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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Whats on my mind? Since when is spending the night a pervy discussion, perv." Rikke smiled teasingly at her knight. While Janet seemed to be about set to hit the hay, Rikke was certainly not. Someone had to do sentry duty, but out of everyone Janet certainly could use the rest.

The rogue would lean closer to Jessicas ear and whisper "I'll go check whats with grumpy over there, alright?" with a kind smile Rikke got up and sat down closer to Joldra, remaining silent for a brief moment after the demoness saw her.

"For someone finally freed from the Masters grasp, you don't look all that happy." she'd speak casually with the demoness "Whats wrong?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Joldra sat not moving once Rikke joined. She did how ever take a glance at the rogue before looking all mopey again. "Whats wrong? I've had all my power taken from me. Then untop of that I had to turn to my enemy to save my pretty ass. Which only made it worse sence I got caught and abused by lesser demons untill I almost died. My life as I knew is ruined and even if I can start fresh in Archon there is no quarentee that I will be safe there either. So yay am I free..." Joldra scowled and turned away from Rikke to look off in the distance.

Meanwhile Janet and Mika had snuggled together for warmth and the duo seemed to fall into a deep sleep. Other than that Jess had made a soft bed for the two of them and was currently trying to get Willow off her spot. A moment later Ven and Samantha game from around the corner flush and giggling.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I won't speak as if I truly know your whole story, Joldra. I won't act like I do... but... what sort of life was it? Just focusing on a creating a new vessel, then enslavement to another demon." Rikke smiled lightly "I'm not sure what sort of powers you had, but if you really did lose them... then it's fitting."

Rikke gave her a far sharper gaze "I haven't forgotten. Every time I look at Venise, I remember the dark deeds you've done. Maybe this, here and now, is a way of atonement for you." the rogue kept her eyes on the demoness "You may not be the impossing demon you once were, but that doesn't mean the end."

"I like to think of everything as a new beginning. You're free to mope and mourn the dark being you once were, just as you're free to move away from your past to create a new future." Rikke sighed lightly "I may still keep you in check to some degree, but as things are... you kinda need someone to help you on your feet." she'd giggled lightly "Besides, is there anyone else you'd rather be than me."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It was never about being you Rikke. It was about power and I failed. I sacrificed so much for it that and now Im nothing." Joldra looked at Rikke almost as if she wanted to say more but something held her back and she looked away. It was hard to tell was it remorse or regret? The rogue couldn't tell but it was up to her if she wanted to pry.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Or was it neither? There was only one way to find out. Rikke glanced to demoness and then away as well "Well someones sitting next to me." she'd smile to herself, not quite meeting Joldra eyes yet "Why did you seek all that power?" the rogue turned to the demoness casually.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Joldra hrumphed a little. "Why dose one seek gold or riches? Power is everything to a demon. Power is the only thing that can keep you safe. Seperates you from slave or servent. I do not want to be a slave or a servent I want my own slaves my own servents. I want power to keep me safe and comfortable." Joldra turned her eyes to Rikke. "Eternity is a long time to be a slave."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Master or slave. In the demon world you're one or the other?" Rikke thought briefly "Well why just not return to that. You've lived a long life, surely you have some skills, some other interests." she'd smile to Joldra "If you have no riches and no power, then why even try to return."

"Those that are weak bond together to grow strong, you won't have servants, but you may have friends. You may not rule, but you might have bonds." Rikke looked to the fire "An eternity in solitude sounds just as bad."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Friends are a weakness. Something that can be used against you at best or turn against you at worst. Besides no one here would want to be my friend and Im not sure I would make a very good one anyway. I cannot be trusted Rikke remember that. Especially after what I tried to do to you and what I did to DeGravel." Joldra looked over at the now woman. "Though maybe that was for the best. At lest in his case. Besides the most I can do now is turn tricks for Denari all my magic is gone."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"It's the truth." Rikke would be blunt about this matter "You've done horrid things, Joldra. To most of us here, some more directly than others... but people may remember, but they also forgive." the rogue tapped the demoness on her thigh to catch her attention "Good will can be earned, if you're earnest in your efforts to gain it." Rikke smiled kindly to her "And you won't even need your powers to earn it."

"Hum~ you're speaking exactly like Yenna you know." the rogue smiled nostalgically "She'd always be rude and spit at any talks of friendship or bonds... But in the end, whether she liked it or not, she earned at least 3 friends. In her--... she wasn't alone, when it all ended." Rikke glanced to Joldra once more "Sometimes stepping over yourself might be worth it."

With that Rikke would look to stand and leave the demoness with her thoughts "But whatever happens, I won't let anyone here be chained. No matter what, not if i can help it."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Joldra kept silent on the mater her thoughts to herself. It would be hard to tell if she got threw to the demon but she had at lest made the attempt. Still it seemed Joldra was not going to offer anything else up. Looking about her little camp Rikke cracked a smile it was an intresting sight. Jess still struggled with Willow but the two seemed to be playing mroe than anything else. Janet and Mika where fast asleep the wildlings spores causing the blanket to shimmer slightly. The horse snorted as it came close to the fire to share some of the warmth. This of course caused Joldra's nose to wrinkle. Ven and Samantha seemed to cuddle next to each other and Rikke swore she spotted Samantha's hand teasing her servent girl under the blanket. Yep it looked like the first watch was all hers unless she passed it off on Joldra.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would snicker to herself and approach Jess and Willow fighting for the spot, the heroine would silently approach and... "Who's being a naughty pup!" the girl knelt down near the two, quickly catching Willow and ruffling his collar up to his snout, before giving the malamutes nose a light kiss.

Grinning widely Rikke turned to Jessica "I'll take the first watch, do your best trying to get this fella to free up my spot, 'kay?" she'd wink slyly and climb up the barn to take a better vantage spot. If the Barn didn't have a upper floor, she might as well go outside and look around. Above all things, Rikke was certainly not feeling sleepy yet.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Nodding Jess looked at Willow with a stern glance. "Ya hear that Willow stop being naughty." Of course Willow didn't take Jess seriously and continued to roll aorund in the hay. Indeed the barn had an upper level and climbing it Rikke found an old pully system and a window. This let Rikke gaze out onto one side of the feild but left the other a mystery. Still it was a pretty sight. Snow sparkeled in the moonlight the only diturbance in the gleaming crust was their trail down the road. Still from this vantage point anyone who approached her would be spotted.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well there didn't seem to be any wind outside and the cold was absolutely nullified by the magical amulet... Rikke approached the pulley and looked up, judging if she could use it to get to the roof. Unfortunately with the roofs state, it was best to leave as it was...

Sighing sadly, Rikke would just relax and gaze to the nearby woods and the clear winter sky above. She had always had some sort of trouble, or questions to consider during these moments of silent solitude, but as things were right now... she was care and worry free. That very thought brought a smile to the girls face as she just relaxed.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Everything seemed perfect. No worries troubled her mind and for once all her companions where safe. No one needed rescuing and she doubted they would be in much danger no that the master had been delt with. Still even with the magic enchantment Rikke still felt cool and while she could handle it for some time the artifical heat just wasn't the same as the fire. Taking one last look over the peacful scene Rikke caught movement at the far end of the field. As sharp as her eyes where it was hard to tell what it was. What she could make out was that it was a lone figure and it wasn't leaving tracks in the snow.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Who would dare risk a trip in this cold? Rikke quickly neared the window and leaned closer doing her best to make out the figure and it's direction. A single entity was of no danger to the group, but if it was some unfortunate traveler they'd surely die!... then again ti could just as much be a wolf or one of the darker creatures of the forest.

Atleast thats what she though until slowly, but surely Rikke began to notice that behind the figure there was the smooth field, undisturbed. Either her eyes were playing tricks on her or indeed the figure was... floating?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Following the figure which seemed to be in no rush Rikke noticed it stop when it found the sled marks in the snow. For a moment the figure stood still and looked to the barn. A sense of dread seemed to fill Rikke as the humanoid figure seemed to look up right at her. Suddenly with great speed the figure went down the road following the tracks in the snow. As it got closer Rikke could make out a woman with skin as white as the snow around her. Hair as black as night drapped her body and she wore a torn and fadded light blue dress. It was the strange woman from before.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The moment the figure rushed forward and towards them was the moment Rikke quickly dashed away from the window and down to the main floor. Running towards the barn entrance Rikke unsheathed her blade and hit one of the rusty horse drinking buckets.

Without a word, Rikke would exit outside to confront whoever wandered past their little haven. Hopefully it was not hostile, but being ever so cautious Rikke would keep a firm grip on her blade.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Clearing the upperfloor with acrobatic ease Rikke landed with her blade in hand. At first it seemed everything was normal untill she caught Willow hiding under some hay with hs tail between his legs. Next glance was given to the horse where Jessica was trying to keep it calm as it danced about agitated. This left only Joldra and Sam who followed Rikke to the door. Before Rikke had the chance to open it she saw frost froming along the inside of it. "Come out come out who ever you are~" Joldra and Sam both steppe dback as the frost on the door spread rapidly. Leaving only Rikke standing as the other two began to shiver and retreat from the door. Opening it Rikke's hand burnd slightly from the cold with her amulet failing to sheild her from the bitter chill of the handle. The cold stinging only got worse as her enchanted blade began to frost up on her as well. Teeth chattering Rikke gazed at the woman's seeminly frosted blue eyes. Thin blue lips formed a smile as her black hair seemed to spill from around her shoulder to cover up a pink nipple of her large bust. "Oh... its you... I was hopeing for a foolish man....."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke took a step back from the frost queen, she was certainly absolutely chilled, but kept a brave stance "Do I know you?" the rogue spoke up, only barely recalling a similar encounter in the cold... way before she entered the tower.

Though the man comment didn't fall on deaf ears as well, the rogue gave a very brief glance to Sam, before returning her gaze to the creature before her.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh to be forgotten so easily." A slight anger flared in the woman's eyes but it quickly passed. "I will forgive you tonight as our first meeting was less than stellar. I hardly make the right presence when Im hungry." Rikke's hand was starting to go numb and her less than warm armor started to frost slightly. "My your a pretty one....." A hand came up to graze Rikke's cheek if she let it.