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Tentacular Threat on Rise

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B : if we don't find anybody, we can take money or things like that (and food, maybe).

and why would you eat a lizardkin :c
Why not ? Lizards are not that bad to eat. (Snakes taste like chicken)
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

how cannibalistic

B wins with 4 votes.

Linda thinked a bit by herself, looking at the empty houses of the towns.
"Hmmm.. I wonder if there'd be something useful here?"

"Doubt it" Viki replied, "Even if there were, they'd probably be broken, rusty tools which are barely worth using, unless you ofcourse sense some sort of magical items here"

"Nope, not sensing anything, guess we should continue down the road to another town."


Linda and Viki walked out of the town, and began to follow the road away from it.. After walking a few miles, the two came across a crossroad.
The crossroads sign pole showed directions and names of towns and places.

Linda and Viki came from direction west, a sign pointing to west read; "Cindercliff" and the one under it read "Okryl" Okryl must've been the town Linda and Viki were in, what a silly name for a town!

Sign pointing at east read "CrystalBlix", Linda regonized this name, its a name for one of the bigger elven cities!

Sign pointing to south read "Ragfell Desert" and one under it read "Rytol"

Sign pointing to north read "Lake Noffinhood" and one under it read "Noffinhood"

None of the signs however had any distance indicators.

A) Head to CrystalBlix
B) Head to Rytol
C) Head to Noffinhood


110/110 mana

Linda is energized
Linda is not hungry.
Has consumed tentacle semen (minor). Linda has some dirty thoughts going in her head..
Peasant dress (brown). Necklace(enchanted). Energy restore ring (4 charges)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 21 silver, 68 copper worth money.


Viki is energized
Viki is not hungry.
Exposed to tentacle semen recently(moderate). More sensitive and will have harder time to resist if penetration happens.
Peasant tunic and pants.
Hidden money pouch holding 56 silver, 85 copper worth money.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

C (I love snow and mountains)
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

A it is.

Linda and Viki both looked at the crossroad signs.
"Oh hey CrystalBlix! I know that place!" Linda excitetly proclaimed

"You do?"

"Yeah, thats a large elven city, I'm sure we'll get everything we need there"

"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go then!"

As Linda and Viki continued down the road, the road started going down a chasm like area, the sides of the road were full of large rock formations.. It was a bit creepy, did they break a small mountain here or something?

As they went a head, they noticed a man was lying in the middle of the road face down.

A) This guy needs help! Rush to go see whats wrong with him
B) This area feels threatening, lets check this guy, but do so carefully.
C) This isn't our business and we're in a hurry, lets just run past him.


110/110 mana

Linda is energized
Linda is not hungry.
Has consumed tentacle semen (minor). Linda has some dirty thoughts going in her head..
Peasant dress (brown). Necklace(enchanted). Energy restore ring (4 charges)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 21 silver, 68 copper worth money.


Viki is energized
Viki is not hungry.
Exposed to tentacle semen recently(moderate). More sensitive and will have harder time to resist if penetration happens.
Peasant tunic and pants.
Hidden money pouch holding 56 silver, 85 copper worth money.
Last edited:
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B Let's be helpful but not stupid.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B. Weapons ready.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B. For all we know this guy is dead and there are a bunch of tentacles hiding underneath him and in his hollowed out body.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B it is.

Linda and Viki stood where they were for a bit, looking towards the man who was just lying down there..

"Should we check on him?"

"Well, I think we should, incase there's some actually wrong with him.."

"You can't really never be too sure on things like this.. muggers sometimes lay traps this way. I'll check on him, but keep yourself prepared to blast anyone incase someone does jump out, okay Linda?"

"Will do" Linda started to focus and began to carefully look at the surroundings..

Viki walked towards the man.. She kneeled down and shook him at the shoulder. "Hey, hey.. Are you alright?"

The man did not respond. Viki started to turn him around to check him further.. It was then when Linda sensed a spike of magic going around.


But it was too late. As Viki turned the man around, he twisted himself to a fast roll, his arm forming into a silvery tentacle, grapping Viki by her waist, throwing her down over the man. Though this wasn't a man at all, for he formed out to be a silver coloured tentacle beast that was in some sort of a magical disguise.

Luckily, Viki was able to land on her butt and thus keeping some balance. But as she opened her eyes from the flinch of the landing the intimidating silver coloured tentacle beast was right in front of her..

Linda's action;

A. Blast the beast with accurate careful arcane bolts
B. Spam multible arcane bolts at the beast, hopefully atleast confusing it or getting its attention.
C. Rush to aid Viki without magic
D. Cast haste on yourself, run past the beast and attempt to grap Viki on the way and cast haste on her aswell

Viki's action;

1. Roll away from the beast and try to evade it or fight carefull depending on Linda's action!
2. Attempt to headbutt the beast, maybe you'll get it off guard. Then fight carefully or evade depending on Linda's action.
3. Roll and attempt to slap the beast using your tail, maybe it'll flinch it a bit. Then fight carefully or evade depending on Linda's action.


110/110 mana

Linda is energized
Linda is not hungry.
Has consumed tentacle semen (minor). Linda has some dirty thoughts going in her head..
Peasant dress (brown). Necklace(enchanted). Energy restore ring (4 charges)
Small leather pouch tied to her waist holding 21 silver, 68 copper worth money.


Viki is energized
Viki is not hungry.
Exposed to tentacle semen recently(moderate). More sensitive and will have harder time to resist if penetration happens.
Peasant tunic and pants.
Hidden money pouch holding 56 silver, 85 copper worth money.
Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

Re: Tentacular Threat on Rise

B1 (A shotgun is better when you don't shoot your allies ^_^)