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Library Courtyard

Re: Library Courtyard

The cattaur simply stood silent for a moment and cocked his head to the side as if listening to something. "It seems we're on the horns of a dilemma, here. There is someone coming to see you Ms. Ramielle. Someone who names himself Kegor? He says he knows you." he tilted his head again, "Ah. That's what this is then. You are to be released into his custody as what happened here is out of our jurisdiction." He tipped his head to her, "Good day," and padded out of the courtyard, flanked and followed by the rest of his men.

(Pfft. Okay, seems I didn't need a few days to work this out. Silly me. PLAN TIEM)
Re: Library Courtyard

Toring tilted his head to the side as he looked at Delilah. "So you're saying my advantage is being smaller? That is... a new one." In a gesture unmistakably his own, he reaches up and scratches his ribs. "And no, I would never want to be changed into something else. When all is said and done, this right here," he raised his paw and extended it towards her to help her get back up, "has made me what I am. You wouldn't ask to have the caves in your past be flooded with sunlight, hm? No, I am content. It's just..." He stayed quiet for a moment as he looked around, taking in the campus, the trees and summer air. "I'm starting to understand why my people have withdrawn from their home continent so long ago. To see all this magic, this most normal thing in the world, and not having access to it, can be... Well, you know." His free paw made a throw away gesture.
Re: Library Courtyard

Jess watched the warmages depart, still standing there with arms crossed until they had gotten a good distance away. Eventually, she sighed, turning and looking up to the professor. "You going to be alright with this Kegor person?" She asked, still looking incredibly serious, compared to her normal demeanor.
Re: Library Courtyard

She gives him another hug after springing to her feet. "I understand. I used to long for trees and grass after hearing my father describe them when he came home, but if I were to become like my brother, I would miss the beauty of the caves even more. We can only be who we are and what our pasts have made us." Again, with her rare nuggets of wisdom, maybe the mind healer profession isn't so far out of her reach.

Then she ruined it.

"Besides, you'd look funny if you lost your connection to your kin."
Re: Library Courtyard

The professor smiles a bit wearily at Jess and Lyinne as they protect her. "I'm going to have to be okay with Kegor's decision. I've never met him, but I know of him... he is the Eldest of Wyrms, the High Chair of the Council of Dragons, and the only legitimate authority among our kind. I never thought he'd trouble himself with our affairs... but there's nothing at all that you or I could do to prevent his will. You've seen me fight. I am nothing, NOTHING compared to him."

"But I have no intention of resisting his ruling. Still... I have never had a reason to say 'thank you' to someone before today. The two of you stood by my side. Thank you."
Re: Library Courtyard

A huge voice suddenly filled the Professor's head, "Please, young one. Tell your hatchlings to stand aside."
Re: Library Courtyard

Jess finally cracked a bit of a smile. "Yeah, well, somebody has to stand up against the bullshit. Well, I think I'll just stay out of the way then, good luck." She said softly, again very far removed form her usual attitude, then gives the professor a reassuring nod and walks off, headed off in the direction she had seen Toring leave. She had seen Delilah head off after him, and gods know one or the other could probably use some backup.

It took her a while, but she finally caught up to the pair. She took one look at Toring's form and chuckled, making herself known as she reached speaking distance. "Whoa, you use that one when you can't decide which you wanna be, or something?" She said in a mildly teasing tone. "You alright there, big guy?"
Re: Library Courtyard

Resigned, Professor Ramielle nods her head. "Lyinne, you had best stand over there among those trees if you intend to watch. Elder Kegor is going to need quite the landing area. Oh... and hang on to the sturdier trees. This will be a bit intense."

The professor moves back a respectable distance for the elder, removing her gray cloak and revealing her wings in deference to his station. She kneels.
Re: Library Courtyard

Lyinne looked to the Professor and nodded to her. Quickly she scurried off into the trees and hid among them, making a small web for her to reside in for the time being. She peeked on, watching as the moments come by.
Re: Library Courtyard

Toring chuckles at Delilah. "I would not look funny. I am always a picture of dignity. Even as a pants-wearing polar bear." As Jess reached them, a wider grin spread on his face, revealing an unsettling amount of pointed teeth. "This, my fair lady, is the form I take when I want to kick ass and take names. The raw power of the polar bear is just not the same if it's not accompanied by my razor sharp wit."
Re: Library Courtyard

"Uh-huh. Bet you're the first one to know when it rains, too." Jess said slyly, walking up to the pair fully now, coming up to about Toring's knee, maybe a tad more. "Ever bump your head walking through doors like that?"
Re: Library Courtyard

The small fair elf, prudently withdrew at that point, skipping and humming over to a bush which she then sat behind, and held onto, so she wouldn't go flying as she watched Jess and Toring.

Shortly afterwards a massive green dragon (Twice the size of Ramielle!) tipped his wings back to catch the air with a loud booming noise. The obviously very old dragon turned his pinions outward before he backwinged in a very elegant landing. A deep and tired voice issued from his mouth, "Fly with me, Silver Daughter, and we shall talk." The he leapt up, wings catching the air and he hovered, waiting.
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Re: Library Courtyard

Toring chuckled and shook his head. "I don't normally walk around indoors like this. Though sometimes I have to show the other lycans who's the apex predator round these parts. The doggies get uppity otherwise." He paused for a moment, then had a short, barking laugh. "You could say I have to show them my subeariority." He motioned towards the forest. "Walk with me for a bit? The bushes 'round here have almost blind eyes and pointy ears." Maybe next time, Delilah would find herself a bush that was downwind so Toring's excellent polar bear nose wouldn't pick her up.
Re: Library Courtyard

Delilah's hair was all disheveled from the wind of Kegor's landing and her glasses were askew. She waved to Toring and Jess when she heard him talk about the bushes and giggled again, before turning back to see Ramielle's reaction to the Great Wyrm's offer.
Re: Library Courtyard

The professor bows her head in a formal greeting, acknowledging the elder dragon's command. "As you will, Old One." Her clothing seems to dissipate, except the gray cloak that transforms even as she does; Professor Ramielle assumes her true form rapidly and takes to the skies, following the ancient wyrm deferentially.
Re: Library Courtyard

"Eeeh..." Jess said, waving her hand in a so-so motion at Toring's pun. "You want to be punny, you gotta wait for better opportunities than that. A for effort though." She teased, then had to reach out and brace herself against his leg as the absolutely massive dragon landed over by the professor. "Yeah, let's get out of here." She told the werebear anxiously.
Re: Library Courtyard

Delilah longed to go after them, but instead padded on her now bare feet over to where Lyinne was situated. "Have you ever seen something as pretty?"
Re: Library Courtyard

Lyinne looked at Delilah and blinked promptly after hearing her. She then sent a telepathic message to the girl, "...Pretty? I thought it was more magnificent if anything..."
Re: Library Courtyard

"Mhmm," she gave Lyinne a dazed smile, "It was that too! I wonder what he wanted her for?"
Re: Library Courtyard

"...Probably to talk to her about her past. It's none of our business, the Professor will tell us if she wants us to know." Lyinne looked at the sky before crawling off of her little web.

"...Is there something else you wanted from me? I'm not exactly the best person to talk to without a reason."