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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luckily Jess managed to keep the little girl away from her pierced chest. "I-I don't know.. this is rather sudden." Jess looked confused and happy but Rikke could see sadness there as well. After awhile Sena seemed to have recovered and took both her girls. "Jess please come along with me we have somethings to discuss and well Rikke and Yuna want some time for themselves." Looking over she shoulder at Rikke Jess silently asked for permission and if given would poof out with Sena and the girls leaving Rikke and Yuna in the cave by themselves.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke knew this feeling all too well. She'd nod approvingly adn allow Jess to leave with Sena. That left her alone with Yuna...

The heroine knelt down to her little girl smiling warmly "So Yunie, what do you do for fun around here? Hum~?" Rikke giggled warmly at her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yuna smiled and pulled Rikke out of the cave. Once in the open air the girls smiled at Rikke mischief alight in her eyes. No sooner had Rikke caught the sight then she was blasted into the air by strong gusts of wind. And then she was falling out of control. Rikke had to fight the moment of panic as she fell the rocks below getting closer and closer. Soon however Yuna was right by her holding her hand laughing. As they neared the water and rocks they both suddenly shot forward barley skimming the water. They rushed past the old ship ghostly captain shaking her fist at them as they blew by her.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well the girl most certainly had quite a bit of power, not to mention her mothers sense of mischief! Though the question remained, did she also have Rikkes lust for adventure.

While it was most certainly terrifying, the rogue had been introduced to flight fairly recently it most certainly got fun and fast as Yuna helped her along. Rikke laughted merrily as the wind flew through her hair, the duo soaring through the sky at breakneck speeds!

AS they passed the captain Rikke couldn't help, but tease her a little, blowing a kiss to dominatrix and waving her goodbye playfully "Oh! Let's stop and get my clothes Yunie!" Rikke grinned happily and pointed towards where Yuna left both of them earlier, the small pacakage was likely still there.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Awww!" Still Yuna relented and soon enough they where on the beach near the bundle. The bundle was scattered all around little monkey tracks swarming the beach still it was all there even their under garments though they would have to be cleaned of the sand. While Rikke went about gathering up the discarded gear Yuna busied herself with tormenting little crabs having stuck them in a mini tornado of sand.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke soon gathered up the clothing. While a beach is such a wonderful locale, but once that darn sands gets its way a beach can be hell. With the clothes in hand Rikke approached Yuna tormenting the little crabs "Yunie~" Rikke leaned down and pick up the crab throwing it out of the vortex "We don't hurt those weaker and smaller than us, angel." the heroine smiled heroicly, when suddenly she tensed up looking down at some crab... perhaps that same darn crab pincing her "Except that one. That one deserves it." Rikke giggled warmly and looked to Yuna smiling widely.

"It must be so boring for you in that 'other' place. Noone to play around with." infact did Yuna even know any games.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Aww mom I wasn't hurting it" Yuna frowned slightly before her smile returned. "Do you know any games?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled lightheartily "Ofcourse I do, silly." she winked slyly "How about we exchange games we play. I say one and you say one, maybe then we pick which one we could play" the heroine gently tapped her on the nose. Chances were being a half-daemon Yunas entertainment wasn't as simple chasing birds with salt or playing with a ball or dolls.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yuna looked down and toed the dirt. "I don't know any games that you can play. Lets play a game you know!" Yuna ran over to Rikke and hugged her looking at her mother with bright icy blue eyes. How could she say no to those eyes.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke hugged the precious little bundle of joy back "And what exactly are you implying, young lady? Mommy may have quite a bit of surprises up her sleeve" she smiled warmly and knelt down to Yuna.

"Humm... when I was your age we used to play: Chirp-chirp-spring, Follow the leader, Hide and seek..." Rikke playfully placed a finger on her lips thinking "Doctor, Hubba-hubba lava, Timelock" oh some many games.

"Lots of games. We can start with Chirp-chirp-spring." Rikke grinned happily "First we pick a 'base'" though the heroine could've easily picked something out she wanted Yuna to do the honors.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yuna looked around till she spotted a large flat rock. "Will that work?" Yuna ran over to the rock and stood on it proudly.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yuna and Rikke played quite a few games spending time with each other and Rikke even got a chance to impress Yuna with her sneaky skills during the stealthy games. It was all good fun but it was getting late.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully the heroine didn't embrass herself and showed off what years of thievery and adventuring can do. The heroine grinned proudly every time she sneaked past the little girl, even playing some mind games with her by throwing a rock tickling her as she dashed by like a shadow "I see you~ Yuna~" Rikke giggled warmly as she lied on the stone waving her legs playfully, before jumping down to the disappointed looking girl and giving her a hug "Oh~ I've got an idea~ Yunie, we were going diving underwater today. Would you like to join us? You'd meet my friends too." Rikke smiled earnestly and if the girl agreed she'd offer a race to the camp.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yuna nodded as she and Rikke where off to the camp. Once there she found everyone still sleeping and even Jess was present napping in a different position. The dawn had yet to break and Rikke guessed it was a few hours before the morning.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke didn't feel all that sleepy, perhaps it was due to her changed nature or maybe she just didn't want to leave Yunie. The heroine would make her way to the makeshift bunks the girls used for sun bathing, nudging Yuna to join her. "The sun is coming up soon, let's give it a warm welcome."

Rikke would lie down on the double bunk leaving room for the little girl and would kiss her lovingly on the forehead. Perhaps there was something the girl wanted to ask her as they waited.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

They both rested in the bunk as they waited for the sun and for long moments they both sat in silence. "Mommy are you going to stay?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The heroine casted her glance away "For as long as I can, angel... for as long as I can." though Rikke didn't have any businesses to take care of or crusades to topple over, but she still had some engagements back in the main continent... perhaps it was just her sense of adventure that demanded the heroine to keep moving forward.

"There are people that need my help, so many people yet to meet and see. There's a whole world beyond that horizon, Yunie." Rikke smiled warmly at Yuna pulling her closer "Have you seen it Yunie? From up above the clouds?"
Depending on the little girls answer Rikke would tell tales of the concrete jungles, called cities; The wast different races she met on her travels from the simple humans to the heroic slimegirl she met; About the battles of good and evil ranging all throughout the lands, angels, demons, human everyone duking it out for whatever they sought.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Mhmmm" Yuna snuggled close to Rikke latching on to her. "I guess we will have to make time for what we can." To Rikke's other question she shook her head no. "Mommy says its to dangerous to go that far with out her." Rikke and jess stayed close the rest of the night and saw the dawn slowly creep over the horizon.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled nostalgically "No doubt it's dangerous. Very much so even, there's numerous bad people that would like nothing better to do than hurt or pervert the heroines that cross them" the rogue giggled at the little girl playfully "But that's exactly what makes it so much fun. Spitting and defeating whatever obstacles lie infront of you. Escaping from seemingly hopeless situations only to be triumphant at the end. Promise me Yunie, when the times comes and you become of age, you'll go out and see the world. There is so much more for you to experience than this Island offers you." Rikke smiled warmly at her daughter, perhaps this was a contrast to what Sena tought Yuna before, but Rikke just wanted her daughter to follow the life of an adventuring heroine. For all the wrongs and evils it brought upon the brave girl, the payout was worth so much more.

"A heroine worthy to be of our little family." Rikke smiled warmly "Though if you intent to be one there's a few rules at tips you have to abide to, you know" the heroine smiled warmly "It's all written down in the Handbook of the Aspiring Heroine. My daddy tought it to me. Would you like to learn about it too?"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yuna's eyes twinkled at the mention of the book. "Yes I would! Can you teach me mommy?" Yuna looked up at Rikke her eyes gleaming in the early morning light hinting at the power the young woman possessed.