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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke had one final question to the mana sculpture "Do you know anything about the other main figures in the Bardian confederancy?" seeing if she could learn more names of her enemy, the rogue could only wonder - was this Amber one of the sisters...

Listening to what the sculpture said the heroine was about to say her goodbyes to it, before adding "Hey... Ida. I'm just curious, maybe you know how I could acquire a sword? For self-defense?" it was unlikely, but worth a shot. Unless Rikkes blind luck somehow interfered, she'd likely remain weaponless. Still... now she knew this was Sauls house "Could you remind me where Sauls office at home is, Ida?" the heroine smirked wickedly, either in his office or his bedroom. The rogue could likely find some information about recent events here... perhaps even on events that banished her to this realm to begin with.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Ida listed off sveral names that didn't ring a bell to Rikke though Amber still lingured in her mind. No doubt if asked Ida would bring up the most current picture of Amber if she wanted. If Rikke did she would the woman to be an exact picture perfect reflexction of Amber even down to how the girl walked except she was so young eighteen by the looks of it and the Baradian people seemed to adore their young leader. Asking her next question brought on the processing comment from Ida once more.

"PROCESSING! Sword - a weapon having various forms but consisting typically of a long, straight or slightly curved blade, sharp-edged on one or both sides, with one end pointed and the other fixed in a hilt or handle. PROCESSING relavent data found! Swords used by SC troops are typically for show though as a matter of pride they are all battle ready and tested. Officers and knights have personaly blades but their access is resticted. "PROCESSING! More relavent data found. A large collection of swords related to the history of Endus and more notably the Black Wargs can be found in the Military History Museum." After a moment Ida stated no more relavant data found. "Major Sauls office is next to the bedroom. Shall I activate program 1?"
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke tapped her in thought "Officers eh? Any chance I could find one in this house?" if the rogue didn't quite luck out she'd add "What about these Museum swords? Any chance there are any battle ready weapons there?" the sculptured seemed fairly smart, hopefully she at least comprehended what a battle ready sword was like... gaining the intel she could the rogue could continue with her previous plan.

"Er... sure?" Rikke shrugged at the question, before proceeding to the office. Her objective was to find as much info from a Majors standout as she could. Especially reports on any recent activities... there had to be some hints what could've dragged her here...
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Negative the Major removed all weapons from the house for saftey reasons." Ida flickered as she cocked her head. "Processing processing.... All swords at the museum are orginals and well cared for. The curator prides himself on keeping the weapon in usuable condition." Waiting a moment longer Ida announced program 1 was up and running.

Heading into the office Rikke saw two other mana sculptures seemingly dressed in some very questionable cloths. They seemed to be making out and smiled as Rikke entered. Strange music was playing and the lights where dimmed....
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh? Could you show me a route to the Museum in question?" a museum of war... somehow Rikke suspected that the weapons there were hardly of real use, but as she was right now there was little choice. Looking over the offered path Rikke could only frown "Don't... you people use paper maps?"

If getting a proper maps instead of the mana display seemed out of the question, the heroine would do her best to memorise the route and proceed onwards into Sauls office.

"Hum... nice to see that the Major is still a man at heart." the heroine smirked at the sight "Ida! I changed my mind." for now the rogue needed to focus. Looking around the office Rikke would try to find any official looking documents and skim each one through in a quick fashion.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Upon requesting a paper map Ida spoke "PRINTING!" Over Rikke shoulder a loud humm that increased in intensity started quickly followed by a peice of paper sputtering out of a slit in a strange machine. Grabbing the paper Rikke could see a map to the museum with a suggest route in blue ink. Heading to the office Rikke smiled and soon after her request the fake girls dissapeard. Looking threw the notes Rikke just say lots and lots of boreing troop movements or letters though one newspaper clipping caught her attention. Supposed magical weapon brought to the museum! Is it a danger to Endus! Should it be destroyed? The the rest of the artical bemoand the military for covering up what it was exactly it was clear that indeed something had been placed in the museum.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

All roads lead to the museum. Taking the clipping that mentioned the artifact the rogue would fold it neatly and slip into her back pocket "Sorry Saul, I need to do some sightseeing." she'd smile to herself and turn towards the exit.

Saul mentioned he had taken some precautions from her slipping away - atleast 4 guards. A mischievious smile on her face the rogue, would proceed to find where her would be captors patrolled or were stationed.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Looking out the window Rikke saw one standing watch at the drive way while two more moved around the house. This left the fourth guard in the wind and Rikke couldn't spot him from any of the windows. Ida meanwhile hovered around Rikke waiting for her to issue any more commands or have any more questions. Funny thing though instead of watching the house the guards where watching the perimitar on the look out for somethign commng in not something comming out. It would be simple to evade them. But if they where not keeping her in who where they keeping out?
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Well... this was going to be easier than she thought "Sorry Saul, I'll be back before you know it." with that the rogue would proceed to sneak outside, avoiding the magic self-propelled carriages and making her way to the museum.

Though as she traveled there the world in all it's strangeness slowly began to overwhelm her... the number of people and the magical carriages all rushing back and forth... the sheer lack of trees, the size of the buildings! Choosing to just focus on things at hand Rikke would continue onwards to her goal... the map would make the trip fairly simple.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

It wasn't so bad as got out of the house and past the guards. Where Saul lived seemed to be a well to do neighborhood with well kept lawns and gardens. A few trees spaced the walkway she was on. As she got deeper into the city however the ever present torches glared down on her as the strange carriges rushed by her their distinctive humm ever present. Most of the people she passed seemed unconcered by the ever present noise around them. Some even held up strange glowing boxes to their ears and spoke to people Rikke couldn't even see. Still she needed a break from the noise around her and ducked if ever momentarily into a alcove. Here a strange metal size stated Bus Stop and it was adorned with a small bench. Sadly it was occupied by some destitue man in ragged cloths. He stunk of liqour and other things. Wrinkling her nose Rikke instead looked at the wall of the enclouser. Colorful grafiti and poster lined the inside. One thing that caught her attention however was a flyer. "Now Hireing attractive Females for lead rolls in XXX entertainment. Must be at lest 18. Please contact the Silken Princess studio at 555-Sexy" Oddly enough this seemed to have a picture of Erika one of the venus girls. Though... in all honesty they really where not the same girls she remembered. Stepping away from the smell alcove Rikke made her way deeper into town. Eventually she found herself in a slightly familar street. Endus Bank on one side with the museum in front of her. The evidence of her escape almost completely gone with the exception of a few stray shards of glass.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"XXX entertainment?" Rikke raised an eyebrow looking over the paper, the girl barely even knew three words that started with X's, but since it was the Silken princess... it wasn't hard to guess the entertainment form in question. Snickering lightly the rogue stashed the piece of paper in her pocket and continued onwards.

Soon enough the map would lead her back where it all began, the rogue looked to the rapidly setting sun and entered the museum. Chances were this place wouldn't just let her take a sword she liked, thus upon entry Rikke would memorise a route to take for a quick getaway. Sure it was brazen, but... well she'll figure it out later.

"Now... Curator... curator... this place has to have one." looking around soon enough the girls eyes would catch an information stand, while she was curious of the worlds history, she needed to find the weapons collection as soon as possible.

Find some weapons with the help of a curator or an information desk
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Reaching the information desk another blue image appeared. This one looked slightly diffrent than Ida but they spoke in a similar voice. While Ida was dressed as a maid this one was dressed like the girl from the shop. Her hair was done in a nice little bun and she flickered much as Ida did. "Hello guest to the Endus War Memorial Museum. How may I assist you today." Asking her question the mana sculpture flickered and spoke. "Arcahic weapons are located in hall D. Sadly our prize artifact has been take for examination by they Itelligance service. Please follow the line." The sculpture pointed in a direction and a yellow line apperaed on the floor. Following in Rikke soon found displace of armor and weapons galore. Most however seemed to be behind thick glass. Swords, spears, exotice weapons Rikke had never seen before lay in the hands of life like dolls. The display that caught her attention however was Titled the Heroine of the black war. Looking at the display Rikke felt a sence of dread over come her. Behind the glass was a mural from the Pesile manor and in front of it lay several of her items including her armor and daggers as well as a small leather bound book. Most noticble was the empty display listed as the blade of the heroine. A small plague with a strange red button listed as push me sat outside the display/
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Surreal was likely the most accurate way to describe what the rogue saw. There it was among numerous artifacts, a display dedicated to her. Even complete with the paintings and pictures from the Pesli manor "W-what the heck..." the girl blinked clearly still shocked, it was then she remembered Rheas words "I'm... dead?"

Shivers ran through the girls body as she looked to the button, would this reveal how this realms Rikke... no how in this place she died? Her adventures beyond what happened to her up to now?

The girl took a few fearful steps closer, her hand extending to click the button... she was curious what people remembered of her, but what would happen if she learned of it? The knowledge of how you died....

Rikke pulled her hand back and shook her head. This was something she should never learn, whatever happens happens... The rogue now turned to her armor and smiled, it was almost nostalgic.

Still from the looks of it, the armor was in fair condition... just the glass cases were a problem. Heck perhaps she'd not even need to steal what she needs. Remembering where her gear was the rogue pulled out the newspaper from before and went to find what caused the disturbance mentioned here.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The newspaper had little to say on the matter but it did list a date and seemed fairly old. Walking around a moment Rikke found another kiosk where she could ask questions. As she moved around voice came from several displays chattering on about facts or dates or some such. Suddenly a large voice echoed threw the hall sounding like Ida. "Thank you for comming to the Endus Memorial War Museum. Sadly we will be closing in 10 minutes please make your way to the exits and remember we will be open again on July 12 2114 after the week end holiday. Looking down on her newsclipping Rikke saw it was dated April 1st 2112.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke looked up as the voice echoed out, 10 minutes until closing... perhaps it was time to dust off her stealth abilities. Dashing instead of outside to some an area she can avoid detection the rogue. Though as she moved she did not movement from small devices on the walls... they were trailing her?

Soon enough the announcement would repeat itself, now giving a much small time frame to leave. Her eyes sharp the rogue would quickly take note of the devices scattered through and taking a blindspot from them and away form wandering eyes hid away till closing hours...
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Perception 55 vs 50 sucess!
Stealth 56 vs 50 sucess!

It seemed all to easy the little devices where not tracking Rikke as she orginally thougth. Instead the seemed to follow a specific path. Ducking into a little used hallway Rikke heard a series of load thumps as the major lights dissapeared encaseing the room in darkness. This lasted only a moment though as smaller lights on the displays flicked on as well as a few others above doors that read exit in big red letters. It seemed she was in the clear though as she went to moved she heard a cough and looked to see a man in a uniform of sorts put his hand over his mouth before saying damn cold. A moment later her flicked a metal tube in his hand on that ignighted into a bright blusish light. "This is Rogers Im starting my patrol seems every thing is all clear." A moment later the man began to walk away.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

The heroine smiled to herself "Perfect..." instead of remaining hidden she'd step out from her hiding stop excuse me. She'd approach with a bright smile "Could you help me with something..." her eyes would sharpen as purple trails, barely even noticeable but still there creeped their way to the guard.

Upon success:
"Could you tell then I'm not here... and... could you please help me retrieve an object. Just lets keep it between us." she'd smile earnestly to him

Upon failure:
Grapple! Into submission hold "How about we have a peaceful chat, hum?"
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke: Hp: 62/62, Pp: 45/45, Ep: 36/45, Status = Fine
Rikke attempts to Charm! 39 vs 24 Success!

Stepping out quick Rikke saw the trails of her succubus power flow into the man, causing his guard to drop and relax. "Oh Mistress how are you?" Pleased that her magic still worked Rikke winced though it had take far more energy than it should have. (spells and powers cost 1.5x more to use do to the low magic enviroment) Though it seemed to have worked just what Rikke was planning to do was up to her. "Mistress I should let you out of the museum it could get me in trouble.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Well~ Let's not let anyone find out. I'm sure we can think of a few fun things to do while we're here." Rikke smiled with clear mischief in mind "Could you tell me a bit about these glass cases? I wanted to hold one of the items on display here, but the glassing seems very thick." she'd look to the man "I take it everything here is very secure?"

If he doesn't say specific "So how does this security work? Someone activates the magic field and deactivates it?"
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As soon as Rikke mentioned doing fun things her charmed guard stepped up to her and pulled her close ina surprising agressive manner. "I hear the other guards take their girlfriends to the old temple of venus display. We can have all sorts of fun there." Surprised Rikke still got her question off about the displays. This caused the man to sigh a little seemingly shot down. "Why yes bullet proof up to 30 caliber with built in pressure sensor. Each is hermtically sealed to keep air and polutants out. Me and the guys keep everything very secure. No one has stolen anything sense the company took over security operations. I guess we where lucky in a way that the demon gate opened. The military used to guard this place."