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ACT [ EL mar] Fighting Yuna / Fighting YUNA<ファイティングユナ> RE093483 RJ093483

Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

Ah crap i didn't know it limited the amount of downloads on a split file on a free accounts.
I suppose i could try uploading seperate parts to seperate hosts or something tricky.. leave it with me and see how motivated i get today.
Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

its simple really... we RAR the part file Oo so it isnt a part file anymore
Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

Ah crap i didn't know it limited the amount of downloads on a split file on a free accounts.
I suppose i could try uploading seperate parts to seperate hosts or something tricky.. leave it with me and see how motivated i get today.

you can try 7zipping it
i have a few uploads that I 7zipped couple days ago and they are still up
Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

mediafire was cool before now it sucks D: anyway i really want to play this soo i hope that someone will upload it in this weekend :p
Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

its simple really... we RAR the part file Oo so it isnt a part file anymore

That... is remarkably simple and yet i never thought of it. I'll u/l and post this weekend.
Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

found a torrent
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Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

Edit: Links removed once again for being down.
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Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

Ok take 2, hopefully that got around mediafire limit on uploaded split archive

Part 1:
Part 2:
Part 3:

Also yes, those are the correct file names. I just got scared of actually naming them for the parts due to the last abortive attempt, and my... odd... sense of humour kicked in.

Already down.

I advise we use this.

Its a free encryption file service.

Also, Is anyone aware of how many downloads it take before mediafire stop blocks split archives? I'd like to test to see if this works before having people downloading it incase it ends up being a waste of time.

Edit: Thanks Caffeinated.

Edit: First part of fighting yunas downloading, I'll post it after its done, Yes it will be encrypted. However I can't tell you if there will be a limit to the number of downloads. As such, I'd advise not downloading the encryption service yet, And will wait 30 minutes before uploading the second part incase this ends up failing.
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Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

Oh sonuva.. that didn't last long. For reference as of this post there was 25 downloads of first file, 15 of second, 11 of 3rd. So if its already being blocked.. thats your rough limitation.
Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

Alrighty folks, heres the first part to fighting yuna, Remember it encrypted, The passkey is fatmancory. Will update this post when part 2 is out, Please PM me if any problems occur. With any luck this will stay up.

Part 1
part 2

Part 2 has been added

Edit: Damn, Links are... STILL UP! They each have 30 downloads which means the file encryption was a success!
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Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

Alrighty folks, heres the first part to fighting yuna, Remember it encrypted, The passkey is fatmancory. Will update this post when part 2 is out, Please PM me if any problems occur. With any luck this will stay up.

Part 1
part 2

Part 2 has been added

with what i unzip this shit? is not working with winrar and 7zip

EDIT: why u guys cant post on a normal site like deposit files that is not deleting stuff soo plz post on that without this gpg shit omfg >:O
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Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

So i'm on JP locale, 64bit win7. My save looks like the first pic, all of the saves posted so far look like the second one and don't work. Can anyone help me out?

Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

with what i unzip this shit? is not working with winrar and 7zip

EDIT: why u guys cant post on a normal site like deposit files that is not deleting stuff soo plz post on that without this gpg shit omfg >:O

A quick google search of the extention revealed this: hxxp:// www(dot)fileinfo(dot)com/extension /gpg

I think mediafire is better than deposit files as it doesn't have wait times and such. Also, the prices are a lot cheaper than other filehosting sites. Furthermore, whining and complaining about getting something for free is highly unbecoming of you. You should at least try to be more grateful someone is even willing to do the work to put these out and try to find ways around the system.

So i'm on JP locale, 64bit win7. My save looks like the first pic, all of the saves posted so far look like the second one and don't work. Can anyone help me out?


This is what is inside my save.ini:

DLサ2ミ]・"セy=・s3カ・ xク~T倏醗ル9pz・覊ゥ・6Wコッスノ廁・ナ>卿hルェkS遭F/ュ槌尨l3ネ;イ題F棗キx;Kシ0_%堯レカ|

Make another save.ini and try copy/paste this into it. I have the same 64bit win 7 as you. I am missing two scenes though.
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Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

with what i unzip this shit? is not working with winrar and 7zip
EDIT: why u guys cant post on a normal site like deposit files that is not deleting stuff soo plz post on that without this gpg shit omfg >:O

Mediafire is cool for letting me using IDM and no waiting time. You have to be smarter in computer if you really want to be a "pirate".
Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

Hmm im having trouble getting the files to decrypt. :(

Keeps telling me im using the wrong pass phrase.
Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

Alrighty folks, heres the first part to fighting yuna, Remember it encrypted, The passkey is fatmancory. Will update this post when part 2 is out, Please PM me if any problems occur. With any luck this will stay up.

Part 1
part 2

Part 2 has been added

Edit: Damn, Links are... STILL UP! They each have 30 downloads which means the file encryption was a success!

Shall I edit these into the first post?

EDIT: Done.
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Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

Mediafire is cool for letting me using IDM and no waiting time. You have to be smarter in computer if you really want to be a "pirate".

i repaired more computers in my life more than you but i never encountered this gpg thingy and im smart to be a pirate i repair alot of computers :/
Re: Fighting Yuna (Link credit to Potato)

Hmm im having trouble getting the files to decrypt. :(

Keeps telling me im using the wrong passphrase.

Pass is "fatmancory" however I'll download it my self to make sure its working.
Tried and it works for me still, May I ask what window version you're using?

i repaired more computers in my life more than you but i never encountered this gpg thingy and im smart to be a pirate i repair alot of computers :/

What does "Repairing computers" have to do with internet know how?
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Re: Fighting Yuna

How the hell do I open a .gpg file?

I DL'd some "Gpg4win" "Kleopatra" program that is supposed to do it, but whenever I try the program errors and closes.