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Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

A 17 vs 15 I 17 vs 16
L1 6 vs 15 L3 8 vs 3
A 19 vs 10 I 5 vs 13
L1 9 vs 2 L3 7 vs 19
I 11 vs 8
L1 19 vs 3 L3 19 vs 15
I 18 vs 4
L3 9 vs 13
I 22 vs 2critical
Ashela manages to kill one of the lizards and shake the other one off. As Issah joins the battle, the third lizard pounces her, only to get restrained by her coils. Then the lizard bites her again even as her axe bites into it's flesh, and her legs give way. She can see Issah wrestling the two remaining lizards desperately, and a snap can be heard as the neck of one of them snaps. Then another snap can be heard, and Issah drops the two limp bodies to the ground.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela didn't even take note of that she managed to kill one of the lizards, and just kept chopping at it until another brought her down, she fell on her ass with a pained groan, and stared scaredly as Issah began tangling with the other two, fearing that the Lamia would be brought down aswell... But that didn't happen, and all Ashela could do, was to try scooting over, to cling onto Issah, sobbing quietly. "I am so useless, so useless, sorry, sorry..."
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Issah pats Ashela on the back. "Hey, you didn't do too badly. You almost managed to kill two of them." After a short while, Ashela can feel her strength returning, and the wounds stop bleeding.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela clung to Issah, shaking her head protest to the praise, but didn't verbally object. Once she found her strength slowly return, she'd slowly stumble to her feed, still clinging to Issah, hoping the snakewoman would rise with her. "No more, no more fighting... Just want to bath...", she whimpered out, hoping Issah would take the lead towards their destination... And that they didn't encounter further opponents.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Issah re-strings her bow and slithers to the grove. Careful not to go too far in, she breaks off a few branches and works on them with a knife. Once satisfied, she wraps some of the webbing around them and continues around the grove. There are more lizards surrounding the spring, but they don't come closer. Ashela can already spot the slime back in its place.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela stuck close to Issah like a frightened child, not letting more then a few inches separate them, staring at whatever the snakewoman did curiously... It was a neat trick to wrap web around sticks to make torches, she thought. Once the slime was in sight, Ashela smiled faintly, uncertainly. "It... It is nice slime...?", she whispered warily, remaining close to Issah.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"It probably won't bother us." Issah slides forwards, moving to go around the slime.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela nodded slightly, continuing to follow Issah closely, eyeing the slime warily. If it so much as shifted in her direction, she'd whimper out and cling to one of Issah's arms.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

The slime ripples, apparently sensing their presence, but lets them pass. Soon they're at the dungeon entrance, and Issah tries to clumsily strike sparks with a flint, but fails several times before lighting a torch and handing it to Ashela. "You'd better carry this. I need my both hands free for the bow, and I don't want to drop it if something grabs me."
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela nodded slightly as she was handed the torch, holding it firmly, and given how Issah had said she needed both her hands, Ashela would very reluctantly refrain from clinging onto the snakewoman. The warm light from the burning torch comforted her, she felt safer with both it and Issah nearby. "Anything... Anything thats good to know about this place...?", Ashela asked meekly as they entered the dungeon, looking around herself warily.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"I don't know, I've never gone farther than the pool." The cave continues straight, sloping slightly downwards, and there's a pool in a large chamber at the end of the tunnel. From there, the tunnel splits into two, both soon curving out of the view.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela nodded slightly, and eyed the pool warily, and tried to gauge its size and depth, remaining somewhat close to Issah during it all. If the snakewoman decide to dip into the pool, Ashela would try to find something to steady or stick the torch to, and then follow after Issah if it proved to be safe.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

There is a hook in the wall to which the torch can be put. Issah throws off the bow and the quiver before going into the pool. The pool turns out to be almost perfect in temperature. As Issah starts washing herself, a girl's head made of water appears in the surface. "Hello Issah. Who's your friend?"
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela relaxes a little after she's put the torch in place, and slowly enters the pool after Issah, putting the axe aside. Once in the water, she begins to slowly wash herself, if blinking in surprise once noticing the talking, feminine head of slime as it speaks to Issah. Ashela stopped washing herself, just staring for the time being.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"Hello. This is Ashela." Issah says, acting like it's nothing unusual before starting to wash herself. "Hello Ashela. Is the water too hot? Too cool?"
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela blinks as she's spoken to, smiling nervously. "Ah, Hello...? What is your name?", she is a little tense. "Uhm... I'd like it a little warmer, I think?"
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"I'm a pool, I don't really need a name." As soon as Ashela voices her opinion, the water warms slightly.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela blinked a little, and shuddered as the water warmed around her. Slowly, she began to relax, and continued washing herself. She wasn't entirely sure what to think of the talking pool, but didn't feel much need to object... Although, she had begun to grow curious. "Uhm... Do you know if anything lives deeper in here? Like, if it ever comes out to wash itself or drink...?"
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"There are some bats that come out at night. I believe there are other creatures, but they almost never come out. Some of them are lamias.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela nodded thoughtfully at the answers provided, and continued to gently wash herself off. Once clean, she'd spread herself out and lay down, trying to keep afloat, to just relax, humming quietly. Once in a while she'd glance over to Issah, or around herself a little, her mind wandering.