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The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

B, heal the dark elf (two is better than being alone and Elena is an angel, she has to do that ><" !).

Edit : Yeah, I want to change my vote ! Dorl's right. We need to kick off that silly bastard of Harpy B (the one who is attacking the dark Elf). So, A, Avenging light.
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Demon Girl Master
Sep 8, 2011
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Hmm... that's a tricky matter... I could see every that any action we take can turn out good and bad very quickly. We could try to blind them and if we succeed, both us and the elf are more quickly to dispatch the harpies. We could light one of the foes and we'd had the advantage of 2 vs 1 (so only one of us could be attacked anyway). Or we could heal the elf, possibly ensuring she lives the next turn, but expose both us and her to a grapple or damage from the harpies. And help us gods, if both of us lose our grapple tests...

So, all things considered I hesitate over heal vs attack ~_~

A. Avenging light on the harpy that attacks the elf. We could try heal our ally the next turn. If the spell hits, it will knock the harpy out most definitely, freeing the elf from the threat. If our harpy would try to grapple us, the elf only needs to pommel her from behind.
Depending on how fast the pregnancy advances, we'll need to play a midwife soon ^^'
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

B. If the damage the dark elf just put out was the norm for her then her next hit will take down one of the harpies. But she needs to survive long enough to deal that damage.

Also, Elena's healing spell? Does it allow reviving a target from KO status?


Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Why or how could the dark elf be killed ? She's got harpy's eggs in her belly : why would they want to murder her ?


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Why or how could the dark elf be killed ? She's got harpy's eggs in her belly : why would they want to murder her ?
Not kill her. But if we can't revive her with the healing spell, then if she's KO'd then she's effectively out of the fight.


Demon Girl Master
Sep 8, 2011
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

That's all "IF" the harpy attacks *and* hit her as well; i.e. - depending on the initiative it can go like this:
A) Initiative: Angel - Elf /or - Harpies
1. Light on the harpy attacking the elf:
a) it hits and damages, the harpy is ko'd.
b) harpy evades.
If a) and Elf has the initiative:
a. Elf attacks the harpy.
b. Elf runs or something like that.
If a) and the harpy has initiative
a. She attacks one of us, meaning that beside a chance to evade her attack, only angel or the elf can be hit. Even if she ko's the elf, it's 1vs1, while she's wounded and it would be a quick wrap for us the next turn.
If b) The worst scenario, either we lose our turn, everyone evades and such or the elf is knocked out and we're 2vs1 (raep time).

2. Heal the elf:
a) elf is healed
a. She ko's the harpy
b. She's ko'd by the harpy (by either a normal attack, if the heal was minor or a critical if we're particularly unlucky).
1) "Our" harpy attacks/grapples us.

B) Initiative: Harpies/Elf - Angel
We're fucked, most likely harpy knocks the elf out and it's raep time.

Every worst case scenario is 2vs1 against us.

The best case scenario in attacking the weaker harpy is 2vs1 in our favour and our harpy damaged as well, while the elf can be one-hitted (chance that our light knocks out the lesser harpy and the elf crits on our harpy ending the fight is possible, but very unlikely).

The best case scenario in healing the elf is 2vs1 in our favour, while the elf is a little healthier but the status of our harpy remains unchanged.
To wrap this up: Healing the elf is a more balanced and cautious route, while attacking the harpy is a bit more risky, with a chance of better results. Imho I think the risk isn't that great and we can try the offense.

Of course, feel free to correct the flaws in my reasoning. ^^
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Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

It's good reasoning, I Agree. Time for healing later, if all goes well.


Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. Attack weaker harpy with avenging light


Mystic Girl
Nov 28, 2011
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A: Attack! (Avenging light.) Attack whichever harpy is weaker.

Dark Elf is knocked up anyway (unless we do something about that later).

(Besides, let's try holding out for a slime, incubus, or were-critter for fun-times.)


Demon Girl Master
Sep 8, 2011
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

(Besides, let's try holding out for a slime, incubus, or were-critter for fun-times.)
Okay, I'll be frank right now. If we find ourselves a sexy, manly and "profusely" endowed incubbi I'm the first one to vote anything that results in a rape XD
The same goes for beast-like demons, succubi and such. Being honest here! XD


Tentacle God
Jun 3, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

B. Heal dat dark elf.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

(A) Attack Harpy B (She's the weaker one.)

(@ everyone, no the dark elf isn't going to be killed if she hits 0 HP, just ko'd. I won't have a death for PC or NPC characters unless the situation calls for it, enemies are fair game though so don't hesitate to slaughter them. Also yes Elena's healing spell can bring a ko'd character back to consciousness, though they start at the end of the initiative order, which is rolled for at the start of battle and stays the same each turn. @ dorl and Alkalannar, about the monsters you both mentioned, they are all in my bestiary for use, but are much too strong for our little angel just yet, all save the succubi, who can also be allies as well. Because like I said at the character selection, I'm going by the D&D rules in which succubi are devils and not demons and are therefore not necessarily evil.)

Elena saw that the dark elf girl looked to be almost ready to faint, and being an angel she couldn't let that happen to the poor girl, not when she had fought so hard to save her. Elena decided to attack the harpy that the elf girl was fighting with to take her out before she could maybe knock the dark elf out, as she seemed to be trying to help Elena as much as she could.

"Duck!" Elena shouted at the dark elf girl, turning and aiming her staff at the other harpy before releasing the energy she'd quickly gathered up.

Elena's spell took the harpy by complete surprise as the elf girl managed to duck just in time, slamming into the harpy's midsection and blasting her across the room nearly fifteen feet to the other side and into the wall, where she then thumped her head against the stone wall and fell to the floor unconscious and likely in a coma. (Elena rolled a crit 42 vs 2 for Harpy B, laying her ass out.)

The Harpy that Elena decided to ignored, came up behind the young angel to grab her, but Elena heard her footsteps a she rushed her. Elena leaned forward and using the harpy's momentum, flipped her over her shoulder where she landed on the floor with a grunt. The dark elf rushed over before the harpy could get back to her feet or flap her wings, her adrenaline pumping and giving her the strength to do so, and brought her sword down onto the harpy's head, in her haste to hit though it was the flat of the blade that slammed into the harpy's head, but that was enough to knock her out. (Harpy A rolled a 12 vs 26 for Elena. The dark elf rolled a 42 vs 30 for Harpy A, dealing 10 HP dmg to Harpy A and knocking her out as well.)

(Elena gains 50 XP from the battle and goes up to XP level 2... I don't know what to say other than I'm so proud of little Elena, she's growing up so fast.)

The dark elf girl collapses to her knees as soon as the harpy hits the floor, her own stamina finally starting to give out. Elena quickly rushed over to catch her before her head hit the floor and gently laid her down so her head was in Elena's lap so she could rest.

"Are you okay miss?" Elena asked the dark elf girl as they both caught their breath.

"Y-Yes, at least I think I am. Who are you?" the dark elf asked, relaxing a bit now that the battle was over.

"My name is Elena Raecus," Elena said, introducing herself as she used her healing spell on the dark elf.

"Hello Elena, m-my name is Mia... thank you so much for the help," the dark elf said, introducing herself to Elena and thanking her.

"You're very welcome Mia. Do you think you'll be able to move in a few minutes?" Elena asked Mia.

"Yeah, just give me enough time to catch my breath and I believe I'll be alright," Mia answered her, closing her eyes to rest for a minute.

Elena smiled at the young looking dark elf and gently set Mia's head down onto the floor and let her lay there to rest and recover for a moment, while she went over to get her robe again and her pack, which she'd dropped before the fight to keep her mobility. She came back over to Mia, grabbing the elf's clothing along the way so she could get redressed herself. When Elena got back over to Mia she pulled out a rag from her pack so she could clean herself up a little, and offered another rag to Mia so she could clean herself as well. Mia took the rag with thanks and after Elena helped her raise back up she began cleaning herself off as best she could.

While Elena sat there and cleaned herself, she pondered her next move.

What should Elena do now?

(Elena recovers all Pw on an XP level up, so no Pw regain)

[Elena's stuff:]
[Elena's current stats]:
HP: 15/15, Pw/SE: 25/25, PP: 0/17, AC: 1/1, Status: fine

Inventory and equipment:
1. 5 food rations
2. An unidentified dagger

Equipment being worn:
1. Specially designed magic robe(+2 magic to-hit, dmg, & non combat rolls, but gives no AC.)
2. An uncursed +0 Witches hat(+1 AC, +2 to all magic rolls)

Attributes, XP, and CP:
Strength: 6
Speed: 7
Willpower: 7
Magic: 10 (+1 to all magic rolls)
Health: 6

XP level 2 - 45 points
CP level 0 - 4 points

Mia - HP: 10/10, PP: 0/12, status: fine, pregnant with 3 harpy eggs in her womb


(A) - Ask Mia to come along further down. (Diplomacy roll to convince her to follow Elena)

(B) - Don't ask Mia to come along further down.

(C) - Other.

XP level option:

You all get 3 points to distribute into whatever attributes you all want, no restrictions, so if you want to put them all into one attribute go right ahead.

(Also do you all want me to show how many turns until Mia gives birth? If so then I'll start showing starting next update. And think of this next turn as a rest turn, cause I'm all but sure you're all going to ask Mia to come along. If she manages to convince Mia to come along, then Mia becomes a full ally and I'll give her some Pw/SE to use and a couple of skills. I'll do her attribute leveling up though myself because she's still technically an NPC, so I won't bother showing her attributes unless you all really want me to. I will show her XP and CP though so you'll know how close she is to leveling up or how corrupted she is.)

Also folks, how am I doing so far? on a scale from 1 to 10. 10 being great and 1 shitty.
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Tentacle God
Nov 22, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

So : A (you already knew it ^^).

3 points in the Magic attribute.

And yes, it could be fun to know how long Mia needs before she gives birth to the "things" (but we can kill her, if we don't want these sons-of-bitch alive :D !) ; and yes, to have her stats (if we let her alive) could be fun, please.

And I'll give you a 7,5 :p (10 is for nobody, just as the 0)

P.-S. who is agree with me if I say "C : we rape her and then we kill her (or kill and rape, as you want)" ?
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Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Oct 15, 2011
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

2 to magic, 1 to speed.

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Grim Reaper
Jan 23, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

You knew it, A.
2 magic, 1 willpower.



Demon Girl Master
Sep 8, 2011
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Of course we want the elf in our party! A! Do we have a positive modifier to our diplomacy roll based on the circumstances/our actions (i.e. we're an angel, we saved her, we healed her)?

2 pts. to magic.
1 pt. to speed. (I know, seems strange. But it's tied to evasion and stealth, and every encounter so far resulted in both these checks. It seems it's an important stat.)

If not speed then either a third one to magic OR

1 pt. to willpower. (didn't have much use for as for now, but it might come in handy later; pleasure rolls)

Hey, we're gonna have a feat next level! Maybe some awesome spell is coming our way? :D

About the birthing, if it's more like 3-5 turn rather than 15-20 then maybe we should just wait and get this over with?

@ dorl and Alkalannar, about the monsters you both mentioned, they are all in my bestiary for use, but are much too strong for our little angel just yet, all save the succubi, who can also be allies as well.
Waaait... No incubbi allies for us? No whatsoever? Even a little one? XD

...It's a girls only party. _^_

(...) before she gives birth to the "things" (but we can kill her, if we don't want these sons-of-bitch alive :D !) ; and yes, to have her stats (if we let her alive) could be fun, please.
who is agree with me if I say "C : we rape her and then we kill her (or kill and rape, as you want)" ?
I.. I don't even... We're a goddamn angel for fucks sake! XDD Restrain yourself! *sassy gay-slap*

Well, *I* voted succubi, but noooo~! Let's be a goody two shoes! :p

How you fare Mind Flayer:
Short answer: 8,5
Long answer:
Why not 10? Not because 10 isn't for anyone (which would defeat the purpose of the mark, wouldn't it?) But because 10 is nigh perfect. And a night perfect work has to have that unspecified "thing" you have to feel. Which is not definable. And we're not quite there...yet!
8,5 is a high mark anyway, and I think it's rightly deserved. The setting is a very old-school dungeon creeper, you might like it or not, but it's portrayed well. You seem fair and righteous in writing about our choices, maintaining objectivity. There's not too much to talk about any real dialogues or scenario, mainly because of the setting. Taking it all into consideration, and underling: based on the specific setting you're storytelling I don't think there's more we could ask for.
Why 8,5 not 9?
I think that tiny little half a point is because we still need a twist of some sort. Something that will put your work from "a really good, solid classic tale" to "a really good solid, classic tale with something above the average, a unique element". That's my five cents ^^

Finally, I rated what happened up to this point - future may of course change my point of view, for better or worse. But I think it will be rather for good :D
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Mystic Girl
Nov 28, 2011
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

Of course we want the dark elf in the party! A.

I would say 1 each in speed, willpower, and magic.

Time to birth would be good to see.

Is there any skill where the angel can lower her own corruption rating? Perhaps a ritual done with an ally (or an irredeemable enemy, corrupting them further before we kill it)?

Rating 7.5: we're off to a good start and getting into the swing of things. I think you'll get better as time goes on, and also on future CYOAs, you'll have higher ratings earlier next time.


Demon Girl Pro
Jan 7, 2012
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Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

well since everyone is going with A I'm gonna say B just for the heck of it

On a scale of 1 to 10 you're about 8


Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.

A. 2 Magic 1 Speed

So far I'd say 8. Keep up the good work!


Evard's Tentacles of Forced Intrusion
Mar 12, 2011
Reputation score
Re: The Dungeon of Debauchery: Mind Flayer's CYOAs.


For the points, 2 to magic, 1 to health.

Edit : I forgot to give a note.

8/10 for me :
On the plus side, you have a well-thought system that has a good part of random, and we don't feel "forced" to have a scene or a fight end in one way or the other.
On the minus side, it may lack a little rythmn. It only needs for everyone in a fight to miss their throws for 1 round or 2 to stretch a seemingly minor fight into a several day-long struggle. But you already began to improve things about that issue.
Overall, keep going. I'm sure it can only go better and better.
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