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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As the mishap happened Rikke raised her eyebrows in light shock, before giggling keeping one hand over her mouth in a lovely fashion. Still the moment Mary went to fix the shirt, the rogue swiftly, if gently took Marys hands and laced her fingers with the girl, moving them aside "Well~ If you insist, but I'm not going down there with an olden time shirt worn plainly like that." she'd keep a smile and a much closer lean to Mary, the rogues purple eyes clearly not accepting any objections.

Soon after Rikke let Marys hands go and allow her to look for some pants, meanwhile the rogue made the spun top cover her slightly more, denying much if any view of her D's, while keeping her waist in full glorious view "Hum.. we really should've started with that. Let me try them on." while it was a tight squeeze, the jeans if a bit a bit tight fit fairly well... even if the heroines ass was greatly was absolutely highlighted by the denim "Your Ma is going to kill me." she'd laugh out lightly, still after a bit of stretching the pants were a pretty cozy fit.

"Whatcha think? Worthy of the farm?" Rikke would spin around showing off the temporal attire. In full honesty, while the clothes fit absolutely beautifully, Rikke seemed almost more a kin to a stripper or a very promiscuous girl than anything else... still it couldn't be helped.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Sweet heavens hun. Ma is not going to like this." She shook her head and laughed. "Well it be your butt she be spanking not mine. See ya down stairs. It looks great by the way." Mary would wink before heading out leaving Rikke in the very pink girly room. Heading out of the room Rikke first ran into Janet who snirked at the attire. Before letting her pass. The next person she ran into was Sam who looked at Rikke and quickly looked away trying to focus on something else. Unfortantly the next person she ran into was the matron of the house hold. "Heavens mercys child that is not proper attire!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I'm sure it'll be fine~" Rikke giggled lightly "Let's go downstairs." this time Mary went out first while the rogue lingered looking over herself in the mirror. It was a bit much, but why not have fun! With a beaming smile on her face, she'd leave to follow Mary to the dinning room.

As she was making her way, finally the house was a buzz with life. In fact it barely took any time for her to run into Janet "Hey Jan!" the knight even blinked at the sight and looked over the cowgirl-ish rogue "R-Rikke?" a sly smirk would spread across her face "Wearing that in such a house?" "It's just clothes. Right?" the rogue smiled innocently, much to a light shake of Janets head "Alright, I was just looking for you anyway. The meal's ready."

Continuing onwards, they'd quickly run into Sam, thankfully still in his male form "Janet, where's Rik---" the poor man almost hiccuped at the sight, only for Rikke to lean forward slightly with a silent gleeful smile. Clearly showing off the outfit on purpose at the 'best' angle for Sam. The man almost reacted in an unknown manner, before quickly turning aside... only to trip to a small flight of stairs! "Eep! Sam are you--"

"Heavens mecy child! That is not proper attire!" right from nearby a familair voice rang out... Rikkes mood slightly gloomed as she sighed and turned to the woman keeping a friendly smile "But it's all I have for now." she'd attempt to give her excuse, only to meet an iron gaze... This woman was most certainly related to Genna... no question about it.

"Fine..." Rikke would untie the top and even it out, actually turning the outfit from overbearing sexy to cute... sexy "Honestly, we have children in this house." the woman lightly huffed, but was seemed pleased with the change. Still NOW Rikke could finally make to the festivities and see what was in store for them now.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

After getting more presentable with both Janet Mary and Sam laughing at her after the exhange Rikke found herself pulled into a large dinning room. Two tables had been placed end to end to make once large table its worn surface covered by two seperate colorful table sheets. As Rikke sat she was joined by Jess on her right and Mary on her left. Sam unfortanatly had been forced between Janet and Ven and the poor man looked very very nervious. No doubt with goodreason as both Ven and Janet seemed to have a twinkle of mischife in there eyes. Joldra was no where to be seen and if anyone asked she would be told that she decided to eat alone outside. This didn't sit well with the Matron of the house but much to everyone's surprise the older woman allowed it. Mika seemed religated to the far end of the table with the rest of the children.

Before long two hefty pots of steaming soup where brought in and sat on the table. Both smelled divine as the hint of vegitables and spices wafted from the steaming contents. These where soon followed by a tray of freshly baked biscits with honey and butter on the side.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The giggles from the trio did bring a light pouty face to the rogue, honestly this was why she valued her freedom and independance, no rules, no regulations... except her own. Either way, she was a guest so this time she'd suck it up and just go join everyone at the table.

Looking at the seating Rikke was pretty happy with her position and it was doubtful either of the duo aiming at Sam would act at the table. Whatever soap was served Rikke would be fine with it, heck she was in no position to argue... however "Excuse me a moment." the rogue quickly got up and left directly to find Joldra, not really mentioning to anyone.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess watched her go and nodded at her before getting into a coversation with one of Mary's Sisters inlaw. Heading out Rikke spotted the former succubus noble sitting out on the sled. Her skin was a pale peach against the snow as she looked at a bright red apple. Her auburn locks cascaded down covering her large chest as her blue eyes seemed to stare threw fruit in her hand. It was only then did Rikke realise that Joldra was near naked.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would smile with some relief seeing the demoness and approach her "Hey." she'd pause looking over "Whatcha doing outside and barely dressed humm?" it was doubtful Joldra would stand right up and follow Rikke, thus the rogue would sit down next to her "Everyones inside you know."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I know thats why Im out here. It was getting to be a little much. Besides that Ive always loved the fresh air against my skin." Taking the apple Joldra bit into it the juinces running down her mouth and dripping on her large bust. Swallowing she spoke. "You should get back inside before you draw attention to my.... situation." Joldra would take another bite of the apple the snap of the fruit clear in the crisp air. Once more Joldra's pose as she ate her apple ticked the back of Rikke's mind almost scratching at long buried memories.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Not without you." the rogue leaned closer and smiled kindly "If you're going to get back into society, you might as well get used to being around people, right?" the heroine snickered lightly "There's more to people than servants or masters, there's friends, relatives, family."

Rikke glanced over Joldra "I can get you some clothes, they're not much for a fit, but should do fine." she'd look to lead Joldra to Mary's room. Afterall the girl definedly had more than a few shirts... Rikke would just have to send some over from the Peslies as compensation.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I bet you where pushed in when someone tried to teach you to swim." Joldra cracked a smile. "I however need to chose these interaction on my terms and at my own pace Rikke." She frowned darkly a moment before pulling up her dress and coat. "Ill be fine run along." Clearly Joldra was not ready yet. Though she did mention it was proving a bit much. So maybe she had tried while Rikke and the other where working. "Rikke! hurry up I can't keep these boys away from your biscuts forever!"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke glanced to the voice and then to Joldra. The heroine would suddenly take the demoness hand and smile "To be completely honest, even I'm a bit frightened off by the sheer number of people in there." she'd giggle in a kind fashion "It's alright, just don't be discouraged by failure. Even failing, you learn and experience something. It's worth the effort to see what happens if you do something else..."

Standing up the rogue winked slyly to Joldra "I'm sure a bit of my natural curiousity rubbed off on you. Just relax for now, we'll be either heading out or spreading out to the rooms soon." with that Rikke give the demoness one more smile and proceed to save her biscuits.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

With that Rikke left Joldra to herself and proceeded back inside. There she found Mary armed with a woodenspoon eyeing her brothers, one of which held his hand gingerly. Everyone seemed to be chuckling at the situation though and Rikke got several hello's as she took her spot at the table. Soon enough warm vegitible and bufflo soup was laddled into her bowl framed by two golden yello biscuits. The coversation of light harded with all involved getting a chuckle or two. However a grand father clock in thenext room chimed twice causing the family to settle down and start the clean up. Rikke and crew helped where they could but the family made sure that the guests where treated as such and she soon found herself in the sitting room looking out the window at the Auburned haired succubus sitting alone on the sled. She was about to get up when Mary moved into view with a steaming cup and haned it over to the succubus who just looked at her a moment. Undaunted Mary got up and sat next to Joldra and began to talk with the succubus apparently telling a grand story of some such. Joldra for her part tried to ignore the woman but alone with out other distractions she was forced to listen.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The meal was absolutely divine, be it thanks to the chefs or Rikke not enjoying simple farm-cooked meals in far too long. While the meal went through without much incident, the longer it lasted the more Rikke felt the need to step-up the festivities to a full party... but every time she considered it, the joyous laughter of the numerous children caught her attention. Gods, after her victory in the tower, what wouldn't she do for a bit dancing, singing... maybe a dash of booze for the boys. The rogue paused briefly as an idea donned in her mind... an idea she might enact a bit later. Still calming down, the heroine just embraced the simple and peaceful dinner and joined in some shenanigans, as well as almost getting caught in a food fight with spoon catapults with a few of the kids.

Seeing Marys act of kindess, Rikke could only smile tenderly at the sight, hopefully Joldra would not refuse company... but the heroine couldn't force the demoness to do anything she didn't want to. Either way, the rogue wouldn't rob Joldra of this chance of outside interaction... still that meant that she herself needed to do something.

Licking her lips light, the rogue would soon place her finger on them and considered her options. Where was everyone right now? Her company and the farmers.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The easist to spot was Mary and Joldra the two had hardly moved from their spot on the sled. No doubt Joldra was getting an ear full. Mika had once more headed off with Willow to play with the kids. This left Ma and Pa in the sitting room with Rikke and Sam. Venise and Janet where helping the other woman with chores while Jessica had taken a walk. Aaron the yougest brother sat in the kitchen whittling away while his older brother no doubt got back to work.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke smiled silently to herself, if they weren't going to have a party with the whole family. Who's to say, Rikke and few others couldn't arrange a grown-up party of their own. Her eyes would shine her mischievious light purple as she considered what they could... ofcourse all the brothers would have to attend, Mary would also have to be a must.

Still as she considered it, 3 rings would ringout from the grandmaster clock nearby. Rikke blinked at the clock stopping at 3... it was only mid-day? Her spirits lightly the pervish thoughts would subside for now, it was far too early for such things.... and if it truly was this early, they should be able to continue onwards after their aiding clean up the mess they left.

The girl crossed her hands and puffed some of her hair up, ugh... well that plan was a bust. Not to mention she didn't really have anything to do now.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Indeed there was little to do other than help clean up and even then with the extra hands that was soon done and Rikke would have to make a choice. They could get back on the road and likely make it back to the manor or stay the night. Though... Rikke didn't really want to have to earn dinner especially if it involved the stalls again. Looking about it seemed Janet was in the mood to go as she quickly packed up her small pack and went looking for Mika. Jess hadn't returned yet but Rikke doubted anything could harm her around here. Joldra sat on the sled and Mary soon got up and left the succubus taking both their cups in.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Where was Jessica? Rikke puckered her lips with interest lightly, judging by the people missing from her sights, it was arguable if she was up to something particulary spicy. Still if they were leaving, the rogue should go find her.

First place Rikke would check would be the last place she left her armor, hopefully it was all set for their upcoming trip.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Heading to said location Rikke soon found her armor and pants completely dry and cleaned. Even some of the damage had been repaired. Jess however wasn't present but a quick look out the window revealed her lovers location. She was in the pen with the cows. Gathering her gear Rikke quickly got stuff in order and dressed in her own cloths. Though it was tempting take the ones Mary offered her. She doubted the girl would mind but it was her choice to make. The next person she ran into was Mika and Janet. The poor wilding was crying at leavening her new friends and Willow tried to consol her as much as doggily possible. Nodding to Rikke Janet said they would be along soonish. Ven was the next of her companions she ran into and by chance or not so much by chance she was hiding behind a stack of hay bails watching Sam a pervy mischifous gleam to her eye. What Rikke did about that was her own decsion. Joldra meanwhile hadn't moved and simply sat waiting for everyone else. Getting her gear in order Rikke saw Jess walking with Mary before both of them stopped. Watching a moment Rikke saw Jess lean down and kiss Mary deeply which seemed to surprise her a great deal before breaking it and moving on. This seemed to stun the girl as Jess winked at Rikke before boarding the sled. As the rest of her companions gathered up some tearful goodbyes where said before the sled began to pull away.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Making sure she was peeping-Tom free, the rogue would slip out of her temporal modest farm apparel and back into her leather. While the sensation of the fairly cold leather on her exposed skin sent shivers at first, soon enough she'd get used to it and stretch lightly. Her smile told it all, it was just wondeful to be back in her armor.

Glancing down the rogue fixed up her D's and bra a dash and smirked at the generous cut, before looking to the farmstead... perhaps she was in questionable company for too long, but absolutely none of the male adults in farmstead even approached as far as Rikke knew. Giving herself a quick spin as if admiring her own exceptional luscious appearance Rikke could only guess to the reasons... either way, it was a grand loss for the men.

Back in her armor, Rikke would continue onwards with the search. First stop - Jessica and the pen. The rogue would approach the barn and knock on the wooden door "We're setting up to leave, don't linger in here too long." she'd giggle warmly "Otherwise you'll be sitting at the back, Stinky." Rikke would teasingly slip her tongue out, before continueing onwards.

Next up was Ven... As Ven eyed Sam with mischief, Rikke acted on her own devilish ideas. Sneaking up to the servant girl Rikke would remain silent, up to the moment until her hands slipped from behind Ven and around her waist "And what are YOU planning? Hum~?" she'd hold the servant girl close with a dark smirk, listening or insisting Ven told her. Either way as Rikke put it "Hum~ That'll have to wait for a bit, we're already leaving." she'd release the servant girl and gently place her fingertips right under the girls chin, guiding her into an inescapeable kiss. While it was shallow, it was nothing if not dominant... the rogue would slowly pull Ven's lips back and smile looking at her "We're heading out shortly, you two be ready." a sly wink later she'd continue onwards.

Seemed while Rikke was busy with Ven, Jess caught up to Mary... much to a very surprising turn of action. The heroine blinked at the sudden deep kiss and from experience Rikke saw all too clearly, Jess wasn't holding back even one bit. Seemingly just as stunned as Mary, the rogue would only shrug to Mary and laugh lightly.

Joining up at the cart Rikke would have to wait for Janet, Willow and Mika now "What was that about?" the rogue smiled to her succubus lover as they waited for the last of their companions.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Mistress... I was just planning on having Samantha back for a little bit. I... ummmm" Ven melted in Rikke's arms reinforcing her dominace of her servent. Breaking the kiss Rikke saw Ven's eyes glitter as her nipples stiffened. "Yes Samantha and I will be ready for you." A moment later Jess made her way to the sled allowing Rikke to quiz her on her actions. Even Jess blushed a little at the question. "Well Mary is a very curious girl. She wanted to know what a succubus kiss was like." Smirking knowingly a part of Rikke seemed to focus on Mary a moment before it was forced back as Janet arrived with Mika. The poor wildling was still sniffling but there was nothing that could be done now. After they got comfortable Ven and Samantha joined the sled again the two girls giggling as they took the seats in the back. "Oh joy lets get this lesbian train on the move." Rikke almost heard a hint of mirth in Joldra's voice as Janet snapped the reigns and got the horse moving to a chorous of goodbyes from the family.

A few hours later the familar sight of the peslie manner came into view. The bright banners snapped in the wind as the group rounded a bend. They where soon met by Gloria and Loria who rode out to meet them smileing. They quickly informed her that the Lady Peslies where about to head out to the remote cabin.