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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Willow!!!" Rikke spread her hands only for the no-longer pup to almost knock her down and lick her face clean, even if it was barely a day the malamute was already really missing his master. Before even done with Rikke, Willow ran to Jessica giving her the same treatment before runing back and forth in a zizag about the group happily.

Venise would quickly follow in suit, especially after hearing the story from Sam... to see her mistress here and alright! Rikke would ofcourse return the hug and kiss her lightly on the lips "Missed you, Ven."

Brushing off the snow and Ven being busy with her secondary mistress, Rikke could face Sam as well "Hey, Sam. Miss us?" she'd smile happily... it was a question if Sam knew of the time distortion at all.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"How... did you.... and who are t-they." Sam chocked on his words as soon as he saw Venise and Jessica kiss in a hello. Bending over and grunting Rikke watched as Sam's curse turned him into Samantha. "Aww shucks looks like I'm in charge today Sammy boy." This seemed to peak both Venise's and Jessica's intrest with Jessica moving up to Rikke and resting her head on her shoulder. "My my what an intresting companion." Ven herself moved up to inspect the girl. "Mistress shall we train her?" Samantha raised an eyebrow. "Sorry hun Im not into the whole Mistress thing." This seemed to make Ven pout. Still it didn't last long as she and Willow found Mika. Barking perhapse to excitedly Mika who was amazed at the snow was now trying to climb ontop of Janet to get away from the rather large malmut.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke laughted out lightly "We'll need to train Sam, but to be a bit less exciteable." the rogue smiled teasingly at the genderbender "Otherwise we won't be seeing him around at all."

Rikke leaned her head against Jessicas as well and keeping her voice low added "I do have a knack for it, don't I." she'd wink slyly before stepping closer to Venise "Ven, you still got the hearthstone. We can talk somewhere... a bit warmer..." she'd smile to her.

While Rikke was arranging for their trip away it was up to Janet to calm and introduce Mika to Willow.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Yes Mistress!" Heading over the girl produced the transport stone for Rikke. Janet meanwhile had gotten Mika off her back and close enough to Willow for the girl to stick out her hand. It was immidiatly licked by Willow which caused the wildling to giggle. However Willow was not so kind to Joldra and would growel when ever the two got close to each other. Still if they left it would leave the horse and sled they had borrowed from the Peslies. She could let the horse free to fend for itself but she doubted Brody would be happy about that.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke took the stone in hand and smiled widely, the means to reach the island were here. Though just as she was about to announce their departure a horses grunt caught her attention... ofcourse "Alright, girls. Let's pack it up, we're heading out!"

The rogue hadn't considered it before, but thinking back now... The Peslies had suffered at the hands of the Master, more than anyone she knew. The news of his defeat should certainly first be heard by them!

"m!" Rikke turned to Jessica "Any chance we could get a portal, for cover some distance. This gear is all from Sarah and Emma. Think we should return it to them." then again, just how much room and how far away were they from the Peslie mansion.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess frowned and opened her hands. "Rikke dear... I only have that power in the tower." This brought a sigh from the entire group. Well it seemed a road trip was in order. It would end up being a cozy ride for sure with four extra people. Making setting arrangments was a little tricky but ended up being Janet, Mika, and Willow up front. Rikke, Jessica and Joldra in the middle. Samantha and Ven rode in the back with the gear.

Heading out the over packed sledge made good time mostly and they where soon passed the abandoned camp where Rikke had met the strange woman. Janet remembering the situation kept them going a little longer till night began to fall.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

While fitting in all the extra people was tricky, with a little smart packing and very questionably stable improvisations they were all set! Helping everyone to their places Rikke jumped up to the slightly wavy pile and smiled to her companions "Onwards!" she'd grin widely much to cheer from Mika and a bark from Willow "Hey Mika! Keep your eyes open, there's a bunch of stuff to see on our way." she'd glance to Willow nearby happily wagging his tail "And that's Willow, he's our guardian. He protects us and you from stinky people."

The smile still lingering Rikke turned back to her much more corrupted duo companions, with Joldra still as pretend grumpy as ever. Though likely with the tower moving further and further away, even she had to crack a smile "So how's it feel, finally being out in the fresh air." the heroine smiled widely, the question aimed to both of the recently freed captives.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"The horse stinks." Joldra would crinkle her nose while Jess cracked a smile and pulled down her hood letting the air whip past her locks. "I don't care if the horse stinks its better the demon knight sweat." Samantha leaned over and smiled at them. "Ya got that right."

Willow barked happily as Mika squeeled in Joy seeming to urge Janet faster. Thankfully the knight didn't push the poor exhausted horse to much faster after all it was pulling way more than it ought too. "Where gonna have to stop for the night Rikke. I was hoping to make it to that farmstead but with the extra load it isn't going to happen." Indeed the sun was rapidly setting and the air quickly chilling the question was should they stop in a feild or try to find a slightly better shelter such as a barn or even if they where lucky an abandoned home.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke rolled her eyes in a comedic fashion "Looks like a certain few haven't been out on the poor adventurers road for a bit." she'd give both pampered succubi a smirk "No worries, we'll get you two in shape soon enough." the heroine looked forward to towards Janet, clearly hinting a the other of the 'two'.

Still Sam's comment did catch her interest "Oh really? If I recall correctly, a certain someone was given fresh to Yenna. So~ Unless Sam liked to experiment..." the rogue smiled wickedly at the bender. Still even if it wasn't a catch and Sam elaborated on the misfortune Rikke would have to add to it, absolutely keeping the spirit of the trip high "Oh don't worry, Sam. Pretty sure hum... most of us been caught out in such a situation." she'd smile kindly "Though mine did give me a bath and a fine meal."

" 'kay! Keep your eyes peeled for any place we could crash for the night." riding too deeply into the night, would likely be risky. Especially with the girl not being particulary well equipped with lightning.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well Rikke me and Sam had been held captive for a couple months and trust me when I say this. There are moments I hide from Sam.. for his own sake." Turning back around Samantha looked out of the snow and relaxed. Ven for the most part kept quiet her thougths to herself. Perhapse haveing Joldra around was confusing her but now was hardly the time to discuss it. "Oh how I missed this. The fresh air the sun even the breeze. Its a shame my gear is gone." Joldra looked over at Jessica slightly aghast. "How could anyone enjoy this. Its cold and smelly. Thankfully Im not mortal or I would probably be hungry too." Janet scoffed in the front seat. "Its not that bad. A few days hungry make you apperciate when you have steady meals. Besides its good exercise keeps you fit and healthy."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Couple of months? Rikke listened out to Sam and put her input, still a couple of months? Sam wasn't broken, not even in the slightest... then why did the Sisters keep him for so long. Either way that will have to be discussed with Jessica later, the rogue made her lighthearted input and continued on their journey.

"That and there's one major difference, you're free... well free-ish. Even demons have to appreciate a bit of sun and fresh air." Rikke giggled kindly, until her eyes looked to Ven... the heroine paused briefly recalling earlier events, until she remembered more of who exactly Joldra was...

Venise, Reggie, the whole Black War was partly due to Joldras greed and lust for power. Looking to the demoness, Rikke could only wonder if she had changed even a little bit since then...

"Oh yeah! Janet, you must be starving! Mika too!" thankfully Ven wasn't the nosy type and there didn't seem to be any question how the whole group managed to seem so worn down, from just barely a days worth of adventuring...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Nah we are good. We both ate before your healer showed up. Mika makes a pretty good mushroom soup." Mika clapped excitedly and hugged Janet. This caused Willow to bark however sense he wasn't getting as much attention as he liked. Still as the day grew weaker Janet's eyes wandered more. There I think that old barn is our best hope." Looking over the supposed shelter herself Rikke found a fairly large barn next to a burned out house. Clearly the orc raiders had been here as well. Still the barn looked intact. Stoping a few yards away from the barn itself Janet got out and drew her blade while Sam grabbed a rifle and followed behind. Whether or not Rikke followed they would soon return giving the all clear sign.

Soon enough they had everyone in the barn which was still thankfully full of hay to offer some sort of insilation against the cold as well as some soft sleeping surface. Currently Janet was brushing down the horse showing Mika what exactly she was doing while Joldra sat next a small fire being gloomy. Jessica hadn't let go of Rikke sense they unpacked the sledge and was currently resting her head against her shoulder as they both watched the fire. The only people Rikke didn't see off hand was Ven and Samantha.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke ofcourse joined in on the scouting "Watch so no wolves or desperate bandits run off with our stuff, 'kay?" she looked to the others and with a smile moved onwards. Honestly as they were right now, absolutely nothing even stood a chance against them, leaving Rikke cautious, but not really worried.

The barn was blisffully empty and even more blissfully scent-free, even the hay had remained fairly dry thanks to the surprisingly intact and stable roof "All clear! Come on in!" the rogue called out to her company and sheathed beauty opening the doors wide.

Soon enough they even had a small fireplace going, with Jessica resting against Rikke and Joldra seemingly turning even more distant than before. Everyone was here... except... the rogue looked around both ways "Where are those t--" Rikkes ears perked at a certain thought... Ven was not one to say no and Sam was... well.

"I better find those two, it's still unknown grounds." she'd give Jess a gentle kiss on her cheek and go out looking for the duo. Remaining silent while she did so though...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed Rikke's thoughts where correct and it didn't take long to find her two copanions. Thankfully they had picked a spot well out of sight. And even luckier for Rikke she could hide with out being seen by them or the others at the fire. Watching Rikke felt her own nipples stiffen as the two woman both naked enjoyed each other. Same was currently eating Ven out while the servent girl bit on her hand to keep her moans silenced. Bother where naked and their bodies steamed in the cool air. The gentil licking sound echoed enough for Rikke to hear as her eyes took on a slight purplish glow. She could see the sweat from earlier efforts on Sam's back as it slowly trickled down to a well shapped ass. Both girls where near perfect. Ven her body molded by a succubus had flawless skin and perfect C cup tits that swayed gently from her own movments as Sam licked her sex. Sam meanwhile had tanned skin from his err her time adventuring. While it wasn't flawless it had a certain rugged quality about it. Looking at Sam some more Rikks saw the woman teaseing her self as she pleasured Ven.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke could only smile at the find 'Oh Sam...' she'd think to herself and snicker in her thoughts, this was clearly her initiative. Still the sight was nothing, if not wonderous, if a dash arousing. Keeping her arousal down, Rikke considered stopping the two, but after looking around their surroundings stopping herself from it.

Still she'd not leave quite yet, this was getting interesting...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke watched her own arousal growing but not out of hand. For awhile Sam and Ven kept this position both enjoying their efforts but eventually Sam stopped as her sex quivered coating her hands in its fem juices. Smiling she moved up and kissed Ven while she slider her soaked fingers into Rikke's servent girl. This caused Ven's eyes to shoot open as she brought her hands around to pull Samantha into a deep kiss. Breaking the kiss Rikke saw the saliva droup between them as they both panted. Ven was soon to follow Samanthat as her own body tensed under the girls apparently skilled finger play. Panting they both held each other a moment longer.

Pushing Sam away Ven reached around a hay bale and pulled out a familar phalis and strapped it around her waist. Grinning she pulled Sam down on the dildo letting the other girl lube the fake cock with her mouth. This brought her ass up for Rikke to see the girls stll damp sex flush with arousal.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The moment Ven pulled out the strap-on Rikkes interest peaked, ever subtly, perhaps even subconsciously the rogue bit down on her lower lips as her servant girl got in position... before she turned away. Taking a deep a breath she'd stand and silently skulk away. Those two and Sam especially could use some rest and relaxation... in private.

Still with those two safe, unless something of note happened Rikke would return back to the barn. Heck she was still ever so lightly swamped from Jess's dinner not too long ago.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Everything okay Rikke?" Jess looked up as her lover returned. Giving what answer she wold Joldra would simply scoff. "They are having sex Jessica. Im surprised you can't smell it." Jess blushed hinting to Rikke that she probably did know but let it slide. Meanwhile Mika and Janet got back and sat next to the fire. "I think well make it to the homestead by afternoon. Do you want to stop or try to press on to the Peslies Rikke?"
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would of course answer truthfully, heck she didn't even need to with Joldra interruption "Oh big deal, you'd think you haven't lived among succubi, Joldra." the rogue gave her a sly smirk would join the rest by the fire.

"I'm not sure. The winter nights are dark and it's a bit cloudy tonight. Maybe it's best we rest for the night and move onwards at dawn." Rikke gave Janet a kind smile "Best not to ride off to a ditch by accident."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet would stick out her tongue at Rikke. "I was talking about morning silly. Whats on your mind perv." Janet winked at Rikke before pulling a blanket around her and Mika. Joldra just sighed and sat alone looking at the fire. It was almost strange seeing her like this. Her memories of their encounters seemed to indicate more power than what she felt fromthe succubi right now. Maybe her time under the not so tender care of the Master had robbed her of much her power. If so she was far more vunrable than she was letting on. It wast of course all speculation.