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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The room was hardly a cage or a cell, in fact even The Silken princess VIP suites struggled to match the luxurious appartment. Though Rikke knew no matter how elaborate the cage, the need to get out would still burn. "Well there's no rush. Jess, we did it. We won. The master is dead, we can do whatever we want now." Rikke smiled to her lover "Your sisters seem an okay bunch, say good bye to them properly silly." not to mention Rikke needed to talk to Ella about Hope and Faith, if anyone knew at least a starting lead about the angels it was her.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Still Jess pulled Rikke along till finally they stopped at dark oaken door. Reaching out tenitivly Jessica touched the wood only to have it open before her.

"Leaving so soon sister?" Jessica stepped back allowing Amber and Vivi to enter.

"Lizzy would have come but she is napping again." The blonde looked both to Rikke and Joldra. "Such pretties though really Joldra are you trying to hide? I would know your smell in a sea of rotten fish." Sriding up to Joldra the blonde haird girl carresed the succubus's face. Sighing Joldra took on her true form. "Oh much better Vivi is happy your not playing such silly games. Now SIT!" Joldra did so though she fought it. It seemed Vivi had some power over her.

"Vivi dear remember this is Rikke's err mother so to speak be respectful." This cuased the girl to frown but eventually she sighed and Joldra jerked seemingly freed from the bonds. Blush the succubus would look away refusing to look at anyone.

"Amber Im leaving and Im taking Rikke with me. You said I had the right to choose so I am."

This made Amber frown. "At lest stay for dinner Jessica. I know you've felt like a prisoner but with the master banished we won't make you stay... we just want to see you more often....." There seemed to be actual heartfelt emotion coming from Amber. Enough to cause Jessica to hesitate.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The interaction between Joldra and Vivian was nothing short of shocking for the rogue, though she knew to keep such emotions under wrap, this time she almost slipped up. Just what was going on between those two... "She hid under my command Vivi." Rikke smiled taking the responsibility for the failed disguise "Just thought you girls might frown seeing her around."

"And she's not my 'mother' " honestly it was the second time Joldra was called that, if only the Sisters knew who Joldra really was to Rikke. "A menace" would've been one word to use, among others...

"Dinner? Well..." the rogue looked to Jessica for her take on it, atleast via her expression "I see no harm in. Besides maybe we can discuss how we could come visit you girls more often. Maybe some sort of hearthstone or spell, you know." the heroine smiled kindly to the sisters, clearly she was absolutely not against the thought of Jessica visiting.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess seemed frustrated than again she had been held prisoner for three years. Looking to Rikke Jess sighed.

"Fine but keep in mind Rikke has yet to experiance... one of our .. dinners."

"Oh Im sure it will be a treat. Come Vivi we have to set two extra places tonight." Laughing Amber walked off though Vivian lingered a moment smileing at Joldra.

"You have no idea how glad Vivi is to see you Joldra.. Im sure we can begin where we left off no?" With this the flat chested blonded haired succubus walked off.

"By the hells Rikke Im out deal with them on your own." Joldra's voice was shaky.

Jess just looked at Joldra sad a moment before her eyes filled with a stern look. "Ya know its your own, as far as Im concerned you deserved everything you got under his command." With that Jessica walked off back to her room.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled lightly looking to Joldra, well she certainly didn't expect the demoness to be in this position. In a way it was certainly a treat "Oh I'm going to have to interrogate you on what went on between you and Vivi." the heroine smiled widely, though if Joldra seemed in genuine distress the rogue would cut her smile short and look to her seriously "Whats wrong Joldra?"

"And what do you mean 'your sort of dinner', Amber, for how she is, treated me Jan--- Amber, Vivi wait!" with that the rogue quickly dashed after the sisters, if catching up she'd explain the need of a trusty healer for her companion - a slayer of the Master as well.

Though that would ofcourse leave Joldra and Jessica alone to work out their kinks, at least for a brief moment.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Catching up to the succubi was easy enough they hadn't gottone far. As far as dinner Amber would just wink at her and laugh. "You'll see as for your friend.. I think Mary used to be a priestess. She might remember some healing magic Ill ask her about it. Vivi didn't say a word and kept moving past Amber. Heading back to the room Rikke found Joldra asking Jessica to open a portal for her to get out.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

All the strange talk about dinner did raise a few questions to Rikke, but right now she didn't think too deeply about it "Thank you. She's South of the swamp camp in a cave, however I should join her as well. There's a mean anti-demon protection there." the rogue smiled to the girls and nodded firmly as they parted ways. For some reason Amber still left a slightly bitter taste in Rikkes mouth, as well as Vivian being the daughter of the woman the rogue killed... she most certainly didn't feel welcome here.

Still returning to the one room Rikke knew she was welcome she'd find Joldra dicussing her escape. Honestly the heroine never even imagined the demoness so distressed "Joldra... what is it? You're not acting like yourself." the rogue closed the door behind them and sat down next to Jessica looking to the demoness for an explanation.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke if you only knew what I was forced to endure due to my past disgressions. I had to serve a whole year as that bitch's personal slave. After the rebelion I had hopped my loyalty would free me but the master just laughed and left the contract remain. Me a servent of a lesser succbus. Its degrading."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke leaned and placed a finger on her lips, her long legs crossed in a feminine fashion as she thought it over "Well that explains it... So just how far reaching is this contract? Would be trouble to have you chained to servitude, just as you broke away from the master." she'd smile earnestly to the demoness "Tell me exactly what this contract involves. If I'll have to discuss it's elimination I should know the details." her intentions displayed clearly, likely came more than a bit of shock to her nemesis, but the rogue seemed to remain calm and just listened to what the demon had to say.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"She owns me Rikke. I have to obey her orders. All of them as long as they are benign. She can't order me to kill people but she can command me like you saw just now. I know I shouldn't have tried to seduce him."

Jess smirked. "Burned by your own fire humm Joldra. Sounds fitting."

This of course drew a hateful glance from the succubus but little else. "As long as me and her are near each othe rI have to obey her commands some even linguring if she puts a time to them. Its no way to live."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Honestly Joldra deserved every ounce of hate Jess threw at her, however... "Jess, for helping me Joldra was raped, beaten and humiliated by all of the Masters troops. She was left--- I think she's had enough for some time." the rogue smiled empathetically to her lover, hopefully extinguishing the hate she felt for the woman for now.

With that the rogue turned back to the demoness "This is troublesome... I'm not sure you getting away will solve the issues, but at least it should spare you further humiliation. If you get away, will she be able to bring you back at a whim?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"No... she lacks the magic.. Amber or Jessica could do it though."

Jessica blushed from her chastizing by Rikke. "Im sorry Joldra.. I didn't know. Please let me send you away."

"Where would I go...... Ive lost much of my power and I would be easy picking for anything out there. I can't even summon up a pitiful fireball."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked to Jess in thought "Jess, what do you think? We could try hide Joldra in plain sight in your room..." the heroine turned back to the demoness "It's that or stay in the cave with Janet. It's deep winter outside, so traveling alone... in your current attire especially would be suicidal."

"We'll finish our goodbye with the sisters and take you along with us, when we leave." Rikke made her offer to Joldra, though as things were right now, she was hardly in a position to decline. The only question that lingered was - where would it be safe for the demon.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Extreme cold is no bother to a true demon. Its the other concerns. I could drop her in the middle of an artic lake and she would be fine. Im more worried about what she dose if we just send her away."

Jess had a point and while Joldra was currently at the whime of Rikke and the sisters on her own she could still be dangerous.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well we can ask her..." Rikke turned to the demoness with a kind smile "What will you do now, Joldra?" the heroine held her breath looking for any non-vocal communication signs from the demon, would the woman lie, would she still follow her urge of dominance of dark deeds or perhaps the events in the tower left some effect "Be honest, Joldra."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Joldra looked away a clear sign that Rikke's supsicions where correct. "Rikke... for the time and innocence I took from you. I will be honest with you from now on. I cannot be trusted with such freedom."

Jessica frowned and put a hand on Rikke's shoulder. "I don't know what we can do. We will have to take her with us, but Im not sure we will have an answer for her either."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke paused briefly and spoke up "Alright, in exchange for helping you escape or avoid this contract, you'll travel with us, up to until we'll find a way for you to use given freedom in a acceptable manner." the rogues words seemed cold, but her eyes remained ever so warm. Seemingly to spare the demoness from the feeling of others pity and sheer reliance, she'd make the offer more a kin to a deal Joldra had no way to refuse. By such means the rogue clearly wanted to keep the demoness dignity in check, even if all three of them knew the presentation was just a ruse.

With a sly smirk Rikke would add "Do you agree, Joldra?" whatever cheeky or earnest reply Joldra gave the duo would shake on it, before the next step would begin "Alright, Jess. Let's find that healer Amber mentioned. Maybe if we send a healer along with Joldra, the cave won't be so hostile." the rogue turned to Joldra "It's honestly the safest place and you can keep an eye on Janet if anything happens."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

There was a sparkle in Joldra's eyes as Rikke made the offer. "However Joldra." Jess looked at the demon with cold eyes even unearving Rikke slightly. "I know the price of demon packs so it will be made with me." Joldra nodded. "Agreeded?"

Joldra paused a moment before nodding. "It is bound and written on my soul." Rikke felt a spiritual shift in the room but that was it.

"Its done." Heading over to the wall Jess pulled a string which rung a bell in the distance. Soon enough Mary was standing next the door.

"Misterss Jessica how my I serve."

"Mary you are to accompany Joldra to a cave to heal one of my companions. She will act as your body guard. When it is done return here post haste." Jess turned and opened a portal to the caves her face flush. "I-I was watching you sleep shut up"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With Joldra given her task and lead away from Vivian, only the heroine and her lover would remain in the room. Rikkes eyes widened lightly at the words as she giggled playfully at her companions bashfulness, moments before she'd run up back into a hug "I missed you so much, Jess." she'd grin widely, not going for a kiss, but just enjoying the feeling of being held in Jessicas hands again.

"You really have to drop this habbit of getting whisked away, ya know." she'd smiled clearly teasing her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yeah makes it hard to keep you in line. Just look a your cloths. Im I the only tailor in the group." Jess leaned it and kissed Rikke deeply as her little friend found is way up and around Rikke's waist to pull her in deeper. "Breaking away slightly Jessica smiled. "Though it wasn't all lost time." Smiling Jessica steped back her tail tracing along Rikke's leg as it unwound itself. "I learned a few new tricks. All this reading rally paid off." Lifting her hands Jess began to channel magic creating a little light show for Rikke.