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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke unarmed attack: 48 vs 45 damage enough

(0_o! I think even I felt that one)

Rikke looked down at the demon attempting to get to his feet to fight. In his own right he might have been a decent swordsman but today was not his day. Even with his sword clearing the scabbard Rikke's foot was faster.

"stay DOWN!" Rikke could feel the mans nose break through her boot as the force of the kick lifted him off the ground. There he hung for a moment before gravity kicked back in and his unconscious body fell with a loud crunch to the ground his blade scattering into the darkness. And just like that it was over.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looking over to the poor sap Rikke nodded proudly to herself, well he'll definedly be out of commision for a long, long time. The rogue flicked her hair back and mutely cheered out, barely containing her excitement 'Kickass, girl! Kickass!' Well she sure handled that like a true pro.

Slightly high on adrenaline and her body reinvigorated the girl dusted her hands off 'Next', before proceeding down the nearby stairs a satisfied grin adorning her face.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Demon's perception vs Rikke: 26 vs 23 success!

Rikke descended the stair case bold as brass. Maybe it was the adrenalin from the previous encounter that caused her to abandon her caution but it couldn't be helped now. The fact the guard in the next room just happened to turn around and notice Rikke was a testament to her innate stealthiness(?). However she was seen and the guard drew his blade a look of surprise crossing his features which was quickly replaced by a smirking grin as he assumed a all to familiar stance to Rikke. With a little taunting get some beckon with his hand.

Rikke looked upon the scene as her heart dropped into her stomach she had been seen and what was worse her opponent seemed to be a skilled duelist as well. She could use her gun but the report of her handgun would likely alert any other soldiers to her presence. Taking a quick glance around the room to see if there was anything that she could use to her advantage Rikke saw 4 cells one occupied by a male human watching the outcome of the coming engagement with great interest. To her left was a gaping pit where foul aromas wafted from its entrance. To her right was various torture gear. No other exits or entrances seemed apparent.

The situation was tense Rikke held the High ground but the demon was waiting for her to attack and she had her doubts that he would follow her up if she made a retreat.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Demon Soldier:
Hp: Max Ep: Max Pp: Max
*Note: New map ready
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that moment of glory sure didn’t last long. Rikke gulped lightly, there was no way to avoid this fight. The demon took up a parry stance, which the rogue knew all too well ‘T-that’s the disable clutch…’ a non-lethal stance used for parrying and disabling opponents.

Still… this demon had a very distinct look about him. He was much skinnier than the earlier ones the girl fought, his long goatee and thin mustache seemingly punctuated the demons very light figure, especially visible due to his slightly too tight leather armor. Oddly enough he was wearing a fishnet to hold his rather long black bangs and even from this distance Rikke could see his sword hand gleaming with rings decorating each finger. He either really loved luxury or really loved himself.

Nevertheless Rikke had seen her share of swordsmen and her opponent no doubt knew what he was doing, to make matters worse he was of the same swords-school as Rikke. Mirror matches are always trouble…

Judging a swordsman by his appearance is surely the fastest way to the grave, Rikke wouldn’t make this mistake… but then the demon spoke…

Well isn’t zis[this] a surprise.” His sword pointing at Rikke in a déjà-vu almost kind of way he scanned the girl “You have heard tales of Sesul, the greatest lover in Crolia. Zo[so] you went out looking for him. Each noight[night] you touched yourself screaming out “Sesul! Sesul! Where art thou?!”, your dreams invaded, with the thoughts of jus~t to touch ze[the] Sesul. Well, “sherry”, your prayers are finally answered, for ze great Sesul stand before you.. . And yes~… all ze tales were true” As if punctuating his overly obnoxious speech the demon puckered his and winked slyly at the girl.

Confused, confounded and slightly creped out Rikke blinked a few times at the swordsman below. Was this for real…? “Ex-excuse me!” The demon slyly raised an eyebrow “…is your tongue hurt? Did you cut it? Are your pants too tight? They’re too tight aren’t they? Is that why you sound so funny?” Each question as if poured more and more salt onto the demons ego. His eye twitching he finally snapped “No they’re not too tight!” the demon seemed to have lost his odd accent for a moment, before clearing his throat and continuing “You mean ze accent? Ze[the] ladies love ze[the] way Sesul talks no? Drop ze weapons and zhen we can have some fun.” The demon strongly threw his crotch forward and licked his lips eyeing Rikke.

Nah pass… I’ll just leave now.” Rikke slowly started backpedaling up the stairs. The demon snickered lightly “Just drop your clothes over zhe--- OI! Where you going?! Get back here!”. “Make me, ~Weasul~ [play on Weasel]” sticking her tongue out in a childish manner Rikke rushed upstairs.

Thankfully she didn’t descend down the stairs much, so it was mere moments before she was back. She couldn’t quite hear or make out what the thin demons downstairs response was, still hopefully he’d go after her. At worst this place had much more room for her to maneuver, at best perhaps she could still catch the man unaware
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke waited what seemed an eternity. 'Wesoul where are you?' Rikke was beginning to doubt the other duelist was gonna fall for her trap when a shadow figure made its way up the stair well.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Demon Soldier:
Hp: Max Ep: Max Pp: Max
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke carefully unsheathed her sword just to be safe. Darting short glances from her hiding spot the girl started growing anxious... why did the figure stop moving... why was it so silent.

Still, she'd rather be patient and wait for her opponents move than to risk it herself. 'Patience girl... patience...', the torch that earlier light up the room now barely fizzled, making sure the figure would remain cloaked in darkness. Still there was something off here...
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Stealth vs Demon: 30 vs 30 fail

Rikke waited a while longer before she made her attack and it proved to be the correct move. As the Shadowy figure entered the light Rikke could see it was an older man with a trimmed salt and pepper colored beard. His hair was similar colored. He looked to be about 40-45 but not frail like some of the older men she had seen. He had a frightened look in his brown eyes. Soon after Wesoul made his appearance weapon drawn. "Humm looks like she's hiding zo I guess I do need zou any longer Brody." With that Wesoul kicked the older man down the stairs laughing as the bound man tumbled down the stairs. "Jiam! Did you zee the bitch that went up here? JIAM!" Apparently spotting his friend the demon took on a more aggravated stance his playful mood evaporating. "I know your in here bitch come out and play!"

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Demon Soldier:
Hp: Max Ep: Max Pp: Max
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

He hasn't quite spotted her, but she could no longer sneak around. The demon was far too aware of her presence in the room. Still she might aswell press the minor advantage she had!

Rikke quickly ran up the pilled up furniture she was hidding behind using it as stepping stone for a jumping attack aimed downward at the demon awaiting her.
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke attack: 58 vs 45 HIT! For 25 damage (1+4+25-5(armor))
Wesoul Lighting strikes: 45,43,34 vs 49 miss!, miss!, and miss!

Rikke took a deep breath there was no avoiding this fight and it was sure to be a rough one. Sprinting over the old furniture Rikke's boots kicked up the accumulated dust from years of storage. Kicking off an old dresser the faint torch light was drowned out by Rikke's tiara flaring to life revaling the cloud of dust that followed from Rikke's passage. The glint of polished steel reflected the momentary surprise of Wesoul as the blade sliced into his armor then him. Not to be out done Wesoul jerked back from Rikke's blow only to respond with 3 lightning fast strikes all effortlessly parried (well as Rikke would tell it later any way). The opening to their little dance done Rikke and Wesoul circled each other waiting for the next opening.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Demon Soldier:
Hp: Hurt Ep: Max Pp: Max
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

A satisfying hit! The demons lean phisique and armor denied most of it's impact, but the strike still did substantial damage. Rikke quickly caught her footing once more and not a moment too soon. As the demon extravagantly spun around and let loose three lightining fast attacks.

He might've had the speed, but not the accuracy or power to actually hit her. The first strike came rather near her almost nicking a good chunk of her armor, though she did manage to dodge it without any damage, getting a good look at the attack. She wasn't new to dueling, so it was just a matter of seeing through her opponent. Though now she could read the demons barrage more clearly, as if experimenting Rikke parried the second strike dead on 'Gotcha now' the third strike was clear as day as she forcefully bashed it away with her sword. The impact leaved the demon wide open, his shocked gaze eyed the girl, as time seemingly slowed down to show the creature the rogues intense eyes and skill over her blade. Hardly the bubbling thief he took her for.

The rapid nature of the strikes didn't leave Rikke enough time or stamina to mount a quick counterstrike though. The demon stumbled back, obviously annoyed at being outdone in combat, and tightened his grip on his weapon. The shock of the thiefs powerful parry still holding sway over him, he would hardly attack first.

Getting some room between themselves the two duelist eyed each other carefully, continuosly moving in a circle. Rikkes brilliant slightly tainted with the demons blood and her opponents overly polished blade, both held the reflections of their opposition on them. The duel would be decided in just a few more attacks.

'This is bad... if I get into my stance he'll see right through it. Unless...' A sly smirk crossed Rikkes face "My~ Weasul I thought the tales were true... and here you are losing to a simple girl" the demon slightly narrowed his eyes "Zat attack was ju~st a test, sherry. I do not want to ruin my toys"; "Sorry, I couldn't quite understand that. You really should wear looser pants, dear." the demon lets out a slight grow "....it's not like you have anything to brag about down there" as if to really spark off the demon Rikke let out a light chuckle, while secretly getting into a counter stance. 'Come on...'

Rikke uses defensive stance, hopefully the demon can be easily taunted
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Sesul Perception vs Rikke: 33 vs 37 fail!
Sesul Attack vs Rikke: 45 vs 59 Miss!
Rikke counter: 50 vs 45 hit! For 26 dmg (1+5+25-5)

Rikke's taunts had the desired effect quickly throwing Sesul off his game and baiting him into a ill advised attack. Ill advised sense Rikke had managed to sneak into her defensive stance. Of course poor Sesul didn't even notice in his rage and as his clumsy attack made its way to Rikke he had no idea Rikke's blade had already cut him. At first Rikke didn't even know she had hit the demon her training and muscle memory acting without thought, until its blade fell to floor with a loud clang. Blinking at her now bloody blade as Sesul clutched a wound in his side. Falling to his knees in disbelief he spoke in a struggling voice. "Iz zis ze end of Sesul?" Looking over at Rikke Sesul fell to the floor.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Hp: Dieing Ep: Max Pp: Max
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Her comments obviously rubbed the demon the wrong way, temporaly blinding him to her deceitful tactics. As he leaped forward with a clumsy attack Rikke was already well in position to counter it.

With a graceful sidestep Rikke effortlessly dodged the overhead strike her opponent came at her with, exposing him to a finishing blow. A quick combination of blows though delivered as one fast counter, Rikke first pommel striked her opponent lightly, the demons own weight gave it the forceful impact she needed, stunning her opponent enough as she spun around his back slashing at his legs, forcing her opponent into a kneel position and as if to finish off her dance the heroines blade neared the demons throat. One final stroke and her maccabre dance would end.

"Iz zis zhe end of Sesul?" the demons struggling voice, broke Rikke from her battle trance. Was she honestly about to kill the poor fella?! Removing her blade from the demons throat she lightly taped him forward collapsing her opponent on the floor. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone a girl beat you, Weasul" she smiled warmly and walked away from the man a final goodbye from her opponent leading her off before he went out cold "...Iz... Sesul..."

Victory was hers and the demons was no longer in fighting form. Rikke finally rushed back down the stairs. Was the old man alright?
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke quickly decended the stairs her mind drawn to her recent encounters. 3 Demon soldiers taken down with out a killing blow. While she prided her self on her blade skills a small part of her was worried that her mercy might very well come back to haunt her. Sure she could have killed every single one of them but that just wasn't her style and after all mercy is a human attribute right. After all vile demons kill rape and murder it was part of their nature... but what about Jess? Was she a demon like the rest of them? Was she capable of killing with out a care? Or was she still more human than demon? Gavix had said she was broken but her devotion and loyalty was to the mistress. Would she have to fight Jess even hurt her? That idea sent a little quake of panic through Rikke but before she could expand much on the thought she came across the man that had been kicked down the stairs.

Getting a better glimpse of him Rikke could make out that he was in excellent physical condition despite having taken a trip head first down the stairs. Despite numerous bruises and cuts hes only major injury looked to be a broken leg. The older man did his best to right himself and gave a painful nod in Rikke direction. "Looks like they finally got the better of me. Ha!" the laugh was short and bitter. "Look girl I appreciate the attempt at a rescue but as you can see Im not going anywhere soon. You should get out of here before the shift change or the shadowy on finds you." Rikke did her best to look at the mans leg when his words sank in. "The shadowy one?" The man looked up at Rikke fear clear in his eyes. "Yes the Shadowy one. A demon beast with nasty claws and a thick hide of dusky black. He took out most of the Lords guards when we breached the house. Just picked us off one by one. Thankfully they needed me for something so they've kept me alive all this time."

Rikke's mind raced at the new information apparently this was one of the surviving guards of the manor. New questions raced in her mind oh what an actual survivor could tell her but the more pressing concerns of the girls and the shadowy one where ever present in her mind. "Who are you? What about the girls that where held here? Where did they take them?" "Whoa lass you don't have time for this but Ill answer you. My name is Brody I served the Lord Pesli as a scout before this incident happened. The girls Emma, Gloria, and Loria have been taken to the sacrificial chamber in the tower may the gods have mercy on them. You however its not to late for you. Help me up the stairs there should be a rifle locker just inside the door grab one for me and Ill hold off any of the demons that come out. I may be old and saddled with a bum leg but I can still shoot." He looked up at Rikke's eyes a fiery determination in his own.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Aye sir!" Rikke cheerfully nodded at the man, turning around and allowing him to ride piggy back on her. Thankfully he wasn't too heavy.

"So how long have you been down here?" Slowly making their way up Rikke striked a conversation with the man "Can't tell ye lass... bloody days mixed into one big haze. Used to try to count em, but lost track." a heartful sigh escaped the man "The things they talked and did, lass... bloody hell" Rikke tried to give the man an encouraging smile, but he'd hardly see it.

"So what brought you here? Can't imagine this manor being a adventure hotspot" Rikke snickered lightly "Let's just say... never listen to a drunkards advice about treasure." The old man let out a painful laughter, obviously he was hardly in shape to laugh anymore "Oi oi... some of me best friends are drunkards!... but ah bloody well would not take advice from them!" with that fun note, the two reached the top of the stairs.

"Over there" the man riding piggyback pointed Rikke towards a cabinet. Stepping over of what seemed the now dead remains of the demon swordsman, Rikke hardly felt any guilt. She gave the man his final chance at life, but it seemed his obviously far too lean phisique didn't take long to run out of energy 'You reap what you sow...' The man on the girls back surveyed the scene "Oi... did ya take out both of these here gits?" Rikke smiled proudly and just nodded "Mhm~" The man was obviously impressed, but he didn't seem the kind to just shower people with compliments "...a wee bit sloppy in the executions aren't ye? This one might've even survived if he bloody had any meat on his bones."; "I'd rather not kill anyone Groggy... Why would I harm an opponent I already defeated any further" perplexed at the girls words the piggy back ridder bonked her lightly on the head "Ye do realise these are bloody murderes and rapists! Do ye even know what would happen to someone like ye if they caught ye!" Rikke lowered her eyes as if guilty "But..."; "BUT nothing! I can promise ye these two bastards had killed their share of innocent people and ye just want ta let them walk." Obviously the man was outraged at Rikkes actions, seemingly furious at the girls merciful nature "Ye might pass that naive bullshet somewhere else, but yer in a den of rapists and murderers now girl! I'll bloody well slap some sense into ya if ah see the murderer of me friends walking around just a wee bit woozy!" At this point Rikke honestly wouldn't have been surprised if the mans mouth started foaming... even though he meant well it was best to change the subject, and fast. "Oh~ hey we're at the cabinet already!" This seemed to calm the man down atleast for now.

Looked like the cabinet didn't get any love for quite some time, a thick coat of dust rested all around it, however it still had the promised contents. Upon opening it was clear this was a backup defense storage. A few swords and rifles rested inside. "This one?" Rikke picked up the least worn down weapon and raised it for the man to inspect. "Aye this will do just fine. Grab some ammo and get me on some high ground" Rikke quickly climbed the rumble and placed the old man on top giving him full and unobstructed vision on the room. "Thanks lass, now scoot on out of here. There's no treasure in this here mansion anymore."

Rikke smiled cheerfully at the man on top of the rubble "I'm affraid, I can't do that" the old man raised an eyebrow at the rogue "The girls in the tower still need my help. I'm not leaving without them" The old man eyed the heroine silently for a brief moment and sighed deeply once more "I know that look, yer set on going aren't ye." placing his palm on his forehead the man uttered something under his breath "crazy git..."; "I won't try to talk ya out of it. Just promise me you'll get out the fock out of there if it gets too dangerous. I'll make sure noone flanks ye from here" The girl smiled at the king of the hill "Don't die Groggy." the old man answered her with his own warm smile "You too, lass. I'll be waiting here for ye and the girls, don't disappoint me ya hear" the girl chuckled lightly and playfully winked at her sentry "You can count on me!"

Rikke made her way towards the entrance, the old mans weary look leading her out. 'The demon HQ lies just beyond here.. the girls, the mistress and... the shadowy one will probably be inside.' "Lass! Make those bastards pay for what they did here! I'll make sure me friends drink ta yer honor!" Raising her fist, as if in acknowledgment to the old man, Rikke steeled herself up and proceeded into the tower.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke entered the tower expecting.... well she wasn't sure what she was expecting. The entry into the tower was off to an angle that emptied into a long hall way with one branch that she could see. Two doors lined the hallway but Rikke couldn't tell what exactly was behind each the doors themselves not giving any clue to what they hid. Here she was on the doorstep of the enemy unknown danger ahead of her.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'No more silly slip-ups...' A thought ran through Rikkes mind, reminding her just how "well" her last 2 sneak attempts went. In full-honesty for a thief like herself it was rather embarassing.

The tower stood silent, waiting for the rogues further action, not giving a single hint of what it held inside. Well Rikke wasn't expecting to find a sign "Sacrificial chambers this way". Time for some good old-fashioned hit and miss exploration!

Rikke carefully sneaked her way through the hallway, till she reached the first of the few doors. 'And behind door number one, we have...'
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke Stealth: 45 vs 34 and 23 Success vs both!
Rikke Perception: 45 vs 22 and 22 Success!
The door before Rikke was dark underneath revealing no light what so ever. Cracking the door just a bit the silvery light of her tiara gently filled the room revealing some sleeping quarters. Rikke closed the door while pilfering through the demons possessions might turn up something interesting that was hardly the reason she was here. Moving a bit further Rikke could finally see down the branching passage. The branching passage revealed another door as well as a faint glow of a torch from an opening further down the hall. Having hit the proverbial fork in the road Rikke was left to decide where she wanted to head next. She could head down the branch or explore the next door in her current hallway. Pondering a few moments she finally heard a cough coming from the door in her current hallway. Nearly jumping in fright Rikke's head turned to the sounds origin and listened intently.

Male1: Cough.......cough......COUGH!

Male2: What? (this voice sounds flat and deep)

Male1: Do you think the succubi are having an orgy? (this voice is average in sound but full of energy)

Male2: ...... I don't care if they are.

Male1: What do you mean you don't care. How can you not care. There succubi the hottest creatures to ever walk the worlds. They have curves everywhere man! Just the thought of all six of them kissing and caressing and fucking its just so emmm. And your telling me you don't care?

Male2: That's right.

Male1: Seriously? If one of those hot bitches came waltzing in here right now and bent over and asked you to fuck her you wouldn't

Male2: Correct

Male1: Well to each their own I guess but Vance Im telling you if one of those hotties came in her I would be all over that bitch in no time. Just going at it till she screamed my name.

Vance: No we should not leave our duties.

Male1: What you would pick guard duty over sex?

Vance: Indeed.

Male1: That's fucked up man.

After the brief exchange it goes quite again.

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

'Hmpf typical men...' rolling her eyes Rikke moved on from the two men discussing their views on the succubi. Though their discussion did lend some definitive information, there were a total of 6 succubi still in the manor, 5 not counting Jess and the two men were to quate "on guard-duty".

Perhaps these two were guarding the girls, still jumping to conclusions and risking a 2 on 1 fight wasn't exactly high on the heroines priority list. Best to check where the branch off leads to first.
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Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke continued stealthy down the branching hall until she came to a door. This door however was no flimsy slab of wood and looked to be two to three inches of solid oak if she had to make a guess. Testing the handle Rikke found it wasn't locked and gently cracked open the heavy duty door. The light from her headgear illuminated a large well kept desk and a few armories a sturdy bed lay in one corner. Rikke decided to explore the hall a bit further before deciding whether or not to investigate the room and after a short distance the hall she was in opened up into a small room with another door. Peaking into this one revealed a spiral stone staircase that led up.

*Note new map up

Hp: 44/44 Ep: 36/36 Pp: 36/36 Conditions: Fine
Re: An Easy Score (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked up the small staircase "So this lead further into the tower..." slightly lost in thougt the girl backed away from the stairs and crossed her arms. It seemed too early to leave this place.
'What were they guarding...' in an almost angered manner she looked back the hallway.

Taking a peek inside could answer this, but she'd be in risk of the two demons baring down on her. The doors in the manor were hardly what one would refer too as "well oiled and well kept". A single crack and they just might come rushing at her.

She could always try the straightforward approach of combat... but that idea was rejected faster than she actually finish the dang thought. Not happening.

The best way would be to somehow separate the two guards and take care of them 1 on 1. But how...

What could she exploit for an opportunity. Tapping her foot lightly Rikke continued her mussings "One of them, Hanse I think, is a no go. A hardass if I ever heard one...Hmm though his partner..." The heroine sneaked her way up to the door once more perhaps she could eavesdrop something to help her cook up this plan.