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Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

It takes a long time for Issah to get herself clean, as there is a lot more of her to clean than there is Ashela. When she's done she just relaxes in the pool for a while. Eventually she gets up and out. "Thanks for the bath, but I'm getting hungry. See you again."
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela sighed relaxedly, her spirits returning, and after a while, but still some time before Issah was done, she'd move back to a sitting position, and smiled giddily, as if a silly thought had crossed her mind. "Hey... Can you make it bubble around me?", she inquired to the pool slime. If it could, Ashela would hum softly, and then giggle delightfully. If it could not, Ashela would simply smile and thank it anyways.

Once Issah began to move out of the pool, Ashela figured it was time she did the same. But not before speaking a little. If the pool had managed to produce bubbles, no matter how small... "Thank you for the bath, Bubbles~! I hope to see you again soon.", had there been no bubbles or had the pool not attempted it, Ashela would've 'named' it Aqua. She wasn't a terrible imaginative person, but if she was asked why she had decided to name the pool, she'd shrug and say "Everyone nice deserves a name."
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

As Ashela asks for bubbles, the pool hesitates. "I suppose I can try..." It then starts splashing around, collecting air before releasing it in bursts under Ashela.

As Ashela gives Bubbles a name, she waves at her. "Good bye Ashela. It was nice to meet you."

Issah gives Ashela a curious look, before starting towards the exit.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela giggled delightedly as the mild bubbles came up around her, shuddering pleasantly. "Wonderful, some practice and you make lovely bubblebaths.", she praised 'Bubbles' for her efforts, and waved back with a smile once it was time to leave. "Was nice meeting you too, Bubbles! Seeya soon I hope!"

Ashela would pick the torch up and bring it along if needed, then follow after Issah, smiling at the Lamia's curious looks. "Bubbles is nice, I hope we can go here again sometime. Got any ideas what to do now? And uh, do you know of the things Bubbles spoke of? The Lamias deeper in the dungeon?"
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"Well, I'm hungry again, so I'll try to catch another rabbit. I haven't really been deeper in the caves. They don't seem like a nice place to live, but each to their own, I guess." At the entrance Issah hesitates before picking the unexplored path.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela nodded a little to Issah, "Wanna try exploring it some day perhaps? Who knows what sweet loot we might find!", Ashela grinned giddily at the prospect of getting some better loot, walking around naked was getting comfortable, but she wouldn't mind some armor, and a better weapon. She'd follow after the Lamia, hoping to be of more use during this round of hunting. "Mind if I try helping out again, with hunting that is?", she'd ask a little uncertainly, reminded of her defeat by the tentacle bear, it made her shudder a little.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"Sure. Let's hope there are no more bears."

Shortly down the road there's another opening, larger than the one before. There's also another lamia to be seen in the distance, this one carrying a spear.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela smiles nervously. "Let's hope not, indeed.", Ashela would briefly look to the large opening, but the moment she took notice of the Lamia, she'd look to this other snakewoman. "Issah? Anyone you know over there?", Ashela thought to herself, "Game, I'd like to know all you can tell me of Lamias, their behavior mostly, especially regarding how they see each other, Thanks... And oh, status update on myself and Issah!"
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"She's Selash." Issah smiles and starts slithering closer to the other lamia.

Ashela: HP 5/5 MP 0/0 AP 0/10
Axe Expertise 1

Issah: HP 6/6
Bow Expertise 0
Grapple Expertise 2
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela nodded, smiling as Issah seemed to know of this other Lamia. She grumbled lowly to herself as the game didn't provide any informations about Lamias however... Although she was happy to notice her expertise had gone up a little. Once within comfortable conversation distance to Selash, Ashela waved in greeting. "Hi there.", she'd say with a friendly smile, letting her eyes wander, in fact, she'd even try to compare Issah and Selash, very curious how much Lamia could differ from each other.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

"Hello Selash, this is Ashela."

The strange lamia only now seems to notice Issah and Ashela. Her body shape is much the same, but her skin is lighter, and her hair is red. Though Issah also has pointy ears, hers are even pointier and she has smaller nose.

"Oh, hello you two. Are you also hunting?"
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela nodded and spoke in response before Issah got the chance. "That's the idea, nice to meet you.", Ashela was humming softly, quite happy to see a third friendly face. "Perhaps we could party up? The more the merrier, right?"
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Selash gives Ashela's naked body a good look-over and smiles, nodding. "There are some zebras further in this field. A lot of eating in one of those, but they're fast and hard to catch alone. But since there are three of us, one of us could lie in waiting while the others drive it towards her."
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela blushed a little as she noticed Selash wandering looks, smiling softly. "I think it'd be best if I'm part of the team that try to herd one of them towards the third, I don't think I could stop a zebra on my own.", her smile a little uncertain. "Then again I am unsure how good I'd be at herding them aswell... Won't mind trying tho."
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Salesh points at a tree in distance. "I'll go over to that tree and lie down. You two try to get one to come towards me."

As Salesh starts moving, Issah points out a single zebra to Ashela. "You circle around it, I'll come towards it from here."
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela nodded to both of the Lamias, and headed out, eyeing the zebra briefly as she began to move in a wide circular pattern, and if the foliage allowed it, she'd try to remain hidden too, anything to not startle the zebra pre-emptively. Once in position, she'd start walking towards the zebra, waiting for it to react towards her advances before she paced up, trying what she could to heard the Zebra towards Selash.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela gets around the zebra with no problems, and she can see that Issah is also ready, with an arrow nocked. As Ashela starts getting close, the zebra bolts towards Issah, who shoots an arrow towards it, only for the zebra to turns towards Ashela, on a line that would take it too far past the tree.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela's eyes opens wide as the zebra runs off only to run back towards her, she starts to panic, and swings her axe. "WRONG WAY, WRONG!", she shouts, trying to desperately steer the zebra towards Selash... And should that fail, she hopes she'd try to avoid getting trampled, but also to chop at the Zebras legs, hoping to cripple or maim if she was fucking up this badly!
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

The zebra turns enough to avoid Ashela, but it would still go past the tree. Ashela can see Issah draw another arrow and take aim, but it would be doubtful if an arrow is enough to stop it.
Re: Dangerous Hugs(Ashela/Smokefish)

Ashela spattered and cursed, and in a desperation move, rose her axe and hurled it with all her might towards the zebras side, at best, she might manage to hit it. Somewhat goodly, it might fly past it and make it change course, at worst, it would look futile and pathetic as she vented herself over her incompetence.