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RPG [Kの創作部屋] 乙女神物語~リフィのカラッパ島奮闘記~ (RJ086550)

Re: virgin island

Re: virgin island

Monkeyman are you still working on a translation cant wait to see it :)
Re: virgin island

No, he took a break and he's only going to release it sometime next christmas.
Re: virgin island

Virgin Island has become the next Duke Nukem Forever.
Re: virgin island

No, he took a break and he's only going to release it sometime next christmas.

I thought it was sometime next summer..damn it.

I understand that summer and translation are not matching well.so take your time.
Re: virgin island

Eh take your time mang. I still need to finish arms devicer. Before i even think about tackling this bad boy.
Re: virgin island

Take as much time as you need man. The world needs more people like you translating h-games.
Re: virgin island

Yeah i would agree with those before me.
Take your time and since you said that there is not really much left just ignore it and when you feel like it and are really motivated, finish it in one go.
Re: virgin island

Damn, we are all looking like dogs in front of those spinning grills here :)

All mesmerized and salivating.

Every time one of us writes here monkeyman must feel like being watched by hungry dogs in a barbecue :p

Heh, take your time :)

Re: virgin island

*cough* I'm totally not keeping tabs on this thread on a semidaily basis *cough* :D

But I agree with y'all... take your time Monkeyman, no sense in rushing it... especially not because of pressure from some guys who've never learned to wait for good things. :)
Re: virgin island

Can someone help me?

I cannot get to the last dungeon. I dont know where to go after I defeated the big dragon in the Moon Tower ... I already bought the Ore(10,000). I have been wondering around and talking to all the people from all towns :confused: I also have the God Ball already ...

I dont know what to do ...:mad: I don't have the mirror because I got caught in the mansion ... I couldn't find the switches because I didn't know where to click ... and the boy does not go with me when I enter the dungeon or moon tower...

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Re: virgin island

Can someone help me?

I cannot get to the last dungeon. I dont know where to go after I defeated the big dragon in the Moon Tower ... I already bought the Ore(10,000). I have been wondering around and talking to all the people from all towns :confused: I also have the God Ball already ...

I dont know what to do ...:mad: I don't have the mirror because I got caught in the mansion ... I couldn't find the switches because I didn't know where to click ... and the boy does not go with me when I enter the dungeon or moon tower...


1 square South and East of the Moon tower entrance is a cave that leads to the final dungeon. The boy guide from town 2 will help you find the passages if you give him a teleport feather; but if you have a moon tower feather you should just be able to use that to get there.
Re: virgin island

Thxs. I found it and after fighting the last boss, I finished the game, i think??? I got END 7. I think, I did bad cuz the guide tells me that I should get end3 or end4 ....
Re: virgin island

Thxs. I found it and after fighting the last boss, I finished the game, i think??? I got END 7. I think, I did bad cuz the guide tells me that I should get end3 or end4 ....

It depends how you did things, if Raguza (the thief) survived or not. Or if you wished for money before beating the final boss.