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RPG [Kの創作部屋] 乙女神物語~リフィのカラッパ島奮闘記~ (RJ086550)

Re: Virgin Island Translation Project

wow.... this's a very very good news for me that you're going to translate this game to English. This game is quite fun tho i don't understand Japanese!!
Re: Virgin Island Translation Project

May I ask some questions?
1. Which version do you intend to base your translation on? Currently, it looks like the author is updating the game a lot. And having your translation on an outdated version is not fun at all.
2. In case someone want to join the project, how do you intend to coordinate the translation? Mainly, how do you combine the translated scripts from other translator?

Not to discourage anyone here, but I'll point out that my RPGMaker Trans software will be supporting RPGMaker VX in the near future. It might be worth waiting, because if there are more bugfixes then your current translation work could be wiped out - not something that would be the case with RPGMaker Trans. Also it would help at finding those strings that you're struggling with...
Just out of curiosity, how long is "near future"?
Re: Virgin Island Translation Project

For RPGMaker Trans, Near future = End of August, unless something goes horribly wrong. Hopefully sooner, but that depends on work.

If you want to actually start translating now, feel free obviously. I'm just pointing this out as an alternative that may have advantages. Another alternative would be to just make a text file containing the translations (in a Japanese Text followed by English text format) and I'll write some scripts to convert it to RPGMaker Trans format once the VX support is done.

And also I'll point this out: if this project doesn't work out, I will very likely will be translating this game myself once I've got VX support in RPGMaker Trans.
Re: virgin island

Can anyone please post a link with all the cgs unlocked?
Re: Virgin Island Translation Project

linking this thread in the first post of the virgin island thread

hope you don't mind?
Re: virgin island

I hope future updates have new hentai scenes.
Re: virgin island

I don't have high hopes for too much new content to be added...

The updates so far have all been bug fixes, and I think that's likely all we'll see, especially considering how long it took/how many problems he had making it in the first place. That being said, it's still one of the higher quality RPGM games that has shown up, and hopefully he's learned some tricks to make his next one better and quicker to come out. He's easily made himself into one of the top RPGM game creators out there (up with Scale Garden) with the release of only one game.

Also...New Batman. Imax. Epic.
Re: Virgin Island Translation Project

WTF? When I open the game with rpg maker VX some of the stuff are completely messed up on the map. Like the ship is a collection of random pieces... Am I missing something?

No, that's what it looks like for me, too. I just assumed the creator was using some sort of tile swapping script because once the actual game loads the map, they look perfectly fine.

May I ask some questions?
1. Which version do you intend to base your translation on? Currently, it looks like the author is updating the game a lot. And having your translation on an outdated version is not fun at all.
2. In case someone want to join the project, how do you intend to coordinate the translation? Mainly, how do you combine the translated scripts from other translator?

1) The 1.07 update was just small bug fixes, so as long as the updates remain like that, it shouldn't be a problem. You can currently complete the game from start to finish with no real problems as far as I'm aware, so I could probably fix whatever small bugs people run into. Unless he starts messing around with the program scripts and adds new content there really shouldn't be a lot of problems when it comes to his official updates.

2) Probably just break the game up into chunks. Translator A could focus on the arena events, Translator B could focus on the brothel, Translator C could focus on the generic, filler NPCs, and so on. Right now I'm personally focusing on the main story events and whatever sex events catch my fancy. A lot of events aren't really all that connected to each other, so it shouldn't be too hard to do it that way. Then, if we ever fully translate the game, I could go over all the translated dialogue myself and touch them up so that they're stylistically similar and use the same naming conventions.

Not to discourage anyone here, but I'll point out that my RPGMaker Trans software will be supporting RPGMaker VX in the near future.

The RPGMaker Trans tool would be completely useless for me when it comes to the dialogue and events. My Japanese is well... crap. So just having a bunch of text files filled with lines of Japanese wouldn't really do me much good. Being able to see what's happening on the screen (what the area the event takes place in looks like, what the NPCs involved look like, and what the characters are doing) combined with doing the events in chronological order helps tremendously.

However, it'll be useful for translating the item, weapon, armour, skill, and enemy databases. So unless I get an itch to do those, I might hold off on them until you release the newest version of your program.

linking this thread in the first post of the virgin island thread

hope you don't mind?

No problem. Go ahead.
Re: Virgin Island Translation Project

I wish you best of luck with your project.
Looking forward to seeing how this goes on.
Re: virgin island

is the translation project thread gone? my link nolonger seems to work
Re: virgin island

is the translation project thread gone? my link nolonger seems to work

It seems like the translation thread and this one were merged.

It is the post #6 in this thread.
Re: virgin island

the game preety much requires of you to stay a virgin for a while(if you wish to have the virgin CG's),so you can switch her to being a slut later on(to get the real stuff).So no,there are no time constraints to getting the scenes,as the scenes you will see are tied in to the way you play entierly(you can miss some scenes completely if you lost certain fights or so).
Anyway do not worry too much about getting all the scenes on your first playtrough(if you play withouth guide),because you can get all things that you may have missed in New Game+.

Oh, there's a New Game+? That's awesome, thanks for the info.
Re: virgin island

He was talking about when you restart the game from the beginning. NEW GAME... you know, right?
Re: virgin island

WAAAAGH i'm totally pissed off.
I cant get item to get goddess blessing, i opened all vaults in B3, and all chests only had gold. 3rd from right had empty chest. H value of the heroine is 13. Only 2 events with boy and 1 with principal's son where she gets wet. Wat am i doin' wrong?
Re: virgin island

WAAAAGH i'm totally pissed off.
I cant get item to get goddess blessing, i opened all vaults in B3, and all chests only had gold. 3rd from right had empty chest. H value of the heroine is 13. Only 2 events with boy and 1 with principal's son where she gets wet. Wat am i doin' wrong?

did u lost item when sleep in ruins town? if lost item need find rogue in forest get it back
Last edited:
Hmmm, i'm stuck at the end fight, befor attacking the final boss i choose the second option and the godess appeared, vut somehow i can1t seem to kill the final boss, i bleed him down to i thin like 10% of his hp, but after that it just stuck.
Re: virgin island

I don't have high hopes for too much new content to be added...

The updates so far have all been bug fixes, and I think that's likely all we'll see, especially considering how long it took/how many problems he had making it in the first place. That being said, it's still one of the higher quality RPGM games that has shown up, and hopefully he's learned some tricks to make his next one better and quicker to come out. He's easily made himself into one of the top RPGM game creators out there (up with Scale Garden) with the release of only one game.

Also...New Batman. Imax. Epic.

He does his own drawings and they are high quality, just that gives him a lot of credit.
Re: virgin island

For some reason, whenever I try to download a game like this it never works for me. I get some stuff, but whenever I try to run the file called "game" it says that a file.dll (I think it's the game's ID on the DL site) isn't found and then closes. Anyone else have any problems like that?
Re: virgin island

For some reason, whenever I try to download a game like this it never works for me. I get some stuff, but whenever I try to run the file called "game" it says that a file.dll (I think it's the game's ID on the DL site) isn't found and then closes. Anyone else have any problems like that?

It's possibly one of three things:
a) You weren't in the Japanese locale settings when you unzipped the game. This lead to the file names being corrupted;
b) You're not in the Japanese locale when running the game;
c) You don't have the RPG maker VX RTP installed. The readme has a link to where you can get it, just search for "VX" and it's really close to that.

Other than that, I don't know.