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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea looked at Rikke and Janet thoughtfully a moment. "Ill get Rune she can do what ya need." With that Rhea walked off and back up the stairs looking for her daughter. "So Rikke how is this going to play out you won't be able to hide many weapons with you especially if your going disguised as one of us?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well I'll have to leave Beauty in Rheas hands for the time being..." Rikke glanced over her silver sword for a moment "But I'd rather not go in unarmed, think I could hide my dagger somewhere-..." the rogue eyed Janet for a moment, her friends gaze obviously trying to tell her something "Rikke... if you're going to dress up as a new girl, there might be no room for weapons..." Rikke blinked at the comment and remembered the starting girl uniform in the Silken Princess. Wait wait! She was actually going to have to walk around with nothing, but a loincloth!

"Um... just how close are you girls with each other on the higher ranks?" Rikke sheepishly looked to her friend "I'm not exactly of high rank there myself..." Janet blushed lightly and looked down "But a new girl with full uniform may cause suspicion and from what I hear some of the girls are fiercely loyal to Sarah..."

Now that Rikke thought about it most of the girls in the wagon were of the lower class, she won't have any real clothes on her at all! Well the plan sure got a whole lot harder to swallow, but honestly it was the only one they currently had! "M-maybe Rune will have something for us." Rikke smiled uneasily at Janet as they both waited for the Kitsunes.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke I know you want to rescue Jess but for now at lest she is safe. Why not buy her back. Sasha may be a collector but she's also a business woman. She knows buying Jess from Reginald is illegal but she can claim she was purchasing the girls freedom. By law she is allowed to recuperate her losses by having the girl work for her but if you can wrangle up the money she will have no choice but to return her." Janet looked at Rikke her eyes showing her displeasure about telling Rikke to buy Jess back. "I know you shouldn't have to and that its not right by any means. Still its better than getting into a fight and causing damages and taking the risk of ending up indebted to her as well." Janet looked at Rikke hopeful.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I don't think so Janey..." Rikke sighed "The look in that womens eyes everytime she saw Jessica... and what proof do I have that she was bought illegally or is even there? As if law had any sway on these people... if there was a secret chamber in that place, that's where I'll find Jess." though she had one thing that the mistress would indeed accept as trade - the badge. But to put all the poeple at the mercy of that... that... that woman, even if it's for Jessica. No, she couldn't far too many people relied on the badge reaching safe hands. Rikke was a thief, not a merchant or mercenary, not an assasin or paladin. And by her thievery pride she'll steal Jessica right back!

"Sorry, I'm going with this plan Janey." Rikke smiled at her friend "...but I'll need your help once we're inside." the rogue winked slyly at Janet, hopefully both of them will succed in getting through this.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It didn't much longer for Rune to be found but as Rikke saw the pink haired kitsune come down the stairs her appearance didn't invoke the most confidence. Her hair was disheveled and sticking out in places and it looked like she had some drool on her chin. Her eyes where unfocused and she didn't look like she was actually awake. It looked like Rune had similar sleeping habits as her mother but despite how disheveled she looked she smiled at Rikke brightly. "Let me just wake up a second Rikke illusions of this type need to be near perfect or your plan will fall apart in no time." After a few minutes of streching and eye rubbing and a generous cup of coffee brought up by Matt with Rhea's breakfast Rune was ready to begin. The spell itself was rather easy to do but the exact specifications needed work and input from Rikke on how she wanted her disguise to look.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With Rune finally up and ready the girls could finally begin "So Rikke what do you want changed?" the rogue smiled at the pink Kitsune "Well~~ Janet..." "m?" "By chance is there someone new to the brothel in that wagon?" "Um... well there's Erica, she volluntered here to lower her time in service." Rikke smirked to herself "Well then... guess I'll be Erica for the time being" all the girls blinked a few times as Rikke grinned happily "Matt bring her inside.. and be gentle please." Rhea sighed, when did Rikke get in such a mood to order her boys around, but just nodded to Matt to do it. With that glint in the rogues eyes there was hardly stopping this ridiculous plan of hers.

Moments later Matt came back with the Crolian girl, she was rather reminiscent of Rikke, her body in exceptional shape due to her proffesion. Seemed Erica would get even more gorgeus from the fresh air she got "You're Erica I presume? Hi I'm Rikke." Rikke smiled warmly at her, though the working girls unease was rather apparant what did these people want with her "H-hi..." Rikke sat down near the girl and looked happily at her, perhaps if Rikke would gain long black she could pass as the girl indeed "Don't worry Erica we won't do anything to you, I'd just like to get to know you. Please?"
With that Rikke gained information about the girl, she fit the bill perfectly. Seemed she was caught stealing from the wrong people and was recently thrown in here to pay her bill up. Thankfully she was kinda loner so none of the girls saw or knew her too well.

"Rhea do me a favor and look after her while I rescue Jess." Rikke smiled at Rhea "Just... don't put her in my room. There's some things there I'd rather be left there. Please as a personal favor." Rhea rolled her eyes "Well we can't have 2 clones running around... I guess." "Thanks Rhea"

And so it would be Rikke would pretend to be Erica the thief bellydancer during her infiltration. And with that Rune and Janet worked over the girl to a presentable form, sure Ericas forms got a whole lot curvier and more enticing, but illusions only on Rikkes hair and eyes was just enough for Rune to keep up over great distance without straining herself.

With the clothes and dagger in gear Rikke flicked her new hair and winked with her green eyes "How do I look?" "Like a whore... But darn fine one" the girls answer in tandem, with Rhea adding a little extra as light giggles escaped through the room "If we don't get a sign from you in three days we're going in, the wagrs watch out for their own. Willow and Beauty will be right here waiting for you to return with Jess." Rhea beamed Rikke a smile and hugged her warmly. Rikke using the opportunity held Rhea closer and whispered to her the location of the badge hidden in her room, referring to it just as a "gift for everything she's done".

"Now then... Matt you'll have to throw me right back in just like you dragged Erica out. I'm her for now, remember that... wish us luck." Rikke hugged Rune warmly and hugged Rhea once more before being lead out into the wagon and into her ridiculous infiltration mission.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

After all was said and done Janet looked Rikke over. "Well don't take this the wrong way Rikke but you look like a whore just let me alter this and get you in uniform." Janet proceeded to remove all of Rikke's clothing and hand her silken princess loincloth "Okay Rikke stop blushing the first rank of the prostitutes are left naked for at lest six months or longer till they are no longer ashamed of being nude so unless you want to go completely naked you better contain your embarrassment." Rikke looked herself over and felt very vulnerable indeed. Rune spoke next her head turned away as to not look at Rikke's nude form. "Okay Rikke here's your dagger don't let anyone feel your legs up to much. I put a minor invisible spell on it but it won't last forever I'll be straining my magic enough due to distance." Rikke grabbed the invisible weapon and sheath it took some time but Rikke was able to strap it to her lower leg.

Matt grabbed Rikke by the elbow and Janet by the Elbow and dragged the both of them back outside. As soon as they came into sight of the girls Janet began struggle and verbally abuse Matt who only turned red at the insults and didn't say a word just led them to the wagon and with a little help put Rikke/Erica and Janet into the wagon. Rikke could see Matt under his helmet as red as a tomato and not meeting either or any girls in the eye. Walking away he turned and simply told the driver to get a move on. And just like that they where off needless to say the wagon was hardly the lap of luxury and very bumpy to boot it seemed due to foot traffic their ride would take longer than they thought.

Rikke's illusion can be seen threw if some interacts with her Ie talking very close or physical contact sadly this will use Runes resistance so it will be D20 +21 to be disbelieved
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sat down in the clinky-clanky piece of scrap that was the wagon. Honestly this was no way to transport anyone, it was like the girls were some animals or something... Thankfully her illusion held up quite nicely as she sat there silently hardly any girls glance any suspicious looks, guess they weren't exactly in a state to catch any details or changes in Erica, they've been in this wagon and in cages for far too long.

Speaking of attention though Rikke didn't get much, Janet on the hand has... and it was just like salt on wound "Pff... they threw you back in Janet? So much for friends..." a darker skinned girl adressed the blonde.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Uhh Becky like you would know what was it again your father sold you to the brothel cause he couldn't pay his debts? At lest my father had the decency to die in battle all yours did was father bastards and sell his children into slavery." Dark skinned girl turned red. "How dare you Ill gouge your eyes out bitch!" Becky made a lunge at Janet who simply socked the girl right in the jaw hard enough that Rikke heard a crack. It seemed Janet still had some strength in her after all. Turning her head from the now bawling girl Janet muttered so only Rikke could hear. "Well just added a month to my sentence."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that was one way to avoid an explanation... rather unique way "You always deal with problems like that?" Rikke whispered back subtely mostly hiding her face and smile under her new hair. "S-so why did they drag you two off?" another girl spoke up, she was also blonde but judging by her ears an elf, though instead of sarcasm or any insults the girl used a more friendlier and bashful tone... perhaps she was Janets friend? Or maybe a girl who didn't want to receive the same treatment, but it was a long ride and this was one of the very few interesting events that happened.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet smiled at Rikke but did say a word. When the elf spoke up Janet looked over at the girl and smiled. "Well a friend of mine was in trouble and I was trying to get the wargs to do a protection detail on him but they weren't interested even when I called in my favor from Erica here."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girls looked over to Rikke, slightly confused at Janets words "Y-yeah... I kinda knew one of the wargs, but I may have overcomplicated my relationship with him to Janet" Rikke giggled lightly and looked at Janet her face literally screaming 'what favor?!' "You'd think after all the sweet things he whispered to me he could atleast help me out..." "Tell me about it..." one of the other girls spoke up "Been blowing this guard captain for like months, but I try to ask him for some help - fuck all, he just goes on to another girl..." "Men can be such pigs..." "Atleast we still got each other" a rather fiery looking red-haired girl joined in on the conversation, her smile seemed very reminiscent of Rikkes own.

"Say~ Erica didn't you used to have an accent of sorts?" the red haired girl raised an eyebrow at Rikke "Y-yeah... I was trying to learn it for the clients. Seems to drive them wild, but I don't really have it..." a silence broke out through the wagon... did Rikke just screw up? The rogue gulped lightly, when suddenly laughter rang out around her "I thought so! It did sound a little cheesy!" And so the girls continued to trade stories of what silly things each did to get more attention from the clients... all except the darker skinned girl and some of her friends.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke sat a long while and thought it had only been 10 minutes and already she had made an enemy well Janet had made an enemy whether or not her association with her would lump her into the same boat was yet to be determined. Still the giggling laughter drowned out most of the noise but Rikke's sensitive ears picked out the yells and cat calls as they passed men on the street. Looking about Rikke could see all sorts of rude gestures being made and noticed she was the only one looking at the people they passed it seemed the girls had gotten use to the shouts and obscene gestures or at lest where able to ignore them.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke eyed the streets, were all the people of Endus like this or did all the sickos and perverts just come out at the same time. My oh my, were some of them at it, majority just used simple cat calls and yells, but other were more creative air humps, implied BJs and deepthroats... talk about a street you don't want to cross.

Still the more Rikke looked the more attention she gathered, quite a number fingers pointed directly at her and turned to their friends with lewd laughter. Others just licked their lips greedily, some even started checking their pouches... this was NOT the attention Rikke wanted at all. The girl quickly turned around, best to ignore them. They shouldn't be too far away now... right?

The elf smiled warmly at Rikke "Don't encourage them, Erica" "Well it depends maybe she wants to show off some goods to lure some denarii into the brothel" Rikke quickly lowered her gaze to hide her slight blush, she must not blush! But even now she could feel numerous gazes upon her... her current attire didn't help the situation at all. Maybe if she just relaxes a bit, sure it was more revealing than she used to... but the rogue was used to getting lewd looks. Just gotta relax and wait the trip out...
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Cassandra spoke up"I don't know Erica may have a point this will be one of the last times we are let out of the brothel before winter and the winter uniforms are handed out. So maybe we should enjoy it and give the customers a show ehh?" It was one of the unnamed girls speaking but it quickly drew stairs and killed what ever conversation was going on. Alice spoke next"You know she might be right." The red head chimed in before long several of the woman where shaking their tits and returning suggestive gestures which only seemed to egg the spectators on. "Come on Nayomi show off that perky elf ass you have!" Nayomi blushed and stood up and slaped her ass for the crowed this of course showed Rikke that Nayomi was the lowest ranked prostitute in the wagon. Janet didn't join in but looked at Rikke and rolled her eyes. It looks like its gonna be a wild night in the princess this evening. The returned cat calls did have some effect though the few men who where only brave enough to be rude at silent whores soon found themselves the center of attention and the subject of the more decent folks scowls. This of course made the girls laugh all the way to the Princess where they where off loaded and after a quick head count let into the brothel.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke shrugged innocently at Janet "Sorry..." the rogue looked over the girls enticing the spectators, maybe she should join, definedly looked fun. Still she had to keep low and showing off would be kinda the opposite of that.

However a sight did catch Rikkes eyes and most of the other girls aswell, the men who were particullary rude and nasty to the girls quickly got scolded by the townsfolk even punched in the gut by some men. It was a rather warming sight, to see that the town had alot of decent folk still residing in it. Just the vocal vulgar minority was especially loud sometimes.

Rikke leaned her back across the cage and sighed, hopefully Rhea will use the badge to clean the streets of the vile and bile that lingered. There was definedly more than enough hope for the city to be restored.

Finally Rikke arrived at her destination "Ride's over get out!" the overseer shouted out as the wagon doors finally opened up and the girls lined up. After a quick role call, where Rikke learned the name of the three girls that kept her and Janet close company enroute the girls were quickly sent in "Come on girls. Clean yourself and rest up, we're expecting a lot of clients tonight." with that each girl proceeded to their living quarters...

Rikke quickly ran up to Janet, the girl would be her guide "I hope you know what you've got yourself into Rikke. We've got some time before we'll be called again... wanna take a look around?" the duo would proceed to the more inner locales of the brothel with Janet explaining the do's and don't... lest Rikke would do something terribly wrong.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke had stayed in a brothel before so most of the dues and don'ts where pretty clear the one major differance was that each customer that enters has a ticket they paid for at the door and you need to get that ticket and store it in a box near the front door No ticket no fun times. Janet led Rikke to the inner sections of the brothel where customers where not allowed and soon found that all the lower ranked prostitutes shared large rooms. Janet explained to Rikke that the higher ranks get their own private rooms eventually but until then it was find a kind soul who let sleep with their group. Walking around a little long revealed the kitchen where the girls got their food. "Well Erica this is where we get our food each of us has a card on the rack back their telling the cooks what we can and cannot have determined by Sasha after she inspects the merchandise." Janet frowned "She had me on near starvation diet for my first 6 months in order to cut down my muscle mass so I would and I quote "become the perfect blonde bombshell for my customers". Janet looked over at Rikke. "Do you think it worked?" With that aside Janet led Rikke to a curtained area and stopped. "In here is where Sasha makes her judgments on the new girls and processes them into the brothel." Straining a moment Janets eyes went downcast "Looks like we'll have a new girl tonight." Turning her head back to Rikke Janet motioned for her to follow. "Come on Erica we need to find a place to stay for the night you don't want to be left in the commons or you'll be up all night if you know what I mean."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Y-yeah... let's do that" Rikke smiled lightly at Janet "Though I'm not planning to stick around for too long... I know where Sasha quaters are, how does one gain entry or go inside there?" the rogue continued to follow Janet closely, she wasn't enrolling in the brothel so the kitchens location and diet or such wasn't of high importance to the girl.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked over at Rikke for a moment. "That might be a problem. You see people just don't go to see Sasha she calls for them unless they have business and most of the girls that get summoned to her don't come back Some say she adds them to her collection at lest thats the rumor. I think they just get released from service and sent on their way. You'll probably have to sneak in at night which will be hard to do unless you get invited but youll have to stand out to do that." It wasn't exactly the news Rikke wanted to hear.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hm... well all I need is to trick the guards that she's expecting me. Maybe there's some kind of sign for it? A special privelege badge or something... surely someone brings food for the girls in her... collection." Rikke eyed Janet curiously, well the blonde offered one way to gain entry... but that seemed to have 1 fatal flaw - getting back out quietly.
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