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Tentacular Threat on Rise

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A. If it's the girl we're looking for an arcane bolt might kill her.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A Tentacle she will find
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

3 on A once again.

Linda took a determined look towards the bush, and walked to it.
"Alright what ever is there, come on out!" as she put her hand in the bush and pushed the leafs aside.

...But there was nothing there!
Or so she taught, for suddenly two green tentacles grap'd her legs by ankles and swiftly dragged her towards the bush! It was a trap!

She fell on her back and began sliding down in the bush, her wand dropped from her hand and as she slid through the bush. The suprise and the fast speed she was going towards the underneaths of the bush was scary! Linda closed her eyes.

Her robe was caught in many branches of the bush, making her stuck, for a while. The tentacles made a relentess pull!
Shredding and cracking was heard as she was slided out of her robes, the robes which stays stuck in the branches of the bush slightly turn in various spots. She was pulled out suprising pretty cleanly. She gained a few scratches here and there, but luckily nothing major.

As she opened her eyes, she came to notice she was hanging upside down, her head was few feet from the ground. Linda looked up to notice a green tentacle creature attached on the tree that was holding her from the legs, forcing them wider spread with strong tentacles around both her ankles and going around to her underknee.

The creature took out a phallic tentacle and started lowering it down towards Linda's crotch.
"Oh no you won't!" Linda started flailing and panicing, attempted to shoot an arcane bolt towards the creature, which ofcourse easily dodged this blast.
Linda tried again, but it was no use. In a position like this, and with her physical shape, more struggling would only tire her more.

(-20 mana)

The phallic tentacle began rubbing Linda pussy, slowly up and down, making her getting bit wet for lubricant.
Linda grit her teeth and closed her eyes in disgust. She was most surely that she would not want to be turned on by a creature like this, she didn't want to go that low.

The tentacle backed away a little bit, and thrusted itself in Linda vagina!
"AH!" Linda screamed out. The tentacle began thrusting itself in and out at a steady pace, going deeper and deeper with each thrust. Linda was silent and tense about it, trying to keep her pride, but it wasn't easy for this tentacle was pretty good at what it did. Linda started to get pleasure from the way this tentacle fucked her.

The tentacle began speeding up, slowly but surely till it started to go too fast for her! "Haa stop.. I..!" Linda had never even though something could fuck this fast. Her breathing speed up, as she couldn't keep herself from the pleasure and pain. Speeding up even further and further the tentacle stopped deep inside her. The tentacle seemed swell a bit and she felt something coming through it.

"HUH?!" The tentacle started pumping up a lot of cum, she could feel the sticky liquid filling her womb. "AAAAAGH" It just did not stop cumming inside her! Her stomach bulged a bit and the tentacle finally pulled itself out splashing its slimy sticky tentacle cum down towards Linda's breasts and face.

The creature dropped her, and Linda rolled on her stomach down next to the tree. A pool of cum started form below her as the overflow of cum started to pour out of her. Linda started slowly breathing, feeling dazed from what this creature had done to her.

The branches of the tree rattled and shook as the creature disapeared on the top of the tree.

Linda just stays there for a while, gathering her strength.
As she got up on her knees, still heavily breathing, she started to pull herself together. It was getting bit darker, its evening already?!

"That... was, quite a ride.."

She slowly walked back to the bush and started to pick up her stuff. She found that the wand the robe were still there. The robe was not in the best shape, but she put it on regardless of the shape, the sleeves got tattered and side of the robe had a large tear, exposing her leg like a night dress, another large tear was located on the neck area going down her belly, forcing it to show her cleavage quite heavily. There were small holes here and there aswell.

She walked to the middle of the open area and started to think her next move.

A) Lets rest here a little longer. We're still pretty beat from that.

B) Lets push on deeper to the forest! We're on a quest and we wanna finish it.
if B)
1. Use a ring charge to restore some energy
2. Do not use a charge.

C) Lets just get back to town and rest in the inn, this really didn't go as planned.

You recovered 5 mana during the rest after the creature was done with you.

Mana; 70/110

Linda is pretty tired but not completely tired.
Linda is a bit hungry.
Clothing covered in slime. Lets out a smell and slightly heavier to move.
Exposed to tentacle semen. Linda's pussy is bit more sensitive for a while.
Robe(shreddy, Slime covered, muddy and filthy). Necklace(enchanted). Oak Wand. Info Flier. Energy restore ring (5 charges)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 1 silver, 23 copper worth money.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B2. So Linda doesn't wear any underwear?
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

So Linda doesn't wear any underwear?

Well with a long robe nobody would know about it. Maybe her habbit might change soon though.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


As we learn in queen blade, elves dont use underwer
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B2. So Linda doesn't wear any underwear?

Yeah but, in Middle-Ages (I don't remember : is it the word ?), people didn't know "underwears". So, yes, he can give them underwears (if some people wants to dream ^^), but I don't think that MoT has to do it.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise


Meh, underwear would only be a sink of money. Tentacles would rip them away each time, and we would end up buying dozen of new panties instead of an awesome wand or something ^^
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B2 it is.

Linda made up her mind, even though she was tired, she wanted to find that girl! Tempted to use the ring, she however decided against it and pushed forward to the forest at her current state.

The growth of the forest was only getting more and more dense, finding clear areas to move easier with was getting harder and harder..
The leafs above the trees blocked more sky, infact, the sky didn't even show anymore, only bit of the light came though, with the night starting to fall, it was starting to get darker.

Linda was getting more and more exhausted, and decided to take a break.
Leaning towards a tree, she put her hands on the sides taking a long breath.
Moving her right hand bit to the side, she felt something, looking to the right, there was a small bush, but not just any bush.

Ecca berry bush! Finally some light for this day!
Ecca berries are a very sugary sweet and soft tasting berries also known as the candy berry! Back when Linda was a child, she would always use her pocket money to buy thise, even though her mom would tell her she'd ruin her teeth eating them, which ofcourse isn't true at all, but thats how moms are.

Linda felt a bit suspicious though, and checked the bush bit more carefully, but found nothing fishy. It was as legit as it can get. The blue berries were ripe for the picking.

It would be a real shame to leave such delicious treats here, specialy in our current state.

A) Take a hand full of these berries and eat em as you go.
B) I think we can take a little break to forage and eat up thise delicious berries, even if it isn't the most nutricious meal, and then move a head.
C) Same as B, but instead rest here for the night.

You've recovered 3 mana.

Mana; 73/110

Linda is tired.
Linda is hungry.
Clothing covered in slime. Lets out a smell and slightly heavier to move.
Exposed to tentacle semen. Linda's pussy is bit more sensitive for a while.
Robe(shreddy, Slime covered, muddy and filthy). Necklace(enchanted). Oak Wand. Info Flier. Energy restore ring (5 charges)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 1 silver, 23 copper worth money.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Preferably C or at least B
Ah, the ecca berries and sweet memory of our childhood!
While resting in the forest where tentacles roam might not be the best idea of all time, it's dark (which puts us at disadvantage) and we're kinda hungry and tired. It's possible to press onward, but believe me - forests in the night - bad business.

Before we lay to rest however, let's at least improvise something alarm-worthy (it may save our ass - literally). I guess our cute mage doesn't have any alarm spells, but spreading a few loud-cracking branches here and there wouldn't hurt.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C. If you've ever had a look at Dragon's Dogma you'll know why roaming around at night is a bad idea. Especially in forests.

For all those who haven't:

skip to about 5:00
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C. If you've ever had a look at Dragon's Dogma you'll know why roaming around at night is a bad idea. Especially in forests.

For all those who haven't:

skip to about 5:00

Don't you think other creatures might come to feed there? Basic rule, do not linger near the food or you could become a food. B
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B it is again.

Delighted by the sight of this berry bush, Linda went on her knees right next to this bush and started picking the berries one by one, immidiatly putting them in her mouth as she went by.
"Mmm..." The berries were as delicious as they always were. She really took her time to go through the bush picking any berry she found.

Energized and sated by thise berries, Linda figured she should still continue on, even though it is getting darker and darker. Infact, she might've spend a bit too much time going through that bush.

Linda pushed on, but it was very, very dark. "I shouldn't have slept on those classes about magic candles.." she muttered. Her progress however, came on a halt. Rattling and shooking was heard, similiar to the bush from earlier today.. But the sound came everywhere in surrounding area from top of the trees.

Cold chills went through Linda's spine. Though not showing it, she was nervous and afraid. She started to move slowly and carefully, very prepared to blast anything that might come near. The tension was high, she knew they were around her, moving and waiting..

A catasthropy! Due of the darkness Linda accidently tripped on a root of a tree. "Eeeeh!" she fall face first to the ground and her wand fly off from her hand, landing somewhere on the dark ground. Shaking sounds came closer and louder at intense rate! As she turned on her back and around only thing she saw was multible green tentacles rushing right at her! She had no time react!

Several tentacles grabbed her legs and her arms keeping her steadily in place while others went underneath her robes. She felt the tentacles going around her body, tangling around her waist, going softly around her breasts. "Get off you horrible beasts!" Linda attempted to struggle but the tentacles were too strong, it was futile. The tentacles underneath her robes started to twitch..
"SHREEEEEED" The tentacles ripped and teared her robes right off her. There was nothing left to wear about these ex-robes.

Luckily her money pouch was tied to her waist on a small rope of its own and was un touched, the tentacles showever no intrested on her jewelry either.

The tentacles started tangling around her once more, taking a grab on her waist, and continuing to play with her breasts. Linda had no words that could describe her loathe and embarrasment of the situation she was in.

The tentacles lifted her up and spread her legs. Linda already knew where this was going.. Pretty obvious, really. However, a different type of tentacle appeared, it was bit flower like, with leafy claw like shapes right open in a triad like shape. In the middle of the spread leafs there was a phallic shaped very bright green.. thing. A plenty of slimy liquids fell right from as it started position it.

Linda prepared herself, and the tentacle attached itself to her crotch, "AAAAGH" the phallic slimy thing penetraded her vagina easily and the leaf like claws went around her, one from below and two from the hips.

Suprised, this wasn't really so bad really as she expected... But she was wrong. The other tentacles originally holding her, let go. She was left to balance her body weight on this strong tentacle attached on her crotch. The tentacle was clearly playing with her, bounced her around, and the phallic thing would move around inside as she would try balance around on this tentacle. The pleasure and pain from this experience was another experience she was not expecting at all.

"oh- oh-- heehh! w-why wouuuld- anyoooneeee.. - do o ooooh so oooome - thinnngn .. liiiiikeeee thiiiiiiis..!" The other tentacles were still around her, you could think they were mocking her from their movements as they mimiced her balancing attempts.

Finally the tentacle attached on her crotch place her down on ground on her back, while still attached. The tentacle twitched, as it ejaculated something inside Linda. Linda could feel warm sticky liquid going inside her.. And started to lose her concencious. Linda passed out as the tentacle detached itself from her.

Everything went black.

Time went by as Linda started awoken once again.
She wasn't sure how long she was out, but as her senses started coming back to her, she found out she hold by tentacles against a weird, green, meaty feeling wall. The ground below was also of the same stuff.
The way they placed her was rather humiliating, arms kept up and her legs wide spread.

This place she was in, wasn't really that big, bit like a small round hall. In the other end opposite side of her, there were two women placed in some sort of pods. She couldn't tell whenever they were human or elves, but they seemed to be pregnanted, and judging from their eyes, on their own little world..

Hearling mumbling and moaning, Linda looked to her sides, well her right side didn't have anything but on her left, about 6 feet or so from her there was a lizardkin woman tied in similiar way as Linda, her boobs were as big as Linda's, kinda funny, Linda has never seen big breasted lizardkin before. The lizardkin woman was twitching and trying to struggle like mad, as she was being violated by tentacle creatures. They were also keeping her mouth shut by force, guess she must be a loud one.

About 6 feet from the lizardkin there was a pale, young, long haired blonde woman, she must be Lilli! She was also being hold and violated by the tentacle creatures, however, a sleep? She seems to be breathing and her eyes are closed.

From the middle of the hall, a very large, round tentacle came out from the meaty ceiling. The head of the tentacle was large and round, and glowed green. Kinda looked like an eye, but not quite. The large tentacle turned to Linda, who's magic sense started to tingle a bit.

Linda heard a voice in her head.

"Oh look, we seem to have a pulled a little rabbit from the forest! Welcome to your new home, slave"

"I'm not your slave, let me go you big so-"

"Now now!" The sound interupted Linda.

"We don't tolerate language like that here. You're gona have to swallow them down"

A tentacle appeared above Linda that positioned itself in front of Linda's mouth.

"Open wide!"

A) Do what the creature says.
B) Keep your mouth shut, don't let it enter.
C) Bite it.

Your mana has been fully charged.

100/100 mana. Mana pool dropped by 10 from lost of wand.

Linda is full of energy and well rested.
Linda is not hungry.
Slight tentacle semen exposure.
Necklace(enchanted). Energy restore ring (5 charges)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 1 silver, 23 copper worth money.
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Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B Keep your mouth shut. It'll probably force the matter but biting it while it still has her bound and has hostages probably won't work to her favor.