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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hum? But having something to stand up for in battle can do wonders. Be it lost or not." Rikke smiled teasingly at Yenna "Faith and hope, can be exceptional backbones in the middle of battle. Enough for someone to push past their limits." the girl crossed her hands as she lightly leaned out "Besides whats the point of testing your comrades like that. There's no need for bad blood, especially considering who our enemy is."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hah faith and hope.. I had friends named Faith and Hope and ya know what they are both either dead or a slave to a demon's cock. Because they counted on someone to help them." There was a tear in her eye before she got up and headed for the tent to sleep. Rikke of course could stop her if she really wanted. "Besides friends are a weakness and will get you killed eventually... just like I did...."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yenna I..." Rikke was about to reach out, but stopped herself mid-way. Turning to look to the flame sadly. So that was it... Still she had bothered Yenna enough for today. It was best not to push it.

Placing everything she heard in her in place, Rikke too would soon stand and go to her bed and join Janet. Who'd likely slept throughout the talk... then again perhaps she too listened to the fallen angels words. Still tommorow morning, Rikke had a plan to bury the hatched between the two...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet seemed asleep but Rikke could tell from long nights camping that the knight was far from it. Still it seemed no one was in a talkative mood. "Good night Rikke." The voice echoed from her side where the mirror rested on her belt. If she dared to look she would see a Jess in a far to kinky nighty heading to bed and going to sleep. Drifitng off herself Rikke dreamed dreams that for once where her own.

"Get up!" Looking up Rikke say Yenna speaking in her direction with Janet stand in front of her. "Let her rest she was up late." Yenna looked at Janet dismissivly. "She should know better. Now wake her up or I will." Janet sighed and turned to Rikke. "Yenna your a bitch." " I know."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Night Jess." seemingly not even fully grasping, how the voice came to be. Rikke wished Jessica the same with a warm and peaceful smile on her face, her eyes already closed.

Oh god... Talk about a horrid wake-up call "Calm down you two. I'm awake." Rikke sat up and stretched casually, though it felt a tad shorter than usual, for once it was a very peaceful night. Rubbing the morning out of her eyes RIkke yawned lightly and spoke up "Yenna what did I say about chain of command." the rogue looked to the angel with a smile.

"Not to mention, we left early. There's no rush, am I wrong?" she once more addressed the troublemaker angel.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna looked at Rikke a moment before turning away "Tch!" the sound echoed clearly Yenna was not happy about that but it couldn't be helped. Looking about it was clear tha Yenna had already packed up and was ready to go. Janet meanwhile brought a plate of food over for Rikke. "Looks like its back to dried fruit again." She smiled as she finished packing her gear. Leaving the tent still up as Rikke hadn't let it yet.

The fire still smoldered weakly but was nearly out and the sun was still just a crack on the horizen or so Rikke guessed given the dim lightly around them.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Besides I'd rather linger for a bit longer here. Than a swamp near the Masters domain." Rikke smiled kindly as she shook the morning off and drank a bit of the blessed water "What? We don't have any left from Ambers cooking already?" the rogue blinked curiously.

"Well either way. We're not moving onwards until you two make peace." with the problem stated Rikke sat down on a stump and looked to the two "So how are we going to do that. Hum? Surely you two have to have something, that you can agree on." the girl wasn't expecting the answers to really help resolve the situation, but perhaps it would give her some ideas...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet blushed at Rikke's comment about the food. "Sorry Rikke just it was so good and I hadn't had a proper meal in a long time." She looked away embarrised at her action the night before and how she pigged out on the meal. To be faire their wasn't alot of it that had been given. "I still have some of the meat left if you want it but I thought we would save that for lunch." Yenna would look at Rikke and scowel. "Its unnessicary we will both act as professionals when the time comes. Ive no intresting in making friends with cow utters there." Janet's face went a little red but she didn't react other than that. Looking at the two Janet was indeed bigger than Yenna who might have been a B at best, while Janet was mearly a C and tiny compared to Rikke's Dangerous D's.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke and Janet shared simultaneous blink and then looked each to their respected bust. Janet was by no means lacking, the opposite even, but Rikke was just... heck the rogue even forgot how well armed she was in that certain respect! The duo looked to one another then to one anothers busts before finally finishing their confused glances around. Just who was the comment addressed to?

"No~ It IS necessary." Rikke insisted, placing a finger on her lips thinking deeply. It was doubtful Yenna would be as 'nice', if one could call it that, towards Rikke if it was not for their suite duel... maybe.

"How about this. Why don't you two spar." Rikke grinned widely "No weapons and no magic though. Maybe you two fighters just need to rough it out." she'd laugh lightly and smile brightly at the offer.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"A waisted effort we should keep moving." Janet stood up and looked at Yenna before speaking. "For once I agree with Ms Dark and Gloomy over there. Im not sure I want to tire myself out beating the everloving snot out of her." Yenna flapped her wings slightly the sound seeming to dismiss Janet as the fallen angel turned away. Kneeling back down Janet frowned. "How the hell dose she keep getting under my skin. And cow utters seriously... shes just jealous."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke kept her eyes sharp as she listened to both of them "No~ I insist." the rogue rested her cheek on her hand as she smirked wickedly "I'm not asking you to kill or maim each other. Just a clean spar. We have potions and bandages at the ready if either of you go too far. A bit of warm up, is hardly ever a bad thing."

"If you two don't know what the others fighting capabilities are, how will you trust each other if we're in big trouble?" Rikke looked between the two with a confident glint "Now... let's go find you two a decent arena. A bit of stress relief will do everyone good." she'd stand up and look to the replies of her companions.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Its simple Rikke.. I don't trust you or your lacky. Lets finish the mission and go our seperate ways. I would rather not deal with your incent sweet and pointless jabbering." Janet got up and looked at Yenna and unlatched her belt dropping her blade to the ground. In a flash she was tackling Yenna who looked surprised a moment before the impact with the tree knocked her to her sences. Responding quickly she put both hands together and pummeled on Janets back in mighty blows that seemed to ring agianst armor. Unphased by this assult it took Yenna getting her wings into the fight and using the powerful flight muscles to get enough leverage to push Janet off her. Like lighting she reacehd for her blade only to find air. Meanwhile Janet got back up off her butt and tossed the scabbard containing the rapier aside. "You no good whore Im going to kill you with my bare hands." Janet just looked at Yenna and took an unarmed stance spitting out a little blood.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yenna, if you kill anyone you'll fail your mission. It's a spar. Not a duel to the death." Rikke spoke in a sharp tone, her voice carrying a presence Yenna couldn't have even expected from the carefree rogue "Janet, the same goes for you."

Rikke would watch on to the fight sharply, any overly dirty play or hints of excessive dangerous movements would cause the rogue to stop the fight. Be it by shout, interference or if its from Yennas side even use of her bracer. For the time being, the two would have to create a familiarity between themselves through battle.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"One hit is all your gonna get cow!" Making a quick charge at Janet Yenna used her wings to gain a slight hight advantage and roundhoused Janet with her heel snapping Janet around. Still undaunted Janet dug her heel into the dirt and charged Yenna who side stepped the knight once more planting a solid punch to the knights ribs. Clearly Janet was no match for Yenna and if Rikke let this continue it would end poorly.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ofcourse Janet was outmatched, an angel, a well-trained warrior angel at that was hardly a match for a human. No matter how strong. Still as Janets final attack failed and was swiftly countered Yenna would back up to prepare her next flurry giving Rikke a chance to cut the fight. Even if that was not the case the fight would be cut.

"Enough!" Rikke would stand and look to any attacks, intercepting any further dashes would swiftly be caught by the exceptionally fast rouge and grounded. Though if both ceased their attacks, Rikke would throw each one a Health potion "Drink around half, need to conserve them after all." with that the rogue approached her knight and gave her some water "She's strong eh?" with only a single line to Jante, she'd approach Yenna as well "Not bad for a human knight, wouldn't you agree?" Rikke would throw another bottle of water over to Yenna as well as she neared her.

In case of trouble:

Sudden Strike (grapple) on anyone who ignores the command.
If grapple fails vs Yenna, use the Bracer.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Yenna snatched the potion out of the air and set it down. "Humph weakling." Janet scowled at this but took her potion and drank some before Yenna turned back around. "Shes a monster Rikke." Janets voice was hushed but not full of hate or even fear. Taking the water greatfully she drank it down spittingout some blood. from her mouth.
Heading over to Yenna the angel looked at Rikke before speaking. "Shes as tough as any cow would be." It was probably the only near praise the angel would give Janet, and even then it was backhanded. Taking the water Yenna downed it before making a chocking noise. and grabbing her throat and falling to her knees. The holy water poured from the flask as Yenna looked at Rikke shock and fear in her eyes. Rapidly her hand reached for a blade that wasn't near as she fell to her knees convulsing.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"YENNA!" Rikke quickly ran to the angel even if she "Janet! Help!" the rogue would brute force near the angel "SPIT IT OUT YOU IDIOT!" with clear worry the girl called out. Were their water supplies poisoned?! When? How?!

Still with Yenna as she was, the only way to force the water out was likely the Heimlich maneuver! Grabbing Yenna form the back Rikke would do her best, if need be giving Janet with her superior strength the reigns to the act.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Instantly Janet was by her side trying to help but with Yenna convulsing as she was neither could get a good grip on her. After a moment she stopped twitching as Rikke was finally able to get into position to try and force the water out. Still Yenna was still and unmoving. "Rikke look shes still breathing.... shes not dead..... All we can do is wait." Janet tried to set Yenna down to let her rest as Rikke looked to the water. She had filled them herself from the same spring and Janet had drank some yet she was unharmed. Was it completely random could it have been her or even Janet instead of Yenna?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"W-what happened?" Rikke looked to Janet innocently and then checked the flask of water "Was it poisoned over night?" the rogue picked up the placed down healing salve "Help me with this." with Janets help they'd give only the tiniesit drop of the healing liquid to Yenna, being careful it would not be enough for her to choke on it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

This time Janet stopped her. "We should save it till we know what happened. We don't want to waste it. After a short while Yenna's eyes opened though something seemed diffrent. "Where am I... who are you? Where is Faith and Hope?" Yenna put a hand to her head and got to her knees. "I need to find my squad leader. Everything about Yenna seemed diffrent how she spoke and how she moved. Staggering to her feet Rikke saw a few black feathers fall from Yenna's shoulder. "Ugh I feel so diffrent what happened." Yenna stumbled about a little more. While her and Janet looked on confused.
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