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Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Oh, you just have to be really affectionate. Look deep into his eyes, speak softly, be sure to show him the goods, and then plant your lips on him like this.~"

And then Celes proceeded to show Ripple, kissing Locke passionately and slowly, mashing her lips around his and moaning into his mouth. She pressed her breasts against his body and slipped her hand down his chest toward his cock, but at the last moment, thought better of it and instead grabbed Ripple's hand and pressed it against Locke's shaft instead. She manipulated Ripple's fingers around the base of his hardening member and then guided the royal mermaid's hand up and down, stroking Locke at a pace she knew would be arousing to him, yet not so fast as to make him overreact so soon.

"Mmm, yeah, and now you try kissing him, only keep stroking him like that. This is how Locke likes his sex slaves to start him off~"

"Uoh... I.. but I don't.. mmph!~" Locke mumbled, his defenses already lowering.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"He-heh," Ripple giggled as she watched Locke. "Looking at him like this, I do not feel like much of a slave. Rather, I feel like I'm bullying him~" Ripple stated as she rubbed his shaft as Celes had showed her, before moving in, and doing her best to mimic her kiss, and was surprisingly good at it too. "I've already seen my mother with my father, so I know a few things." she revealed, before kissing Locke anew while slowly stroking his shaft. "She sometimes... Would do this..." she announced, before leaning down slightly, her nipples trailing down along his chest, before Locke would feel Ripple kiss his neck.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Hmmh nng~" Locke moaned appreciatively as Ripple kissed him. Two beautiful girls kissing him so passionately, he couldn't believe his luck. "Ah... if this is bullying, I don't mind it so much," he breathed.

"You're a natural, your majesty," Celes complimented.

Locke nodded, and then squeezed the princess' bottom. "And you're beautiful, I'm a lucky master tonight... what other tricks have you seen your mother do with your father?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Ripple put a finger to her lip for a moment, before nodding. "I've seen her do this often, when everyone was together bathing." she began, before she sank into the water, and tucked her hands behind Locke's knees, lifting his feet from the floor of the tub, before her mouth caught his length. Slowly, she moved her mouth along his length, but that was all she did. Her tongue did nothing, as to be expected since she did not see her mother's tongue. Moving along his length, he did feel the pleasure of her lips moving along his manhood, but nothing else as her inexperience began to show.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Locke allowed Ripple to go on for a little while, before looking a little shyly towards Celes. "She doesn't know to use her tongue," he said, blushing as he did so.

Celes grinned and then sunk a hand beneath the water to tap Ripple on the shoulder. When the mermaid resurfaced, Celes had Locke stand up, so that his cock was erect above the water.

"That's a very important technique for a young woman to know~ but you can only master it if you use your tongue, tighten your mouth, and remember to use suction. It also helps if your hands do some massaging here and you vary your motions. And remember to avoid scraping him with your teeth. Here, watch me!"

Once again, Celes put on a demonstration, first licking around Locke's tip, before wrapping her lips tightly around him and giving him a light suck. She bobbed her head, getting his shaft more and more slimy with her saliva as she worked her way steadily down. Then she started to give him long slow withdrawing sucks, causing a little bit of noise to show Ripple how hard she was sucking. Then she opened her own mouth a little to show how her tongue was cupping his shaft on the way down and licking up and along the rod when she withdrew. Her hand cupped Locke's balls and fondled them lovingly, and then her lips wrapped tightly around his cock again. She then slowly went down on him, pushing her mouth all the way to the base of his pelvis. When she got there, she wiggled her mouth and made some soft gagging sounds while her tongue attempted to slip down and tickle his sack before she withdrew again, leaving his shaft a drooling, slick, throbbing mess.

"Keep doing stuff like that, and he'll be giving you a thick gooey gift in no time~" Celes said.

"C-celes... you're so.. casual about it. H-how..." Locke's face was a deep shade of red, almost matching the color of his glans. "Hnngh... Princess Ripple... you don't have to... if you're not ready I mean..."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Princess Ripple... You don't-" would be as far as Locke would get before Ripple made her attack. Her mouth found his length. Taking his tip first with her tongue, she pulled on his arms with her weight to make him splash back into the tub, and into her comfort zone, the water. Should Locke allow, Ripple revealed that she was a good student. As if a new person, her mouth sucked on his manhood with much more adept skill. Her tongue curled around the bottom half of his length as Celes instructed, and licked at his balls and shaft, whatever was available. He felt her mouth pulling strongly on his shaft. Applying herself properly, it truly wouldn't be long before Locke would reach his peak, and find himself cumming inside the mouth of a princess.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Ehahh! Ermm, ohh! Hnnh..." Locke's face contorted in many degrees of pleasure after Ripple pulled him back down into a sitting position. For the other women in the tub, they wouldn't be able to follow Ripple's exact movements, but could easily tell that she was having success from the noises and faces that Locke made.

"She - she's sucking harder than you were Celes!" Locke exclaimed, which made Celes giggle, though at the end she did hint at a little jealousy.

"These mamono keep trying to put us human girls to shame with their strengths. Why don't we help ourselves to Locke as well while the princess is busy, hmm Mika?"

Celes snuggled up to Locke on his right side and beckoned for Mika to do the same on his left. Regardless of whether the pink haired girl complied, Celes would start kissing Locke's cheek and eventually his lips while her hand caressed across his far nipple.

Locke, for his part, would not last long. Celes had warmed him up, but now Ripple was rapidly reaching her degree of ability. Another ten seconds went by before he exhaled loudly and grunted, while below his throbbing cock twitched and then jerked along with his hips. His spunk shot out, right into the mouth of royalty. "Oh god, I'm sorry princess... I'm so in trouble for this..."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I'm part Mamono too, so it's not like we're on the same level here..." Mika replied to Celes about Mamono one-uping human girls. Though she did get closer with Celes, before seeming to develop a bit of an appetite for Locke as she leaned in while Celes touched his nipple, and began to suck on his earlobe.

When Locke came, Ripple seemed to give a start, before putting her hand to Locke's balls and squeezing them slightly as if to try and ensure she got the last drop out from him. Her mouth worked in the meanwhile as he could feel her tongue and lips moving as if trying to swallow all of what was in her mouth. Sensations of pleasure came in waves as she milked his cock with her mouth, before rising from the water with a flush on her cheeks. "Wow! That was... So sweet!" Ripple exclaimed. "It tasted like candy!"

"Does it...? I can't tell if it's salty and sour or a little sweet..." Mika replied with uncertainty, of course after she let his ear go.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Mmm, I think it depends on what Locke's had to eat recently. A high fruit diet is supposedly yummy," Celes said helpfully.

Locke just moaned for a moment, though his face was still flush due to the three girls talking so casually about the taste of his semen. Eventually he managed to speak again.

"Ah... well, I'm just glad you liked it, Princess. I... I certainly did. You're quite good at that, heh." He then looked over at Mika. "And I liked what you did with my ear."

His gaze then went to Celes and Marla beyond her.

"So I suppose you two are having a good time getting these innocent young girls to do things to me..."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Marla chuckled. "Are you kidding?" she asked Locke. "Adding a princess to the harem would be grand!"

"Harem? Oh!" Ripple gave a start. "Of course, a queen normally has a harem! But... Why am I included?" she asked, confused.

Marla, claws on her hips in a proud pose, was silent for a moment. "... Does it really matter?" she asked.

"I... I suppose not..." Ripple said meekly.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"That may be going a little far, Marla," Locke said as he sat there doing his best to relax and recover. "Princess Ripple is only here for the night, and she is of too good a breeding to be a member of your harem. Wouldn't keeping her be tantamount to declaring war on Atlantis?"

He turned to Ripple. "Even if your majesty was willing, I can't believe that your queen mother would be understanding. She'd probably think me worse than any demon for keeping you here on this ranch."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Royalty and their harems is not like a master slave relationship," Ripple revealed. "Sharing of harems is not unheard of, although... Being apart of Marla's harem... I'm not sure..." Ripple said, seeming a little confused.

"It'll be fine! Ripple can come over and have fun with us and it'll be the same thing!" Marla announced.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Then we'll just have to not make it official, is all," Celes explained. "Princess Ripple is free to visit her friends whenever she wants, what goes on inside our ranch with the Princess' consent doesn't need to be announced to the world."

Locke gulped. "If it ever got out, I'd have all the tridents of Atlantis coming for me."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Ripple shook her head, "No one will come for you, Locke! I may not be queen, but my power is still great!" she announced to him passionately, smiling at him confidently.

Marla wrapped a wing around the naked Celes' shoulders. "A very fine point, Lady Celes!" Marla praised Celes under her continued royal impression.

Ripple gasped, "Celes, you are royalty too?" she asked, as if bewildered.

Marla laughed. "But of course! Celes governs the harem and helps ensure the well being and happiness of all it's members! That now includes you, Ripple! You can trust Celes to take good, kind care of you!" Marla said while snuggling her head against the blond girl's affectionately.

"This is... Amazing..." Ripple announced. "You all act nothing like the royals back home, as you are all so seemingly carefree... What a fine kingdom~" Ripple giggled happily.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"The queen of harpies is very flattering," Celes giggled as she let Marla's feathers envelop her in a snuggle. "But I'm positive I wouldn't qualify as a royal by lofty Atlantian standards. However, Marla is right about me taking care of anyone who joins the 'harem.' I'm here to make sure everything runs smoothly, so perhaps considering me a... oh what is the word... steward! Yes, I'm the steward for the ranch."

Locke looked on at the two role playing fibbers with the barest shaking of his head. Celes had gone over to Marla's alternate reality, well wasn't that fantastic. Maybe Raven would be able to bring Celes back down to earth with her usual common sense. Sighing softly, Locke turned to Mika.

"What about you? Are you secretly a royal?"
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Mika was silent for a moment upon being asked the question, before suddenly announcing with pride. "I am the leader of a band of rebels seeking to overthrow the Atlantis rule!" she boasted.

This drew an immediate reaction from Ripple, who pointed her finger at Mika. "You...!? My mother is kind!" Ripple announced, as if in disbelief that there would be such a rebellion.

Mika returned the pointed finger. "But the princess is one who secretly visits mere peasant boys! Atlantis ill needs such a leader such as you!" Mika announced with gusto.

Ripple rose from the bath, as Mika did, the two facing off. "I... I won't allow it!" she announced, before the water in the tub began to move, and shift, before launching at Mika full blast. The pink haired girl was blown out of the tub, and landed with a thud on the grass.

"Rebellion suppressed!" Ripple sighed with pride, while Mika laid naked on the grass, seeing stars as her posture was similar to that of a squished frog.
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Yay! Well suppressed, Princess Ripple!" Celes said as she offered a polite clap. "I'm certain the rebel Mika will repent of her crimes as soon as she wakes. Perhaps a day or two in the sex stockade will make her understand the benevolence of Atlantian rule."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

Ripple, climbing out of the tub, was grabbing Mika by the leg, her golden fin replaced with human legs again before she turned and listened to Celes. "Oh? I was going to take her back to Atlantis to put her in prison."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"I'm fairly certain Mika was joking, your majesty," Locke said, thinking that the charade was going a bit too far. "The reason Mika is on my ranch in the first place is because she talks a bigger game than she actually can put forth. A real rebel wouldn't claim to be one right to a princess' face - at least not without an army at their back. So please forgive Mika and come back to the tub."

"Besides, Mika lost a domination duel to Locke. She's prisoner of our ranch for a whole month," Celes added. "She needs to server her time here."
Re: Locke's Ranch (BlueSlime)

"Am I not under the same circumstance?" Ripple asked. "I must object again, especially when she is receiving punishment I should be getting as well."

"She's a real goodie two-shoes." Marla chuckled.

Ripple blushed, letting Mika's leg go. "I... I have my honor..."