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Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
Reputation score
Ashley's Ranch

Ashley's Mamono
Lesser Succubus: Grade C+
Mamono Level: 453
Life: C 219
Power: B 348
Intelligence: B 348
Defense: C 207
Skill: B 328
Speed: C 204
Loyalty: B(76)
Tech: C
Special Trait: All of her attacks drain 20% of the damage caused, cumulative with any drain skill.

Hip Check
 	Pow 8

 	Mag 17
 	20% to inflict Charm (enemy will submit to you for a time)

 	Mag 25

Alp: Grade E
Mamono Level: 223
Life: D 78
Power: D 72
Intelligence: D 72
Defense: D 74
Skill: D 72
Speed: D 78
Loyalty: S(30)
Tech: D
Special Trait: When about to be KO'd, survives with 1 Life.

 	Pow 13
 	Reduce next incoming attack's damage by 20%

 	Mag 25
 	40% to inflict Charm (enemy will submit to you for a time)

Witch: Grade B
Mamono Level: 308
Life: D 82
Power: E 38
Intelligence: A 345
Defense: C 174
Skill: A 280
Speed: D 90
Loyalty: C(36)
Tech: B
Special Trait: 20% chance to absorb a magic attack, adding the damage to health.

Take a Sip
 	Pow 7
 	20% chance to inflict poison (Guts gain reduced)

Writhe in Flames
 	Mag 13
 	20% to set the target on fire (Grade A damage over 5 turns.)

Freeze with Fear
 	Mag 25
 	60% to encase the target in ice (enemy unable to take action)

Devil Bug: Grade E
Mamono Level: 215
Life: E 36
Power: D 70
Intelligence: E 35
Defense: D 70
Skill: C 105
Speed: C 117
Loyalty: S(0)
Tech: D
Special Trait: 40% Chance to avoid an attack that would otherwise KO her.

	Pow 13

Moth Dust
	Mag 25
	40% chance to inflict Blind(Makes it twice as hard for opponent to hit)

Holstaurus: Grade E
Mamono Level: 182
Life: D 62
Power: C 93
Intelligence: C 93
Defense: E 31
Skill: E 30
Speed: D 60
Loyalty: S(36)
Tech: D
Special Trait: Produces Milk when happy.

	Pow 13

	Mag 25
	Heal self or ally for 20% of Intelligence

Elf: Grade C
Mamono Level: 360
Life: D 104
Power: C 186
Intelligence: C 147
Defense: D 88
Skill: B 276
Speed: B 332
Loyalty: C(24)
Tech: C
Special Trait: Bipolar, the Elf's loyalty grade fluctuates weekly..

Arrow Shot
 	Pow 25

Warning Shot
 	Pow 17

Crystal Arrow
 	Mag 83

Fairy: Grade D
Mamono Level: 212
Life: E 52
Power: E 27
Intelligence: C 96
Defense: E 27
Skill: D 94
Speed: B 108
Loyalty: A(0)
Tech: C
Special Trait: Against Physical attacks, gains a Speed grade of A.

	Mag 14

Fairy Dust
	Mag 14
	40% chance to inflict Happy

Tsukumogami: Grade C
Mamono Level: 469
Life: C 255
Power: C 168
Intelligence: B 412
Defense: E 82
Skill: C 243
Speed: E 56
Loyalty: A(65)
Tech: C+
Special Trait: 60% less damage from POW attacks, 40% more from MAG.

Lightning Bolt! 
	Mag 14

	Mag 7

	Mag 21
 	40% Chance to paralyze (Unable to take action)

Imp: Grade D
Mamono Level: 310
Life: D 114
Power: E 30
Intelligence: C 198
Defense: D 100
Skill: D 164
Speed: D 50
Loyalty: A (40)
Tech: C
Special Trait: Absorbs 20% magical damage received, and reflects it back to her attacker

 	Pow 42
 	60% chance to inflict charm

Cock Grind
 	Mag 25
 	Drain 50% of the damage caused

Magic Beam
 	Mag 16

Goblin: Grade D
Mamono Level: 419
Life: D 136
Power: B 292
Intelligence: D 106
Defense: C 219
Skill: C 231
Speed: B 300
Loyalty: A (30)
Tech: D
Special Trait: 20% chance to perform a double attack

Head Butt
 	Pow 37
 	40% Chance to stun

Spin to Win
 	Pow 25
 	Ignore 20% damage from next attack.

 	Pow 50

Hyper Human: Grade C
Mamono Level: 444
Life: C 252
Power: A 475
Intelligence: B 318
Defense: E 37
Skill: C 254
Speed: D 130
Loyalty: B(68)
Tech: C
Special Trait: Whenever she lands an attack against an enemy that leaves
 them below 20% Life, she defeats them immediately.
(Reduced effect on bosses)

Abusive Force
 	Pow 17

Slam Jam
 	Pow 34
 	20% chance to Stun

Electric Force
 	Mag 42

Get Dunked!
 	Pow 67

Super Mouse
Large Mouse: Grade E
Mamono Level: 300
Life: E 50
Power: D 140
Intelligence: E 30
Defense: E 30
Skill: C 150
Speed: B 280
Loyalty: S (60)
Tech: D
Special Trait: Always starts any battle with the Pumped Morale.

Super Punch!
 	Pow 25

Cape Flourish
 	Pow 12

Bite of Deliverance
 	Pow 25
 	20% to poison

Grizzly: Grade C
Mamono Level: 346
Life: C 192
Power: B 288
Intelligence: E 33
Defense: B 264
Skill: C 207
Speed: C 192
Loyalty: B(68)
Tech: C
Special Trait: Reduces the effects of Withering by 40%

 	Pow 25

 	Pow 25

 	Mag 25
 	(20%)Inflicts Sticky

Harpy: Grade D
Mamono Level: 345
Life: C 171
Power: C 177
Intelligence: C 192
Defense: D 90
Skill: B 252
Speed: C 171
Loyalty: A(10)
Tech: D
Special Trait: Can take flight to become Flighty(doubles Speed), but if hit, becomes Gounded(Unable to dodge)

Harpy Beam!
 	Mag 38

Harpy Scratch!
 	Pow 38

Ghoul: Grade C 
Mamono Level: 618
Life: D 213
Power: B 432
Intelligence: D 200 
Defense: B 408
Skill: C 312
Speed: C 309
Loyalty: A
Tech: C
Special Trait: For every 4 ranks into a skill, gain 1 rank into Crit for free.

      Pow 33

      Pow 67

Orc: Grade C
Mamono Level: 621
Life: C 342
Power: B 464
Intelligence: D 100
Defense: C 345
Skill: B 474
Speed: D 220
Loyalty: A (Base: 5xGrade)
Tech: C
Special Trait: Hermaphrodite. Loses Loyalty gradually, but restores back to A when permitted to have sex with it's trainer.

      Pow 50

      Pow 33
      20% to make target Annoyed(Morale)

Beelzebub: Grade D
Mamono Level: 400
Life: E 65
Power: D 140
Intelligence: C 140
Defense: E 65
Skill: C 130
Speed: A 325
Loyalty: A
Tech: C

Dryad: Grade C
Mamono Level: 600
Life: B 400
Power: B 400
Intelligence: B 400
Defense: A 500
Skill: B 400
Speed: E 100
Loyalty: C
Tech: D
Special Trait: Reduce Hostile Critical Chance by 40%

Make Love!
	Pow 63
	100% Chance to Charm

	Mag 38

	Pow 50
	20% Chance to Charm

Sexy Time!
	Pow 100
	40% Chance to Stun

Ashley's Constructions
Upgraded Mail Post
Assigned: (Speed)
1: Poppy (Normal Duty) B
2: Super Mouse (Normal Duty) B
3: Dusty (Normal Duty) C
4: Beelzebub (Normal Duty) B
5: Gobbo (Normal Duty) B

Weekly Profit: 285

Express Delivery Box: Profits +50%

Upgraded Trading Post
Assigned: (Intelligence)
1: Ria (Normal Duty) A
2: Sparkle (Normal Duty) B
3: Regina (Normal Duty) B
4: Mittens (Normal Duty) C
5: Tiki (Normal Duty) C

Weekly Profit: 285

More Storage Space: Increases profits by 50%

Ashley's Available Training Exercises
Basic Training
Domino: The monster tries to slam into domino slabs to knock them all down. Raises Power
Shoot: The monster tries to throw rocks at moving targets. Raises Skill
Study: The monster is taught by our own Inari instructor on magic and the ways of the world. Raises Intelligence.
Dodge: The monster tries to dodge our own elite squad of Rush Fairies. Raises Speed.
Run: The monster is put on a track with a cockatrice to chase her for as long as she can. Raises Life.
Endure: The monster stands in a powerful stream to try and endure for as long as she can. Raises Defense.

Ashley's Schedule
Food Expenditures and Weekly Cost
Sparkle: Jelly - 150
Jace: Fish - 100
Ria: Meat - 300
Dusty: Potato - 10
Tiki: Milk - 50
Demeter: Fish - 100
Poppy: Milk - 50
Tojiko: Milk - 50
Mittens: Milk - 50
Gobbo: Fish - 100
Regina: Fish - 100
Super Mouse: Potato - 10
Fiddle: Cup o' Honey - 150
Avy: Fish - 100
Beelzebub: Potato - 10
Timber: Meat - 300
Frieza: Meat - 300

Training Schedule
Mamono Training with: None
Sunday: Rest
Monday: Free
Tuesday: Free
Wednesday: Free
Thursday: Free
Friday: Free
Saturday: Rest

Venice says: "Exchange the Free slots with training exercises to build your mamono's stats, or leave them all Free to spend quality time with your mamono. And remember, there's a limit on how many mamono you can be training during a week, you must remain devoted to specific mamono!"

Ashley's Items
-Equipped Items-
Sparkle: Nothing
Jace: Nothing
Ria: Nothing
Dusty: Nothing
Tiki: Nothing

-Items in the Sack-
x1 Candy
x2 Mint Leaf

Venice says: "Items are extremely useful for expeditions, as your mamono have no chance to recover between battles. You can use as many items as you'd like when out of combat, but during a battle, your mamono may only use one item, which you equip to them beforehand. You must choose carefully, which item you want to give to your mamono, as a poor choice could mean their loss."

Available Expeditions
Red: Limited Errantry. (Will expire after due date, or if the Errantry is failed.)
Blue: Normal Errantry. (May embark whenever you wish, and repeatable upon loss.)
Green: Training Errantry. (Grants Mamono Skills and general training.)

Roast the Pork! Orcs have invaded Ashley's ranch and are forcing her into their clan! Welcome them, or defeat them all to chase them out!
Ranch Battle: Defeat Ten Orcs! You may use all of your mamono.

Making War, Making Peace! Shizuku is still having trouble getting everyone to agree, and all of the staff woman's rejects entering her kingdom aren't helping! You will need 6 mamono for this!
Recommended Level: 600

Grunt-Hilda's Lair! Fiddle's brother is being held hostage by an evil witch! Ashley needs to get stronger!
Requirements: Rancher Rank C ; Fiddle and Avy must be in the party
Recommended Level: 600

Expedition Log
NPC Specific Quest Chain Completion:
Valdis: D
Melpha: D
Shizuku: D
Venice: D
Fio/Rio: E

Ashley's Money: 5190G
Ashley's Rancher Rank: C
Time: Year 2, Month 4, Week 2
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Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

"Delicious," Ashley would recall the kitsune saying. Her soul looked delicious. With that in mind, Ashley made her way through a treacherous forest, filled with various feminine creatures, both on land and above, until she saw a massive, wondrous city in front of her that matched the kitsune's description. Tall buildings that looked like spires stretched into the sky, each in front of what appeared to be a large palace that Ashley would realize was a building dedicated entirely to supporting countless mamono inside. And upon seeing her destination, was when she heard...

"Look out beloooow!" cried a cute voice, before Ashley saw a woman with demon wings, horns, and a tail come falling from above, and crash into her. Ashley was knocked to her back, with the demonic woman laying on top of her. "Ow-ow-ow-ow! Owie! My horn..." the girl complained, not even bothering to apologize to Ashley before she suddenly began sniffing, and rubbing her nose all over Ashley. "Candy... I smell candy! Gimme! I would love some candy!" she announced, her hand digging into Ashley's pocket, where she did have a sugar mint for some reason...
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

"Ouch!" Ashley said irritably after the sudden impact, rubbing her sore head and sitting up on her elbows from where she'd fallen after the strange winged woman had dropped on top of her, finding her still on top of Ashley. She'd already been in a foul mood after some of the things she'd encountered had tried to attack her, and this hadn't improved that at all.... Until she got a good look at the perpetrator and her annoyance vanished completely. Damn was this girl fine!

"Hey, what's your-gah!" Ashley started to ask the girl's name but was cut off as she started sniffing around on her, "What are you-gah!" She was stopped again as the woman's hand reached into the back pocket of her pants, searching for the mint that she had there and rubbing against Ashley's voluptuous bottom in the process. "Hold on! Stop flailing!" Ashley said, reaching into her pocket and pulling out the piece of candy, which she promptly offered to the strange woman. "So... Who are you?" Ashley asked quietly, still lying beneath the strange demonic woman who was no doubt devouring the treat she'd offered.

Mechanical records for my nefarious use:
IMA members can train mamono to give them new skills. Select components and whether or not the mamono learns a skill is determined by whether or not they meet the grade in the related stats, tech, and mamono grade for that skill. See more explicit details below.
Skill Grade determines the number of points spent on creating it, and you get 4 points per grade divided into 4 difficulty ranks. So, E skills give up to 4 points, D skills give up to 8, C skills 12, B skills 16, A skills 20, and S skills give up to 24 points for use in their creation. A mamono cannot learn a skill that's grade is above the grade of their tech, and the difficulty determines whether or not they can learn the skill being created.
RaptorJesus: (The difficulties influence the level of her opponent.)
RaptorJesus: (From 1-4, a Grade E sparring match's level can go from 100, 200, 300, to 400.)
RaptorJesus: (Grade D, 300, 400, 500, 600.)
tassadar003: (so her level would have to exceed that, or her value in the stat according to a creature of that level, or what?)
RaptorJesus: (She would put the skill to use. Her mamono level will weigh in against the opponent to determine her advantage or disadvantage, influenced by her Grade.)
RaptorJesus: (Increasing in multiplication. Ergo, grade E - level 300, would simply be level 300. In Sparkle's case, her level 320 would be... 1120)
tassadar003: (wat. How do you even get that number?)
RaptorJesus: (C+ = 3.5)
tassadar003: (oh, 3.5, derp)
RaptorJesus: (E = 1, D = 2, C=3. Plusses add .5)

Grade E skills: 1 (100) 2 (200) 3 (300) 4 (400)
Grade D skills: 5 (300) 6 (400) 7 (600) 8 (700)
Grade C skills: 9 (500) 10 (600) 11 (700) 12 (800)
Probably won't need higher than this.
The level of a skill is multiplied by the Grade when determining difficulty to learn a skill, and your mamono's current level is multiplied by their grade, as can be seen in the example above.

The guts cost of a skill is equal to: # of points spent on making the skill / the tech grade factor thing.
Tech factors are equal to .04 times the grade of the mamono's tech, so E = .04, D = .08, C = .12, B = .16, A = .2, and S = .24

So, basically: Choose a number of points that you want and an appropriate trainer for what you want a skill to do. (They must make sense given the lore. Melpha will not train people to set the souls of things on fire.) This number must be within a rank that's less than or equal to your trainee mamono's tech, IE: a tech grade D mamono can learn a skill that costs 8 points, and no more. Then, whether or not the mamono can actually learn the skill is determined by the above formula, and you can compute the guts cost and save MAF a bit of time by doing the above. See this post for more info on skills. When making a skill, increasing any of the damage boxes costs 1 point, and giving a 20% chance for a status effect costs 1 point.

So, for example:
Making a skill that deals E damage to health, withers guts for D damage, and has a 20% chance to charm would cost 4 points, making it the hardest E skill, and would cost 4/guts factor guts for the mamono to use in battle. This can be seen below, with Sparkle's tech used to determine cost.
Tail Injection.
Pow 33
20% to charm

Sparkle would require a level * grade value equal to E (1) * 400 in order to learn this skill, and as her level at time of writing is 320 and her grade is 3.5, she can easily learn this ability.
Learning a version that costs 5 points and has a higher chance to charm would look like this:
Tail Injection.
Pow 41
40% to charm
And Sparkle would require a D (2) * 300 = 600 effective skill level to learn this, which she also exceeds.

On more advanced effects and rounding:
tassadar003: (chances for status effects come in increments of 20% right? What about other things like Gobbo and Jace's damage resistance, are those 1 point too?)
RaptorJesus: (Depends on the effect. Jace's ability Cower comes in a single increment that cannot be increased. A more advanced ability would increase at 10% per increment, or 20% to block a single type of attack, be it physical or magical.)
tassadar003: (also, how do you round for the guts costs)
RaptorJesus: (Round naturally. If the result is .5, round down if it is a wither based attack, and up if it is a damaging attack.)
tassadar003: (righto, so round down if it only does wither?)
RaptorJesus: (Round down if it is primarily a wither. So long as the damage stat does not exceed half of the wither's grade)
RaptorJesus: (Ex. It is wither based if you have S in wither, and C in damage)
tassadar003: (so the tail move as seen above would be wither based, cuz D wither and E damage?)
RaptorJesus: (Correct)
tassadar003: (cool beans)

IMA Representatives Known
Going over to meet Melpha, she greeted them with a smile. "I can teach you these sorts of techniques..." (Melpha's dojo focuses in Withering, Status Effects, and Accuracy.)

Roan grunted, "You wanna train here? It's rough!" she laughed. (Roan teaches primarily in Damage and Critical attacks. Physical only.)

Shizuku hummed. "Things are a bit chaotic... But I can teach you a few things." (Shizuku teaches primarily in debuffs, status effects, and accuracy.)
(Note: A debuff is not a status effect. It is something that can affect a mamono regardless of resistance to status effects, such as an arachne using her webs, though debuffs are not as effective as status effects.)

Lotus giggled. "If you think you can keep up, I will teach you how to win with wit." (Lotus teaches primarily in Magical damage, Draining, and Critical)

Valdis glared over at her guest. "... Try not to die." (Valdis teaches primarily in Withering, Debuffs, and Status effects.)

Crystal Clare waved, "Hello~! What can I do for you?" (Claire teaches primarily in Defensive skills, Healing, and Withering)

Isabell hummed, "You want to learn something from me? I don't teach often, but I will try." (Isabell teaches primarily in Damage, accuracy, and critical.)

Envy blinked. "... are you making fun of me?" (Envy is homeless, she does not have a dojo.)

The elementals gathered each give contribution. "We can teach you any sort of magical skill, but we are strict instructors." Undine announced. (The elementals can teach any skill, but are slightly harder to beat. Note, elementals can only teach Mag skills)

Baphomet laughs. "Oh, I can teach you how to destroy a living thing in every way possible." (Baphomet can teach any physical skill, but is harder to beat.)

Fio nods. "I will give you a good lesson in discipline. I may be harsh, but you will thank me when your opponent's punishment doesn't phase you." (Fio teaches primarily in Accuracy, Damage, and withering.)

Venice, "I can do it all, but I'm in a hurry. Good luck!" (Venice can teach any skill. She is the hardest to face.)
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Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Taking the candy from Ashley's hand, the demoness did indeed start devouring it quickly. Even though it was such a tiny thing, she held it in both hands, and began biting at it like some kind of animal, nibbling it away and making a high pitched 'num-num-num-num-num-num-num!' noise as she ate away at it. Once she ate it, she smiled and looked to Ashley. "Who am I? I don't know! I was hoping you knew!" she announced. And upon further investigation, Ashley saw that the demonic collar around the demon's neck had gold lace etched into it, forming a single word:

Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Ashley quirked an eyebrow as the demonic woman in her lap set about nibbling at the tiny piece of candy like a squirrel, and she watched the act in dumbfounded silence until the strange woman finished and answered. "You... You don't know? You don't even know who you are?" Ashley asked somewhat incredulously, pity also making its presence known within her voice.

A glance at the woman's collar revealed the woman's name at least, and she eyed it for a moment before looking back up at her new friend's face. "So, uhh... I guess your name is Sparkle! At least your collar there says so! Lets be friends! I'mma go sign up to be a monster girl rancher! Will you be my first manan... Manin.... Mimon.... Uhhh.... Ranch helper friend?" Ashley said, stumbling over the pronunciation of "mamono" several times before giving up and going with an alternative.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

"Sparkle... That sounds familiar. I guess my name is Sparkle!" she giggled, ignoring Ashley's question for a moment as she looked at Ashley's impressively large breasts. "Oooh! Are you a holstaurus!? Tasty milk!" she announced, exposing Ashley's breasts in an instant as she yanked at the girl's clothes, before attaching her mouth to one of Ashley's nipples. "No milk..." she complained, stopping.

"Huh... Ranching... Be your mamnin helper friend? I don't know what that is, but if you'll give me candy and sweets, I don't care!" she announced.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

"Am I a wha-gah!" Ashley paused mid-sentence to gasp in surprise as her top was casually pulled aside, exposing her ample chest to the air and causing the tips of her breasts to harden due to their sudden exposure. "What are you -nnn!" she was cut off again as Sparkle's lips sealed over the sensitive tip and started sucking, Ashley just barely able to keep down a moan of pleasure.

With her breasts still hanging out and her shirt still pulled up even after Sparkle released her nipple, Ashley gave the woman a brief longing look before she cleared her throat and said, "I'll give you all the candy and sweets! All of them! Now, lets go get all of the paperwork and stuff worked out!" If Sparkle allowed her up, Ashley hurriedly straightened her top out before they went anywhere else.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Sparkle began to sniff at Ashley again, perking up a bit and letting out a surprised squeak as her tail rose like a cat. "I smell... Arousal! You're aroused!" Sparkle announced with glee. "Thanks for the meal!" she announced as well, reaching behind her back, before Ashley heard a metal click following Sparkle's few garments falling off, even her panties, leaving her torso nude, and ready for sex. "Yum, soul candy~" Sparkle giggled, before attaching her mouth over Ashley's nipple again, and fondling her other breast with her other hand, moaning as Ashley felt an erotic, draining sensation make her body tremble.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

"Err... Yes, I guess I...." Ashley began to reply, but trailed off as Sparkle reached behind her back and seemingly clicked a button that caused all of her clothes to just pop off. "Am..." she finished blankly as she got an eyeful of the demon's wonderful body, just before Sparkle descended upon Ashley once more, taking the erect tip of one breast into her mouth and groping the other with her hand. The moan that the succubus released was joined by a louder one from Ashley, who wrapped one arm around Sparkle's head and trembled with pleasure as an odd but nonetheless erotic draining sensation came over her.

'We can't do this here! We're out where anyone can see us!' Ashley thought desperately to herself, but rather than drive her to resist, the thought of being stumbled upon only made her more aroused. The hand around Sparkle's head wound through her light purple hair and pulled her more tightly against Ashley's ample bosom, indicating for her to become a little rougher on her nipples. Her other hand slid between them and down Sparkle's body to return some of the treatment that she was receiving, groping at the other woman's nearly equally impressive bust before taking one of her nipples between thumb and forefinger and toying with it. Ashley's hot breath and the low, lewd moans that escaped her mouth alongside it were emitted close enough to Sparkle's head that she could likely feel it passing by one of her ears, and even though they were still covered in her pants and panties Ashley's legs began to part slowly as her petals began to dampen in anticipation for the seemingly inevitable moment that they would become the target of Sparkle's attention. 'So good.... She could make me cum just like this....'
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Sparkle suddenly popped her mouth off of Ashley's breast, before moving down, giggling. "You look like you're peeing yourself!" she exclaimed, "Unpantsing powers, ho!" Sparkle shouted, before Ashley felt lower garments suddenly lifted, and were whipped right off of her body in an instant, in the blink of an eye... Granted they probably wouldn't come back on the same way as before. "So~" Sparkle leaned in again, hovering over Ashley's breasts, sneaking in a few sucks, licks, and kisses as she spoke. "I can use my fingers, my tongue, a penis, tentacles, or these strange suction cup thingies I can make!" she announces, bringing up examples for each as she said them, until her fingers were raised, tongue was sticking out, a penis was hanging from her crotch, three tentacles were sticking out from her back, along with two more only with suction cups on the end.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Ashley blushed and scowled down at Sparkle when she said that she looked like she was peeing herself, but the expression broke into one of shock as her clothes were simply whisked right off of her body, leaving her totally nude, her love honey glistening against her petals. "How -mmm- did you -ahhh!- do that?" she said, moaning and biting her lip as Sparkle continued her undeniably effective assault upon her breasts.

At Sparkle's display of versatility in ways that she could provide pleasure, Ashley's jaw dropped in amazement. All sorts of lewd scenarios played through her head; her bent over as Sparkle pounded into her from behind and forced a tentacle down her throat at the same time, her on her back as Sparkle's tongue explored her folds and those suction cup tentacles sucked on the tips of her breasts, being suspended in the air upside-down as Sparkle's tentacles pounded into her holes and her cock was forced down Ashley's throat.... How could she do all that? And how did her own imagination come up with so many ways to take advantage of things she'd never even seen before so quickly!?

That thought was banished from her mind as her arousal demanded satisfaction, but Ashley knew that she ought to take some initiative herself first. Sparkle was her mamono, not the other way around! Ashley suddenly lunged forward and half tackled Sparkle, bearing her to the ground with as much gentleness as was possible. She didn't want to damage those tentacles after all! Before the succubus had even settled down to the ground fully, Ashley had grabbed the cock hanging from her crotch and aligned it toward her mouth, which descended upon it and took it in all the way to the base in a single gulp. Ashley stared up at Sparkle as her lips pressed against her mound, her tongue licking against the underside of Sparkle's member and examining the taste while the muscles in her throat contracted around the length now buried in her throat. Even with the full length inside of her Ashley didn't seem to gag in the slightest, only needing to arch her back somewhat in order to allow her to deepthroat from this angle.

Closing her eyes, Ashley began to bob her head up and down while sucking on Sparkle's cock and rubbing her tongue along the shaft, sucking in quick breaths whenever she reached the head. She only kept up her treatment for a few moments before pulling the cock out of her mouth fully and gasping in breath, opening her eyes to witness the effect that it had had on her partner. Once she'd sucked in enough air to feel recovered, Ashley gave the demon's cock a few quick licks around the sensitive head and said, "How about *lick* all of *lick* the above? *lick*" She tilted her head slightly and took the tip of Sparkle's cock into her mouth, sucking on it lightly for a second before releasing it from her mouth and swinging her hips around, placing her bottom and her positively dripping folds in front of Sparkle's face. After giving Sparkle's member a few quick strokes, Ashley's mouth descended upon it once more, taking it more slowly this time but making up for it by swirling her tongue rapidly around the sensitive head every time she paused for breath.
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Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Upon looking up to inspect the effect she had on Sparkle, Ashley saw a wide, and extremely aroused grin. Once Ashley's butt was in her face, the girl found the succubus attacking her genitals like a hungry monster, even though she was giggling with the same giddiness as before. Sparkle's tongue extended outwards, and began licking and trashing along her pussy like a tentacle itself. Following up as she licked her, the pair of tentacles came, and covered in strange, pink juices ever since they emerge from Sparkle's body, easily slid into both Ashley's ass and pussy, going all the way in. At the same time, Sparkle used a pair of her fingers to squeeze Ashley's clit between them, and assault her clit with her serpent-like tongue.

And as her lower half was ruthlessly assaulted, the last two remaining tentacles, the ones with suction cups, extended around, and dipped under Ashley's front, and snared her breasts in the cups, sealing over her globes until they fit perfectly tight over her whole breasts with her nipples at the 'mouths' of suction at the bottom of the cups, which pulled her erect nipples into them, before sucking on her breasts perversely, leaking just as much pink fluid as every other extension of her body, the fluid causing her flesh to tingle and feel corrupted by it's substance, making every single cell of her skin it came into contact with feel ten times more sensitive, so that every part of her ass, pussy, clit, legs, and breasts felt incredible stimulation.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

It was even better than she'd imagined! Ashley's head continued to bob up and down relentlessly on Sparkle's cock as her tongue ran all over its length, pausing briefly at every apex to circle the tip before she went back down. She even added her hands to the mix, one taking the demon girl's cock by its base and stroking it upwards while she continued sucking as the other started playing with Sparkle's pussy, but even with all of her efforts Ashley knew that this was a contest she stood no chance of winning. The tentacles slipped easily into her soaking sex, and Sparkle's oral attentions had had her soaking wet even without the addition of the strange pink... Stuff that coated the two tendrils. Both of her holes squeezed tightly around them, but as Ashley wasn't even sure that Sparkle COULD cum with those it might have been an empty gesture.

Before the suction cups had even sealed over her breasts, Ashley was moaning loudly and strongly even as she continued to try to provide pleasure in turn, and after the other two tentacles started sucking on her breasts she began to lose concentration of her efforts. Her face flushed brightly, Ashley continued her efforts diligently, enjoying them for their own sake, but it wasn't long before her entire body was shaking slightly as waves of pleasure from Sparkle's treatment. Ashley, even with all her willpower and experience, could only last for a few moments before she couldn't take any more.

It was too much! The tip of Sparkle's cock still in her mouth, Ashley's eyes rolled into the back of her head as her climax came upon her. It was easily the most powerful orgasm that she'd ever had, both of her lower holes tightening to the point of almost being painful as her juices leaked out of her sex, the added sensitivity from whatever Sparkle was secreting only causing her to suffer even more stimulation as she came.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Sparkle gave Ashley moans of her satisfaction, and seemed to get a reaction of the tentacles inside of her too as her body squeezed around the pair of invaders. "You're really good at this! You've got some real talent for a human!" Sparkle compliments her. "Soul tastes so yummy! I can feel your orgasm coming! It's making me wanna cum too!" Sparkle announced with giddy glee. Her hips pumped her length into Ashley's mouth, and her tentacles did their work on Ashley's holes and tits faster, squeezing her breasts all around and thrusting faster into her holes, before Ashley felt Sparkle gushing into her mouth the moment Ashley hit her peak.

Sparkle wrapped her legs around Ashley's head to hold her head in place to receive her cum, while her tentacles in her ass and anus bulged and suddenly pumped a large load of the pink fluid into her respective holes, filling Ashley up with the corruptive fluids. "Wow! You can tolerate so much of my succubus nectar!" Sparkle announced with surprise. "You must have some extreme potential to be a really powerful demon! So amazing! This is like when I met Lust for the first time, except I don't really remember it that well, other than it was amazing!" she giggled, completely fine despite the orgasm.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

"Ung." Ashley grunted wordlessly in Sparkle's grasp, having barely staved off unconsciousness from the overstimulation and the strangely wonderful draining sensation. That Sparkle seemed, if anything, more energetic than before despite having cum down Ashley's throat was vaguely annoying to her but she swiftly let it go. She'd swallowed every drop that Sparkle offered, and still felt the goo that the tentacles had released into her pussy and ass sloshing about inside of her and sending her nerves all a tingle. Recovering took her a little longer than it usually would, but when she did she managed to mutter, "What are you.... Talking about?"
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

"I forgot!" Sparkle replied with a giggle. "I can't... Remember anything! Ooooooh!" Sparkle said with sudden distress. "I have to find... I have to find the fragments, of my mind! Hey you, giant pretty butt!" she announced, grabbing Ashley's butt, lifting it up, and talking to it. "Will you help me find my mind? I lost it!" she announced, giggling perhaps at her joke, or perhaps because she really has lost her mind.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

Ashley gave another surprised yelp as Sparkle lifted her bottom up and... Started talking to it, apparently. "Uhhh..... Sure, Sparkle. I'll help you find your mind.... Just... Let me get my clothes back on first," Ashley said haltingly as her eyes shifted about, unable to tell whether Sparkle was crazy or just joking around.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

"You will!? Thank you so much, Ashley's butt!" Sparkle exclaimed, bringing her face forward and giving Ashley's pussy a kiss. Then, Sparkle slipped out from underneath Ashley and helped the girl to her feet. "Lead the way! I will follow you, because I don't know where to go!" Sparkle announced, giving Ashley a cute salute.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

"Errr.... Right!" Ashley said awkwardly with a pronounced blush. Accepting the other woman's help in getting to her feet, Ashley glanced around for a moment before remembering what it was that she was supposed to be doing. "Right, I've got to register to be a rancher!" she said exuberantly before marching off to go and do that.
Re: Ashley's Ranch (Tassadar)

And so she did. With Sparkle, Ashley marched, until she entered the town, and was greeted by the inhabitants. Unlike any human city she'd ever been too, every other person she looked at who was walking around in the city looked completely different than the last. Her own appeared next to Sparkle's would have stood out, if it weren't for the fact that everyone else was standing out just as much as they were, to the point that they blended in perfectly. Some of the townsfolk were even seen walking about, completely nude, and without a care. Making her way to the largest building in the city, Ashley even caught a glimpse of a young man and a larger woman with lupine ears and a dark gray tail, like that of a wolf, having sex in an alleyway. His back against the wall as the wolf towered over him, he was moaning louder than her as she controlled the speed of the thrusts, even as his mother was calling for him to take care of the shop. Moaning, he announced that he wanted just a few more minutes. And as if this was typical, the mother merely sighed and grumbled as she let it go. "I always told that boy to stay away from 'bad girls' like that... She's only using him for her own satisfaction."

After making it all the way, past the lively, and event filled town, they made their way up a large staircase of at least 300 steps, before arriving at the doors of the IMA headquarters, where Venice herself resides along with all of her legendary mamono that she trained herself. Walking into the building, the intimidating figure herself stood in the middle of the large hall, as if she knew Ashley would come despite never having met her. And the first thing the legendary woman said was,

"Hi there, my name is Venice. It's a pleasure to meet you, Ashley." she said politely, giving her a noble bow. "It's your lucky day. I've received a recommendation from Melpha to grant you an immediate Ranching license. This request was approved by others upon their observation of you, so... Congratulations." she stated, before reaching into her pocket, and handing Ashley a license with her name and picture on it, with a large letter E in the corner.

"Along with this invitation, it seems Melpha is eager to become friends with you. I would personally say that it's because you share... A common interest regarding your hobbies." Venice chuckled.

Sparkle threw her arms up into the air, before hugging Ashley tight. "Yay! You win!" she exclaimed.