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Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Chapter 1: Mother Goddess, Chimera

His hometown in ruins, Welkin found nothing but burned buildings, ash, and the dead bodies of those familiar to him. In his old lodging, many essentials he needed to survive were still intact, and the only things burned were mostly the creature comforts which he could not take with him in any case. He had everything he needed on a single belt, and camping gear found in a store that obviously wouldn't need it anymore on his back. Despite the misfortune that happened to the town, he was well prepared to set off on his own and possibly find refuge.

However, his good fortune so far was short lived, as a four legged beast the size and shape of a large dog was prowling the ruins of his home town, and came rushing at Welkin. He had little hope of stopping the massive beast's advance, but rather than his life, the beast just seemed interested in his belt as it's maw closed around his belt and snapped it off. Not a moment later did the best begin to run past him, his belt dragging along the ground as the large dog ran through the ruins. Although once it got so far, it stopped, and looked back, it's eyes fixing on Welkin with the belt in it's mouth, which had his maps, water, and some food inside of it as well as basic protection from any beastly mamono that would assault him.
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Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

Welkin couldn't feel anything. From the second he saw the ruins of his settlement to the discovery of the execution grounds felt like one long blur. Dimly he realized he had to leave quickly lest the Order murderers return to check for stragglers. It took between a moment and an eternity to scavenge what he could from his former home and he felt a twinge of shame as he realized he couldn't even take the time to bury the bodies. Property missing was a sign of looters but buried bodies was a sign of a survivor.

He barely had time to react to a beast barrel into him and snatch his belt and the supplies contained within. For the first time since the situation had sent him into a state of shock, he could feel emotion welling up in his belly. A bitter mix of anger and frustration wallowed up his throat.

“Do you think you're being funny? Do you?!” His voice sounded half way between a yell and a cry. He already knew his course was set. He needed those supplies and especially that map. The beast was more than likely able to kill him but wandering lost without direction outside his normal stomping grounds would be just as deadly.

The blacksmith in training began cautiously approaching the large dog while keep his eyes locked on it.
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

The animal seemed to care little for Welkin's shouting. It's ears remained directed at him, it's attention completely on him. As he took a couple steps forward, the dog bolted, taking two strides back, before spinning back around, and facing him again, maintaining a certain distance from him. Again, it remained in place, a fair 30 foot distance between them, which the animal seemed intent on keeping, neither running nor attacking him. In fact, it seemed more playful than aggressive or passive. But with dogs, it was hard to tell what they were really thinking.

No matter the case, the dog waited for Welkin's action. It seemed to hold his belt in it's mouth firmly, pulling it along the ground as if it were a toy for Welkin to swipe at like a cat.
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

Welkin could only curse his luck. He only wanted to leave this place and it's memories behind him but it seemed that this beast wanted to toy with him further before he left. Biting his tongue he slowly started following the dog to wherever it was intending to go.

He kept his distance as he followed it in the event it changed it's mind about playing. He idly considered rushing it but it was too risky for a couple of reasons. The beasts playful mood could be changed in a hurry for one. The other was the very real possibility of losing his bearing which would make his journey even harder even if he got his stuff back.

No, the best choice was to follow it until it got tired of it's game.
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

Seeing Welkin's slow, cautious pace, the dog seemed content that it wouldn't be chased, and so walked forward at a similar pace as he, constantly dragging his belt and all of what it held the entire time as it casually stepped along, constantly staying a safe distance from Welkin. Any attempt Welkin would make, he'd notice, would yield no results. The dog was quite fast, and it was keeping too far a distance from him. There was no way he could solve the infuriating situation, asides from just following it, which it seemed to want him to do.

And he wouldn't be left to his thought on how to get his stuff returned to him by the dog, before they neared a cave, and the dog suddenly chucked his belt down into the cave, where he heard it sliding down into the cave on the steady ramp down into the dark abyss. Once it tossed his belt inside, the dog merely stepped to the side, and sat down by the entrance to the cave, looking at Welkin calmly as he heard a quiet, feminine whisper from the cave itself.

"This way~"
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

Welkin could feel his eye twitch as that irritating dog led him on it's little nature tour. He occasionally paused to mark his path in subtle ways as he followed the lumbering beast. As he noticed the cave, he initially considered it to be merely the beasts den but immediately noticed something off about it.

Before he could get in a word edgewise, he had to watch as the dog tossed his belt of many wonderful and extremely needed things down into the dark depths of the cavern. He paused to get ready to deliver another tirade against the beast before he felt the tickle of a voice in his ear. Mentally, he upgraded the beast from 'irritating dog' to 'trained and irritating dog.'

“Who goes there?” Welkin called out into the cave, while gingerly testing the ramp leading further into the cave. If only he had his tinderbox, he could at least tell where he was going. Unfortunately that was in the belt and the belt was down there.
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

The voice replied to Welkin's questions harshly, echoing loudly from within, "Don't ask questions! Just get your ass down here!!!" the female voice snapped, the following echoes of her voice ringing in Welkin's ears. The very next moment, the dog to the side stood, and slammed it's head into him from behind, shoving him down into the cave, where he slid down quite a distance, such that he could not measure mentally, before he saw a blue light that signaled the end of his trip down, reflecting off of equally blue crystal that seemed to now entirely make up the cave. Once he reached the bottom, it was easy for Welkin to catch the ground with his feet and stand up without sliding out the rest of the trip. The end of the slide led to a large, round room of crystal that was seemingly made of magic. Standing on flat ground, Welkin found himself within the crystal dome, only without his belt waiting for him on the floor. But he did hear the sound of his tools inside the belt clinking around, as he would see a single black tentacle with a purple underside holding it.

The tentacle itself was connected to a monster he had never seen before, or heard of for that matter. "You are certainly an annoying one to manipulate. I actually had to slam into you to get you down to my main body." she stated to him, seemingly being carried by the two canine legs that made up the cerberus around her waist. "I am your Goddess, Chimera. Only the greatest of my followers are allowed the right to gaze upon my form... And unfortunately every single one of those followers are dead, save the worst one of them all... Well," she let out a sigh, frowning at Welkin. "I brought you here to assist me in spreading my religion elsewhere, as the current state of affairs just won't do; although, I expect you'll refuse me, in which case I've already prepared to do awful things to you until you either break or submit to me. So, Welkin... Make your choice, and do make it quick. I desire to go back to lazing about quietly as soon as possible, in my new lair."
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

Welkin could scarcely believe his eyes as he gazed upon the monster claiming to be his Goddess. All at once a thousand questions bubbled up from the depths of his mind but only a scant few were worth speaking aloud. He mustered up his courage as he met Chimera's eyes.

“As we both know, I was never the most pious of the Mother Goddesses children. The truth of the matter is I never believe she was anything but an emblem to gather behind.” Welkin began, trying to hide any sign of fear. Goddess or no, the being in front of him was more than capable of destroying him.

“And I still don't believe... rather I don't want to believe that YOU are her. Almost nothing I've been taught about her is reflected in you. How do I know you aren't a pretender taking advantage of a horrible situation?” He challenged with courage he didn't really have. After a moment, his gaze fell to his hands that were still covered in the soot of the burnt village. “And even if you were... then I'd have to ask...”
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

Chimera looked down at him, and listened to him with a neutral expression, before letting out a sad sigh. "That's not far from the truth," she said in reply. "Rather than taking advantage of the people however, they were more keen on simply worshiping me, believing I would bring good fortune. They would bring me donations, and I would do my best to grant their prayers in return for their continued support. You see, I am not down here by choice. I was sealed here by an annoying woman in a red and white dress who called me a demon... Others can come and go, and I can send other parts of my body off into the free world," she told him, as the dog that slammed into him earlier slid down, and skipped towards Chimera's body, before seeming to meld, and join with the mass of other creatures combined with her.

"... However, my main body cannot leave this crystal dome, and I cannot interfere with it myself, or use the extensions of my body to break the crystal. With the tools you have in this belt," she lifted his belongings. "I want you to break this crystal around me, and free me from this prison. If you don't, I'll trap you under here with me forever. The choice is your's."
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

Welkin continued to stare down at his soot covered hands while Chimera spoke. He kept has face neutral as she explained her situation and then he raised his eyes to meet hers. They reflected a weariness that went beyond mere exhaustion as he spoke, “...it's not your fault you couldn't do anything.”

He paused to gaze around the crystal room taking in the magical glow before looking back to Chimera.

“Spending an eternity here with you, wouldn't be so bad... but I suspect that you're already sick of the scenery.” Welkin tried to inject a little humor into his voice, but it felt flat to his ears. “I'll free you... because you're the only one I have left, Goddess or not.”

Welkin paused before issuing a dry chuckle. “They told me, 'Even if you've lost everything, the Mother Goddess will still be with you.' I thought they were full of it...”
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

Chimera giggled, smiling at him, "Glad to hear that you're reasonable. The mother goddess does not require faith, only dedication. Keep yourself busy for me and I'll shower you with blessings! The reverse is true as well, like that time I had one of my dog parts relieve themselves in front of your house after you said those rather unpleasant things about me." she said, reminding him of a time, and a smell, he'd likely rather forget. All while wearing a smile.
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

“We're still playing about your godhood?” Welkin began, before pausing. “I suppose you meet a certain definition for it but not the one passed around at the village. Your capricious and self-important... and the truth is I can buy it. At least, I buy it more than the impossibly pure image of you they kept shoving down my throat.”

“In hindsight, that was kind of funny...” Welkin stretched slightly while fighting a small smile. He wasn't sure why but the longer he talked with Chimera the further away the destroyed village seemed. “But what do you need me to do?”
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

"Oi, I am pure. As true a maiden as the day I was born. Hymen and all. And I think I have a right to be a little selfish in my position, after being stuck down here by a stupid girl who attacked me for no reason." she said, before tossing Welkin his belt. "Just break this crystal, I don't care how so long as it's broken."
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

“As you wish, my goddess.” Welkin replied, taking up his belt. “...a Mother Goddess who still has her hymen intact. How did that come about?”

Welkin nearly made an additional sarcastic comment about how a hymen doesn't necessarily equate being pure but he successfully bit it back. No sense in openly insulting the very powerful being he was about to release. He reached into his belt and his hand naturally found one of his most familiar tools: the Hammer. Just feeling the weight of it in his hand was enough to invoke a sense of rightness.

Welkin trailed his eyes over the dome of crystal he searched for the weakest part of it. He readied himself and began launching a series of powerful blows against it.
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

"Being a Mother Goddess doesn't necessarily equate to losing your hymen," she replied something very similar to what he had thought in his mind, before watching him make to work on the crystal, which proved to be quite formidable in it's durability. Several minutes passing as Welkin found a spot most suitable for his task, and spent the entirety of his time on that single spot. After an exhausting struggle lasting five minutes, Welkin found that he only made the tiniest crack in the crystal. Seeing his fatigue and perhaps even his doubt that he could ever break the crystal, Chimera simply said, "Just a little more," as if Welkin was actually almost finished. And following one more hammer strike, suddenly all of the crystal around him broke into a million shards all around him with a deafening boom.

Covered in what seemed to be powder once all of the exploded crystal settled, Chimera shakes herself like a wet dog and sends a flurry of powder about the cave. "Very good. I can finally move from this spot now, and it's all thanks to you, Welkin. I suppose I should grant you a wish or something, but if you ask for anything stupid, I'll molest you with my tentacles furiously." she said calmly, though with a slightly playful grin.
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

Welkin beat furiously at the crystal dome as it seemed even the weakest portion of was a formidable surface. The fire laden steel of his old smithy would have yielded long ago but he wondered if this would ever break. He heard Chimera give him a simple encouragement and he felt a sudden urge to both not let her down and perhaps a need to impress her. With a final strike, his world became a cacophony of noise and flying crystal dust.

After getting himself back on his feet, he began dusting himself off only to receive a second coating when Chimera shook herself clean of her own crystal dust. He paused to wait for her to finish before resuming dusting himself off. The image of her framed with sparkling crystal dust would probably stay with him as one of the more beautiful things he had ever seen, although it did lead to a momentary annoyance.

“Maybe my wish is to be furiously molested by you?” Welkin gave a playful grin in return, although maybe he wasn't as opposed to the idea as he appeared. He paused as he stared at Chimera for a second before he turned away, seemingly embarrassed by what he was about to request. “This may sound silly but... “

“...please don't leave me...”
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

Breezing over his joke, Chimera blinked at Welkin with raised eyebrows following his request. "Is that so..." she replied, before shrugging. "Granted. Until you die, I will never leave you." she announced with a nod, before her canine half lowered itself, while Welkin would watch the tentacles, the dogheads, and the canine lower half suddenly begin to sink into her body, as if dissolving into her, until all of the beastly parts that suited her name had vanished without a trace. She didn't even appear bloated at all from the monstrous parts of her body sinking into her. She just appeared to have a normal female shape, except her skin was still blue, and she still had the pair of canine ears on her head.

"Well, here's the thing, Welkin. Without the village, we have no true base of operations of our own, and I would like to rebuild my religion, as having blind followers devote to worshiping me is quite nice. I'll even let you be my prophet, which will earn you privileges that others may not have, such as..." Chimera trailed off for a moment, thinking. "Such as massaging my feet." she said with a smile, as if she had just given Welkin a great gift and that she was proud of it.
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

“...how does that even work?” Welkin watched with intrigued eyes as her beastly parts began to withdraw into her form. Previously she had been aesthetically beautiful especially to eyes that had been conditioned to view such a being as beautiful but her new form was conventionally beautiful regardless of any previously held notions. He had to take a moment to adjust his pants to hide his growing erection before he felt comfortable resuming his half of the conversation. He sincerely hoped she hadn't noticed his adjustment or the reason why he needed to make it.

“I would be...honored?” Welkin said, not quite sure how to break it to her that some might not consider this to be a great one. Then his mouth decided it was going to do it's own thing. “If I do a good enough job, do you...think... uh, never mind...”

Quickly, Welkin threw himself into the next set of points before his mouth could decide to embarrass him further with it's attempted lewd requests. “You're right, we don't strictly have a home base right now and your blind followers number zero. I don't know what the surface looked like when you were imprisoned down here but right now we're deep in Order controlled territory. And regardless of what we do, staying in the area around here would be a bad idea due to the discovery of the village.”

Welkin raised a finger to indicate their first option. “We could stay in the Order controlled territory. This has few positives and a lot of negatives. We would only have to travel far enough to be out of immediate suspicion and the people will still be superstitious and fearful. They could easily be convinced of your... godhood with careful planning and finding a way to convince them that you aren't a mamono. The downside is that the Order is probably still looking for survivors of the village and it will take only one squealer to bring those bastards down upon us. “

Welkin raised finger number two. “Or we could head out of Order controlled territory and into mamono friendly lands. The upsides are that they won't try to kill us over your existence and we could move relatively freely. The downsides are that people are accustomed to mamono and thus would believe you to be merely a strong and unique mamono. Thus making it harder to convince them of your... divinity without some effort on both our parts. Additionally, those exceptionally loyal to the Demon Lord will take exception to our claims. Lastly, I've never actually been to these lands myself. I've only heard old tales and what information the few mamono merchants have given us.”
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

Chimera winked at Welkin as he struggled a bit to ask her if he 'could' do something if he did a good enough of a job. "After massaging my feet, comes bestowing your essence to feed the goddess' power. And if you want me all to yourself, you better give me lots of your delicious essence~" Chimera told him, while licking her lips.

Then, she regarded his ideas. "Instead of all that nonsense, I'll just find the other two goddesses, and ask them for help. Granted, they probably won't help me, so I'll just beat them up and force them to help me. Oh, and I'll be using you as a gift of friendship to them, so try to keep your stamina up," she alerted him of the 'exhausting' future ahead of him. "Especially Arachne... Which is why we'll visit her last, and let you build up some experience with mamono first, since I barely smell anything other than your own human scent on you, which likely means you're not used to a mamono's genitals, especially a powerful one. Just so you're aware, one as powerful as me could crush your entire body flat inside their sweet hole." she informed him with a grin.
Re: Mother Goddess, Chimera (Welkin Edelweiss)

Welkin tried desperately not to admit just how much 'bestowing his essence' unto the goddess before him appealed to him. But his eyes couldn't help but follow her tongue as it traced her lips at the thought of 'delicious essence.' He idly wondered what he had just gotten himself into even as he spoke. “I shan't let you down.”

He listened to her idea, knowing that she would probably put greatest emphasis on them than on his own. “The other two goddesses? I've only heard brief references to them during sermons so I can't say I know much about them, just that they exist. I think we mainly concerned ourselves with you personally.”

The young Edelweiss tried to hide what reaction her talk of 'gifts of friendship' and 'stamina' were having him even as she began to describe what a powerful mamono like her could do to someone like him without much trouble. His mouth, lacking input from his brain, decided to speak for him. “I'd prefer not to die... but what a way to go...”