of this, you get behind xozz Laura" Olivia orders her group

"Affirmative" Xozz's servos click and he flanks left

Olivia dashes up to the group ahead, slowing down when she realizes that something is wrong, the human in the heavy armor is subdueing the other humans.

Olivia's Dash winds down into a quick walk as she comes upon the humans, the three casually dressed humans are all standing still in a daze, looking out into space with their minds completely blank, the Heavily armored human behind them is slowly undressing the women, taking their bras off and feeling their breasts.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"Ah! a Tentacles Princess, this is most fortunate!" the man in the armor says as he steps in front of the women in order to greet you formally, his voice echos with mechanical reverberations as it is projected through a microphone inside of his heavy armor.

"What is this?" Olivia says, confused at what she sees before her.

Xozz closes in slowly from the left, aware that there is no danger, Laura sits down behind him in the sand to catch her breath from the extra exertion.

"Greetings and Salutations my powerful friend!" the man reaches out with his hand as if to offer a handshake

Olivia reaches out and grabs his hand, trying to overpower him and pull him towards her, she notices that he is extremely powerful and wont budge an inch.

"Now, now my kind lady, there is no need for hostilities, allow me to introduce myself"

Olivia gives him an evil eye towards his iron mask, which covers his entire face, a black visor prevents her from seducing him.

"My name is Professor Leon Von Finklesworth, and i am a research assistant of the Tentacle division at the Royal Academy of Secret Science"

"Tentacle division? what the hell is that?"

"It is a division of scientists devoted to the research of your kind"

"How do humans know about us? why would you research us?"

"Not all humans know about your existence, but we at the Academy took notice when several towns and encampments went missing, our research indictated that it was because of a creature and that is when we discovered your race, the tentacle part, that is"

"What are you doing with these people?"

"Well, i was collecting them to be unwilling participants in an experiment we are putting together in a secret location, the research compound will house several hundred women, all to be the unwilling slaves of one lucky tentacle beast"

"dont you think that is dangerous?"

"i assure you, we know the dangers of tentacle beasts, and have taken every procaution" Leon bangs on his metal chest to indicate the power armor he is wearing, completely impervious to mind control and difficult to overpower.

"How do you know about my..." Olivia is cut off

"Yes, mind control, overwhelming strength, stunning good looks, we're done research on your kind before and we weren't always so....prepared"

"How are you stunning these people?" Olivia asks

"With this!" Leon holds out a metallic device, with wires and antenna's all over it.

"a short range thought manipulation conductor, based from research of tentacle beasts, it allows me to capture their minds temporarily and put them in a setting of my choosing, right now these fine people are on a delightful adventure, walking through a beautiful field with gorgeous flowers all around them!" you can sense Leon's excitement through his power armor and see the huge smile behind his impenetrable mask.

".............cool" Olivia says in response.

"indeed, their bodies remain here of course, able to be used and exploited in any way i deem suitable" he puts the device into a strap located on his side.

Leon claps his metallic fingers together and rubs them together quickly.

"SO! i have a proposition for you ladies and.........robot"

"I am a human resource management construct with specialization in thought manipulation and tactical analysis" Xozz replies, in about as perturbed a robotic voice as it gets.

"Right" Leon responds.

"I cant wait to hear this" Olivia says, bringing her palm to her forehead and tilting her head down to the ground

"I will send these two fine beautiful specimens to your lair, and allow you to feed off of this male or whatever it is you do, in exchange, you will allow me to follow you around and research you for the time being, when i get bored, ill simply leave, and ill try to assist you in combat in any way that i can" Leon raises his arms to flex at you coming down with one arm and flexing hard in front of you, feigning to feel his metallic biceps which are probably pathetic in reality behind his advanced armor.

"What if i refuse?"

"If you refuse, i order these unfortunate souls back to our compound and follow you around regardless, making strange and annoying noises, im really quite adept at being annoying you know"

"ive noticed" Olivia says to him, nodding her head.

Leon gets down on his knees again, flexing, point outward at the moon and pretending he has the weight of the world on his shoulders like the Atlas.

"Sigh" Olivia facepalms.

What do you do?

A. Sigh, Leon joins the party and is brought around to observe and 'help' you. he will send the women to your lair and allow Olivia to feed upon the man, then he will follow you around until he gets bored, which likely wont be until forever.

B. Tell Leon 'NO, GO AWAY LEON' leon will probably send the humans back to his compound and follow you regardless, he promises to make strange and annoying noises which you have no doubt he is capable of, with his power armor it is unlikely you could just overpower him and push him off a cliff or something, perhaps he will become bored and go home, but you feel like losing your mind first is the more likely outcome.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A this does not seem like a bad idea. sense he is going to follow anyway's.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A, obviously. We can always force him to go away once we're back at our base, with more power and less risk.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A. There's a good chance he'll do more than take notes, such as perhaps try and find a way to get Lazzy into the compound, but we can turn that situation to our advantage... probably.

But will he take the women with him, or just send them direct to us (to the lair's confusion)? We might benefit from his presence in retrieving Linda, albeit being just as likely to lose our other two captives.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A It will give us two women, Olivia will get more male power and we will have a temporal ally who will be needed in our hard mission. We only need to try to dont let him get info from our hideout. Meanwhile the other option will make us lost any stealth attempt.