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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke takes 9 resistance damage reseting back to full she is now aroused

Rikke felt her loins tingle her nipples harden as her Mistress cummed above her coating the girls face with her juices which seemingly absorbed into her skin or evaporated into the air. She felt the hand holding her loosen as the captain took a few steps back riding out the feeling. "That was divine pet do you want to please your mistress more?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Obviously the woman waited for Rikke to go over the edge and succumb to the juices. Only to hear a clear answer to her fairly one sided question 'I'm sorry Jess... I have to' "Y-yes... please mistress." the girl looked to the ghost with lidded eyes, licking her full lips of the ghostly fluids.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Good pet!" Rikke felt the cool hand of the captain on her face again lifting her head up into a kiss. Feeling a sudden weight on her neck followed by a sudden click. A moment later her hands where freed. "Stand up pet" Rikke hardly had a choice as the ghost lifted her up whether she resisted or not. Kissing Rikke once again her mistress placed something against her waist. Looking down rikke saw the steel strap on being cinched to her waist. "Now pet go show your friend here a good time while I get into something more comfortable." With that the woman disappeared her leather dress falling to the floor her last command echoing in Rikke's ear.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

What?! Rikke gulped lightly, looking around. Actually she approached Jessica swaying her hips and the cold rod shinning with evil intent, for the moment it was almost a certainty of what Jessicas fate would be. Rikke spread her lovers legs and slowly inserted the rod, in a extremely careful fashion her eyes distant.

A few cold thrusts later though Rikke stopped and listened in "Is she gone..." Hopefully the little rouse threw the ghost off if it decided to double check on it's new toys obedience. Rikke looked to Jessica and smiled wamrly, nope it was still the girl she loved and traveled with. Rikke would quickly removed the rod out of her and removed the gag, interupting whatever Jessica wanted to say with a kiss "I'm so sorry. Come on we need to get out of here."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

That of course was easier said than done. Bringing her rogue skills to bear Rikke slowly freed Jess of her manacles and dragged the girl out of the room and back onto deck. Looking about Rikke's jaw dropped. dozens of indistinct ghostly forms ran around deck lifting rigging and patching sails. Thankfully none of them payed the girls any mind though they soon heard a familiar crack behind them as the ghostly captain made her appearance once again. "Oh pets I was hoping you would listen to me Now I have to punish you again." Another sadistic smile over came the captains face as she laughed evilly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Jess! Run!" it was simple command, but well worth following through with! It was time to abbandon ship or else face the dominatrix REAL punishment. The duo should run towards the end of the ship that lead to the sea. If they were going to abbandon ship it was best to do it via water... or air.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess was in no condition to run let alone fly. She simply looked at Rikke her eyes fearful she was exhausted. It was time to call for help maybe Sena could hear her now that she was free of the ghosts direct domain.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to her lover, the girl exhausted stance and fearful eyes almost apologetic at the inability to do what the heroine requested. The heroine would just hug Jessica lovingly and cry out to the one being who she knew could get both girls to safety "SENA! HELP!!" with that Rikke just kept her hug on Jessica and braced for whatever would follow, one thing was certain she wasn't going to abbandon her lover. Even if it meant both of them being recaptured.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke's voice resounded and seemed to resonate in the very air causing the smaller ghosts to flee into the ship. "Cowards! Come back and fight with your captain!" The ghostly dom took a menacing step towards Rikke and Jess before a strong breeze began to push her back. The ghost shielded her face from the wind with one hand making another step forward before the intense wind grew to strong causing the specter to be flung into the hull of the wreck once more. The winds calmed once more and the sea grew calm. Trembling Rikke felt a warm body hug her from behind. Turning about she saw a little auburn haired girl of about 8 or 9 years hugging her. Icy blue eyes looked up at Rikke and smiled. It was a face she recognized immediately though only hours ago she had only been an infant. Hugging them both the little girl smiled and winked and was gone leaving Jess and Rikke on a beach their loot piled next to them. The sunset had finally receded causing a blanket of stars to envelop the heavens. Jess collapsed almost immediately pulling out the massive dildos in her ass and pussy trying not to moan but having little luck.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yuna?" Rikke looked around in disbelief at what just happened, hey now she was supposed to be the role model, not the one being saved by her! The heroine smiled warmly for a brief moment and quickly helped Jessica out of the numerous inserted toys, except for the chain ofcourse, before getting herself rid of any remnants the captain had on her.

It was already night? Talk about a short morning stop going awry. The heroine hugged Jessica once more, glancing over to the kit she brought up here earlier behind her lover. 'For some reason' Rikke had quite enough of that particular darker side of sex "Ready to go Jess? Just to the island, we'll rest up there." Rikke smiled earnestly at her lover and kissed her deeply allowing Jess to drain some energy for their short flight, otherwise well the sea was all around them and the waves were fairly calm.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Just need to rest is all." Laying on the sand she looked like some crazy fetish model that had been painted to advertise their wares. The gold chain and rings glinted with the moonlight and her leather fetish outfit just hugged all the right curves. The collar was still attached having been locked into place much as her own had and would require some finer tools back at camp to remove and boy oh boy would that be a story to share.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Okay." Rikke smiled warmly to her companion and lied down next her, looking up to the stars "And next time, when I say let's investigate whats surely a BDSM ghosts lair. Just tell me 'no'." the heroine giggled warmly and snuggled up to Jessica enjoying the moment "Did you see her?... the one who saved us?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess frowned "No I was to busy picking a oversized dildo out of my ass. Was it Sena?" Jess looked up at the stars as well. "As for investigating perverted ghost lairs I will defiantly tell you no next time if it comes up."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled at her companions annoyance "Sorry." she looked back to the stars "It wasn't Sena. It was Yuna... my daughter." the heroine rested her head on Jessica "The Daemon lineage seems to spur her growth, at this rate she'll be all grown up in a matter of days." Rikke sighed sadly "And I will have never gotten to teach her my 'Handbook tips' " Rikke grinned nostalgically "Remember when I taught them to you, just before our adventure began?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Humm maybe you should spend some time with them then or at lest with Yuna. If she's growing so fast maybe its due to where she lives. Time can flow differently in magical places Rikke." Jess looked over at her and smiled before getting up. "Come on we got a long walk back and the beach in the starlight is to wonderful to passes by flying." Jess offered a hand to Rikke and unless she protested they would both walk down the beach under the moon and stars arm in arm. It took nearly an hour to get back to camp and when they showed up Luna Carly, and Venise ran to greet them having been worried about how long they had been gone. Though Venise's went from happy to grumpy when she saw their get up. "Mistresses had fun with out me." Yeah fun Im sure thats what Rikke and Jess would call it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke lovingly took Jessicas hand and the two lovers would make their way back home, just enjoying the serenity of a calm night... but also "Say... Do you still remember them?" Rikke smiled warmly at Jessica, with that simple question the duo started their nostalgic recollection, now even having examples of when they listened to the tip and when they didn't. And perhaps it was from their mouths... to certain someones ear. Just hopeful, she'd cover her ears when the girls talked about the pervy bits...

The duo came back laughing merrily, their hands locked together lovingly "Not exactly, my dear." Rikke smiled warmly at her servant girl "Hope the camp wasn't too worried about us we've... um..." "Got sidetracked a little" the rogue giggled lightly, well that was one way to say it "What you've been up to Venis?" Rikke looked to the girl "I hope you've been listening to my order of havign some time for yourself and enjoying your time FOR YOURSELF" the mistress smirked playfully.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yes Mistress I have been enjoying myself as you ordered but Im a little sore and senstive now may I have a break?" All the girls laughed except Venise who looked confused.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly at Venise "I told you're free to do anything you wish, Venis." she sighed lightly "Yes you may." they'll really need to take the girl along on that underwater trip, Rikkes been working on trying to undo the teaching of servitude on the girl, but honestly she always seemed happiest just obeying Rikkes command. Well at the very least, the heroine was one of the most gentle and caring mistresses the girl could ever dream of.

"Speaking of which, Luna, Carly. Everything's set for that trip underwater we planned?" Rikke smiled warmly at the two mermaids.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Mostly though we should wait for the morning. I got everything ready including some spears for fish." Luna smiled a little as Carly whispered something into her ear. "Oh and Rikke you may want to find you bathing suit Im sure its where every you picked up your new duds at." The two mermaids giggled as Rikke realized they where still dressed in the fetish get up from before.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked over the duo and blushed brightly "We may need some heavier tools to remove these." the heroine smiled sheepishly at the company. Though the cold realisation of either facing the ghost again or spending the rest of the vacation naked soon hit the girl... still one problem at a time. It was best to be rid of this gear "Help?" the girl looked doe eyed to her company and hopefully with a little help she'd get these darn things off... heck she would even explain their encounter to the group too. Excluding the sexy bits ofcourse.