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Chapter 5 Home is where the Heart is (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Goosebumps ran across Rikkes body as Jess delivered her final thrust, the rogue almost feeling her servants ecstasy echo out throughout her own body. Though Jess was finished with her 'rewarding', unfortunately seemed Ven was finished as well.

Rikke covered her mouth and giggled in a cute fashion at the almost passed out girl "Oh dear~ Looks like someone of your caliber was a dash too much for her." she'd turn and smile to her lover "And naughty Jess, how is she going to fuck you silly being like that humm~?" the rogue smirked as she crossed her hands and pointed to the ecstatic Ven.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Jess smiled and got back up brushing the seat from her brow. "She'll be fine.. though Rikke you should really try out her tongue thing... its umm a very diffrent feeling thats for sure." Smiling Jess washed up in a nearby basin as Ven tried to recover in the bath. "Ill tell Ms Genna that Ven will be a little late. So whats the plan today humm?"
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Oh~ by the looks of it she'll be more than fine." the rogue smirked to her lover "But her cock-training will still need to be taken care of you know." she'd glance to Vens wings, who once more slowly started to disappear "As well as general succubus training." Rikke briefly closed her eyes and reopened them to reveal the pervy sheen of purple now gone.

"As for whats next, first I'll need to wash up and then we'll need to get ready for the party teleportation to the island." Rikke would walk away from the mess Jess and Ven made and began her morning cleanup "After that, all those that will want to, will go to Archon. That demon city." the heroine looked to her lover with a casual smile "From finidng your sisters and Joldra a place to belong, to finding out where Yennas sisters in arms are right now. We still have plenty of adventures ahead of us.

If you want to know further:
Rikke will head to talk to Susan about the hearthstone and ask for help with the group teleportation. After that everyone, unless they want to stay at the Peslies... and are allowed to. Should head back to the island retreat.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

After cleaning up Rikke and company met up after the offered breakfest which was surprisingly light. Janet and Mika sat together the knight trying to teach the wildling how to eat properly, while Sam tried his best to stay from Ven who tried to get him to sit next to her. Rikke could see the mischife in her eyes and once again Rikke could see how girly Sam was looking from when she first met him err her. Joldra sat silently siping on a steaming cup still uneasy about being in this place. Of course Gloria and Loria where not helping as they kept a watchful eye on the former demon lord. Jessica meanwhile was keeping Willow behaving and playing with Lil Rikke. It was obvious where Rikke went Jess would follow. When Rikke apporached the subject of splitting up the light conversation stopped as each took a turn to think.

"Well I decided that Mika and myself will go to the island and from there we will head back to Endus. I know Sam mentioned going with us so he could rejoin his party." This brought a frown from Ven.

"Then Ill go too!"

"Don't be an idiot. Am I the only one who can see whats happening to the poor boy?" This brought silence from everyone else. "Really?" Joldra raised an eyebrow and had a exhasperated tone to her voice. "Whatever its probably too late for him anyway." and just like that went back to her tea.

"No need for such dire statments Joldra. Im sure it will right itself the more he stays male." This brought an eye roll from Joldra. "Anyway Rikke, Joldra, and myself will be going to Archon. Given the history and current occupents of the place I was wondering if you would be willing to watch Willow till we got back. Im worried something will try to make a meal of him while we are there."

Sarah spoke up. "Of course we will. Besides Little Rikke has taken a liking to him and having a pet around will be great. At lest till we can find her a friend to play with." Sarah smiled at Jessica and Rikke. "Now that Just leaves Sam. Your the only one to keep silent. Are you going to head to Endus with Janet or stay here to recover like I suggested." Sarah looked to Sam who stared at his food a moment.

"I need to think some more can you give me some more time?" Everyone looked to Rikke to see if she was willing and if she agreed they would break untill lunch leaving Sam to think things over.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke listened out to her party, her finger horizontally resting on her lips as she was in thought... but there were some issues "Janet, the island has no direct way to return to the mainland, unless you follow the mermaid seaways. As well as..." the rogue looked to Janet briefly "Alright, before we all decide I need to talk to a few of you alright? No one leave the room." she'd give the group a cute smile and turn to her friends.

"Janet, could you come over here for a bit. There's I need to talk to you about." she'd smile to the knight casually and leading her aside would look to her "So you're heading back to Endus?" "Yes, the priestess should know what transpired here. Sam said her... his party might've been stationed there as well..." Janet paused looking to Rikkes clearly saddened expression "What?" she'd look to the heroine curiously.

"No it's alright." Rikke smiled lightly, though clearly something was on her mind "Rikke... What is it? Tell me." she'd frown lightly looking to the rogue, who'd sigh lightly at the resolute knight "It's just... if you were heading to the Island, Yunie is there. Remember that thing I mentioned to you, something greatly important to me?"

Rikke smiled in that cheerful manner of hers "I wanted to ask you, if you would be her trainer. I'm not experienced enough to train someone, but you. I'd trust Yuna to you, to train her to become a true adventurer. To inspire her to leave that Island and seek out the world, perhaps one day even seek me out." the heroine kept a bright smile "I know I could trust you with this, you're probably the one I'd trust the most for thi---" "I'll do it." Janet interrupted in a resolute tone "It would be my honor." Rikkes eyes widened at the words as she saw Janet smile "If that's what you'd ---" this time Rikke would be the one interupting the sentence as she hugged the knight dearly "Thank you, Jan! Thank you so much!" blushing the knight cast her gaze down, keeping a smile "N-no problem."

Her heart lifted at Janets agreement Rikke would once more hug her closely "Gimme a sec, I think I'll stay on the island till Yunie gets used to the training." she'd smile brightly and walk back to the group "Jess, Joldra... and Sam. Come on closer, 'kay?"

The new group arranged Rikke crossed her hands and looked to the succubi and the man "Alright, what are you three not telling me? And whats going on with Sam."
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Still blushing Janet went over to sit next to Mika her wildling adoptive daughter questioning why Mama had changed color. Still as the secondary group gathered around Sam spoke up. "Yeah I would like to know what you guys seem to know about my... issue."

Jessica would speak first interupting Joldra. "Sam the curse your afflicted with... well the more time you spend as Samantha the more dominate she will become. Eventually it will only be Samantha and not Sam."

Sam looked confused. "What but me and Samantha are the same person aren't we?"

Joldra sighed. "Yes and no. While you two are of the same soul your differnt personalities. Samantha is .. well a slut."


"Hush you know its true... both of you." Joldra looked at Rikke and Jess, with Jess blushing.

"W-what... really?"

"Yes really.. eventually if this keeps up her personality will become dominate and supercede your own."

"Thats just one possiblity. There is a chance you two could merge and become a hybrid personality a new person as it where."

"Oh.. well.... I... I need time to think." Sam started to get up, and unless Rikke stopped him would head out of the room.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke ofcourse wouldn't let the conversation end like that "So how do we keep Sam as Sam?" the rogue looked to two succubi sternly "I doubt a solitary monk lifestyle is something he'd enjoy. Any clue how can he overcome this curse?" if either succubi just shrugged Rikke would look to Sam sharply "I know a powerful and influential mage, If anyone can help you, then it's her." she'd pause briefly "And don't worry she's not of the lewd kind and pretty young, so Samantha should remain dormant around her."

As much the rogue herself loved to, on occasion, slut-out, this was Samuel, she would certainly not let some curse destroy the man "I'll keep Ven off you, Sam. We'll head to the Island together and I'll introduce you to the mage there." with that she'd let the man leave with his thoughts.

"Looks like we have some issues to resolve on the Island ourselves..." she'd paused briefly "Well more of a case of me, having some business on the island. So we'll be heading there along with everyone else. Besides a quick break and some sunshine could do us all good." she'd grin warmly "Any objections?" even if there were some they one objecting to it, would have to swallow the bitter pill and take one for the team.

"Alright, if we're all heading. Then we're all heading out! That includes Willow as well." she'd smile at her pup who barked happily "Now everyone say your goodbyes and we'll be leaving in around an hour! Meet you all at the main stairway!" with that Rikke would announce her departure to all the Peslies and their servants, much to the sadness of everyone...
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"Rikke do you see the changes to Sam already?" Joldra waited for Rikke to nod. "Its going to happen hes had to much exposure to remain male. His body is changing on its own. It would almost be mercyful to let Samantha take over."

"Joldra.. its not the only way.. I still think the best way is to merge the personalties. Sure Samuel may become a girl and have some girly tendencies but she will still have all his memories and while his personality will change it won't be like day and night. She will still be Sam but he will also be Samantha. Besides forcing the personalties apart would just make him insane even ifit fixed his gender issue. Though I doubt it will... Joldra is right about being exposed to long. He will change its only a matter of time."

Both succubi looked at Rikke though in all honesty she would still like to have Rune's thoughts on it. Maybe speaking with Sam would help. Still no matter her choice an hour would pass and the crew would meet up once more. Of course Ms. Genna would have all sorts of treats for Rikke and crew as well as tearful goodbyes from all the manor quests.
Re: Chapter 3 Sisters (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"We'll still consult Rune about this. Every curse has it's roots in magic, there's always exceptions or certain rules that can be broken." she'd give her friends an encouraging smile, before continuing her conversation.

With those two chats done, Rikke would go all over the manors announcing her leave. Most of her friends were shocked at the very short stay, but knew that not to keep the carefree rogue for too long.

Honestly it was more of a matter of her group members saying goodbye for a longer time, Rikke herself would be moved right back to the manner when she reactivated the magical stone. While the goodbyes were sad, she let everyone know that this was just a short break from them... after things had settled in the island the heroine and her duo of demonic allies could continue onwards.

"Alright everyone ready?" Rikke would gather the group up at the bottom of the stairway, before taking out the small magical stone "Ven, Janet, Mika, Jess, Joldra, Sam... and Willow." she'd nod firmly recounting that s everyone here, heck knowing where the group were leaving everyone came out and wave the group goodbye, especially little Rikke "Here... we go... To Paradise Isle!"
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Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Note before this chapter begins. I must state that its contents are not cannon and in no way indicates any future Dark Gate content. This chapter should be considered the most noncannon part of this whole thread.

Chapter 4
An uncertain Future.

Rikke gathered around her friends each taking the hand of the person next to them with Willow placing a paw on Jessica's foot. In a moment the magic of the stone began to pull them into an accelerated pace. All around them the imagery blurred as the magic took hold. Soon everything shifted to a column of bluish white light. It was of course things Rikke had seen before though this time it took longer. Maybe it was the strain of so many travailing at once but Rikke trusted Rune's magic it had never failed her before. Just as the column began to shift to a blurry image of the island Rikke felt a pulse in the magic. Something was up and it wasn't good. The image around her distorted and waved as if something had hit it but it quickly right itself only to be hit once more and shatter. The stone got red hot in her hand causing her to drop it and grip her injured limb breaking her contact with the rest of the party. Her eyes widened at what she did as she heard Jessica scream out “RIKKE!” Her last thought before everything went black was 'Mistakes where made....'

Rikke lay in an uncomfortable position as a red light flashed off and on. Goddess that was bright and annoying. Rolling over her naked flesh touched a cold tiled floor as a deafening racket echoed in an EEEE WAAA EEEE WAAA EEEE WAAA! Seemingly tied to the flashing light. Getting up she heard muffled cries and the sounds of armored feet echoing nearby. Looking down at the strangely reflective floor Rikke saw her portal stone fried and clearly useless. Crawling towards that with the awful noise and lights giving her a headache she picked the stone up and winced at her badly burned hand. “HALT!” Looking up at the noise Rikke saw a strange man in a strange armor pointing a gun or was it a gun. It seemed strange and like no firearm she had ever seen. Though the click of the safety disengaging quickly settled that argument. Looking about Rikke saw a door with a glass panel above its handle. It seemed to lead into a room with several odd looking chairs and a glowing cabinet with the words Alarune Dew printed in a strange style. It had several other smaller panels with writing on one side that Rikke couldn't make out. More importantly a window led outside. Feeling some of her strength return Rikke quickly made a dash for the door drawing a startled “HEY!” from the man as she easily blasted past the door and jumped threw the window. The glass exploded around her as she tucked into a protective roll. Getting to her feet Rikke righted her self but stopped in shock. Buildings made out of glass and metal soared above her far taller than any tree and rivaling some of the mountains she had ever seen. People of all kinds looked at her in shock. Kitsune, Elf, Human, and Orc stared at her and mumbled. They wore strange cloths and some had even stranger hair styles. Numerous carriages lined the glossy black street that had glowing lights under their surface. A large sign on one of the buildings read Endus Saving and Loan. Helping you build your future. A moment later Rikke felt two sharp pains in her back quickly followed by jolts of lighting causing her to lose control of her body as she jerked about. As she twitched a black haired blue eyed kitsune female wearing strange armor walked up to her holding a gun with two wire's extending out and to her. “My my what have we got here.
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Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

EEEE WAAA EEEE WAAA the unknown sound continued spurring the rogue awake. Rikke slowly opened her eyes to the continious flashes of a strange red torch. Her hand still burned from the mystic stones heat, while it was hardly debilitating it stung like a bastard "u-tut-tut..." the rogue slowly stood up, noting her clothes seemed to have burnt up as well... not to mention beauty and most of her gear was missing! "Damnit..." the rogue whispered to herself and looked around, wincing at each EEEE the device made "Now where am I?"

To say the place was odd, was being generous. Though before she could even properly inspect the area, numerous footsteps rang out as one of the armored strangers came barging in! Causing Rikke to quickly tense up, she knew a military tone and this was exactly it! Wherever she was, she wasn't supposed to be here! The click of the strangely modified gun, was more than enough to spur the rogue to action!

Without saying a word and using her supernatural speed Rikke quickly dashed aside and out of the window, the wind of the impact pushing the glass shards aside from her allowing her a clean and cut-free escape! Landing to the odd stone pavement Rikke couldn't help, but be cultured shocked "W-What is this?" she'd look on to the strange sight. All manner of races looked on to the sudden naked girl, some men raising both eyebrows at the absolutely stunning body on display, other frowned at the sudden nude crazy... but one thing was certain for that moment she was looked on by all manner of people.

Still before the sight even sunk in, a sharp pain hit her from behind as a electric shock wracked her body! "AAAAHH~~~!!" the girl would fall to her knees, the shock continiously going through her body "D-damn you!" she'd look up to the woman and note the device leading to her! Her eyes sharp with hate she'd suddenly dash forward aiming to kick away the device!
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke tries to fight being tazzed 29 vs 35 fail!
Rikke is stunned and passes out!

Rikke's sudden lunge at the woman caused her foe's eyes to sharpen as she turned a small knob on her device sending a stronger shock threw her body causing the rogue to jerk even harder than before. Goddess it was painful she couldn't hardly move. Still Rikke reached down to pull the offending wires off when the woman once more adjusded her knob sending more pain threw Rikke. A moment later however the device smoked and poped as the woman dropped it the shocks ending but not before wearing Rikke out. Looking up as her eyes faded Rikke saw the warg insignia on the woman's shoulder patch. "Damn it! How did a supernatural get threw the barrier! If I had known I would have shot it not tazed it!" "Sorry Captain Rhea I......"

Rikke awoke next staring up at a white painted celing with bold white metalic lines running in a retangular pattern seemingly holding up a spongy looking white tiles. A bright light eminated from a hanging silver lamp. Trying to move Rikke found herself strapped down but thankfully covered up by a sheet. "Don't move please.. I don't want to have to sedate you." Moving her eyes as her head was strapped down Rikke saw a pink haired kitsune holding up a gloved hand hovering over her body. The woman's face was obsucred by a stragne see threw blue box with white letters in revease to Rikke's viewing. Seemingly it came from a strange metal contraption attached to her wrist. "Captain she is not corrupted just mearly tainted. She is still human.. mostly. Age apoximatly 24 weight 58.5 kilos height 1.5 meters. She is heathy and can be questioned." A moment later Rikke's whole body moved as the bed she was on moved to an upright position. "Hello my name is Rhea captain of the Black Wargs Unit 22 of his majesties Endus Guards. Lets get to buinsess shall we. What is your name?, How did you get here, and Who do you work for?
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

This was more than a bit scary, Rikke struggled against the bonds though as the warning came, she'd quickly try to calm herself taking a slow breather "Who are you people?" her question would seemingly fall on deaf ears as someone kept talking nearby "I'm not hostile and un-armed, let's just talk..." it was completely true, at the moment Rikke was at the mercy of these new unknown enemies... but they called themselves the Black wargs... and Rhea?

"Rhea?--" she'd suddenly be interupted as the black haired kitsune stepped forward "Feeling chatty? Alright, lets talk." she'd approach and introduce herself, before barraging the rogue with question. At the very least the kitsune introduced herself proper, Rikke could only return the favor in kind "My name is Rikke Dalieru, I come from Crolia." she'd look to the kitsune, there was no mistaking it, she definedly looked like Rhea... and the pink haired girl could only be "Rhea, Rune... w-whats going on here? Where are we?" she'd ask in a clearly friendly tone.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

As Rikke's eyes adjusted from the nearly blinding light a familar if slightly changed face of her old friend and captain came into view. Sadly the woman's face was in a slight scowel. "Don't mock me spy. Claiming the name of the heroine of the black war. I don't know who you are or how you know what you know but Ill be damned if I let you tarnish the name of one of the greatest wargs of all time. So.. Ill ask again spy! Who are you and who do you work for! Is it the Bardian confederacy? The Amazonian republic? Maybe the Elven Allaince?" A bright flush of blood reddened Rhea's face. It was only then did Rikke spot the lack of a familar scar near the kitsunes eye. It was a slight wound at the time but for whatever reason it left a bright scar breaking up Rhea's eyebrow. Only now it was missing.

"Captain please calm yourself.. we need to finish the questioning before you know who shows up. Don't let yourself get riled up over a 2200 year old name." Rhea eased abit and leaned back some of the color fading from her face. "Sorry Rune you know how I feel about our units history." Looking over with her eyes Rikke saw Rune though much older than she remembered almost a similar age as Rhea. "I know I know its all you talked about in the acadamy." The woman smiled at Rhea before turning her head to Rikke. "Lets loosen her head at lest that looks mighty uncomfortable."

Soon enough the other Rune had loosened the straps that held her head down letting Rikke get free reign to turn her head. Looking about as the table she was on moved to a reclined sitting position. "Your too nice Rune." The pink haired woman smiled. "I know I know but Im a medic not a expert in torture. I leave that to dentiests. They are the real professionals." This seemed to bring a laugh from Rhea. The room Rikke was in seemed very steril and despite the soft white tiles everything around her was either a flat grey or shiny metal with the exception of the highly reflective tiled floor which matched the upper tiles of the room. A moment later Rune walked by revealing that she was indeed taller than the Rune Rikke knew and far more endowed in the physical assets. She wore a white over coat with a open pocket where several tools rested. They where strange devices unknown to Rikke. Underneath the overcoat was a simple black Tshit with a small patch attached over the right breast. It was the Warg insignia for sure that much Rikke knew.

"Eye's here hot stuff." Rikke felt a warm hand pull her chin so she looked a Rhea. Rikke now took in that Rhea was dressed in similar manner only she lacked the overcoat and her armor was missing. Two thin metal plates hung from her neck surrounded by a black border. Each was attached to a rather plain chain that ran up and around her neck. Rikke could see writing on them but from her position she could not make it out. This Rhea wore grey pants with strange black and diffrent grey colored squares splattered seemingly at random in groups. On her feet looked to be a sturdy pair of black leather boots that went up to about calf. "Now I would love for you to tell me the truth about who you are and where you come from but... lets be honest Im more intrested in how you broke into our Miltary history Museum. It may only be full of junk but my units pride is stored there and well... lets just say I take the Black Wargs very seriously.
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

This was starting to be more and more over Rikkes head at this moment "W-what?! You're seriously starting to scare me." the heroine leaned her head back and looked to the two "And I am, who am I am." somehow Rikke got the impression, the stone may have moved her a bit more than just to a different location. The rogue frowned lightly with both fear and agitation mixing within her "What sort of spy does her work naked! Something happened to my hearthstone and I was thrown here instead of Paradise Isle."

She'd keep her eyes on Rhea "I'm not lieing! Wherever this is, I don't belong here." the girl sighed deeply and rested against her restraints "You've got to believe, I'm no spy... I'm not sure if this is a halucination or some magic trick, but whatever it is, this doesn't feel right."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rhea leaned back and away from Rikke. "The only one's capable of magic are the acadamy brats and the demon invaders. Are you telling me you magiced yourself into our museum. I don't...." The sound of a door opening abruptly caused Rhea, Rune, and Rikke to look over. "Thats enough Captain. You've had your fun." Rhea got to her feet quickly. "Sir she is in my custody not...." The man held up a hand coverd in a smooth black leather glove. Seemingly silencing Rhea. "Cpl Rune please release the prisoner I will be taking her into my custody." Slowly Rune moved and began to release the straps holding Rikke in place. "Sir she could be dangerous." The man threw an annoyed look at Rhea. "I gave you as much time as I could Rhea." His features softened a little causeing the kitsune to blush. "I know Saul..... I know." Nodding the two exchanged glances again. Turning to Rikke he smiled. He was clean shaven if slightly older than Rhea but still fit and in his prime. He had broad shoulders and black hair with the barest hints of grey. His uniform seemed to be far more classy than Rhea's or Runes and he seemed to command some authority. "Ms. Dalieru if you would be so kind as to follow me. I had my assistant Serina bring you some cloths." Free of her bonds Rikke could try and make a run for it but being in an unknown place she doubted she would make an effective escape. "Who are you?" Rikke asked though if her memory served her right this man had an eire resemblence to Saul Rhea's husband. Except one thing.. he was dead. "Ahh yes please forgive me my name is Major Saul Solamen of his majesties Endus Magic Guards." The man gave a slight bow. "Now please Ms. Dalieru if you would enter the bathroom and change. I doubt you want to wander around naked."

Following the man's gestures Rikke entered a bathroom that at lest seemed familar in its acutraments though no bathtub was present. Sadly it had the same steril decor as the rest of the room it was attached to. Resting on the sink was a pair of cloths similar to what Rhea and Rune had been wearing though she had a pair of small white leatheris shoes (tennis shoes). Threw the door the man spoke again. "Sorry about the clothing choices it was all I could scramble together on short notice. If you want we can stop by a store and pick you out something more comfortable."

Rikke gains 8xp for defeating the master yet again and rescueing Jess and Sam. You may spend xp
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Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Rikke, ofcourse, wasn't too keen to show herself off to the man. Once her bindings freed up she'd quickly take the cloth that covered her and wrap it around herself. Still this scenario seemed to ring familiar to the rogue, being captive only for her captor to show grace and even offer her a bath... the heroine would remain in place as she looked over the man as if inspecting him, before moving to follow his lead. He above all else did not seem the Reginald type at all, the air about him was far different. Clearly militaristic.

The clothes were certainly not her style "Um... they'll do for the time being, thank you very much." it was hardly much, heck the shirt and pants were barely fitted for her much more luscious measurement, but soon enough Rikke was all dressed up once more.

The man seemed fairly gracious, polite and well-spoken. If she was going to find out where she was and what was going on, he'd surely be of assistance. All dressed up, Rikke pushed the door open and looked to the company there "Alright.. what now?"

Spend XP on:

New skills:
Battle Dance – The character gains a +12 bonus to Dodge and attack rolls, but must attack every round and takes 4 damage per round that ignores their AV.
Sneak – -10 sneak check. If they win this check, they are no longer detected by any enemy that they beat in the check.
Strike the Weak Spot (Passive) - Stealth attacks ignore armor
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Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

After getting dressed Rikke left the bathroom to find only Saul and a short elven woman with blonde hair and green eyes. "Humm they will have to do. Serina bring the car around I will escourt our oddity threw the halls." The elven woman snapped to attention and bowed before heading out leaving Rikke and Saul alone. "Now Ms. Dalieru if you would be so kind to follow me." He had a polite tone to his voice but it hinted at someone unwilling to have his patence tested. Following the man at lest for now he began to speak as he lead her threw empty hallways and out of a completely glass encased foyer where a long black carriage awaited them. "You seemed to have caused quite the stir among the locals and the military. Can you inform me as to how you got here? Or at lest try to remember how it happened?" Opening the door in the back Rikke was treated to a plush leather bench seat with a bottle of wine in a bucket of ice. Serina sat in the front seat a strage round contraption like a wheel in herhands. The whole carraige made a strange humming noise. If Rikke got in she would be followed by Saul who would pour her a glass of wine as the carriage without a hourse started to move almost silently. "Please don't look at me like Im your jailor and please forgive Rhea the war has been exhausting and to have her leave spoiled by a intruder well... we all know how a interupted vacation can be. If you have any questions feel free to ask you seem.. out of sorts here."
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

"I've already told Rhea, I was using my hearthstone to return to my Island, when something went wrong." she'd look to the glass structure curiously, while pretty... surely someone would throw a rock at it eventually, not to mention the lack of privacy "Next thing I know I wake up in this strange place with some madman looking to shoot me." she'd sigh casually, while he was polite Rikke did not trust the man. Not at this point...

While slightly reluctant Rikke followed the man to the magical device, she heard the academy trying something similar to this. A carriage driven by magic... but by the gods why magical humming so unpleasant! Taking a seat further from the man, she'd look to him sharply "Alright, lets start simple. Where am I?"
Re: Chapter 4 (Ubberific) GMed by ranger

Following her in Saul shut the door with a soft thunk causing the noise to almost completely dissappear. Adjusting himself in the seat he reached for the wine as the carriage moved and offered Rikke a glass. "Well your in Endus Capital of Southren Crolia. Any other questions?" The man still had the wine outstreached as he sipped his own glass.