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For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

As Deidre gets to the briefing room, she finds that she's the first to be there, with the sergeant and her other squadmates arriving soon after, everyone taking seats around the table. When everyone is there, a lieutenant arrives. "Good morning ladies and gentlemen. While other squads set up a perimeter around the village, we shall have the honor of obliterating the source of the attacks. The attackers appear to be natural monsters instead of humans, and it would seem that they have a nest of some sort. We'll split into pairs and find and eliminate any lairs we can find. So after the ship lands, each of you take your partner and head northwest. The closest lairs should be about 1 klick away, likely underground. We don't know the exact nature of these monsters, so be very careful. Any questions?"
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

"Yes, sir." Deidre said, when there was an asking for questions.

"If we don't know the exact nature of these monsters, then why are we splitting down into fire teams of two? It seems to me we could cover more ground, safely, if we go in as squads of at least six, to cover one another. You know... suppression fire, assault tactics. I'm all for glory and honor, but I'm also interested in survival too."
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

"What's your name, private?"

After Deidre answers, the lieutenant nods. "The reason we're doing it like this is because these monsters are just local wildlife. They should pose next to no threat to us."
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

"Yes, sir," Deidre said, not wanting to get into an argument with the commanding officer, at least not in front of the other soldiers. Instead, Deidre sat back and waited for the briefing to be over before she went to suit up officially, seeing what sort of kit would be provided for herself and her partner on the mission, who she presumed would be Willow unless there was already an assigned squad member waiting to be teamed up with her.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Predictably, Deidre is paired with Willow. Along her normal weapons, they both get flame pistols with small tanks and several grenades. Deidre also gets a metal wand for channeling her magic more efficiently and Willow gets a flare gun and a shoulder mounted mini-rocket launcher. Surprisingly soon the ship shakes as they enter the atmosphere and the tension in the room grows, as it always does before impending battle.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Deidre was happy for the additional equipment but still leery of the battle plan that had been assigned to them. It just seemed needlessly arrogant of a company that was admittedly a bunch of wet-behind-the-ears rookies. Even if Deidre did recognize that her in-game self was quite a capable fighter and caster, her mentality was still to put faith in strength of numbers.

She holstered her sidearm and attached the metal wand to a locked-in holder for it on her wrist guard. A 'magic wand' was this tool's nickname, but all it really was, according to her previous government trainers, was a psychic attunement rod. It could readily amplify psychic bolts of energy without exhausting the caster. She'd been trained in its use before she'd escaped. This one wasn't fancy, just run of the mill variety. But it would do in a pinch.

The Grenades were strapped across her armored bodysuit, her flame pistol on her belt, her assault rifle in her hands. She smiled at Willow encouragingly as the girl hefted her mini rocket launcher.

"We'll watch each other's backs, okay Tree?"
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Willow expertly checks her own equipment, seemingly unperturbed. "Sure thing, Huntress. I hope you can bring some meat to the table today."

As the ship lands softly, Willow leads Deidre out to the cargo bay, where the rest of the squad is already waiting as the heavy double-doors slide upon, revealing a large clearing with a small but modern village on the other end. Then the captain speaks through the radio. "Squads one and two, form a perimeter. Squads three and six forms a reserve and squads four and five advance towards the presumed enemy positions with squad five leading. Move it people. Captain out."

As the captain stops talking, Deidre can see her radio switch to the squad's frequency and the sergeant's voice comes through. "You heard the captain. Huntress and Deer to the left, then Falconer and Knight..." the sergeant lists the other squad members in pairs as well, and Willow is already moving forward, gesturing Deidre to follow.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

"Roger, that." Deidre said, then advanced forward, bearing left and fanning out with Willow right behind her. Deidre did her best to get an initial lay of the landscape and used all the technogadgetry she had on hand to see if there were any alien presence nearby. She didn't want to be taken off guard by a superior foe, so her weapon was up and at the ready, and when and if things got heavy, she reminded herself that she could reasonably rely on her magic gifts to fend off a would be predator.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

The soft ground and the masses of undergrowth not to mention the heat make walking slow and tiring. Willow curses as she almost trips for what must be the twentieth time, when Deidre spots something big and warm moving not fifty meters ahead.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Deidre held up her hand to signal Willow to tread with caution, she then pointed to her eyes and then switched to point out at the direction of the moving object. Whatever it was it was big, and apparently it was radiating enough heat to be noticeably warm. Or was that just the natural heat of this planet combined with all her marching? It was hard to tell. But for the moment she was simply focused on getting some recon on whatever this creature was, and then putting it down.

She watched Willow for confirmation that she'd seen it as well.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Willow looks into the pointed direction for a while before nodding. Looking at Deidre, she points first at herself, then left, then at Deidre and finally to right.

The creature, whatever it is, is coming closer, moving slowly and silently.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Deidre headed off to the right to flank the creature, while Willow headed left. She lined the thing up in her sights and tried to get a clearer view of it before shooting. She wanted to be sure she wasn't gonna waste a shot on some alien equivalent of an elk.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

The creature turns out to resemble a bear, though its back is covered in vines and its fur is green. The bear is ridden by a giant spider with long, chitinous legs ending in human-like hands, eight eyes on its head and a body that is covered in maille. The spider and the bear turn to look at Willow, who is looking at them with fascination, though she, too, has her assault rifle trained at the bear.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Right.... a spider riding a bear with vines coming out of its back. That wasn't something you saw every day, Deidre thought as she kept her own weapon trained on the alien. She noticed the chitinous creature's eyes falling on Willow and she murmured into her mouthpiece:

"It's got eyes on you Deer. Let's see how this plays out. If it gets angry, I'll take the top, you take the bottom."

Deidre then kept her gun trained on the spider creature and waited to see what the thing would do.
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Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

S 6 vs 9
W: 6 vs 12 | 0 vs 14 | -1 vs 5

Deidre: 5/5 MP 2/2Willow: 5/5
Spider: ?/? Bear ??/??
The bear suddenly charges towards Willow, and though it doesn't get to within reach of her, the spider throws an uncurling ball of webbing towards her, only barely missing her. Willow calmly aims at the spider, only for her gun to jam at the critical moment, causing her to let out a burst of expletives instead of hot plasma, which prove considerably less effective.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

With the bear and spider charging towards Willow aggressively, Deidre fired her own gun at the bear, hoping to down it quickly in order to save Willow.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

D 14 vs 13
S 15 vs 19 B 7 vs 7
W 10 vs 4 s 19 vs 20 b

Deidre: 5/5 MP 2/2Willow: 5/5 flamer: 19/20 shots left
Spider: 4/5 Bear 9/10
Deidre's blaster shot barely hits the bear, only burning off some fur and several of the tentacles. The spider shoots more webbing at Willow and the bear tries to lash out with tentacles, but somehow she manages to evade both, though the bear's tentacle glances off of her armor. Almost off-balance, Willow quickly drops her rifle and pulls the flamer into firing position, but the gout of flame she fires is aimed too high, and it only scorches the spider, causing it to let out a fearsome screech.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Deidre keeps her rifle trained on the bear, squeezing the trigger again and again, fighting against the recoil as she keeps plugging away at the beast. Hoping to draw it's ire away from her squadmate.

Keep shooting at the bear thing.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

D 0 vs 3 | 0 vs 4 | 7 vs 7
W 15 vs 12 s | 13 vs 20 b
S 15 vs 6 B 15 vs 14

Deidre: 5/5 MP 2/2 Willow: 4/5 flamer: 18/20 shots left webbed and grappled: -2 to attacks
Spider: 3/5 Bear 8/10
The burst mostly misses the bear, though it leaves a nasty looking burn on the bear's rearleg. Another gout of flame bursts forward from Willow's flamer, causing the spider's carapace to crack from the heat. Unfortunately the spider catches Willow's leg with its web just as the bear's tentacle cracks against her armor, wrapping around her.
Re: For Profit Organizations(Deidre/Blueslime)

Deidre cursed under her breath and re-aimed, advancing on the bear and its rider, hoping that she could hit home and make the bear realize the greater danger. She didn't want to rely on her limited magic until absolutely necessary, not while she had technological superiority with her weapons.