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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


If he wants Lazuli into that compound, I say hell yes. Several hundred women? Think of what Laura said about the most powerful princess. There's no way anything they've seen would have come close to that, they wouldn't be prepared, nevermind what we'd be capable of at that stage, or the possibility of two princesses. Even if we could just donate the spawn Laura's packing around, I'd say having another blue in that situation could be almost as nice.

Stepping back though, try to find out if they already have a tentacle to raise, and what colour it is. If hedoesn't want to accept one of the blues for the position, perhaps edge him towards our lair through some means or another. That armour being a match for Olivia is all well and good, but at our weakest, we're like ten of her, and we're better than that at the moment. Offer peace first, try to talk and whatnot, but if he's in the lair and things turn sour, we should have the upper hand, and a shiny set of gear for out princess to boot.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

A it'll be good for us to know what that armor of his is capable and later i want to have a blue tentacle beast if not Lazuli in that research facility whit hundreds of women to feed upon we'll easily overpower the humans
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Keep in mind that the idea of the compound is to control a tentacle beast, they humans have tried to contain your kind before and have failed, they have since developed technology to put themselves on an even field (so they think).

if you or any other tentacle beast were to voluntarily go to the compound, you would likely operate under their terms, and when they were done with their 'research' who knows if they would still want the hassle of continuing to feed an overgrown raping monstrosity.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Be that as it may, the terms are in our advantage. For them to have magic, they would have to integrate it into themselves. That means the current generation will never be able to naturally use magic; the Academy would have to subdue Overlords as a battery for use. And since Blue has a higher disposition towards magic, we are literally the one thing they require to live.

Whereas we will benefit from a large stock of women, which can make us give way to some powerful Princesses, which we can make the strongest lair imaginable, etc. And perhaps they can re-engineer Xoxx to accept a different power-source, possibly integrating blue tentacle matter into itself to take energy from living women and shoot tendrils outside of its armour, giving it combat capabilities.

And the best part of all that is we don't have to show all our cards. In the Academy, we are most likely to hold the largest deck.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

No offense but my bad end sense is tingling like all fuck with this last update Seri............ We can't control or subdue him, except for hopefully later on when we get much stronger, and there seems to be no way to NOT put up with him or keep his ass from tagging along..... Unless we can subdue from increased power (likely MUCH later) taking him along doesn't appeal to me, and I'm very against waltzing into the compound- personally I feel it removes the adventure part of this cyoa.......... *Groan*
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

While you dont have much of a decision here, you decide how much you want to work with humans or the academy specifically , i wouldn't read too much into the fact that he is being pretty much forced into your party at this point, you've had opportunities to gain or lose members of your party at every turn including Xozz and Olivia, who are now core parts of the group, rest assured, there will eventually be a way to get rid of him, but you may decide that he is useful before that time comes.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Fair enough, and to be fair and honest I've done my own fair share of railroading too. Eh, A. Take him with us for now. If were lucky he may even the odds with orange and purple as well, at the very least make dealing with pink less trouble. But I'm still against setting tentacle within a 1000 km of the academy and/or compound.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Olivia and xozz may not be able to take him, but I am almost perfectly certain that Lazuli can. All the rest of that was mostly in a 'what if' frame of mind, but it's as close to optimal conditions as we're likely to see, my vote will be to take the chance if we get the opportunity to.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Thus my reasoning on the last page. GM has intimated that even if robobox and princess can't take him on their own, it would be a reasonably close fight. Personally I'm all for ditching this dude once we get the home advantage. I don't like hanging around with people that can kick our minion's asses even if (especially?) they claim to be neutral.

Also at shrike: not sure if I'm wild about that idea - if we're on the same page as far as our home field advantage, it seems an obvious corollary that HIS home field will have the same if not greater benefits - after all, we're designed for the capture and rape of (relatively) helpless women. They have studied specific methods to counter us, evidenced by this new guy's gear. That's not a matchup
I'd wager on.

And not to get too meta on you, but even though it's a REALLY cool idea and would certainly be fetish fuel in a lot of ways, it wouldn't really make for an interesting story, so GM will probably load the dice so that won't happen.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I try not to 'load the dice' one way or another, the CYOA has turned out to be something i could have never imagined by myself, the whole idea of introducing xozz was first at first my idea of introducing sacrifice into the game as mechanic, at first i wanted the reward to be something simple, but then i decided that if you were going to give up so much, you should have a cool reward, like a historian construct who can help you better understand why things are the way they are.

When it comes to the humans, early on i had recognized that if humans kept disappearing, how come nobody noticed or came looking for them, then i thought that if the powers that be had something to gain from keeping the disappearances a secret, it would be a good (not great) explanation.

This second act of that logic expands upon this theory, humanity wants to use tentacle beasts for their own selfish reasons, you now learn that they are capable of utilizing their research to counteract you, right now they see your species as animals, though highly advanced animals, they dont know the secrets of your race, how powerful your Queens can become, they dont know what Xozz told you, that humanity was once enslaved by tentacles thousands of years ago.

Most people would have chosen not to allow Leon to tag along, wanting to keep humanity as far away from them as possible, but by doing so, they make it difficult for me to tell the story from the side of the humans.

Therefore i decided to add this wrinkle, even now i have no idea where this will go tomorrow when i write the next update, with (A) Leon will be coming with you voluntarily into the mountains where you (Olivia) will enter pink's lair with Xozz and Laura, that is all i know and when i get around to writing it, ill put it all together in about 30 minutes with ideas i come up with on the spot, aided of course by the many decisions we have made together thus far.

Also, Leon doesn't necessarily have to be an adversary, his motives are clearly linked to that of the academy, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he is your enemy, the same way black tentacles aren't inherently your enemy, they simply wish for you to obey them and be their servant, for all we know, Black could be a benevolent dictator for all of tentacle kind rather than the oppressive bastards we all assume them to be.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I personally just assumed that we were either in a Bronze Age era, where word of mouth on disappearing villagers would just be rumours and stories. Their tendency to employ leather armour and spears didn't help any.

Then we get the academy, which made it clear we were in an enlightened era, so I just assumed we're within an area devoid of civilisation except for pockets of small tribes.

Not that Seriland has to limit itself to my logic, at any rate.

In any case, looking forward to the update :D
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


He's going to follow anyway, might as well get the women.

We should try to get rid of him as soon as possible after this mission. Then we move, since he would know our location and that there are multiple tentacle bases here. There isn't any human resource nearby either so we can't expand our power anyway.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Humanity's technology is are spread out and varied as tentacles, villages wield basic weaponry and weak armor, while scientists and royalty are capable of wearing power armor with advanced weapons.

It is kind of similar to know purple tentacles still use razor's as weapons but you have discovered a ancient construct with energy based powers.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Shrike: After thinking about it some more, even though I'm not sure I like the idea of allowing ourselves to be uprooted and placed in human captivity, it would be pretty interesting if there was an offshoot to this CYOA that specifically dealt with that scenario, per your suggestion that we send one of our brood.

I'm thinking.... Research Academy Escape: Overlord...?
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.


"Ok, fine Leon, we'll take you along, but there are a few ground rules"

"YESSSSS!" leon jumps forward and puts his arms around Olivia, hugging her, she is once again unable to resist him, it is a strange feeling for her to be overpowered.

Leon releases her and she steps back quickly.

"FIRST, DONT DO THAT!" Olivia stares at him, with burning rage in her eyes.

"Sorry, Miss, i cant help myself sometimes" Leon says as he steps back, obviously embarrassed.

"Second, don't get in our way, we have a specific mission and wont tolerate you screwing it up"

"Ill just get my notepad out and.." Leon gets his notepad out of his pocket, olivia knocks it out of his hand with a quick swipe.

"NO NOTES LEON!" Olivia yells at him

"no notes?..............but i am a scientist" Leon says with a confused tone

"i dont care, if you are coming with us, you will help, you will do whatever we ask, and you may observe" Olivia says to him

"Anything else?" Leon asks, clearly disappointed

"Yes, one more thing, you will not know the location of our lair ever, for any reason unless we decide to invite you, when we go back home, you will wait far away until we come back for you."

"Will you come back for me?" leon asks

"We'll just have to see how useful you are" Olivia says to him

"Now explain to laura how to operate your device so xozz can tell her how to imput the coordinates, and send these women there, i will take my meal"

Leon hands the device over to Laura who struggles to get up, Xozz looks over her shoulder as Leon explains in great detail how the device works to them, Laura feigns interest, but Xozz records every bit of information, listening in closely.

Olivia walks over to the humans, with an eye on the muscular young lad with short brown hair.


The three humans are dazed in front of Olivia, each with a sappy smile on their face as they are apparently having fun prancing through leon's imaginary field of daises.

Olivia reaches in front of his face and waves her hand to see if he has any reaction, he simply stares outward as if there was nothing in front of him.

Olivia reaches down and grabs his swimsuit by the edges and slides it down his legs, she takes his large flaccid cock and begins jerking it to get the blood flowing, she looks up to his face to see that his expression has no changed, and began to wonder if he was actually feeling any of this.

The mans cock eventually hardens, and she grabs onto the base with her hand to raise it and brings her mouth in around it.

The corner of her eye catches Leon uncomfortably close to her, kneeling down on one knee with his arms crossed looking right at her suck the man's dick.

Olivia pulls the man's dick out of her mouth and snaps at him

"Leon!, do you mind?"

"I'm just observing like you said, madam"

Olivia groans with frustration and puts the man's penis back into her mouth, working faster, jamming it deeper against her throat.

Olivia's tongue wraps around every crevice of the penis, massaging it all with her dexterous tongue.

Olivia looks at Leon to her side while she sucks the man's dick, giving him a very sexy look.

Olivia pulls the cock out of her mouth again in order to tease him some more.

Leon shifts uncomfortably in his suit.

"you OK in there Leon? it doesn't look like you have much extra room" she looks down at his crotch

Leon says nothing, his body is clearly losing his internal struggle not to become aroused.

"Feel free to take off that big hunk of junk and join us Leon, ill even let you choose which position"

"i......eh..." Leon fumbles his words, trying to somehow end the conversation

"Anal you say? im happy to oblige"

Olivia reaches behind that man, grabbing his back and tripping feet from behind, he falls backwards as olivia catches him and gently lowers him to the ground flat on his back, his fully erect penis at a 90 degree angle from his body.

Olivia steps wide around his body and opens her legs facing away from his body so that she can look leon in the visor through it all, she gradually lowers herself onto his cock, and until she penetrates her asshole with it, with amazing strength and stamina, Olivia pounds up and down his cock, with one had in the sand to keep her balance, she places the other onto her breast and starts grabbing it at, moaning unnecessarily so that leon can hear.

Olivia fucks the man hard, riding his cock up and down as it shoots up and down her colon, her tight sphincter muscles grip against it and massage it tightly and without warning, the ejaculates inside of her, she feels the pressure inside of her asshole increase as she jacks down hard on his cock to capture most of the semen deep down inside of her, she screams out in blissful pleasure, which again is mostly for show, as she pulls him out, she grips his cock tightly with her sphincter muscles to drain him as much as she possible can, his raises from the sand, his penis almost entirely clean of cum, Olivia turns around and licks the tip for good measure.

Olivia gets up and walks up to Leon, with a sultry look in her eyes, Leon has no place to go, feeling like he is trapped in a box as she approaches, she grabs his rear end and he allows himself to be overpowered, she jerks his pelvis forward against her pussy and grinds his metallic plates against it, she takes one of his hands and places it on top of her breasts, molding it around so that he can feel its softness, Olivia comes up extremely close to where his lips would be and softly says something to him.

"Come out of that suit boy, and ill make you feel pleasure like you couldn't imagine"

Olivia slides off of Leon, who drops to his knees, defeated not by strength but by her looks and sexuality, the academy had not trained him well enough for this.


The three move along the beach towards the mountains, Laura programmed Leon's device to bring the women to the lair and let the man go just past the kingswood.

It was a quiet journey, Leon couldn't stop starring at Olivia's ass as she walked in front of him, he was starting to become mesmerized by her and he knew it, his suit could protect his body, but his mind was vulnerable, The Academy teaches you to resist temptation when gathering beautiful women, but they never knew much about princesses and queens.

Leon tried to shake it off, his research was important to him and to the academy, this was his test and he resolved not to fail.


The Party reached the mountains, it was a rocky path through them with barely any room to walk, some of the mountains were exceptionally high around them, nobody could imagine how long it would take to scale them.

"My calculations indicate that the pink lair is close, through the pass to our north"

the party traveled quietly through the pass, no signs of life were around them here except for the sound of scavenger birds above them, this was a desolate place, where no human would have good reason to travel through casually.

the party reached the entrance to a cave, its faint pink glow made it clear that this was the place

Your group looked at each other and nodded, nothing needed to be said, this was going to be a unique experience, negotiating with tentacles who would like nothing more than to capture and fuck half of them for all eternity.


The inside of the cave was well furnished, the meatwalls around you appeared to be in great condition, pink slime ran from the walls and oozed down to the ground, a telling sign that pink was extremely well organized and that this lair was well stocked with fresh women.

Your party walked deep into the lair, unopposed, many tentacles witnessed you but were afraid to engage you.

finally you reach a large room with several women around you, there are at least 30 of them along the walls, some of which are on the ground level, but other held up high against the walls, most of the have bulges in their stomach, indicating that they are impregnated with pink tentacle spawn.

On the ground is a moat of pink tentacle semen, you can see hundreds of pink tentacle spawnlings swimming in it, or crawling out of it to freed on one of the many women who are captured against the wall.

From the ceiling comes down a massive tentacle, it comes within feet of you, stopping just short, your party backs up a couple of inches, this thing is gigantic, easily stronger than your entire party combined, you have no doubt that it could crush you all if that were its wish.

Xozz begins speaking to the pink overlord in their tongue, Olivia and Laura cant understand them as they go on.

After several minutes of speaking, Xozz turns to the party "The Pink Overlord wishes for you to consume pink slime so that it may converse with you"

"Is it safe?" Olivia asks

"Yes, it should be, although you will likely feel a heightened state of senses and arousal."

"so be it." Olivia and Laura go over to a nearby wall and scoop up a bit of pink slime on their fingers, they both put it in their mouth and rub it around, swallowing it, the substance tastes delicious, like wild berries with sugar and cream, Olivia maintains her composure even though she can feel her pussy getting wetter and she starts to salivate uncontrollably.

"Welcome to my Lair Princess." the Overlord speaks

"Hello, Pink Overlord, ive been sent by my master to inquire about a possible alliance against purple"

"Purple you say? hmm yes, we've had our problems with them in the forest recently, it has been harder to add to our collection since they have moved in"

"They have wiped out one of our lairs in the forest, and we have discovered a lair containing hundreds of women"

"hundreds? this is not good news"

"Will you help us then?"

there is a short pause, the overlord is considering his options.

"Olivia.....that is your name?"

"how did you know that?"

"Pink slime is a conduit between your mind and mine, i can read your every thought, i know about Lazuli, Kara, Kim, April the orange princess and Amanda, you're friend from another life"

Nobody could know about Amanda, not even Lazuli knows about her.

"Obviously you have me at a disadvantage here"

"What would you ever given you that idea?" his hundreds of tentacles squirm down from the ceiling, prepared to strike if he deems necessary.

"What can we do to make an alliance between our two races against purple?"

"For starters, you can forget about Linda, she is mine now, she will make a good breeder and i appreciate you finding her for me"

Linda is lowered down from the ceiling, she has tentacle cocks in every orifice and is being fucked gently, she is raised quickly again and planted against a high wall, way out of reach.

"What else?"

"Normally i wouldn't accept any possible terms you have to offer, but as you are one of the few women who i can deal with, i do have a proposition with several perimeters, which you may find acceptable, given your position."

Olivia senses several tentacles all around the party from the ground to the ceiling above them, just feet away, from behind the doorway is closed off by large tentacles which wrap around each other.

"What are your terms?"

"First and foremost, when this is over pink will claim the forest and the mountains as territory, any humans you encounter there are ours, if you capture any in those locations, you will send them straight to us"

"what if we fuck them and leave them?"

"i find that acceptable, it doesn't matter to me whether you drain their power so long as they remain so that we can later capture them and use them as breeders."

A girl screams in the corner next to you as she is penetrated in her ass by a spawnling.

"Secondly, you and your legendary partner there, laura will stay for several days to be fucked by our spawnings"

"All of them?" Olivia laughs under her breath as she looks down in the pool and sees hundreds of the spawnlings crawling around.

"The way i see it Olivia, you arent getting out of here one way or another without being fucked by all of them"

"We have a blue tentacle adolescent with us, if we do this, we want it to be able to fuck all of your women individually as well." Olivia says

"Alright, i agree"

Olivia starts getting restless watching all of these women around her be fucked, she is almost willing to accept terms as they stand now just so she can get tentacle cock inside of her

"Lastly, one of you will become impregnated by me, you will find a new cave near your own and give birth there, my princess with accompany you there, then you will send 2 of your women to that lair and allow them to be fucked until the lair is up and running"

"where is your princess?"

"She is currently on a mission to bring back more women from a nearby mountain outpost, she should be back in time after you have finished with your duty in this lair"

"What about the rest of my companions?"

"They can hang around and watch or they can go outside and jump off a cliff, it doesn't much matter to me"

"what will i get from you if all of your terms are met?"

"we will provide you with our vast armies in your campaign against purple, when this is over, we will remain close allies as long as you honor our agreement, we will not conduct anymore hostilities against you and will assist you whenever possible."

What do you do?

A. Agree to their terms.

B. Don't Agree to their terms. (Continue negotiations)

C. Refuse and attempt to leave.

D. Jump into the pool of Tentacle Semen (Succumb to Desire and accept terms)
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

I don't like this trading women back and forth thing, but it does sound like a good deal.

B The terms are agreeable, except for Linda's fate. We came for Linda, for Kim's sake. We're Blue; we're all about making our ladies happy.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

For the sake of negotiations, if i get 3 'B' votes right away, i will write up another post quickly to get this moving, i plan on writing another update tomorrow or perhaps later tonight and id really like to get all of this squared away before we move on, keep in mind however that you have little room to bargain with, they have you completely surrounded and could at any minute decide to simply attack you and settled with two new breeders, all they are really getting out of this from not attacking you now is your cooperation in expanding their influence within your personal borders.
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Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

Hm....... B. Tell them they can keep Linda, but we wish her mind to stay somewhat intact and be allowed to visit Kim somehays regularly or frequently. Tell them they must protect and guard The beach from any hostile tentacles. And we must get any if not all runes possible from fucking the women. And they must agree to share the pool of any women who are taken to the second laur.
Re: Tentacle Lair Escape: Overlord.

B. They have about six times our women in this room alone, they don't need to borrow ours for much of anything, the greedy gits. I would also like to get Linda back, but since Kim is in the pod (I think), it's not horrendously necessary. The rest is acceptable, though painfully in their favour.