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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I dunno. Could use with a bit of flora." Rikke smiled as she looked around the area "You know, I actually have a small island home." the rogue smiled to Janet and soon after shared a tales of sunny days and warm sands with. Even including a few of her kitsun-ish mischief episodes "M~ So now she's somewhere out there, causing who knows what sort of mischief." the rogue giggled kindly "But she has a good heart, I'm sure its nothing bad."

Thinking back Rikke couldn't help, but wonder how was the Island holding up now. Not to mention, how was April managing her house guest... whatever the case Rikke just relaxed with those thoughts for now, sharing them openly with Janet if the knight was curious. It was a time of relaxation.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

An image of dozens of Sylphs all trying to hug her brought a smile to her face. Not to mention the warm thoughts of her daughter. Still Janet had heard of the island a tlest but still listened to all the tales. "So we have a former pirte kitsune and a really powerful former spirit kitsune ont the lose... ha." Still Janet listened to all of what Rikke wanted to talk about as they duo bathed. After awhile it seemed that Rikke was doing all the talking with Janet just staring and smiling at her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

At first Rikke looked away from the gaze, just letting it pass as a spur of the moment, but Janet didn't look away "W-what?" the rogue laughed kindly splashing some water at her knight.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet giggled as the water hit her and sent a playful splash back. "Its good to see you just relax. No worries, no cares. Just two girls relaxing in a bath." Janet smiled again and sank a little deeper into the water, or rather as deep as the shallow water would let her. "Ya know I wonder what would have happened if you hadn't rescued us from the brothel? I probably would have been giving a specilist position by now."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It used to always be like this, but I just had a knack of stumbling into some people that desperately needed help." the rogue looked down "I've been in a war once, I wish I'd not have to return to yet another here." she'd sigh deeply, though thankfully Janets comment broke the rapidly descending gloom.

Rikke raised an eyebrow at the words "There's a specialist position in the brothel?" the rogue smiled mischieviously "And what exactly does a 'specialist' do?''
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked over and smiled. "Well that depends on where your talents lay. Given my history I probably would have been moved to the guards. But thats not a certainity." Janet adjusted herself and changed her sitting position. "Sasha would bring in experts to test a prospect if their talents where not readily apparent. I saw girls full of piss and vinger come back meek subservent and shy quite girls come back bold as brass with a dominate streak. Some... we never saw again..." Janet got quiet a moment before turning to Rikke and smiling. "I think Sasha let some of them be kept as payment though that only happened when Angelica was in charge." Afte an uncofortable moment Janet spoke again. "Anyway the specilist where used to fill spacific fetish groups."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So then you're either a fetish toy or a guard?'' Rikke continued her rest against the shore, the girls hands resting on the stones above water and behind her "Say Jan, if you were given power to do anything you wanted. What would you do?" for as nice as the holy water was, it was still water... and by the goddess Rikke was not looking to linger in it for much longer.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet paused a moment. "I don't know its never come to mind." Janet shruged and stood up her body glisting in the sunlight. Getting out of the water she headed for some of the discarded cloth they had brought along and started to dry herself. "I guess its all in context really." Janet dried her hair the contrating strand of black against her normal blonde hue catching Rikke's eye
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well, any context then." Rikke would follow in suit taking one of the cloths as she listened to the answer, before reaching out and taking Janets lock of colored hair in hand drawing the knights attention to it.

If Janet seemed not to really care Rikke would ask when did this appeaar and how it changed color
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet paused a moment thinking. "Well its hard to say really... if I had the power to do anything I wanted.... It would be that the aliens didn't exsist. Than again if that happened we would likely never have met. At lest not in the manner we did. I would probably still be in my order and content with my duty. We would have never met well except maybe at your trial if you did something silly like you usually do." Janet winked at her before pulling the towel down to dry of the rest of her body. Taking the moment Rikke asked about the change in the hair color. "Humm its always been that way Rikke don't be silly. It dose stand out though." Rikke of course knew better and was sure that it happened their first night at the spring.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

No, Rikke knew it wasn't always that way when they arrived. She was certain of it! "Oh? Do you dye it then?" as she dressed she'd remain on the topic. After hearing out Janet input the heroine continued "I can't remember whether I asked you about this before, but... this place creates quite vivid dreams. Did you dream of anything? Be honest." the rogue smiled kindly to her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet frowned a moment as she thought. "Can't remeber ever dyeing it strange huh?" Janet slipped into her undercloths and padded shirt. "Well last night had a dream about a fight but its all blurry can't remember it hat well. I think it was just nerves for day. Ya know worried about a possible battle." Janet smiled and moved to a squat rock and sat grabbing some of the fruit they had on hand. "Man I could use a decent meal. All this fruit is good for the figure but my strength is gonna start wasting away if I don't get some real meat soon."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled widely and checked the sky. There seemed to still be plenty of daylight left "Well~ If you think you've good a throwing arm. We could go down and hunt something." the girl had almost forgot, that one of her gifts was living of fairly minor or nigh-no nourishment.

"I saw some deer, a few squirels too." she'd pull out one of her thrown daggers "Just clear it off poison. Preferably not in the lake and let's go." with that Rikke smiled kindly and unless objected to, would join Janet on their hunt.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet frowned at the dagger. "Rikke... isn't that magically enchanted poision? I doubt cleaning it would have any effect." Still Janet smiled at Rikke. "Besides if we climb down we're gonna be all tired out from the effort to hunt." Taking a cloth out of her bag Janet began to tidy up her armor cleaning scuffs and examining dents. Looking up Rikke saw the sun hanging low to the west, it would be dark by the time they got down. Scaping that plan Rikke found she had all sorts of time on her hands. "So now that Sammy is gone whast the next step... we should develop a plan ya know. Instead of winging it all the time." Janet threw Rikke a slightly accusing look.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So you'd choose starving?" Rikke crossed her ahnd confidently and smirked to her friend "We could camp down there. I mean there's really no real rush." seeing Janet once more pull out her armor to mend its dents the rogue couldn't help, but sigh deeply "Thats why I prefer leathers. Looks better and it's not nearly as much of a hussle" the heroine smiled teasingly at Janet, playfully running her fingertips upward her tightly leather-clad leg.

"Dunno. It's hard to think of a plan, when we don't know whats what." Rikke would sit on a rock nearby "Right now, we're trying to get the Sisters to join our alliance. After that we'd likely need to meet up with our friends outside. With the sisters and our own allies at the call. We crush the Master and move on." the rogue looked to Janet clearly knowing how loose this plan was "Don't give me that look. My plan was for me to sneak inside and find out, how keen the sisters are to backstab us." Rikke stuck her tongue out slightly in a childish manner and smiled.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked up from her work and returned the childish gesture. "No I choose not to be sick to my stomach." Blushing as Rikke carrsed the supple leather Janet quickly looked back to her armor. "Well to each her own. Besides I don't have to replace my armor as much as you do." True with out Jess around it had been a learning experance on how to keep her armor held together. "Anyway we should just assume the sisters will attempt something. As my step dad always used to say. "Hope for the best prepare for the worst." Janet giggled a little before looking down cast and getting back to work on her armor.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well there's also a saying about best laid plans..." Rikke place a finger on her lips "Alright, how about you? We're stuck in this together and you mainly followed my lead. You know the situation, whats your take on our actions?" perhaps growing weary of the dark shadows over her and plans of escape, the rogue turned to her knight.

"I strive on improv, but er... not so much on planning."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet looked up a moment thinking. "Well so far you havn't done us wrong and besides your loner streak everything has worked out. Its to bad we can't talk to Jess shes on the inside and could probably tell us more." Janet sighed "Ya know its times like this I wish we had some of the venus girls with us. Ann or Erika could easily sneak in and find out the info we need without risking you." Setting her armor aside Janet got up and headed over to Rikke and hugged her. "Your the key to this puzzel Rikke and Im not gonna let you wander into the hands of the enemy with out knowing what your the key to."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke raised an eyebrow at the other stealthy girls comment "Hum? That almost sounds like a challenge." she grinned wickedly "If Erika and Ann can do it, it'll be a breeze for me." still after the hug the idea would lightly calm itself down "I dunno about that, but even if thats the case. I'd rather see the lock."

The spark once more ignited Rikke subtly licked her lips "Well lets think of it differently. Right now the sisters know that it's just the two of us. That we'll show up near the tower again and that I'm not joining their cult willingly." the thief smirked to her knight "So~ because we're still relaxing here, means that they don't want to capture or force us into anything quite yet. Goddess knows they had ample chances to do so by now."

"I still say, being caught at worst I'd be thrown out or temporally locked up." Rikke smiled sheepishly to Janet to look for a response.

Though if Janet still held a firm no to the absurd plan "I know~..." Rikke sighed deeply and leaned out looking down from their islands "It's just I was going to ride a bug and fight off goblins right over there. Now I'm stuck on this stupid flying Island just waiting... and waiting. It's making me anxious, you know." with that she'd sigh deeply once more.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet didn't look convinced. "Thats like trusting a cat not to eat a mouse it found in its bed. Besides I thought you hated bugs." Janet punched Rikke lightly on the shoulder in a playful manner. "Well Im gonna get some rest Rikke Ill see ya in the morning." With that Janet moved off to her spot and got comfortable leaving Rikke to gaze over the rather pretty scene. Checking the sky Rikke figured that Sam would be nearing the bottom soon. Looking over at her knight Rikke could see that she was fast asleep leaving her alone.