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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

For all Rikke knew the touch could be lethal, with the hand nearing Rikke leaned out and took another step back "We're just here to spend the night and we'll move on. We mean no harm..." the rogue kept a defiant and stern gaze at the woman "Do you?" even if her hands utterly stung from the cold steel she'd still hold her blade for as long as she could. This seemed like a far too supreme of an enemy to disarm yourself to.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

For a moment Rikke saw a glint of dispare enter those eyes as she backed away. But soon they returned to their fridged state. "Mhmmm a warm bed for the night..." The woman if thats what she was reflected slightly before turningback to Rikke. "I wish you no harm.. I don't hurt woman. I am just looking for a companion for the night and a meal and sadly you can offer neither. Though I could always use such pretty ice sculptures in my garden." Turning away the woman walked away from Rikke heading off in a northern direction.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Hearing the words Rikke would look to her briefly, before quickly sheathing her blade. Still, if Sam wasn't Samantha, they could be in fairly great danger. While the veiled threat didn't go unnotice Rikke would call out to her once, before leaving her be... "Hey, what do they call you?"
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The icy woman stopped. "I don't remember...... Lumi I think." Behind her Rikke heard Sam gasp. Turning again she headed out and was gone from sight in an instant a flurry of snow hiding her departure. Heading back in Rikke found everyone gathered around the much larger fire. "I-I thought it was a made up tale....." Samantha shivered despite having a blanket wrapped around her. "Lumi Talvi.. that poor woman... she really did become a monster."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With the stranger gone, Rikke visibly relaxed, even a small smile appearing on her face. For how safe she felt her whole company was, that thing certainly gave her the chills.

Rikke would close the barn door and join the group at the fire, though the name seemed to get a significantly stronger reaction from Sam than anyone else in the group "Sam?" she'd sit down clearly concerned "Who was that?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"A monster from a childhood tale or so I thought. Many years ago when my grandpa's grandpa was just a babe their was a sorceress who traveled from town to town healing the sick and helping the people. Her mercy was given freely to anyone in need. For the most part many let her pass unharmed letting all benefit from her gifts. It was said however that a bandit lord desired her to be his queen and she refused his advances far to often. Vowing revenge for his damaged pride he sent his most vile men after her. She fled of course but it was to no avail despite her magics and experience the men caught her. It was the dead of winter much like tonight they rapped her and beat her and rapped her some more before discarding her to die in the snow. She however did not simply die. I heard a daemon of the winter took pity on her and gave her new life to avenge herself. She was reborn as deadly as the winter as cold as ice seeking only vengeance for her loss. Of course Daemons are cruel creatures while the gift he gave to the mage allowed her to be reborn it also robbed her of who she sought revenge against. So now she travels the snowy wastes looking for vengeance against a long dead foe that she cannot remember."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"So she hunts down any males she encounters..." Rikke rubbed her shoulders from the chilling story "Sure glad Ven's been keeping you active." she'd smile lightly "Lets just hope she won't get into the habbit of checking back here." the rogue extended her hand towards the flame to heat it up "That cold was... unnatural."

Still if everything had settled down, Rikke had enough excitement for the night. Glancing to her spot, she'd turn to Joldra with a smile "Mind keeping watch for any icy revenants for a bit?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Joldra paled a little but nodded. Janet and Mika however where still out having missed the encounter with the ice woman. Jess meanwhile was busy petting an obviously shaking Willow who wined ever so slightly. Ven mean while looked sad. "Such a shame her story is relly realy sad." Sam just shuddered some more perhapse a lttle more thankful for her current state.

Howver despite the chilling encounter the morning came unhindered and soon the team was packed up again. "So we should reach that farmstead by late morning Rikke do you want to stop or should we keep going on to the Peslies? Also want to change up the seating arrangments at all?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Thankfully Joldra agreed to keep watch while Rikke slept. Morning came without any incident, the rogue lazily yawned and smiled to the bustle and hustle all around. Joldra was awake as well, leaving it unclear whether she kept watch over the party throughout the night or changed shifts... still it was time to move onwards.

As Rikke pushed the barn doors apart, she couldn't help, but note the chilling trails the stranger left... That touch on her cheek... looking to the snowy fields, the rogue couldn't help, but think about the wandering dark stranger.

Still Janets voice soon brought her back to the present "m? Oh I dunno. It's fine to me either way." she'd look through the group "If someone has poor seating shoutout now!" honestly the sled wasn't too large, so they pretty much traveled all together.

Unless someone wanted a seating change, Rikke wouldn't object to any changes and soon enough the group was off! "Let's press onwards to the Peslies. I'd rather not stay in the cold for much longer... besides I bet they can't wait for the news we'll bring." the heroine grinned widely and with Janets cry to the horses the carriage was once again enroute!

With the farm slowly disappearing behind the trees Rikke very quickly got back to mischief "So~... where were you two off to last night." she'd lie down on their traveling items and face the back-riders, a cat like smirk on her face.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looking back Rikke met Sam not Samantha much to Ven's apparent disaproval. "What are you talking about Rikke? I just remember sitting next to the fire and talking with Ven a little before I got sleepy." Ven frowned and refused to look at Samuel. "Whats going on did I do something wrong... damn it Samantha what did she do..." This brought a light hit from Ven. "Be nice I like her. Stupid boy." This brought a scowel from Samuel as he turned away from Ven and looked out over the fields. "Mika saw Sam and Ven kiss funny!" This brought a responce from Janet almost immididatly. "Mika its not nice to watch people's private moments okay." Mika of course pouted but the whole conversation brought a chuckle from Jess and even a slight smile from Joldra.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh.. welcome back, Sam." Rikke giggled lightly "Sure haven't seen you in a while." she'd look to him curiously "Wait... you don't remember anything that happens, while you're Samantha?" it was a curious question, if it proved true... boy did he likely have a lot of questions.

Another curious case was Mika, due to how she reproduces, it was a question what she made of all the likely sights or hints she caught "Hum~ Does mika watch in secret often?" Rikke rolled on her back and looked to the front of the carriage, thankfully the winter clothes protecting Sam from the exceptional pose beneath the robes.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Only things she dosn't want me to I guess. I'm not sure about it. I do have this large blank moments it seems." Sam frowned and looked away again. Mika nodded a little to enthusatically. "Mika what did I tell you thats rude." Mika frowned but giggle slightly.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was about to ask what the wildling saw, but stopped herself... as much as she loved embarassing secrets, sometimes it was best not to pry "Well a little curiousity is always healthy." the heroine smiled sheepishly, most definedly not innocent in the matter, at all.

The group still had a hefty trip ahead of them, even if it was a bit crampy Rikke did managed to get semi-comfortable lie down and look up to the sky as they traveled "Hey Jan, any clue where we are right now?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh I would say between here and nowhere." Rikke couldn't see it but she knew her knight smirked. Meanwhile Jess and Mika where in a round of patty cake which drew the attention of Willow who barked everyonce in a while. Looking over Joldra seemed to have dozed off the demoness having her head leaning against a stack of blankets. Oddly enough this position made her seem familar somehow. Almost as if Joldra smiled with her eyes open would make a near pefect copy of a distant memory. Of course it was vague and Rikke couldn't recall exactly what it was but it felt so close at that moment. "UnghoOOoooh. Ven your sow naughty." Looking over Rikke saw a rather sleepy looking Samantha and a smirking Ven with a little bit of cum on her lips. "I like you better than that stupid boy."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smirked back at Janet, though unfortunately she didn't have anything soft of fuzzy enough to throw at the cheeky driver. Otherwise it was just a calm and relaxing trip, thankfully with the strangers departure the wind and the sheer chill had died down. Couple with her amulets provided warmth the weather was as good as it could be!

Though while lazily looking around, the sight of Joldra resting especially caught Rikkes eyes. The rogue looked to the demoness nap, which quickly brought a kind smile to her face, looked like she had indeed stayed up the whole night to keep watch... either that or the exhaustion of the journey finally caught up to her. Still looking to her peacefully, nap there was a sort of familiarity about the demoness... Rikke concentrated to the sight more and more, before sudden cry from nearby broke her gaze.

Curiously looking to the source, she'd note Ven having a fairly proud smirk on her face and some... sticky... white... Rikke blinked and noted the voice was Samantha?! The sudden realisation even causing Rikke to flip over back into a front-liedown "Wha..." glancing around with everyone busy Rikke was free to investigate.

Shuffling closer she'd quickly be certain of it "How?" Rikke almost laughted out at the feat "Ven, did you just... blow Sam?" she'd smile casually "I wasn't sure that was possible without arousal.."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ven shruged "The stupid boy had a stiffy so I took care of it for him. He must have been asleep." Ven licked the remaining spunk of her cheek. Smiling Ven cuddled next to Samantha who while slightly shocked returned the warm hug. This of couse left all sorts of questions. Did sam only change when we was aware of his arousal? Did that mean it was all in his head? If so with the proper effort he could likely control his changes. "Mistress can I keep her?" Samatha chuckled slightly. "Ven dear we hardly know each other."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke snickered at the comment "Hum~ Maybe, if Sam agrees to it." she'd grin at the bender casually, clearly not taking the topic seriously at all "But this IS interesting." Rikke licked her lips with great satisfaction at learning something new "Samantha, Sam was asleep right? I mean you probably see everything he does... unlike you, who likes to keep a few interesting things to yourself." she'd smirk at the perverted girl.

Still gaining her answer Rikke would take note of every detail, before returning proper to her seat. Giving Joldra one more kind smile she'd go to join Jess and the others near the front. Though her arrival would come with a hefty goose on Jessica a quick kiss on her lovers cheek from behind, before sitting nearby.

Besides that, atleast until Joldra woke up. The group would continue onwards, playing games or sharing stories as they saw fit... likely very much to Mikas interest.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hummm? Oh when hes asleep so am I. Though sometimes we dream with both of us in it. I think thats why he gets... these little surprises." Sam blushed and Ven giggled. Turning her attention to Jess Rikke goosed her lover and kissed her reveiceing a kiss in kind and causing Mika to giggle and Willow to bark and Join in licking both Jess and Rikke. Still with a careful on the go reaarangment Rike was soon sitting between Janet and Jess as the group moved on. Mika had moved back with Willow and was more than likly spying on Ven and Sam.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would only glance back to see what the wildling was up to, before looking to her knight duo "That girl is going to pick up horrible habbits..." she'd snicker lightly "I could~ ask those two to cut it out, but after a certain someones disappearance, I haven't been giving Ven as much attention as I should." the heroine smiled innocently "Besides a little consensual activity will do Sam good as well."

With her new position Rikke could see directly infront of them, looking about for any notable buildings or landscapes. Thankfully the trip seemed to be all too peaceful...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Surprisingly Mika was staring at Joldra. She looked confused as she gazed at the woman almost as if she wasn't able to make up her mind about her. Still it was all for not as Willow the brave if foolish pup began to crawl his was to the succubus. Rikke of course could stop him if she wanted before Joldra got an intresting wake up kiss from her beloved pet. Either way the road ahead was indeed clear and soon enough a familar farm came into view. Rikke could see the family she had sheltered with for the night out tending to their cows. This had been her first encounter with Yenna.. on that very roof. The two had crossed words but not yet swords. It seemed almost an age ago...