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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered at the comment "I blame her pheromones."

"F-for us?" Rikkes eyes widened "I told you two, you shouldn't have." the heroine approached the afformentioned house. It still needed furnishings and some work, but from the looks of things it would be quite the sight "It's beautiful... but how will we pay you back? The materials and workpower must cost a fortune!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh Rhea didn't have to spend a dime. The house is a gift from the city well rather a gift from Rune. She knew that you and Jess wouldn't stay in Endus but she wanted to give you a home to go to." Selina smiled at Rikke just as a sudden impact hit the air. "Oh Selina Im back!"
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rhea!" Rikke grinned happily running up and hugging the Kitsune from behind, one the easiest ways to feel out her fluffy, soft tail "Come on the girls are already starting, we've got a underwater trip to attend to" the heroine smiled happily. Though the thought that she'd be leaving Selina alone didn't cross her mind... she thought the boys would be working the houses.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh going on another trip already? Good maybe I can finish reading instead of having this worry wort come prancing around every time I groan." Selina threw Rhea a bemused look. "I do not prance little missy why I ought to kno- UH HA HA AHAHAH AHAHA!" Rikke smiled as she tickled the sensitive kitsune pulling her away from Selina who simply just waved them off.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke grinned mischieviously slowly tickling away the Kitsune "Right this way! We'll also have one extra join us in our trip" the heroine turned back to Rhea smiling warmly "Yuna, my little daughter."

Well the girls had to make up some times. The moment the duo reached the shore Rikke waved out happily "Hey~~" it was time for some underwater mischief!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Already?!" Rhea's attitude changed immediately and pretty much pulled Rikke back to the camp. "I bet she is as pretty as her mothers!" Getting into the camp Rhea quickly spotted Yuna and ran up to hug her causing the girl to jolt a little in surprise. "Uh Hi puppy lady."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would quickly follow up in her steed grinning happily "Hey~ I said for you lot to go ahead." still the smell of adventure lingered in the air and Rikke just couldn't wait! "Sorry, Yunie. No spear for you." the heroine smiled motherly "It's a dangerous tool only for us grown ups, alright?" even if it wasn't alright there would be argument here. Yuna wasn't getting a weapon! Though she would get the heroines hand to hold on to.

"Luna you have some points of interest planned for us?" Rikke smiled warmly, fully in gear and enchantment in place.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yuna frowned a little but smiled soon after and took Rikke's hand. "Are we expecting trouble?" Rhea eyed the spear as she slipped out of her cloths revaling nude breasts and blue little bikini bottom. "Nah mostly to catch some lunch or pry open some giant clams." Luna went over and kissed Rhea on the forhead. "Okay we are all set to go last one in is a rotten egg!" Yuna smiled brightly and wooshed Rikke and herself past the others and into the water well faster than anyone else.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The two seemingly split the water in two as Yunas winds carried them way ahead of the group. Rikke laughed merrily at the girl "Yunie~ Where's the rush? Wait wait~" the heroine giggled "It's a group trip, silly." she gently fixed the little girls auburn hair "Hey~ Catch up girls~"

With that final wave to the group Rikke turned to Yuna "Let's go see what lies beneath the waves." with that the two would descend right to the bottom, looking around for places to see and inspect... clams to tease and fish to scare.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The girls laughed as Rikke blew by them and quickly chased after them. Rhea of course cheated a little and poofed just above the water splashing Rikke and Yuna leaving the rest of the girls to run into the water. Once everyone got into place they dived down together Jess being the last in due to her in ablity to swim well. Still they had picked a good spot for their exploration. It was fairly deep but not overwhelmingly so. A white sandy bottom spread out beneath them broken up by random black rock boulders from the mountains death that only Rikke had seen. Each one had brightly colored plant looking creatures (coral) waving in unseen currents. Plenty of brightly colored fish swam to and fro tempting targets for the groups spears.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled warmly at Yuna and Jess, calling both of them in closer to inspect the corals. It was literally teeming with life down here! For now though Rikke wasn't looking for Dinner, but just some fishes to show off to Yuna and Jessica. Honestly the girl had a tough time to point them all out, quite a few fishes coming closer to inspect the girls faces... one coming over to inspect Rikkes other features 'accidentally' burrowing itself between the girls bust after a particullary intense school of fish passed them. The fishy friend had a particulary similar appearance to certain other fish, though on much less grand scale. Honestly between the sarms of fish down here, Rikke wouldn't be surprised to find a few of Steves relatives...

Still the corals had to have quite a few distinct fishes to try to catch or just playfully harass.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yuna seemed a natural in the water and easily swam down to meet Rikke before grabbing a passing sea turtle for a ride. Jess on the other hand was slow going her rather weak swimming skills quickly becoming evident. Still after awhile she got to Rikke and looked at the bright fish smiling.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The heroine giggled lightly and looked at the corals, seemed most of the bigger fish there had camoflaged themselves... then again what if the bright color equals poison rule applied underwater too! Rikke would nudge Jessica towards the corals and would quickly make her way to Luna. Could the girls actually talk or was the gift limited to only breath?!

Likely Luna took the opportunity and excercised her fins like never before, but Rikke had always been creative when it came to distractions. Catching the mermaids attention Rikke would try her best to use signs and ask could the girls talk.
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Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Luna was a completely different person under the water her legs had formed into one giant fish tale that sparked with iridescent scales that shared the same color of her hair. Her skin had also taken on a slight greenish huh and her ears had elongated into a fin like appearance. Approaching Rikke as the rogue got closer to her she smiled and easily closed the distance. "Yes Rikke?" her voice was gurgle and a little hard to hear but at this close range Rikke could make it out. Asking her question took a few attempts but eventually Luna got the meaning and replied. "Some are yes but most of the fish are nonpoisonous. The ones that are usually have spines. Oh avoid the jelly fish most of them have a painful sting."
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well that answered one question... but could Rikke actually talk?! Well with Luna right there... guess there was one way to find out!

Rikke would attempt to adress Luna, though if she felt the water surge into her she wouldn't wait to drown and would shut up instantly! Luna could reapply the effect if the heroine messed.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke tried to talk but Luna placed a finger on her mouth stopping her while shaking her head. I guess Rikke wasn't able to due that trick with Luna's blessing.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled understandibly, well guess that answered most questions the heroine had. She'd quickly make her way back to Jessica, looking around for what was Yunie up to, just incase. Who knows maybe the girl decided to play tag with sharks... it would be something the heroine would do if she was part daemon...

As Rikke approached she noted Jessica very much working on getting something free from the corals. The heroine tapped her lower on the shoulder gently and would help her dislodge the find. Whatever could it be? A pretty stone or something much more interesting?
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jessica worked hard and with a little effort and lots of help from Rikke they pulled up a heavily encrusted box. It gleamed slightly threw the water the clear every bright properties of gold resisting rust and decay. The corals had arelady sealed it shut so they would have to head to the beach if they wanted to open it.
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ever the treasure lover, Rikkes eyes light up! Well this looked like a jewelry case if she ever saw one! The sea would still be there, just a peek inside wouldn't hurt. The heroine grinned happily at Jessica, her intentions quite clear.

Rikke would nudge her head for Jessica to head on onwards, Rikke needed to tell Yunie she's heading for the beach for a little bit. Perhaps with the help of Luna if sign language failed her. OH~ Underwater hidden treasure is the best kind!
Re: Who Rules the Ruins (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nodding Jess began her slow painful swim up. One of these days Rikke would have to teach the poor succubus how to swim. Looking around Rikke couldn't find Yuna anywhere and for that manner many of the girls had spread out.