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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke giggled at the comment "M~ I take it the brothel didn't have a bar." the heroine smiled widely "I used to not fake drinks as well, but er... I noticed you pretty much always get stuck in similar situations like Ven has right now, sometimes not quite volunteerily or consciously for that matter." the rogue once more lightly laughed and kept a smile on her face... in fact, what would've happened if Jess wasn't there. Thinking about all the suiters, Rikke couldn't help, but imagine herself running her touch against their faces, ever so subtly hinting them to follow as she walked through their ranks, one step after another... to be beaten by Ven of all people...

Why was she holding herself back... Rikke turned to Janet, a much more mischievious smile crossing her face "Hum~ I've got an idea, but first we have to sober you up." unfortunately for Janet, Rikke knew of only a few ways to clear it at this moment. The rogue moved to the window and opened it up, looking down to inspect just how much snow was there below them?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Brr Rikke thats cold...." Janet moved her hands to her shoulders and rubbed them. This of course caused the woman's left shoulder to be exposed hinting at more tantalizng flesh for Rikke. Still Janet didn't move and shivered slighty in the cold.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hum~ When did you become such a sensitive flower~" the rogue giggled and peeked outside, her eyes noting a huge clump of snow right below the window. The heroine leaned out with a wicked almost predatory smirk and kept her gaze at Janet "Alriight, the plan is..."

Though looking to Janets innocent face, Rikke just couldn't go through with the offer... heck she couldn't force Janet through it "On second thought..." she'd close the window shut "Nevermind, sorry I got you cold, Jan." if there was a bed, the heroine would smile kindly and look to leave the room.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke... I...." for a moment Janet tried to say something but instead intersepted Rikke as she moved to the door. Wrapping her arms around the rogue Janet kissed Rikke.. or at lest she tried to. Instead the girl took hold of the rogues's waist and prompltly slipped pulling the pants down with her as she fell to her knees. "Hehe... so dizzy..."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was hardly one to wear loose pants... at all. Janets tipsy dash did indeed run the knights hands down the rogues body, but her fingers would stop at the very top of the rogues pants only shifting them lightly.

The rogue blinked looking down, Janet was on her knees right in front of her, still a bit disoriented from her slip. Though her position was nothing short of compromising... had the pants been loose... Rikke puckered her lips with interest at the sight and reached down "Janet~" her voice seemingly running chills across the knights body, which were only accentuated when Rikkes gentle touch reached Janets cheek helping her look up.

A moment later the heroine leaned in and kissed the knight passionately, but briefly "Not yet, not as you are now." the heroine gave Janet an almost mesmerizing smile "We'll play, when you're sobber. Wouldn't want to forget our... activities. Would we?" she'd let her touch linger a brief moment longer, before letting Janets go.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Janet could hardly say no to Rikke and soon enough she had the knight in the bed and covered up. Once there she was quick asleep leaving Rikke alone a moment before a slightly drunk voice echoed from behind her. "How cute... I was hoping to catch you having fun with her but... I think you made the right call. The question now is where do we sleep.. as Ven seems to have taken our room over for a gangbang." Jess smiled sweetly her face flush from booze and her tail limp.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"m?" the rogue turned to the source of the voice to see a certain tipsy succubus "Well Janet had a bit too much, it's just not as fun with someone not at their peak." Rikke smirked playfully at her lover, before adding about their rooms current predicament "Mhm~ And by the sounds of it, she's gt half the staff in there." the heroine crossed her hands and leaned against the wall sighing lightly "Didn't think she had it in her... Wonder who's initiative the party was collected."

Rikke would snicker light "At the very least, she should be sated for a bit."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well Ven had a good teacher. Though maybe some self control would have been called for." Jess would walk up her hips swaying and tap Rikke on the nose with her finger. Leaning in Jess would kiss Rikke her lips tasting of wine and her own sweet flavor. Breaking away Jess looked at Janet a dangerous glint in her eye. "Say Rikke want to play a trick on our dear knight? Don't worry its nothing dangerous." If Rikke was curious Jess would explain that her plan involved Janet waking up naked wrapped in both her and Rikke's arms. Of course both of them would have to pretend it was teh wildest night of sex they had in while and be surprised at how dominating and demanding Janet was.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh~ Let her have her fun." Rikke giggled looking to Jessica, a seductive smile on her face "Even I considered doing something similar." she'd push away from the wall as Jessica approached and eagerly leaned into the embrace "m~ Maybe I should've had a bit more of that wine after all."

Still as Jessica explained her plan a slowly growing grin and an all too clear spark appeared on the rogues face. The plan explained Rikke laughted silently and smiled widely at Jessica "Looks like I'm rubbing off on someone." she'd turn the happy smile, into all too wicked one "Let's do it."

"But I'm not quite set for bed yet, wanna take a look around first?" a loud thud echoed out from Ven's room for some unknown reason... "Not around the orgies, but..." the rogue turned towards the stairs up... where Jessicas play room and the sisters things were. Her offer made Rikke turned to Jess with a smile and awaited an answer, though looking at the heroine Jess knew - declination was not an option.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess grinned and nodded letting Rikke lead the way. Taking Rikke's hand the the elder succubus let herself be led where Rikke chose. Leaning in she rested her head on the rogue's shoulder. "Ya know its good to be home. We should come by more often."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Hum~ Then the trips back here, wouldn't be as special." Rikke winked slyly to Jessica and lead her onwards. Soon enough the duo reached a room of note "Ah! Perfect!" she'd grin wickedly and run forward a bit, unfortunately breaking their laced fingers "Let's make our story to Janet, a bit more believeable and spicy." with a wicked snicker the heroine pushed the door open to reveal the room where all of the sisters ex-toys were.

"Let's find the craziest toys your sisters had." she'd wink slyly and allow Jess to go in first, no doubt there had to be quite a few nostalgic items in here... and quite a few shocking as well.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess's eyes would light up upon seeing the stash of naughty things. Almost imididatly she went over to a dusty box and opened it up. "This might be a bit much for poor Janet." Pulling a suit with leathery tenticles Jess put it aside and instead dug deeper and pulled out a rather innovent looking dildo and smirked. Rikke of course could search on her own if she wanted.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke was most certainly not going to pass this chance! With a huge smile as if unwrapping presents, the rogue began her search for the most depraved and absurd toys they could scatter across Janets room... and she most certainly found quite a few! "Jeez Jess, some of these look like they hurt more than pleasure." the heroine snickered carefully putting aside the suspicious items.

"All of these toys... your sisters must've been quite active when they were here..." the rogue would snicker casually, before a actual unopened box caught her attention! "Hey! This one is still packed in neat!" she'd take the box and push it out, making a few whips and a fair number of dildos roll off to the sides.

The box seemed quite simple, but well kept... even if it was actually a bit dusty. Blowing the dust aside Rikke would slowly open it and peer inside, unaware at Jessicas reaction to the container in question.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess didn't turn to look but spoke as she searched threw her own pile. "Yeah some of them did hurt. Most of those where Victoria's." Jess pulled out another fetish look out fit and set it aside. Glancing over Rikke saw it was a very very skimpy maid uniform. "Yeah well in between missions we tried to keep ourselves busy so the poor soilders didn't get worn out from our efforts." Standing up Jess held up a clear egg trying to rember what it was for. Seemed she was lost in thought leaving Rikke with a chance to oppen something that her lover had never seen before. Opeing the box expecting some perverse dildo instead Rikke found a very blande looking scroll. It was tied with a ribbon. Unrolling it as Jess bent over to look at something else Rikke found it to be a letter to the Peslies listing Jessica's qualifications as a personal maid.
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Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would brush the dust of the clearly long forgotten box and remove it's lid. Oddly enough this box wasn't filled with numerous fetish or sexual items, instead there seemed to be quite a few quite frankly plain looking objects. First of all was a note, the rogue would pick it up and skim it's contents. This seemed to be Jessicas... enlistement papers?

The heroine smiled widely, but remained silent as she placed it aside. The other objection was actually... a cow bell? Rikke smirked looking to the bell and picked it up, turning to her lover she'd lift the bell to her neck and ring it a few times "Moo~?" the heroine winked slyly, before bursting out into a lighthearted laugh "My~ Someone had very interesting fetishes indeed..."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

In a flash Jess was over to Rikke and snatching the cow bell its dull rings echoing from the sudden movement. "Where did you find this! I thought it was destroyed a long time ago. It belonged to my favoriate cow back home. I raised her from a calf. She was so sad when I left." Jess held the bell her eyes watering slightly. This of course left Rikke to pillage other itmes in the box.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The rogue grinned like a content cow at Jessicas reaction, though the speedy reaction was not from Jessicas uncovered secret fetish... it was something even more interesting. "Oh... Yeah you did mention it, while we were at the farm." Rikke smiled earnestly "In fact, I don't really know much about your past Jess." the rogue gave her lover a sly look and looked to the cowbell. Jess knew she wanted the rogue to elaborate a bit.

Though not passing the chance, the heroine would get back to looking through the small chest... the next fight though was significantly different. Rikke would wait for Jessicas recollection to finish, before pulling out a very dusty journal. Going by the title this belonged to a "Johnas Maverick"...?
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess would look at the cowbell and trace the worn surface. "Ya know Rikke I doubt my parents would have expected this at all. If they had known I doubt they would have sent me to the school." Jess set the bell down. It stood in stark contrast to the fetish gear and sex toys that littered the room. "Everyone was so sad that I had to go but as the eldest child and a girl I couldn't inherit the farm. Instead a woman came to pick me up one day. My mother cried and my father looked away. I didn't know at the time my mother was pregnant with another child making it her seventh. My family couldn't support all of us. So I was.. sold I guess to a school to train personal servents. An endentured servent they called me. Those where hard times." Jess sighed slightly and sat down. "I wonder what my brothers and sisters are doing.. if any of them survived. Never been that far west of Crolia for a long time. It hardly matters anyway. Im not the little girl they would remember and I doubt they would even reconize me now."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke would keep in the journal in the box for now and look to Jessica with a kind smile "Jess, appearances may change, but people always recognise family. Why did you never try to return or at least check up on them?" she'd sit on the floor and turn to her lover "How long has it been?" if Jessica did look to the box she could clearly see the journal on top of it.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess looked at Rikke a sorrowful smile on her face. "Rikke I was eighteen when I took over her ladyships care. That was about twentyfour years ago and I was seven when I left. Its been thirtyfive years Rikke they are all gone now. I doubt my parents are even alive. Not to mention it would be the youngest sibling that has the farm. I never met them. There is no reason to go back." Jess sat and just smiled at Rikke before grabbing the cowbell to put it back in the box.